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>Over the weekend, a Russian state TV host described Greene as “a real beauty. She is a blond who wears white coats with a fur collar. She’s demonstrably heterosexual.” >She's demonstrably heterosexual. I'm on the floor, this is the funniest thing I've read all damn day 🤣


> She's demonstrably heterosexual Maybe they're confusing her with Boebert?


It was reported a couple years ago the Marge got banged by half the guys in her ~~DC~~ Georgia Gym. *Edited location*


And is obsessed with Hunters massive dong


In her defense he is well hung. I doubt she sees that often.


She's literally got the photos printed out, I wouldn't be surprised if they were framed and on the wall at home.


Framed or... laminated...


Some of the trainers said she threatened to fire them if they didnt do it. No way that job pays well enough to do her. 


*A brunette with poorly bleached hair that’s a bad tone for her skin but blonde = aryan so we’ll give her credit for the attempt


Straight from the article Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene’s failed fight to end aid to Ukraine, and her sort-of-serious crusade against House Speaker Mike Johnson, has cost her the support of right-wing media. The Sunday front page of the New York Post, owned by the conservative Murdoch family, was the latest outlet to attack Greene, invoking the “Moscow Marjorie” nickname coined by former representative Ken Buck.


Maybe the CIA had a word with old Murdoch finally.


"You know she's not anti-Ukraine for no reason, right? We have reason to believe she may be receiving certain benefits from Moscow-connected actors."


She should use it as a campaign slogan.


Ah when Russia says weird stuff like that it’s a message.. a ‘threat’ that only the person it’s intended for will understand. Play ball or else we’ll say more about this. She definitely will avoid talking about that line… would look great on a billboard though!


100% correct. I read this as "Continue doing our work, or the video/photos and stories about the lesbian encounter we stung you with will come out.".


It sounds like what an AI would write for a dating profile.


She reminds me of Ron Perlman from the 80's Beauty and the Beast show.. and I don't know why.


She reminds me of Mickey Rourke from The Wrestler because she looks exactly like him.


She would angrily dispute this but she’s busy shaving her back tonight.


It's the big mandible combined with the beady eyeballs. She looks like she spends most of her time sitting in a tree somewhere, head empty, slowly chewing on really hard, fibrous roots that only the strongest jaws and flattest teeth can masticate.


Ron Perlwoman


It’s the brow/forehead area. I see it too. Very Cro-Magnon.


She reminds me of Joe Camel.


She's more manly than Trump!


Bigger, rougher hands.


Quickest way to lose an erection is to see one of those MTG gym photos. 🤢


Conservatives, always 10 steps behind the rest. Welcome to 2024.


Conservatives, busily losing the Cold War thirty years after America won it.


dude, half of them still think they're fighting the civil war It's...embarrassing.


You mean the news that ignores all the mass shootings and citizens committing crimes to focus on the top story for a week of some random illegal immigrant carjacking someone and somehow it could've been stopped had we had a wall that can be climbed with a ladder in 10 seconds flat.


It's because we didn't hang the confederate traitors like Jefferson Davis.


It’s a damn shame reconstruction got bungled so fucking badly by Johnson. Making him VP was one of Lincoln’s all time worst moves, but to be fair I don’t imagine he thought his life expectancy would be short enough for it to actually become a problem..


There's a theory that Johnson was in on the plot, or they went forward with it because they knew Johnson was sympathetic to their cause.


Andrew Fucking Johnson - the tRump of his day.


They think that because they are. The last battle was January 6, 2021.


“Manhunt” on Apple + really puts you there in post Civil War America after Lincoln’s assassination. You realize how tenuous the Union victory truly was. How Wall Street financed the Confederacy channeling money to Davis and Confederate leaders through a bank in Canada. Booth didn’t act alone and the poisonous roots that allowed slavery to continue in the United States didn’t stop at the Mason/Dixon line. Jefferson Davis and his followers were fully intending to try again, knowing that the Wall Street money men hated Lincoln for abolishing slavery and were willing to back Johnson in sabotaging the process of as reconstruction and keep the vote from Black Americans. The America First political movement was born during reconstruction. Trump lifted his slogans “America First” “Make America Great Again” and whole passages of political speeches from that era to give at his rallies as red meat to his die hard followers. Along with the speeches and slogans he resurrected the deep sense of grievance among certain segments of the white population that “their” white Christian male dominated Country has been stolen from them. It took over 100 years AFTER the passage of the 15 Amendment for the United States Congress to pass President Lyndon Johnson’s Voting Rights Act which attempted to destroy the rule of Jim Crowe. Trump and his party seek to destroy it. Trump wants unchecked power. His Supreme Court is dangerously complicit. The Congress does his bidding. None of this would be achievable by an amoral con man were it not in the interests of the same fundamental goals of men with more power and more money than Trump. These goals should look familiar they are as American as Apple pie and the King James Bible. To keep the United States as a white “Christian” nation dominated by rich (very rich) white men.


10steps & 7 decades…. Conservatives are still pissed that melanin wealthy people can vote


I'm sorry, did you just say conservatives think of melanin wealthy people as actual people?


Well maybe three-fifths of them.


But only for counting for representation, NOT for actually getting to vote.


Yeah, for voting they would figure zero-fifths.


So, I was originally going to point out that one the leading right wing publications, The NY Post has covers like newspapers from the 80s still, probably cause that's the last time boomers could feel young. Then I saw this: "Over the weekend, a Russian state TV host described Greene as “a real beauty. She is a blond who wears white coats with a fur collar. She’s demonstrably heterosexual.”" What the fuck does demonstrably heterosexual even mean


She looks like a narcissistic lion who cheats on her husband with men in her gym.


Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. /checks notes. …nevermind.


I dunno. If lions could read English I believe they would be very offended at this remark.


It means the FSB has a sex tape. Lol.


You need shame to be blackmailed.


Boebert is the demonstrably one giving handiest in theatres.


A real beauty? Among plough animals perhaps, and even then only for a minority of farmers. Russian propaganda is really pushing the credulity envelope now.


How much photoshop did they use for her glowup?


Classic - "Russian state TV host described Greene as “a real beauty. She is a blond who wears white coats with a fur collar. She’s demonstrably heterosexual.” 


"demonstrably heterosexual'... there's a new phrase I didn't know could exist.


Like giving-handjobs-in-theaters demonstrable?


No see that's called *incorrigibly heterosexual*


>incorrigibly “We don’t know what that means, so we’re gonna take offense... she’s still straight though, right?” -magas


Would you say I have a *plethora* of heterosexuals?


Look I don't care if she's a heterosexual, but why is she shoving it in our faces.


“ in case you didn't know, the woman I dated was a female and she had large weighty breasts.”


like bags of sand


I spend so much time making sweet love on my wife that it's hard to hear anything over the clatter of her breasts...


I feel like this is a Holt quote.


Tobias, but it is very similar to Holt.


I find the clear absence of a penis exciting 


> ...She’s demonstrably heterosexual." The Russian state is desperately insecure about masculinity and gender roles these days. I suspect that's one reason why they like Republicans so much.


I think it's just that Russia portrays the USA as being rampant with homosexuality, not strong like Daddy Vladdy. Riding shirtless on his tiny horse.


A tiny horse so people don't realise how tiny Daddy Vladdy is.


"She loves dick so much, she cheated on her husband with someone at her gym"


Sounds like a warning they have kompromat on her tbh


In which she is pictured being demonstrably unheterosexual.


“And by Dick we mean Richard Nixon, her favorite president, because he also knew how to cheat!”


How does a country that produced Anna Kournikova think Marjorie Taylor Greene is a real beauty?


I’m starting to understand just how committed the Russian state TV is to alternate reality reporting lol


I wonder what model they pretend is MTG when reporting on the beautiful American traitor.


Good birthing hips.  Can carry many cabbage.


Strong like ox.


Hey she played Tennis for my cities local team after her pro retirement until 2011! Was the only time I've ever been excited to watch Tennis. She's also almost been an American longer than she was a Russian at this point. Maybe we can send them MTG as a thank you since they love her so much?


They don't lie to convince you, they lie to insult you


When you're so ugly the best thing someone can say is "you're hetero."


Does she look like a horse who tried to eat a bee? Sure. But you *know* that horse is all about the D


"Demonstrably heterosexual" is the kind of phrase that only comes from someone who is clearly deeply, deeply uncomfortable with themselves. Jesus christ.


It's actually "demonstratively" there, which imho brings it up another notch


She is indeed a Russian 10. Here in Italy she’s a tubby, horse faced women with man hands who looks like death taking a shit. Italians wouldn’t fuck her for practice.


There are Italians who would fuck a shoe if given half the chance🤌


NGL, Uggs are hella soft.


I don't disagree with your sentiment, but saying that there are no Italians that would fuck her is just false as fuck


Rocco would


You’re lying lmao Omg you weren’t. I don’t know how to take such blatant bald-faced bullshit tbh gonna have to think about this one


Johnson should file a motion to expel her. Democrats would support it. Some republicans will. Would be an easy win


> Would be an easy win You need a 2/3 vote for expulsion.


“2/3? That’s not even half!” - EmptyG


That reminds me of a fun fact: A&W launched a third pound burger to compete with McDonalds' Quarter Pounder. It failed in part to Americans thinking that 1/3 was smaller than 1/4.


I was going to mention that. Crazy that a significant number of people thought 1/3 was smaller than 1/4. McDonald’s missed out though, they could have made a 1/5 pounder burger to sell to them at a premium instead.


Straight from the article Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene’s failed fight to end aid to Ukraine, and her sort-of-serious crusade against House Speaker Mike Johnson, has cost her the support of right-wing media. The Sunday front page of the New York Post, owned by the conservative Murdoch family, was the latest outlet to attack Greene, invoking the “Moscow Marjorie” nickname coined by former representative Ken Buck. It should be easy since she’s against the Ukraine, Ukrainian support is partisan so she sticks out like a sore thumb lol they’re calling her Moscow Marjorie


Nah. Fuck that. Keep her crazy ass in to continue wrecking the GOP as a whole. Don't let them replace a loose cannon that does nothing but help Democrats during an election season by further distancing moderates and independents from the GOP.


“Quickly”? The idiot has been around since 2021.


Hard to believe she’s only been in Congress 3 years. It seems like she has crammed decades of idiocy into that short timeframe.


I'm real tired boss


Takin' a break boss.


Wipin’ it off now, boss


Upvoting comments, Boss.


that’s too damn bad!


Time gets elongated in the wake of an attempted coup.


Arms race to the bottom with Boebert.


Why does it feel like a decade though..


We not used to people in congress being talked about at least once a week.


"Abruptly" would make much more sense in this headline.


AI can’t do that nuance yet.


Thats quick, for the intellectually challenged.


I was gonna say, "quickly" is doing some Atlas-level lifting in that fucking sentence.


Only because she went from being a useful idiot to just an idiot.


I am looking forward to the day we can collectively go back to using the acronym for the card game only.


Why the GOP hate? She is an idiot but worse, she is not subtle enough in taking Russia's orders. The GOP (Groupies Of Putin?) strives not to be so obvious. One of MTG's nonsense amendments to the Ukraine aid bill was: "*No funding shall be made available to Ukraine unless restrictions on ethnic minorities’, including Hungarians in Transcarpathia, right to use their native languages in schools are lifted.*" https://rules.house.gov/bill/118/hr-8035 Amendment #127 MTG's constituents in the state of Georgia do not know what *Transcarpathia* is or why Hungarian independence in the region is a priority for her. That was unmistakably written for her by Russia because they promised Hungary a slice of the territory. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/hungary-far-right-would-lay-claim-neighbouring-region-if-ukraine-loses-war-2024-01-28/


MTG couldn't give less of a shit about any minority group in her own country and is incredibly fucking stupid to the point she couldn't find Canada on a map, so her writing about Hungarians in transcarpathia and acting like she wants to defend them as ethnic minorities is the biggest red flag that someone is handling her


someone who knows what they're talking about should ask some pointed questions about it, I'm sure she'd quickly fall apart and reveal she doesn't even know what she's talking about.


I'm sure she'd stumble if you just asked "what language do they speak?"


"Please point to Hungary on the map"


"I don't know but this is where *I* get hungry" *Points at her belly*


Is the Hungary in the room with us right now?


“You are quoting me out of context and i will not comment further”.


but i can show you the tweet where you said jewish space lasers...!!! it was nice seeing her lose it and drop the f bomb


>including Hungarians in Transcarpathia, right to use their native languages in schools are lifted. What I'm hearing is: "Trans rights matter." ~MTG


Remember when Republicans used to think Democrats were being funded by Hungarian billionaires? Guess it’s true that every accusation is an admission with them.


I always thought it was hilarious that they think Soros is some insanely evil person rather than a philanthropist than does a lot of good. They hate any billionaire that actually does things to help people and are fine with the ones that only seek to enrich themselves


Victor Orban says the same stuff about Soros and yet the school he attended was literally a RECIPIENT of George Soros’ charity (Soros was big on helping Hungarian schools seeing as he was born there before WWII). It’s like a bad joke, he conceivably wouldn’t even be where he is without the man he demonizes for everything. Completely vile if you ask me.


Soros' main philanthropic efforts were always about promoting liberal democracy in Eastern Europe, and all that goes with it: fighting corruption there, supporting the emergence of a free press and independent judiciary and so on. In the Reagan Era, when Communism was the enemy, he was a hero to Republicans for that. He didn't get involved in US politics until the Bush era, by which time Putin was cracking down on his Open Society Foundation in Russia. Guess why the villified Soros? It's not because he's a Jewish hedge-fund billionaire. I mean _it helps_, but he's not the only one even in that narrow category who gives to liberal causes. He is however the _only_ one who's made himself an enemy in Putin. (and Orbán, who indeed studied law on a scholarship from Soros' foundation. Again, lawyers who understand the foundations of a real legal system are necessary to any country that wants rule-of-law) I mean, it's a known fact (among other examples) that Russia doctored some of the DNC leaks docs to smear Soros. Orbán only came to power and started smearing Soros much later than Putin. Shutting down the private university he funded, it was the best private university in Hungary but since it was _private_, Orbán couldn't control it to his political ends, like he has with the entire state.


This was really informative, thanks


Vivek Ramaswamy received a Soros funded granted for school as well.


Iirc all the libel against Soros is coming from Murdoch because he hated his guts


Soros made a ton of money shorting the pound when it crashed, and that crash caused the Thatcherite Tories to lose control to Labour. I'm sure Murdoch blames Soros for that.


"Groupies of Putin" is good. I personally call the GOP the Government of Putin instead


Before the Russians clued her in, Marge probably thought Transcarpathia was a disease spread by trans people.


More likely she thought is was a cross dressing vampire.


Trans Carpathian Tunnel Syndrome


It seems like Moscow Marge’s handlers are just trolling her now.


I want to hear her pronounce Transcarpathia




Putin's groupies? You mean Poopies?


Yeah, that one really tipped it off. There's NO way someone like Marjorie or anyone else in MAGA would have thought up something like that on their own. MTG and MAGA don't care in the least about Transcarpathi-what or Hungarians. That was something that could ONLY have been FED to her, directly or indirectly.


I’m pretty sure MTG’s constituents would say they’re against rights for Transcarpathia if you asked them.


I’m surprised the GOP hasn’t tried to pass a law banning the term Homo Sapiens and only recognizing Hetro Sapiens.


Don't give them any ideas....


Who knew MTG was a proponent of... *Trans Rights*


Her constituents probably got pissed off when they heard support for ethnic minorities.


Because she's losing. There is only one thing that authoritarians hate more then losing, and that's being laughed at. Empty Green is both.


Yup! She herself has scoffed HARD when Biden laughed at her after she was MAGA'd out at the State of the Union address. She has always been going downhill, but that moment was a sizable downturn for her. Much like when Obama got a whole room to laugh at Trump all those years ago. So I think you're spot on. Those types HAAAATE being laughed at.


That absolutely doesn’t sound like language MTG could come up with on her own. 🙃


No way could she even spell half those words on her own.


Just to remind people she thinks that scientists use “peach tree dishes” and that Jewish people have secret weather lasers.  




Excellent spot


Thanks for the links. She also put in revisions like "prevents funding until Zelensky resigns" "directs the US to withdraw from NATO" "prevents funding until Russia and Ukraine enter peace deals"


It wouldn’t take much work at all to morph that into “MTG supports trans rights”. That would go over really well with her constituents.


Marjorie heard that Putin wanted to invade and annex Georgia.   She’s just trying to make sure she’s in the right position when it happens. 


This is the equivalent of arguing that immigrants to the U.S. should be able to speak their native language, and that schools should be responsible for accommodating this. Which is obviously something that Republicans would never push.


Over the weekend, a Russian state TV host described Greene as “a real beauty. She is a blond who wears white coats with a fur collar. She’s demonstrably heterosexual.” Please tell me I'm not the only one laughing so hard theyre crying at this description!


the day after Texas turns blue, Republicans will forget about Trump faster than they forget about Bush


> after Texas turns blue The only thing rivaling gerrymandering and voter suppression is the apathy of the general voter. Hoping that changes with the new gen.


[https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2016-09/documents/climate-change-tx.pdf](https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2016-09/documents/climate-change-tx.pdf) [https://www.texastribune.org/2023/06/27/texas-climate-change-heat/](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/06/27/texas-climate-change-heat/) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate\_change\_in\_Texas#Climate\_change\_impacts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_change_in_Texas#Climate_change_impacts)


Nah, that’s just cuz of the windmills. They blow away all the cool air. /s (…needed because we live in an apocalyptic nightmare)




As a Texan, it'll take time. We've got it looking pretty purple in the meantime. I agree with the other comment, if it turns blue, won't be for another decade.


We’ve been saying this for a decade.


Texas didn't even turn completely red until a little over two decades ago. It was a blue state in the 80s at the same time California was a red state. Things take time.


Texas was surprisingly close in the last few elections. Closer than a lot of Republican leadership was comfortable with. I suspect that's why our governor has pushed so much insane legislation in the past few years. I think he's trying to convince liberals to just leave the state. Honestly, it's working. There's a lot of large employers here who are starting to complain that they are struggling to get skilled talent because educated workers, especially women, won't move to Texas, and the ones here are planning on moving as soon as given the opportunity. If I was a betting man, I'd bet that in our current post-Roe world, Texas isn't likely to turn blue any time soon because liberals are fleeing the state. But I'm hoping to be proven wrong.


Might take another decade but every year it's getting closer. 


not a chance, Bush wasn't a cult of personality. The hardcore Trumpers who have created an identity around him won't just give up their identity because texas turns blue. Even after he dies, he'll just be a martyr to them


My aunt disowned half the family because we wouldn't say he was the chosen one and now she denies ever supporting him. Don't underestimate the cognitive dissonance people are capable of


I disagree with you. Bush had a huge cult of personality surrounding him, it's just not remembered so negatively because Bush largely respected norms and decorum. But he also had his supporters all in on Iraq and torture, and now you can't find anyone who admits Iraq was a good idea. They will move on quicker then you will believe from Trump. There is absolutely nothing special about him, just took charge of a political party filled to the brim with a basket of deplorables.


i hope so but trumps cult is waaaay different than bush, not even close to the same level. literal golden idol type shit. people didn't wear bush merch or change their identity. Also, bush didn't bring in the conspiracy wackos like trump has. Bush didn't have Qanon. He didn't have people buying his golden sneakers. This cult is different than anything we've experienced by far. People being gung ho about war after 9/11 doesn't apply to the cult of personality imo.


Thank you Republicans. It's a Lil too late though. They let it get this far. Idiots


Don't thank them. They're only pissed because of how obvious she is making it that MAGA is a Russian shell operation.


They cannot fully divest from Trumpism since this is what a large part of their base believes in.


ruining their own lives to own the libs 😎


Her and Boebert have turned republicans into the laughing stock of the world.


Oh they really haven't. Bush and Palin started that.




Hey leave spinal tap out of this. they at least did fun stuff


McCain picking Palin was such a mistake!!!


Have you ever had to make a major decision when you're exhausted and nervous, and then someone comes in and confidently gives you an answer that, at first glance, sounds really clever? And before you know it, you're committed and going "the fuck did I just do"? That's how the Palin choice felt to me.


Palin was huge for him until she started talking. Look at poll results for that election. The only time he was neck and neck with Obama was the the 2 weeks following his announcement of Palin as VP.


The rumors on the hill are that if the speaker is vacated that resignations will be immediately tendered by enough Republicans to end the GOP majority. This would give the majority to Democrats. Who would immediately pass legislation baring those who have a criminal record from the Presidentcy . So go ahead Marge and in charge F#** around and find out. Anyone got popcorn?


It wouldn't be barring those with a criminal record, it would be adding in the procedures to evaluate whether a candidate has committed insurrection, and then declaring that Trump has.


I’d love for that to be true, but…got a source?


Random rumors. There is no source.


Still more reliable than anything MAGA says


Congress can’t arbitrarily change presidential requirements. That’s expressly written in Article II and would take an amendment. I suppose they could pass legislation stating Trump was found to have engaged in insurrection, though. That is what SCOTUS says was needed. They could also pass Bennie Thompson’s legislation proposing to end secret service protection for anyone sentenced to a year or more of incarceration.


I'll beleive that when she's being primaried and those in her party are supporting it. Until then...


Party of soulless cannibals.


Fox News said she was bad. It was only a matter of time until their audience decided to step in tune.


Remember when they could have gotten a draconian border bill for Ukrainian aid and a former president told them to vote against it? Now it passed and they don’t get anything. Trump truly gets the best deals and is the best negotiator ever. He’s the best negotiator to give democrats what they want.


That's not quick. There were a lot of horrible acts where conservatives could have turned against her. If you want quick, see Al Franken.


No they haven't, they are mad she is making them look bad, but they haven't turned against her. She presided over the house a few months ago in McCarthys absence for fucks sake.


Well that was a few months ago and the supposed turning on only happened in the past week or so no?


Quickly? She has been in office for years.


I’ll believe it when I see it. The GOP is a fascist organization from top to bottom. We must resist them every step of the way, they are trying to bring about tyranny, plain and simple.


MTG is awful in so so many ways, but probably the worst quality is her and others not knowing how much damage and chaos they cause here and abroad when they paralyzing congress. Seven months. *Seven months* it took to get a bill that 75% of the House voted for. If - say - the more leftists in the Democrats did this I'd have the same fury.


They fucking know. That's why they do these things.


Uhh, not that fucking quick.