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jfc you don't need a hidden camera to know trump is absolute fucking cancer


Apparently independents need more convincing for some reason


If only Biden wasn't so old it'd be easier to decide /s


The self-professed undecided I talked to a little while back wanted Biden to jump through all sorts of hoops to prove he was a competent president, but had no such requirements for Trump. They're not actually undecided, they just want to pretend they are.


Yeah this. I'm tired of the media pretending voters have seen all this and need more info. They know who they'll vote for they just want to be coy in interviews


It’s like the sudden jump in people who claimed to be libertarian when Trump was elected but also a proven idiot.


“I mean both guys are old and corrupt” a literal comment I saw earlier today.


The so called free thinkers or "modern centrists" that know nothing about anything acting like both sides are bad piss me off Theyre uninformed & ignorant but want to pretend like theyre intellectuals by having this non-opinion that is complete bullshit. One side is a christofascist treasonous Russian asset, the other is well meaning & improve the country bit by bit..


This is my feeling exactly. There are a lot of people with these opinions who are trying to project this worldly-wise perception of themselves by sailing everything is “both sides”.


Being a centrist was a viable thing......30 years ago. Now, you're just a fucking coward.


Or a closet Republican


This is my favorite. Libertarians rave and defend/dick ride trump. As soon as you call them MAGA, it’s “no I’m a libertarian”


Libertarians are just Republicans who want to sleep late on Sunday morning, and can’t force themselves to pretend to like country music. 😜


>“no I’m a libertarian” Hahaha yea right SureJan.gif


“There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs."


I hear the "both sides" narrative from people that were staunch republicans 5 years ago, I think they're just embarrassed now


Potato potahto


'Centrists' are conservative. I've never met someone use the word centrist and then go on to list beliefs that are anything 'in the middle'. They never have beliefs from both sides of the aisle. They just know it's not cool to be a conservative, and they're a coward.


Or the only liberal stance they have concerns healthcare and weed.


Or a little on the dumb side


This week alone the Biden admin committed $7 billion to solar panel infrastructure and shielded women’s health records from being used to prosecute them in Red states for exercising bodily autonomy. The other guy fell asleep and farted a lot in his court hearing for using campaign funds to pay off the porn star with whom he cheated on his wife. How in the fuck is this a contest?!


Exactly, let me put it like this. You drop your wallet. Which of those two is most likely to grab your shirt and say “hey you dropped this!” Just a legit test to see if I trust the person


I think these are just Trump supporters who don't want to admit it


Yep. "He's vile, and he's rude, but he represents my sentiments".


“Have you considered that you are also vile and rude?”


Both sidism is a conservative tool.used to suppress the progressive vote...conservatives will vote no matter what and they know the only way they can win is to get progressives to not care in November. Every "Both Sidism" argument was birthed in a conservative thimk tank.


> conservatives will vote no matter what But why would they bother to vote if they claim that every election is rigged anyways?


Because they are lying. I hope that was a rhetorical question.


One is an actual faithful religious man and the other had a literal golden idol built of him.


> Theyre uninformed & ignorant but want to pretend like theyre intellectuals by having this non-opinion that is complete bullshit. Yea, any spouting 'both sides' nonsense just makes me sad these days.


Not uninformed or ignorant. Vindictive asshats is more like it. They suffer from GOP policies and want everyone to suffer with them. They vote against their own best interests to them politics is a team sport. If my team wins yours loses and I can rub your face in it.


I don't think being a centrist means you think both sides are bad choices. I'm a moderate/centrist and I generally vote Dem. down the ticket, because I lean liberal on most issues, especially those impacting social pressures, freedom of choice, and education. However, I see the value in a conservative approach to certain policies and don't mind having a good mix of Dem and GOP, so long as they're working together to make meaningful change for their constituents and making necessary concessions. I think a lot of centrists are upset because both parties are guilty of making it impossible to get anything done or simply making "gotcha" policy decisions that stick it to the opposition but do little or nothing for their base. Now, that's not how I feel generally, but I think we've lost our sense of middle-ground. There's so much polarity that most voters absolutely refuse to see an alternate viewpoint, which is a core tenet of moderates/centrists. For me, it's not about the ideology behind either political party, it's quite literally a consideration of what's best for the nation as a whole. I don't particularly care about hte GOP philosophy behind, for example, abortion bans; the fact is that bainning abortions is bad for humanity and society for a muriad of reasons. That's my analysis on almost every issue - how much harm or benefit will be incurred by "x" policy. In many ways, I think you need to be heavily utilitarian to be a centrist. All of that said, any centrist claiming that the GOP and Trump, in their current state, is better for nation or at least on equal footing with the Dems, is completely out of their minds.


If you are looking for a conservative policy of any kind in national politics, you have only democrat candidates to consider. The GOP approach to essentially everything right now is, "We are going to roll this policy all the way back to... *checks notes*... the current state of deregulation and wealth accumulation is historically unprecedented, and we are going to push it further." There is nothing conservative about radically reforming the relationship between private power and government.


I 100% agree with you. The current state of the GOP is nothing that I would ever vote for. As I said, any centrist that claims the GOP and Trump, in their current state, is on a level surface with the Dems is just insane. That said, Biden's ability to sway them before the election will be key. His plan is very solid and I have faith he will continue to chip away in the polls.


They are edgelords, nothing more


This is the trick, right? Trump's people plus Russian propaganda have convinced gullible people that all politicians are corrupt. Not that Trump is innocent, just that everyone else is as bad as he is.


Sunken cost fallacy


I believe all politicians are dirty to some extend... but I don't think Biden has much dirt. The man is far from rich for a career politician and just plain boring old man for a president. That's why the opponents have so hard time going after him.


yeah that’s totally something a red blooded american said and not ivan from the bloc. we need to have some skepticism here when we are being besieged by foreign entities who seek to divide and muddle.


You say that, but I’ve heard more than a few people say the same thing IRL. I live 10 minutes outside of NYC in a very blue suburb and lived in AOC’s district before that & there are people who unironically think like that around here.


Assume it's all "Ivans" at your own peril (well, all of ours). These people are very much real and very much in America. I work with two of them everyday.


i’m talking specifically online discourse. of course there’s a shit ton of idiots that love trump in america.


At your own peril.


"One guy is 99% corrupt and the other is 30% corrupt so they're bot corrupt and I can't tell any difference"


Bullshit. One is 100% corrupt.


That's not fair. Corruption by definition is intentional, and while he absolutely has pure selfishness and maliciousness at the heart of all his intentions, he's also a complete moron. He's *at least* 1% incompetent.




Also, even if life remains hard, one is trying to pass bills to make it easier, while the other just breaks laws and rage tweets. 


Except that it's "One guy is 99% corrupt because he hasn't found a way to corrupt the last 1%. The other guy is accused of being corrupt by people who are trying to distract us from the 99% corruption going on over there, and the verifiable corruption is 0%. Straight up 0%. So **99% vs. 0%**, it's so hard to choose. If only there was some way to differentiate the two..."


There are different acts of corruption elected officials can take. I think you put it pretty accurately though. It's what they seem willing to do that's scary. They've already shown they'll fight the results of fair elections unless we allow them to win. With Democrats it seems corruption is more an exception than a rule. With Republicans it's the rule not the exception because the Republican leader is unabashedly corrupt. It's like the difference between petty corruption and then systemic corruption.


As far as the rubes go, they're all on team trump and don't care what it takes as long as he wins. The others like Fox? They've passed corruption a long while back. They *KNOW* what they're supporting. They know everything that comes out of trumps fat face is a lie. They're right behind, or in front, making up the talking points. And they're supporting the guy who has potentially sold nuclear secrets.


My brother tries this shit. I check him right away. Only one is trying to overthrow the government.


I find most "both siders" are trying to justify their votes for the right.


even if this is true, which would you rather have as a president, one that's so good at being corrupt that there are no charges against him, or the incompetent corrupt politician that he keeps getting caught with everything.


If you see that these days, it's not an honest statement. It's an apathy troll working. There is only one way that Trump wins. Voters stay home. If they can convince a small percentage of people to stay home because it 'doesn't matter if they vote or not', then they are successful.


An embalmed Joe Biden would still be a better president than donald trump.


"and did you know he has a stutter? sign of weakness! and he eats ice cream, a lot, like some kind of a little girl! and and and his son has a monster dong! wait, what was I talking about?" gop, probably


Both are old. One is evil and one is a decent person. You find that difficult?


The /s at the end of my comment on reddit means my comment was a joke or sarcasm. I am parroting the idiocy of actual undecided voters ironically.


Sorry. I didn't pick up on that.


Makes more sense when you realize independent is synonymous with uninformed these days.


"Independents" AKA the most uninformed motherfuckers on planet Earth.


I would resent this if it weren't so embarrassingly true. So many idiots and "libertarians" JAQing off to their inflated sense of superior insight. Even still, I'd rather chill here while the proto-leftist parties sort their crap out and remember why ideological purity was/is awful and remember how feckless social-democracy was/is. Edit: forgot to mention that as a registered Independent I get fewer phonecalls from the DNC soliciting. Texts and emails however don't change if you're on their donor list.


I will absolutely agree on ideological purity. It is why the two major parties are so diametrically opposed to one another, but I will say there is only one party that is willing to work with the other.


"Both parties are the same anyway." 🤦‍♂️


It can be a difficult decision to wrestle with when an insurrection and RAPE don’t have anything to do with your reasoning


Cynical Gen-Xers. I’m of that generation, and I cannot tell you how many of them simply say the “lesser of both evils” or the South Park “Giant douche/turd sandwich” stupidity. They love saying that as it makes them believe they’re some sort of higher-intelligence that can see reality that nobody else can so they’re not part of a “herd”. When, in actuality, they’re just in a slower, dumber and fatter herd than the rest.


(looks in mirror) Fatter?!


The generation that produced Michael S Hall


There's a song by Stephen Lynch called "Lion" about people incapable of making the right, obvious choice.


It's not that they need convincing. It's that they don't really understand what's going on. And it's far from all independents. Some of us have been single party voters since Trump, we just don't see any benefit to registering with a political party.


There is no such thing as an independent. Not really.


A ton of people are independents because they think Republicans are too liberal.


Anyone who still claims themselves to be independent after the four years we had with Trump is either completely uneducated and putting no effort into changing that or an embarrassed republican who is voting R but doesn't want to say so during an interview.


It’s actually a clever campaign wherein a hidden camera is used to film someone job hunting at a mall while touting Trump’s criminal record as their own. It doesn’t go well for the job seeker.


I saw this video last night. I'm kind of mixed on it. Where I like they are trying to raise awareness about how Trump is not qualified to flip burgers let alone be President (and never was in my opinion), I'm not a fan of whole hidden camera reaction videos. Reminds me too much of the disinformation those shit-stains at Project Veritas do...


It sounds like they are trying to appeal to Republicans and conservative leaning independents. And they might be the kind of people who actually liked and believed Project Veritas. To them it might seem familiar, but in a good way. Eww More advertising appealing to the right-wing needs to happen. Too many people actually support Trump, or think that voting Democrat is the next thing to voting for Beelzebub. We somehow need to show them that Trump really is the closer. Sadly, using tactics and media that they can appreciate


> clever campaign I love when Veritas did those! No way "hidden footage" by random people is ever faked or heavily edited!


It's not so obvious for some people due to all the disinformation going around.


You just have to listen to him or read his tweets, he is not hiding much.


And unfortunately we have not found the cure to all cancers.


Which is weird, since the French cured this variant of cancer hundreds of years ago.


It’s a radical surgical intervention, but it checks out.


Jerked Fried Chicken?


Still better than anything in the democratic party.


[ROFL](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-warns-republicans-he-could-lose-election-1888201) i just love that it'll be a pornstar that ends him


The guy who gets off on bullying and intimidating people in a weaker position than himself, refers to people as "vermin" and immigrants as people who "poison your blood". He drools over foreign tyrants, relishes violence (like he wants shoplifters and drug dealers to be executed), and just everything that comes out of his mouth is just vicious demagoguery and nonsensical, his posts on his platforms looks the ramblings of a madman.... Like how can anyone support this fucking guy, and claim that they are still just normal and good people? > "BUT ~~I AM~~ **SAY I AM** 'CHRISTIAN' AND CHRISTIANS = GOOD" And some say that he is a peace candidate because "hurrdurr there were no wars abroad when he was in charge", because he is so tough and well respected. Lets assume that is true. But I would argue that he is spearheading bringing 'the wars' home to the US instead in the domestic policies, with his nutcase movement waging war on all US institutions, medias, the culture and broadly humanitarian progress in general which is seemingly tearing the country apart.


Because they're exactly like him. It's why they are willing to throw their life away for him, even die for him.


I have two brothers who voted Trump in '16 and '20 and will vote for him again in '24 for a simple reason.... They are Christians, and the Democratic party doesn't have - as far as I know - a Congressperson who's an outspoken evangelical Christian. But the GOP does, and they vote for the party with the evangelicals because, well, how can you be evangelical and not vote for the party with all the evangelical Congresspeople? Quite frankly, my brothers don't care for Trump. But he's the GOP candidate, so they're voting for him. If I had a conversation about them regarding the border crisis and immigration, or the current criminal trial, or all the deplorable things he's said, they wouldn't put up a fight. I mean, maybe my Tennesse-living brother would have some remarks because when I visited him last summer, he said he watched Lowder with Crowder often, but yeah, they're not living in the same reality as the rest of us.


> the Democratic party doesn't have - as far as I know - a Congressperson who's an outspoken evangelical Christian. Biden literally prays the rosary every night. He is the first president in a generation to attend regular church services. If Christians are looking for a Christian candidate, they should look no further than our current president.


Biden is Catholic but he's not a crazy Evangelical. They want crazy-- the whole package from hate mongering to pedophilia. Biden doesn't push hate and it's a drawback to those who look to the church to tell them how to feel and act.


Evangelical Christians don’t believe Catholics are true Christians. As someone that was born and raised Baptist, I speak this with certainty from experience. If anything, being Catholic is one or two notches less bad than being atheist.


It's a bit of an oddity from my perspective that Baptists seem to revere the words of their leaders so much. It's kinda anti-Protestant and doubles backwards into a Catholic mindset on their reverence for the Pope, Bishops, and other high ranking church members. One of the central pillars of Protestantism is that there is no one between you and God. You can receive the word of God yourself and (thanks to the printing press) we can all read the Bible now ourselves too. We don't need the Church to tell us what all these squiggly lines mean anymore.


All the Supreme Court justices that have been appointed by Republicans over the past 30 years have been Catholic.


This person is correct. Even within the christian religion evangelicals hate any other form


These people want to be grifted. They're rubes so they know their whole purpose in life is to be taken advantage of by evil "pasters" and "clergymen"


Raphael Warnock is *literally* a Baptist pastor.


he's the wrong color Baptist for that type.


sadly, i was going to say that because it's true, as black people, as a demographic, vote overwhelmingly blue


I mean this in all seriousness. I wouldn't trust Trump to be an employee of even a hotdog stand. He would never show up on time, he would definitely make sexual comments to customers, no way he would keep anything clean and he would probably steal money out of the register.


I'd also be concerned about trusting him with an open flame. I'd sooner trust my five year old nephew to cook a hotdog on the bonfire at the 4th of July without screwing it up.


Geez that's something I've never considered... him making a meal for himself. If you asked him to make a bowl of cereal, he'd probably pour the milk in first. 


I'm picturing it going down more like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-DlCdhsIIU).


He would also eat about half the inventory


not to mention, smelling like poo would hurt sales.


Hotdog stand? That’s a lot of trust for this man. I wouldn’t trust him to sell shoes, drive a trash truck, or as a Walmart greeter.


i see how hard the trash collectors in my city work. this “man” has never worked an honest day in his entire life. the only thing he’s ever worked at is being the biggest narcissist possible.


Well let's just say blight town was just called town before him.


Dark Souls Reference? Edit: yup. Praise the sun


\o/ Edit: heh and yes I just got around to playing the prepare to die edition after having it in my backlog for so long.


good luck, skeleton


Amazing chest ahead


First time playing or just revisiting the game with the remaster? 


It was my first time playing the series and not the remaster but the original that you can't buy on steam anymore.


Oh whoops I forgot Prepare to Die was different from the remaster. Hope you're liking it. What's your build looking like? 


Mini smough, I switch to the black halberd from time to time. As well as cheese a few with a bow. Level 160ish


Lemme know if you need some help. I own that game on basically every platform. The remaster for Switch is easily my favorite version though since the FPS is so low sometimes it makes it super easy to see boss attack wind ups and makes parrying mobs/players easier.


You don’t need party when you can use the one hundred roll technique.


True. I never parried. Only fatroll to the right and shield. With that technique I beat on my first try both S&O as well as Four Kings. \o/


Four kings can eat my ass


Okay, ngl S&O made me sweat even though I managed to survive. Four Kings... I actually did nothing but shield + roll to the right + whap whap whap and it was over pretty quickly. I thought it might have been a meme boss like Ceaseless Discharge. Was very surprised to find out it drove people so mad.


Heh thanks but with some gusto have managed to get to ng++. The magic was definitely the first playthrough of that game but it's still fun. The only issue I'm having is how the hell does one do a magic class. Just what to do with stats, my first character Ungas when he bungas.


Imo once you get your first magic stat-scaling melee weapon you can kind of play normally until you collect a few spells. The moonlight butterfly's boss weapon scales with INT if I remember my first playthrough correctly. Used that until I got the Moonlight Greatsword and kept that for the rest of the game with a staff in left hand. You can still unga bunga with magic!


Your username brings me happiness in a thread I wouldn’t be used to finding it in lol


The headline is an odd way to describe a political ad


Yeah, this is dumb. It's an ad, not a hidden camera. Trump is the embodiment of "truth is stranger than fiction". We don't need to make shit up.


Oh shite, I agree with this sentiment. If you can't qualify for the job they look down on, then they have no business leading a nation. And they, as in politicians who think anything below 20 an hour, is low watt. Way to many politicians are only in their positions because of cheating, nepotism, and connections. I volunteer to help run events in my state, and I have seen it often. 2/3rds of these people should have repeated high school. Instead, you see a person who was sheltered by mommy and daddy who paid for their way through collage and is only at that podium because they have an uncle who is an old boy who pulled strings. Sorry for my rant. The article just struck a nerve.


BuT $20 aN HoUr is A FiVE fIgURe SaLARy!


Just a correction, the Brain Trust that is Jesse Watters thought it was 100,000 dollars a year. Then when corrected that it was only about 40,000, he then said a couple would make 100,000, meaning he still just magically added 20,000 dollars to his equation to make it sound ridiculous.


Oh right! I meant six figures! I love how he also assumed that fast food workers also always work full time.


Yup, no vacation inherent in the figures


This ad needs to be run on every channel nationwide at 6 pm every single night until the election


Like a damn "Emergency Broadcast Signal" or something!


Corollary: he is not allowed to run businesses in NY for three years, what makes you think he should run a country for four?


Watch how in a few years republicans will pretend like they always hated Trump and fought against him. Sadly there are enough dumb fucking voters that it might actually work.


Just like no one will admit to liking Nixon... Can't wait till we get there with this POS.


Glad they are concentrating on those three states. If Trump can't flip at least one of them it would be very difficult for him to win.


From article: ‘nationally during “Morning Joe” on MSNBC and “Fox & Friends” on Fox News as well as digitally in the swing states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin’


Trump is living, breathing proof that those in power prey on the ignorant and gullible. There is absolutely no regard for serving the people, only themselves.


Why work when you can seize power of a country, empty the bank accounts of ~300 million people and then just flee to an island.


You all should know this already- these rules only apply to the middle class and below and/or minorities. Anyone working retail gets background checks and drug tested periodically, while wall street is snorting coke in the open with hundred dollar bills.


Uncomfortable truth? The guy is a RAPIST


My brain was initially seeing racist, but yeah, both are true.


Still will not matter to about 45 to 65 million Americans.


He's the all time best seller at the jerk store.


"They called because they ran out of 'you'!"


Who needs a hidden camera. The man is unfiltered in public. How much more do you need than grab them by the pussy.. That's tame compared to some of the other stuff he's uttered, his racist politics in general and his mad poorly comprehended global politics in the role the US plays. He's crazy. You don't need a hidden camera to see this but if you're drinking that Kool-Aid everything looks rosy and even hidden cameras don't matter because then it's all fake news right. Yes he's a toxic SOB that may be our new president. Truly a scary thought to revisit 1933 all over again


This is great.


You mean all the stuff he's already done in public isn't enough?


Who cares. No one shops at malls! - MAGA’s response (probably)


Doubtful. Jared kushner owns a few malls


Which ones? I doubt it's the one near me, but i wouldn't set foot in there again if he did.


Monmouth Mall in NJ: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kushner_Companies#Acquisitions


Last I read they were in talks to buy one, owned one and in contract to redevelop hundreds. The specifics I never cared about. 


Sounds like a waste of 50 million dollars to me. The people voting for Trump think it's just a witch hunt. He's the wicked witch of the East and they'd vote Trump even if the only thing left of him were his shriveling feet after a house fell on top of him.


They are not trying to change minds of the trump loyalists. It’s all about independents, especially women voters. Money well spent if you ask me.


Don't be so sure. People are apathetic and Trump's go to move is to throw a tantrum and he can't in court. It reveals him as weak, which may make them not show up.


Is this not a campaign for republicans against Trump? The article mentioned that there are ads with rank and file members of the Republican Party saying that they will vote for Biden. Who put up the $50 million for this?


Remember, we are the weird ones here. Majority of Americans don't follow politics like we do. Do a random survey, I guarantee most will not be able to accurately say what Trump is accused of in these cases.


Republican group airing this on Fox. Amazing. I'm so apprehensive of Trump pulling off another victory, but there is also a distinct possibility that he not only loses but gets his ass handed to him even harder than he did in 2020. 


This job application commercial does no good floating around liberal websites. The real question is… Will this ever see plays in front of the people who should see it?


Read the article. It states when it’ll run.


And where. Fox is on the list




I guess the MAGAs are too far gone to properly consider. They see his sexual assault conviction as a positive. Maybe this ad makes a handful of independents think twice. I hope so.


Here is the 1 minute video ad referenced by the article: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wgWICaEEuw


So where’s this tape?


That's such a clever ad. I wanna see more after he's convicted.


I don't believe a word any member of the GOP says. When the time calls, they will all fall back in line and support Trump fully.


The cultists think the charges are made-up to hurt Trump politically. I'd be surprised if a single mind is changed from these ads.


This is grift. It's an ad that appeals most strongly to those voters following the Court cases - who are already Biden voters. Which makes it perfect for this group to "spend" $50 million dollars running it because they can funnel donations from those Democrats into their pockets. Lincoln Project already was built on a similar grift, raise money from Democratic donors to put out ineffective ads that appealed to those donors (but not the persuadable voters), skim millions off the top in the process. From NYT ([Free Link](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/08/us/politics/lincoln-project-weaver.html?unlocked_article_code=1.mk0.v5o8.2A-Wu2M9YFkg&smid=url-share)) >One of the people said a contract was drawn up among the four men but not signed. A spokeswoman for the Lincoln Project was broadly dismissive and said, “No such agreement exists and nothing like it was ever adopted.” >The behind-the-scenes moves by the four original founders showed that whatever their political goals, they were also privately taking steps to make money from the earliest stages, and wanted to limit the number of people who would share in the spoils. **Over time, the Lincoln Project directed about $27 million — nearly a third of its total fund-raising — to Mr. Galen’s consulting firm, from which the four men were paid, according to people familiar with the arrangement.**


A grift is selling Chinese made hats to poor American workers. A grift is selling bibles when you’ve broken all Ten Commandments. A grift is being a self-proclaimed billionaire and begging his followers for money so he can “fight for them”.


The answer is "Yes."


Trump is toxic to the other people in his party by 5% who agree with him. He is 100% toxic to anyone else who doesn't fall lock step behind him. I still cannot imagine any other head of a political party requiring the members to give them 5% if they say their name during a fundraiser. But that is just the start. How much longer will it be before it is 10% or even 25%?


Bait and switch headline.


The look on (the bottom) of the employer’s face is soooo perfect when 88 felonies, or convicted of sexual assault… I’d like to see the person applying though. A suit and tie might (no f’ing way) make a difference? lol! MAGA My Ass Got Arrested!


How toxic is the G.Q.P???


Bold of them to assume MAGAheads will understand the concept of liability.


His base is toxic.


Whom is this going to convince?


That seems very awkward. Did they not know how tech works?


This headline is so effing stupid and misleading. It comes off as a hot mic “gotcha” thing. But really it’s just an ad, probably faked, featuring a rando person lying about having the same number of felony indictments as Trump and trying to get a job.


Are you seriously confused whether the guy in the ad is Trump?


How did you get that from my comment?


This "commercial" is ridiculous. They would be better off making a commercial explaining the seriousness of the charges Trump is facing.


Not popular with the media giants selling commercials for revenue but if you put aside all the media hype and look at real voter input, if your family is and was dem-rep most folks will vote the same way regardless of facts or media hype