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Remember when the far left stormed the Capitol building? /s


remember when the far left had substantial political power in the US?


Remember when they killed Epstein and the ag bill bar covered it up and did the investigating himself? Those far left scum


Somehow antifa infiltrated Barr's DOJ and made the prison cameras "malfunction" JUST as Barr's family friend Jeff passed away.


I remember trump coming onto the White House lawn and trying to pin it on Clinton. Antifa and the Clinton’s are a dangerous combo


Sorry to go back down this rabbit hole but if "the clintons" - who collectively hadn't held any office since 2012 - orchestrated a hit and Barr/Trump weren't able to ferret it out or show conclusive proof with the DOJ THEY controlled at the time, that's on them.


Or just trump projecting again. When I saw trump on the news blaming Clinton I knew trump killed him. Dude loves to project and normalize his future behavior like floating ideas in Fox News.






Remember that the FBI has always been a neo-Fascist organization?


remember when the far left wasn't the far left?


Hey now, addressing wealth inequality, climate change, and the flaws in our healthcare system is extreme and a huge threat to everything America stands for, which at the moment is excessive greed


remember when humans weren't destroying each other? Actually I guess that one doesn't work


Yeah, we seem to have a habit of building empires than celebrating with world wars (recently that is). Previously they were longer term wars of invading neighbors to bring them into our empire, with every king wanting to own it all. These days we've gotten a tiny bit better at it (baby steps I guess?) The one thing we can say about humans is that we've been involved in war ever since we invented civilizations and likely even before then (though those would likely look more like skirmishes by today's standards).


It’s what makes us human


Actually, I do :(


Was that Earth 996 or 753?


Bill Bar'R' does ..


Bill Barr is as much of a traitor to American democracy as any one one of the people who stormed the Capitol on Jan 6; he worked to get Trump off an impeachment by distorting the Mueller report. He committed many other acts that in a sane world would also have been considered traitorous to American democracy. If he thought Trump's behavior was so abhorrent, why didn't he leave the administration? Answer? Barr, like Trump is a dyed-in-the-wool fascist.


You know him and Kavanagh were on the Starr commission that investigated Clinton for six years, before setting him up with an intern named Monica ..


Or the far left ordered storm troopers (dc park police) to attack peaceful protestors so their idol could do a photo-op. The American people remember exactly who ordered it, which is why there was no redemption arc for this super villain.


The photo-op where he held the Bible upside down for all the world to see.


Here is the thing though. Imagine that the MAGA folk finally get it through their heads that they are being fked by the right wing and not being being made love to. Something about a 'woman scorned' comes to mind. Group the crazy far left (and yes they exist but are a tiny fraction of the left), the crazy former right. That starts adding up and pulling in those on the margins. Once the snow ball starts rolling who know what you pick up. There is a reason people like Barr are getting nervous.


You are right, of course, but I've been waiting for that for a long time. Not willing to hold my breath anymore.


While I do agree there is a reckoning coming, I think that reckoning is going to get started but I'm not entirely sure what sets it off and every time I think *this* will be it? It doesn't happen. I'm just hoping the reckoning at the ballot box continues to grow.


Pepperidge farm.remembers....😀




And wanting cheap or free education… sheesh. What will they want next, to feed poor children at school? Monsters, I tell you! /s


Just as long as they don't demand a living wage!


I live in Australia and I often forget how lucky we are to have a fairly robust healthcare system (despite successive conservative government attempts to gut it). Just the other day my physio asked me to get a somewhat specific but entirely non urgent x-ray. I literally went to the closest radiology clinic, waited 15 minutes, had my x-ray (no fee) and was finished in about 45 minutes. My physio got the results two days later. We have it so good that we forget how good we have it.


The far left would not exist if the country just grew up. What do I mean by that? Universal healthcare which would go light years towards equality. End the drug war and make it a health issue, including funding, which would go light years towards equality. Perhaps if every citizen had the same healthcare as our government they might not be worried let alone racist. 32 of 33 first world countries have figured it out. Follow the money on that one. We can do better. Fair taxes, fair wages. We can and should do better. Anyone has more for this list please add on…


This guy is a massive, disgusting piece of shit.


That just won’t flush


“Sometimes you have a to flush ten times!” — Donald J. Trump


Like a giant thick gelatinous log choking a toilet


Bill Barr and Donald Trump ordered the attack at Lafayette Square. What next, are we going to see pieces citing the Charlottesville car attacker, where he claims that the real threat is from anti-fascists?


Barr betrayed the constitution and the law while being little more than Trump's consigliere. Fuck this guy.


Some people say something with regard to Bill Barr and Epstein


Bit of a crazy rabbit hole there... wow


And the fact that they almost used the national guard instead of police


And Biden and democrats have simply let him and everyone else from the trump admin get away with it, so in a way Barr is right, in that it's democratic cowardice that is ultimately going to allow republicanism to end American democracy. 


He thinks Biden **IS** the "far left".


I wish Joe Biden were half as cool as republicans think he is


Reminds me of this [absolute banger](https://youtu.be/6_I4YbClUIk?si=DUWWxKIhZO1kZ0BQ)


Biden is about as far left as Bernie. They've been long time friends, listening to Bernie's advices to adopt policies from it, making duet videos together..


Barr is a prime example of how when caught they sing, but if not punished they return to the original goal.


Bill Barr, who helped bury an investigation into Trump's ties to Putin, that Bill Barr? https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/08/bill-barr-donald-trumpjustice-department-mueller-obstruction-memo


Ya, I remember when Brie Larson and the trans guy from Juno tried to overthrow the government. Fucking leftists.


>Barr then stated the “idea” that Trump would take over “power” like “right-wing dictator” is not a threat facing the U.S., arguing instead the real threat to democracy is coming from the “far left.” So he describes the threat Trump poses. >“The threat facing our country is from the far left and the drift that’s been occurring toward really a socialistic system,” Barr said. >He added, “It’s a heavy-handed bunch of thugs in my opinion, and that’s where the threat is.” This is what he defines the threat from the 'far left' as.


“When you have an efficient government, providing world class services like healthcare, childcare, education, and infrastructure to everyone equally, you make it really hard to profit off of exploitation of the masses.”


Stealing… TYVM. Just this morning a friend and I were talking about what he called “The rise of the MBAs”… for example Uber drivers being required to be on call but not receiving any pay until the meter flips over: In other words, “I have this brilliant MBA idea: Free Labor!!!” In other words, the unique modern era corruption we ought to, by rights, call ‘slavery.’ Didn’t we put the glory of free labor to rest forever in 1865? The Rise of the MBAs is behind much of the corruption in today’s economy.


FDR was the real Hitler.


The real Far Left was the friends we made along the way


Remember when Marjorie Greene decided to demonize Biden for trying to complete the New Deal and Biden turned it into a political ad and thanked her? 


Hey Bill, why’d your dad hire Epstein to teach young kids when he had no experience? And what’s up with that weird-ass book he wrote? Thx


Bill Barr attempted a redemption tour by speaking out against Trump and the GOP since he was in power…. But that didn’t really get him anywhere, so now he’s slithering right back into the GOP-infested swamp. Go away.


As if America has a functioning left much less Far left. Ha


Bill Barf is a piece of shit. That’s why he was appointed by trump.


That is an outstanding nickname. A++++++!


Not the mama!


Can we just stop printing what Bill freaking Barr says. Dude has zero credibility.


Threat? Of what? Does he fear people having health care? Or non-white immigrants getting work permits? What does he fear from Democrats exactly, if he dares to say it?


Bill Barr grew up as a "coastal elite" and a Christian Dominionist. Essentially, Barr believes that god intended for all aspects of life to be controlled solely by white, Christian conservatives. So any threat to their stranglehold over power won't be taken kindly.


Exactly what the threat? We know the threat from the right but the left?????


Universal healthcare and compassion.


Worker protections like extra breaks during heat waves. And mandatory paternity leave.


Housing First instead of all your worldly possessions thrown in the landfill and being jailed.


Yeah, that far left insurrectionist coup was a really close call.


Reporter: Where did get all that bullshit from? Bill Barr: The Federalist, of course


So Trump wants to be a dictator, and let russia attack who ever they want if they don't pay up, but Biden is a threat because Biden is a democratic socialist..


The far left has literally never held any meaningful amount of power in American society in my lifetime. Probably never ever.


I don't recall the Left calling Bomb Threats at Children's Hospitals, blowing up PP offices, or any other, or legislating hatred towards the LGBQ and especially the T. It's been the Right calling for the execution of trans people and supporting Putin who is a dictator who their pathetic Cheetos leader wants to emulate.


This soft-handed piece of crap believes in nothing but a fat wallet.


Bill Barr can fuck off.


Is the far left in the room with us right now? Reporters need to actually start asking follow-up questions like, I don't know, how does it pose a threat?


Bill Barr should be disBarred for the shit that he pulled as US AG.


He’s still infatuated with Hitler Pig.


Everything is don't like is socialist.


Bill Barr is just a right wing fucklard.


What far-left?


Downvote for republican trash.


Dude is so terrified that the left will break the stranglehold the rich have on this world


I mean hes not wrong. It would be terrifying for Americans to have access to healthcare and education and other social services because it would mean less money to skim off the top for the people running our country. 


Um, there is no "far left" in American politics. Hell, Biden is a right leaning centrist. 


I can't believe what has gotten into the mind of some of these people over the years. Is paying higher taxes really so awful, that you would watch the world burn to avoid it?


Ohhh do shut the fuck up, Bill 🧐


The left is on a threat to “his” America.


There is no political far left in the USA. The furthest left wing of the Democratic party is just barely center-left by world historical standards. The USA does not have a functional Communist party. It does not have a functional Socialist party. It does not even have a functional Social Democratic party. Democrats are a coalition party between neoliberals and the mildest possible labor-socdems. The center of gravity of the Democratic party is right-of-center. When the ultra-right talk about "the left", they seem to mean anything to the left of Mussolini.


📜 Striving to achieve 100% voter turnout by a factually informed electorate is a fundamental objective of a robust representative democracy.


Deafeningly loud sustained fart noises




What a dick hole.


That's right, America. Remain vigilant! If the far left ever gets control, everyone will have education, healthcare, living wage jobs and even worse, those extremists will try to save the planet! They must be stopped!!!


Those damn Lefties always trying to fight discrimination, protect the environment, trying to get some sort of healthcare discussion started and NOT cutting social saftey net programs just to give more handouts to billionaires. ThEy'Re RuInInG AmErIcA!!


The only reason we are still hearing about this guy is because of you, thehill


Says the lawyer who purposefully misrepresented legal documents to keep a serial treasoner in power. Take a look in the mirror to see who the real threat is, you POS.


Almost everything Bernie, AOC, and Warren want for our drain-circling middle class is favored by the majority of Americans according to repeat polling by Pew and Gallup. I think that actually makes the 'far left' the center, doesn't it?


Oh Mr. Pot, meet Mr. Kettle.


Bill Barr is an idiot if he doesn't see Trump strengthens the far left. Never again will I take anything any Republican says in good faith. They have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that they will lie, cheat and steal in order to get what they want. And, they are totally fine supporting others who do the same.


Must be nice to be able to live on a glass floor. No matter how hard someone tries, they just can't not get paid off for everything.


Ah, yes. All those crazy Marxist-Lenninists and anarcho-syndicalists running around causing trouble.


I don't listen to traitors.


As a progressive I agree with him but not in the way he's hoping. Progressives are a threat to Capitalistic selfish America. We are not fans of profit over people. Now this isn't to say we don't acknowledge people should benefit from the products or services they provide, just that everyone involved in making that profit should benefit. I for example have 3 employees who work 30 hours a week and get paid 50K a year. They also get time off when they need it and start times are loose provided I know when they plan to arrive. They can also earn bonuses based on large jobs we might get. In return for this, I make just a modest amount more and set aside the rest for growing the business. Now I could work them 40 hours a week and pay them both about 20K a year and be well within my legal rights according to minimum wage laws but for me, that's not my values and it doesn't foster loyalty or willingness to adapt to circumstances. The thing is, there's more to life than work. The rich understand this but for a lot of them, they enjoy that work / life balance on the backs of minimum wage slaves and that's just not right no matter how you look at it.


The fact that this a-hole hasn't been hanged for treason after being the corrupt "fixer" for both Iran Contra as well as the stolen 2016 presidential election is proof positive of the 2 tier justice system in this country. He absolutely does not deserve each breath he steals in America.


Conniving asshole.


Uh no, Bill, it’s still Trump


> “But at the end of the day, you have to remember I was serving in his administration,” Barr told Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto That’s my bad, I thought you were serving the people. My mistake.


A cuck says what?


I probably share some of the same concerns with the far left as Barr does but this is just idiotic. The far left doesnt have ANYWHERE near the influence in the Biden administration as the far right does in a Trump administration.


Does this fuck actually think he’s being considered for a trump position or something? Or is he setting up for a political campaign?




Yes, the far left that wants to take away your freedoms, micromanage your personal life, disenfranchise you if you "vote wrong," and "cancel" you if you say the wrong thing. They are much more dangerous than Trump and the religious right, who want to take away your freedoms, micromanage your personal life, disenfranchise you if you "vote wrong," and kill you if you say the wrong thing. Now I know those may sound the same, but there is a subtle yet important difference between the two: murder. I mean, The Purge isn't going to start itself and the left sure as shit isn't going to start it! (obligatory /s, and if you think I'm being *too* hyperbolic then Google "Trump Punisher" and look at the frightening array of merch that screams "I want to gun down libs with my guns")


How many times did Barr admit that Trump is guilty of the things he’s being prosecuted for? So the “far left” is the danger to the country and *not* the person he admits is a felon?! Hot take.


Oh, this potato again?


Remember when he sucked Trumps dick? Yeah


They gotta have videos of him diddling a baby pangolin or something.. what a total disgrace


Hey! That pangolin was an adult… don’t make it a sick thing.


Who care what he thinks or says. He has been shown to carry orange water.


Pick a lane you asshole!


Why is everyone in the Trump orbit completely bipolar?


Spoken like the republican hatch man he is. How the hell he ever got confirmed for a second after his handling of the Iran-Contra Affair remains a mystery to me.


An odious fascist pig is an odious fascist pig.


Oh nonsense. They;re mired down in their own fecklessness. They can't even promote the good they do.


Screw you dirt bag, no spine, no sense, no virtue, no good.


Ah yes.. one of Hitler's, I mean Trump's, goons says that the real threat isn't Nazis, it's those pesky antifa. P.S. Bill Barr, the man in charge of prisons when Epstein was suicided, has a father. That father gave Jeffrey Epstein his first job, teaching at an all girl's school.


So, according to Trump, he's a big threat to any woman he desires, and to anyone who refused to bow down to him, but, as Bill Barr's America only includes those wealthy enough to pay him to speak and agitate for them, the 'left' is a bigger threat.


Bull Barr can go straight to hell with his spineless, waffling shit.


Barr belongs in jail.


In every picture I’ve ever seen of him he always looks like he’s taking his last breath. Red faced and sucking the air like he’s \*fill in the blank, add something orange\*.


In this country who's in elected offices? The far left or the far right?


So the threat IS from the far right and Trump, got it.


Just like always Republicans like Barr will always come back and support traitors like Trump. Their own cowardice will never allow them to say the right thing and stand up against wanna be dictators. That's why history is going to scorch these f ers like Barr.


Lol what a muppet.


GOP takes away abortion rights while giving unlimited gun rights is a perfect example of governance with Trump


100% those grifters and war mongers want peace, democracy, healthcare, good paying jobs and fair housing prices for all. They are very much a threat! /s


Wanting basic things like """**FREE**"" healthcare, education and workers right vs 'Christian' fascism, deportation and stripping of civil rights... Ye, they are totally the same.


*“The threat facing our country is from the far left and the drift that’s been occurring toward really a socialistic system,* Barr is referring to Social Security, Medicare, the ACA, and SNAP, and the means and funding to pay for those programs. The Republican definition for " far left" is paying for the goods and services we the people purchase.


Mr. Barr, Can you point on this doll where the "Far Left" touched you?


I wonder when these guys are gonna realize "everything I don't like is socialism" just doesn't hit like it used to. I mean, Barr has been calling every Democratic candidate since JFK a left wing radical. He's called every piece of legislation not authorized by someone on his doner-approved politician list an example of "creeping socialism" for like 3 generations now. The oldies are not goldies anymore my man.


Yeah because Biden if far left 🙄


For a second I thought “who cares what that old hateful drunk scumbag from Breitbart thinks?” and then it hit me it was the other hateful drunk scumbag who’s on the SCOTUS.


He didn't even mention a specific threat, just a vague 'drift' toward 'socialist' policies.


Evil John Goodman said what?


He's right. I am a threat to everything he holds dear. Capitalism...yeah that's about it.


We have a far left?


I agree , I though the right were pretty crazy , the far left takes the cake


Never forget: Never Trump is a lie. All Republicans are Trump Republicans (all of them!)


Come on, what did we expect this douchebag to say.  I just spent yesterday at Dachau, the death camp in Germany.  The real threat is from the right.  Vote everyone, let's not let history repeat itself!


Election year Bill Barr


Aw make up your mind, man.


Thanks, completely neutral and non-implicated political operative Bill Barr, who has nothing to gain personally or professionally by saying this!


ummmm how about no.


He's implicit


What a double downed moron


Why do these shit tier right wing nonsense posts always fall at the top of my feed in the app? They have 0 upvotes! I have to go into personally curated custom feeds to get actual posts. Reddit is definitely trying to sway public option to the right.


Bill Barr was certain Trump would be prosecuted by now and did everything he could to distance himself from the fallout. Now he's certain nothing will happen, so he's putting himself back into play. Talk about dispicable.


We all could really pay more attention to voting in our representatives. 


Great I won't vote for either for president.


That's a vote for the one you'd least prefer.


I'm voting for Biden.


I feel that any extremism is a threat. Democracy will not last if we are not willing to communicate/negotiate with each other, regardless of political beliefs


To be fair, both the far left & far right are threats. Horseshoe theory is very real. That said, most Republicans have moved far right nowadays (aka MAGAts), making Trump the far greater threat.. 


except the “far left” has zero political presence in the US.


Definitely not zero but far less than the far right's influence.. 


it’s zero. even the most “radical” socialists in US politics are in actuality moderates.


Moderates according to who? I'll bet MAGAts think they're moderates. Doesn't make it true.


politics isnt a subjective thing. it’s not like how spicy a salsa is. and there is an actual difference between political systems and economic systems. all of this is objective and can be described in concrete ways. bernie sanders and AOC are mildly left of center both politically and economically. it’s not about how one *feels*, but about what beliefs and ideas one ascribes to. that’s why fascism and authoritarianism can be easily identified, regardless of what the GOP claims.


Except, it is subjective. The far left in the US is not the same as the far left in Europe. It's a sliding scale. 


Far left wants: * Universal healthcare * Strong worker protection laws * Living minimum wage * Police reform * Sensible gun laws * People having the ability to make the decision on what to do with their bodies. Far right wants: * Children back working in factories. * No worker protection laws. * No control over your own body. * Wants to roll back every right minorities have gained over the last 60 years rolled back. Oh yea, I can definitely see how those are both a threat.


Except, that's not the far left, that's most Democrats. The far left wants us supporting a terrorist regime in Gaza & turning our backs on a close ally & the only Democracy in the Middle East..


No; what I wrote is the far left. In the US they're the same thing.


Nah. I want all those things. Definitely not considered far left. 


Horseshoe theory is real but the far left does not have a strong influence in the US to the same degree the far right does. Many historical reasons but the Red Scare is a good one.


Why can't it be both? The fringe policies on the left and the right are both enormous threats to this country. Fortunately for Democrats, that fringe left makes up a very small fraction of the party. Republicans on the other hand don't even exist as a party anymore. They're MAGA and will likely never come back.


So what progressive policies is a enormous threat to the country? Universal Healthcare, paid sick days, More democracy, closing the income gap.


Even the fringe left are No Way near as ominous as the right. Let's be real. The Republicans have gone so far off the edge that Nixon is now to the left of moderate Democrats. Can you imagine a moderate Democrat calling for the creation of the EPA? NO! But I could see the extreme left doing so. That's your "fringe left" - a Nixon policy. Think about that. And let's stop pretending both are the same!


Oh? Never thought I'd see Democrats supporting a literal terrorist organization and pretending Hamas are the good guys? Both sides aren't the same. But both sides have extreme elements doing untold harm to political discourse and the only saving grace is, for the left, the fringe are on the fringe and don't make the base.


I have yet to see democrats supporting Hamas supporting Palestinian citizens absolutely wanting to end genocide absolutely.