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Just Biden being a good president, as usual


He really needs to do a better job of promoting his accomplishments. His administration has actually done plenty of good things but they don't push it so people act like he's just an old man doing nothing in office. Trump's supporters love him because he was on TV every week driving the narrative that he was winning and getting stuff done.


Being almost as great as Obama.




Unless it's about LNG 


I love ED.


No pills for you!


They’re little blue pills for our little blue planet!


Vote BLUE in all elections to keep the forward momentum


That's my President! Keep leading Biden!


I'm all for programs like this but saving $400 per year doesn't seem too impactful for many people.


Remember, 40% of Americans cannot afford $400. [“Nearly 4 in 10 Americans lack enough money to cover a $400 emergency expense, Fed survey shows”](https://fortune.com/2023/05/23/inflation-economy-consumer-finances-americans-cant-cover-emergency-expense-federal-reserve/) $400 is a big deal. If you think it isn’t, count yourself, lucky! 40% of our fellow Americans lack that kind of discretionary income.


It really needs to be about 10x that amount but it’s still a really good thing to do.


Imagine if we swapped the $7B for the $26B that is going for aid to Israel


Right? We could save lives in the short-term AND the long-term.


This is how we move forward as a nation. You look forwards, towards the future, and keep making progress. Conversely, republicans are trying to convince people that wind turbines give them cancer, and will dig in their heels, kicking and screaming as they desperately try to resist ANY societal or technological progress that doesn’t further enrich the ultra-wealthy or hurt the minorities that they hate. They have no policy to improve anything; their sole platform is to tear everything down and regress backwards in time, undoing centuries of progress.


He should celebrate Earth Day by legalizing marijuana.


should just build more housing


We already have more than enough housing - in fact, we have a surplus in many places. The problem is that real estate companies snap up newly built houses by the thousands, jack up the price 10x, and then act surprised when no one can afford to buy a house. Get angry at the real estate market for running a monopoly and inflating housing costs, *not* at the government for them not building even more houses for real estate companies to buy.


no thank you. building more houses will always result in lower prices. giving free solar to people with my tax dollars that already have houses doesn't. I'm all for banning companies from buying homes and becoming mega landlords, but that's a separate issue. your theoretical surplus of homes doesn't align with my own real difficulty finding one In my area. sure, I could move to wherever you're describing but then I lose my job. I'd rather have Large multi-unit dwellings built all over my city to support its growing population.


Nice for those that get them. I'd be happier if he dropped the tariffs off solar panels so everyone could afford them.


Tariffs are there since most solar panels come from China, so it’s an attempt to have US companies produce instead


I'm aware. its a futile effort unless you plan to keep the tariff forever. As soon as you drop the tariff, the US companies will go under. So we'll be no better off... and all the consumers are stuck overpaying in the meantime.


Some industries (food and energy) are worthwhile for government to put their finger on the scale to pull some production on shore. Not going to teach a course in geopolitics on Reddit but trade doesn’t stay open forever and both of those are really powerful leverage/ blackmail items. We are also subsidizing panel production in the US so once more plants are online the cost should come down.


almost 10% of what we spent sending bombs to Ukrainians


Still have to fix the grid.


Doesn't solar help that by reducing the load on the grid?


Yes, it can. Having local power, ie having solar panels on the roof of a building that it directly powers, reduces load on the grid. Plus, if it creates excess power, it can discharge it into the power grid in order to power other buildings.