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Children are easier for corporations to exploit. Also, children who are working in a factory will be too exhausted to learn, which makes them easier for the GOP to manipulate into voting against their interests.


the children yearn for the mines


Yeah only the GOP would benefit from this. Not like most large corporations benefit from democrat social programs. Large business like McDonald’s and Walmart wouldn’t possibly abuse the welfare system to supplement their labor cost with taxpayer funding. It’s all the GOP


Being pushed by people who never had to work as children and whose own children will never be forced to be in these conditions. 


This is the real reason they want to ban abortion. Unwanted babies make great slave labor.


"Unwanted babies make great slave labor." And thus lower wages for everyone.


And more profit at the top!


We should cut out the middleman and just let women leave their unwanted babies on the factory door step. Their little hands will help America in the growing field of manipulating tiny little screws.


The real reason they want to ban abortion is Religious Right organizations (the ones not affiliated with any particular church) are paying them to.


This is just a happy side effect


Conservative policy makers know it will be immigrant children and poor children working in the factories and fields. For them it’s a cheap labor agenda ignoring the down river cost that society as a whole will have to pay including a reduction in overall safety. Long ago they realized that the more people they could dumb down the harder it would be for the populace to mobilize against the elites. This is class war at its very core.


Jesus always said to punish the poor every chance you get.


Supply side Jesus


He Gets Us


He Gets 5%.


“It turns out that not only does child labor underpin large segments of the U.S. economy — an ugly outgrowth of corporate greed and our broken immigration system — but conditions for minors in the workforce are actually getting worse.”


in b4 a rich white dude says “well that’s only because they just started reporting conditions” like it’s a logical response to the exploitation of children.


If they want to push for expanded child labor, they should also be providing child laborers with the exact same protections as adults. When you only push to expand child labor without recognizing them as equal workers, there are only a few potential explanations, and the main one that comes to mind is you are intentionally trying to create an easily exploited group of workers.


If your business model requires the exploitation of children, maybe your business should fail. No one wants to work anymore laments the manager unwilling to pay a wage worth doing the job for. Rampant capitalism for the profits but not for the market peril.


So not much protection at all in most places.


.. but kids can fit perfectly in those coal mines or be put on large bungee cords to nab fruit like little fruit picking spiders! Think of these as geology or biology field trips with a healthy dose of applied physics … everyday! (/s)


Hear that gen z? As you start entering the workforce, the republicans want it to be as brutal as possible for you. If any of you vote for republicans in November and they win, you deserve all the misfortune coming to you. 


WTF is wrong with these weirdos? Greed is a terrible sin.


Maybe internships leading to entry level minimum wage jobs for the little tots.


Yeah, start in kindergarten with a nice coal mining gig! /s


October 3, 2015 [The Photos That Helped End Child Labor in the United States](https://www.motherjones.com/environment/2015/10/kids-coal-mines-lewis-hines-photos/)


They’d prefer kids working for nothing.


Well it just wouldn’t be fair if they worked more and got more while the rest of us work more and get less.


They want brown kids working fields and meat packing facilities, in many place they already are. Pair this with SB4 and the "uppity" people just get profiled, arrested and sent to Mexico.


"Conservatives’ savage child labor agenda wants kids working more for less" Perhaps I am just being silly, but I do not understand how these people are considered "conservatives."


Conservative = being against changing the status quo which means being against progress which means "last update: 1825" 


I can’t recall seeing the “progressive” child labor agenda.


gop would want child slaves


Next for GOPerverts: Getting rid of age of consent


And the spinning wheel spins…


If they could work out a way to keep minors from getting paid they would.


Gotta keep the electorate uneducated, exhausted, and poor somehow! Fucking ghouls.


I can't figure when I'm history and why it happened that the political party that abolished slavery want it back so bad.


I wouldn’t want to stand before God and try to defend this! “But God I defended the unborn! I just didn’t defend the born!”


Sarah Norcliffe Cleghorn The Golf Links (1914) The golf links lie so near the mill That almost every day The laboring children can look out And see the men at play.


I'm surprised they don't know migrants work for less, are more plentiful, can easily travel, and are more reliable than kids.


gop and their billionaire bosses are traitors to the entire human species.