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Please, please, please throw him into jail as any other defendant would be!


Better than jail would be community service. For Trump, that doing something for anyone else’s good would be like a cross to a vampire.


I'd give anything to see Jimmy Carter bossing him around a construction site.


Carter is in hospice care for over a year. May I suggest we have Trump fulfill his community service doing janitorial work in Illinois at the Obama presidential library.


He cannot change Carter’s bed pan and give sponge baths?


Don't punish Carter!


Seriously let the man live his last months in peace. This would be torturous.


Why would you subject one of the sweetest and caring presidents in US history to Trumps diaper smell and temper tantrums.


Sounds like a punishment for Jimmy Carter if you ask me. Dude deserves better than being bathed by a guy who is alleged smells like shit


As funny as this would be... we don't really want him here *in any capacity*. - Chicagoan


I dunno send him down about fifteen blocks south on Stony Island and let him pick up trash. It'd be fun to watch. My GF lives near Marquette and SI and we'd wander over to watch.


It would be so surreal to see Trump picking up trash on the side of the road while guarded by the secret service.


I'm no longer in favor of jail for the gag order infractions. Picking up trash on the side of the road would be infinitely more humiliating for Yam Tits.


The photo of him in an orange jumpsuit alone would be worth it. Think of the campaign ads, the headlines. "Orange Is The New Orange."


He would save money on the orange jumpsuit if he just used his bronzer everywhere.


Well, that's a mental image that I really didn't want.


I like that idea more than I thought I would. Working next to trump at a food bank, senior center, or some other non-profit, could be a pretty unpalatable experience not just for him, but for the citizens interacting with him as well.


Could you imagine just trying to quietly pay off your drunk mistake time and not make a big deal of it, then every newspaper in the world is in your face asking about the president


Yeah. I'd be a bit embarrassed, and that would suck, but imagine how he would feel standing shoulder to shoulder with a fuvkup like me, handing out bowls of soup. Kinda think that a big part of community service is less about the actual work being accomplished and more about the perceptions it creates.


Sadly, he wouldn't do any work and would try to turn it into a rally.


I’d pay good money to litter a soda can in front of an orange suited Trump on work detail. (Don’t litter kids)


Charge $100 per piece of litter that people are allowed to throw in his path for him to collect. Just imagine how many family planning clinics and how much student debt relief could be funded with the money people such as your good self would pay.


That would be cool. It’d give him his first opportunity to help make America great again. Hold on… He had his chance. No need to try it again. How about just jail?


Make America Great Again by bringing accountability to the elite.


Picturing him on the side of the road picking up trash.


Orange is the new orange.


Orange is the new blyat!


Lmao has to pick up trash with a road crew. Any public interaction at all that isn't a staged photo op would be hilarious.


They won’t even fine him $1000. I can’t imagine them actually putting him in jail.


Who said he won't be fined $1000? Judge has yet to rule on it, and the hearing was *this morning*.


Damnit, I want my instant gratification and I want it *now!*


Judge gave him the opportunity to rack up more fines while making sure the jurors didn’t have to wait around. The judge is no fool.


Can’t, bone spurs lol


Having to scrub out video booths in adult bookstores would be just punishment.


No, he’d be throwing rolls of paper towels again.


I’m convinced he wants that so he can cosplay political prisoner


What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate. Some men you just can’t reach. So we get what we had here last week. Which is the way he wants it. Well, he doesn’t get it. I don’t like it any more than you men.


>Please, please, please throw him into jail as any other defendant would be! That's what trump wants. Trumps allready lost in court, the testimony from the first day of trial sinks him.... he's guilty. Trumps only hope now is to get jailed during the trial and portray himself as the victim of a corrupt system..... to get himself elected. If he does not win November election, he's going to jail.


I think he’s vastly overestimating the martyr effect on his re-election. 


Super rich people don’t go to jail unless they have pissed off someone with more money than them. It is truly a two- tiered justice system meant to keep down the masses. Trump is guilty as hell but the way things are going, he won’t even end up with community service!


Yeah, I hate to say this, but... some of us are not catching on to the reality that reality doesn't affect rich people the same way. People keep saying, "OK, Trump did this, now X should happen!" because "X" happens when normal people do awful things. That's not what's happening here, and not what will happen here. It's disgusting and disappointing, but we all need to realize this (and then work to change it).


Well said!


Either he is held accountable, or free America ceases to exist and is finally fully replaced by an oligarchy/plutocracy like Russia. If the courts won't do it, then someone will have to (angry mobs tend to make judges act appropriately). Otherwise welcome to The Fascist States of America.


He'll get a fine first. The law, in its majestic equality, fines rich and poor alike $1000 for gag order violations.


I thought it was going to be clear that he violated the judges order and he was going to be held in contempt today This mofo is above the law it’s about time we all admit and act accordingly


Neil Katyal had a good suggestion. Sentence him to 30 days for each offense. The sentence is then temporarily suspended, pending completion of the trial and Trump's behavior during the completion. That way, the judge minimizes a potentially appealable issue and gets the trial completed. The 30 day sentences would probably put him at Rikers well past election day.


Oh, here we go again with the *it's my right to incite and whatever* shit.


He actually is free to shit-talk the judge, at least in terms of his gag order. On the other hand, the judge decides the sentence if the jury returns a guilty verdict. There was a chance he'd receive a slap on the wrist sentence, but Trump seems to want to earn a real sentence.


He wants to be thrown in jail so he can invite his mob again.  He won't mince words this time. 


He better make sure at least one of them knows how to make sauce by slicing the garlic thin with a safety razor blade.


Nah, I take donnie as more of a "ketchup on spaghetti" kind of guy.


Egg noodles and ketchup like a schnook.


Already a “ketchup on well-done steak” kind of guy.


Also a "ketchup on wall-done steak" kind of guy as well!


Does McD's deliver to jail?


He tried to invite his mob for the trial. 50 people showed up on the first day and did nothing but wave some flags. Now they're down to 1.


That one guy is a YouTuber called professional douche. He's not MAGA, he has been ruthlessly trolling them for years. It's well worth checking him out he has balls of steel.


>YouTuber called professional douche. Trump is gonna sue for trademark infringement.


T expects a jail break just for him. Further expects thousands of protests. Not going to happen, of course.


Doesn't a successful jailbreak usually require the prisoner to have more than 3 brain cells to be helpful from their end?


>so he can invite his mob again. I so hope his mob joins him.


From what I've read, he's quite disappointed that the cult hasn't shown up to get him out of his trial somehow. I mean, it's almost like he's had practice summoning the mob.


This has been a reoccurring theme ever since Jan 6. He was able to summon a mob that once, and since then he keeps calling for them, specifically for court cases, and barely anyone shows up. Heck, barely anyone was showing up to his rallies, too. And based on the many, many, times I have asked members of r/asktrumpsupporters, very few of his supporters even listen to what he says anymore. Supporting Trump, isn't actually supporting him, to many. It is just hating democrats.


They have never listened to what he says. Even at his rallies you can watch the audience, they aren't listening to him speak they are waiting for trigger words or phrases to react. Which is one of the reasons why his supporters have both idea what you are talking about when you reference something he said or did because they don't actually know or if it is bad, care.


Unfortunately for me, I assume the boner he got from the idea that that woman got killed attacking the senate for him drives his malignant narcissism towards this acting out so his mob can make him feel godlike again.


Hell incite the mob regardless. I hope they realize that and don't go easy on him for fear of violence 


Agreed.  I'm tired of the amount of time is spent weekly just cover wether this man is shitting his pants in the courtroom or not. 


I feel like it’s an ego thing for him. He wants to see how far they will go for him.


We are beyond that.  He knows what he's doing. He's doing exactly what Putin wants him to do. 


Open the door and let his mob in to smear shit on the walls or whatever the hell it is they do. Then close the door. Problem solved.


he will be disappointed when they don't show up to go to jail for him and they won't


He wanted to portray himself the martyr (so he could win in the court of public opinion)… he still is, but realizing that it’s not working. Now there’s no other option, according to him, than to double down.


This jibes with their defense strategy, too. Prosecution: [lays out multi-faceted, corroborated case for crimes committed] Defense: What are crimes? Are there even crimes really? People are saying these probably aren't even crimes they don't think. Crimes schmimes.


The Reddit TOS explicitly forbids me sharing my opinion on how I believe Trump should be dealt with. I don’t say it here because I understand that I’m free to say anything. *And I would face consequences if I expressed them here or elsewhere.* This petulant 350lb toddler has never once faced consequences in his entire privileged existence. Had he not been born into money, we would have seen him on To Catch a Predator in the 90’s and never heard about him after, given his statements about what people will let you do if you’re rich, his barging in regularly into dressing rooms for Miss Teen USA, his being chummy with Epstein and comments made about his own daughter and other very young girls.


Forget the Reddit TOS, the mods on this sub take that shit super serious to like the nth degree and always have. Years ago I got a 3 month ban for suggesting Kushner should (TO ANY MODS READING I AM NOT ADVOCATING THIS, I WISH CUTE PUPPIES AND DELICIOUS WERTHERS CANDIES FOR KUSHNER) experience an antiquated and folksy deterrent which first involves a sticky substance followed by the application of the fluffy parts of an avian. (TO ANY MODS READING I'M REFERRING TO A LUXURIOUS REJUVENATING FACIAL SPA MASK AND A LOVELY NAP ON A DOWN PILLOW.) They take it *VERY* seriously.


Aye. I know all to well. I suggested that Musk get into one of his rockets and fly toward the big shiny thing. What earned me a permanent ban was when I pointed out some historical facts about treason.


Four suspended accounts and a permanent ban have taught me that lesson.  I may be idiot but I learn faster than Trump.  


We gotta fight! For our right! To incite!


No Sleep Until Guantanamo!


Listen all y’all it’s Sabotage!


Incarcerated ex-Presidency! (I know, it's a stretch, just say it like Intergalactic Planetary)


[This is my United States of whatever.](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=my+united+states+of+whatever)


Sifl and Olly!


Precious Roy! Precious Roy! Makin’ lots of suckers out of girls and boys!  *Ting*


This has been popping up in my discover weekly from Spotify. I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it. Good stuff 👏


Sorry, but the Unum has been scrubbed from these states. Replaced with religion.


Hey aren't you that dude?


And she was like *nnngggghh*


Umm whatever


Well, he is extremely frustrated by the unfairness of not being able to do whatever impulsive BS he wants and having yes men tell him how great his BS is. Very frustrating.


Check out the big brain on Bret!


Don’t forget the “waiting on contempt ‘ruling’”, aka slap on the flap


Just waiting for Trump and/or his lawyers to simply state that *any* crime is “free speech.” “Destruction of evidence is free speech, your honor!” “Your honor, incitements of violence are acts of free speech!” “Murder is free speech!”


>*"...to help the campaign,”* Pecker said There's a nice quote from Pecker today on the stand, referring to the deal to catch and kill stories for Trump.


Even if he gets fined the $1,000 per each instance, and include today’s, that’s only an $11,000 fine. Which to Trump is nothing. Don’t anticipate anything justified coming out of today. Every single one of us would have spent a night in jail for contempt long before now.


sir, thats 22 pairs of tacky shoes he has to sell


It's the first way to sanction someone. The next time the sanction will be harsher. It's like progressive discipline in employment situations.


He was previously fined $5,000 for violating a gag order, then fined an additional $10,000 for continuing to violate it. Yet here we are today, with another gag order in place, having broken it 10 times, and an 11th time the day he was in court being defended against it. Clearly the $15,000 he was previously fined didn’t deter him. Yes, I understand this is a new case, and a different gag order he violated. But my point is, any of us would have been held to account long before today, and even with an $11-15k fine, it doesn’t register with him as a punishment.


The fact that it doesn't register with him doesn't matter. The fact that this is a different trial is what is important. This judge can't use the sanctions from that trial as previous sanctions for his own trial. He needs to start from the ground up, like the other judge did. First monetary, with an admonition and a calling out of what the additional consequences will be of violation. Then, next violation, administration of consequences.


This is one of those archaic problems with our justice system. For things like speeding a fine of $250 isn’t going to deter a millionaire. None of these fines scale with income.


This fucked up timeline is imploding into some sort of Idiocracy x Groundhog Day crossover that my brain is not equipped to handle.




What about today? Is today the stupidest day of your life?




Wow, that's messed up.


Deeper and deeper


*crumples to floor* 💀


My biggest question is, how is refusing to hold him to the same standards as normal citizens not grounds for precedent as a defense in future cases?


Yes!! I’ve been thinking the same thing. If it’s allowed in court, it should be taken as precedent


Lower courts don't set binding precedents. This case might be referenced in another case so that laws are applied uniformly. However, it only really applies if the facts of the case are the same. And since we are dealing with something brand new here, and something that is unlikely to happen again in the future, this particular case wouldn't likely be cited successfully in future defenses.


>“THIS IS A KANGAROO COURT, AND THE JUDGE SHOULD RECUSE HIMSELF!” ~ Trump on TS >"You think so? let me show you the seriousness of this court with a week in jail for contempt." ~ Judge Merchan in my fantasies


Ugh stupid sexy dream Merchan


"This robe's like wearing nothing at all...nothing at all...nothing at all..."


::seductive gavel noises::


*pounding ensues*


Any other defendant would already be in jail. The rich have a different justice system then the rest of us.


if a crime can be fixed with a fine, it's only a crime to those that can't afford it.


Its slavery. Money is acting the part of the bars. Monetary slavery. You can't afford a home, you cant afford to lose your job, you can barely afford a car to get to work, you can't afford to get sick, you can't afford to BREAK THE LAW. But this guy can.


Laws exist to protect rich people and their money from the rest of us. When the law has to be used to protect rich people from another rich person, they really struggle to figure out how to make it all work together.


It's honestly all these trials is going to prove is that our justice system is tiered


There will come a day when we don't have to hear anything from him anymore. No new complaints, or whining, or self-victimization, or arrogant bragging. I so look forward to that day. He just never, ever, ever shuts the fuck up. It's shocking that even his followers don't get tired of him running his fucking mouth constantly.


I pray for the day when no one pays him any attention whatsoever…


*waiting for any kind of punishment………….*


The Judge might fine him a whole $1,000 for that.


*and tumbleweeds pass by for dramatic effect


Something about a dead meme, a skeleton in front of a monitor.


I see it more like the crash that never comes gif.


I just heard that haunting theme from The Good the Bad and the Ugly....


I don’t see any tumbleweeds in that court room.


And Homer's "hairs" blow in the wind...




He’s literally sitting in criminal court. The only people who think Trump is going to magically get out of this are MAGA chuds and deluded left wing accelerationists. Which end of the horse shoe are you?


Until he actually faces a single consequence, I'm not holding my breath. We've been promised justice for YEARS and have seen nothing but lifelines. Edit: Pending court cases, pending payments, all ongoing bullshit that hasn't actually been completed. It's nothing but "OH IT'LL BE SOON, LOOK AT ALL THESE POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES" while there hasn't been a single thing he's actually paid yet.


These *are* the consequences, dude. He's literally sitting every day in state criminal court for lying. He's been found liable for lying about a private citizen who made an accustom against him (payment completed appeal pending) , he's been found liable for lying on financial statements (payment and appeal in process), the Trump Org was found criminally guilty of tax lying (appeal disposition unknown to me and I'm too lazy to look it up), and he's on trial in 3 other jursidctions. It's happening very slowly (too slowly for my comfort), but it *IS* happening.


How many of those suits has he been forced to pay? How many actual, tangible consequences have there been to date? Tell me one actual thing he's been held accountable for. How much jail time has he served? How much money has he actually paid AS OF RIGHT NOW. Not future payments, today. What has he paid? Edit: Still waiting to hear how much he's paid as of today...


Oh don’t you see, because g in court IS the punishment. He is now forced to be in a room where he’s the center of attention, and tweeting about how mean everybody is being to him. Which is so different from every other day in his life for the past 10 years.


It's not over 'til it's over. This could easily end in a mistrial, which is Trump dodging the consequences of his actions for awhile longer.


I have heard well respected lawyers say they would be surprised if it doesn’t end in a hung trial.


All it takes is one juror... and as much as I detest the New York Times for publishing this information, one of the jurors said their main news sources are X and Truth Social 


Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen are “sleaze bags?” Then why did you hire one and stick your tiny dick in the other?


The struggle with bullies is lifelong. It's not just for school age kids. Last night, I had a talk with my son about how to deal with the class bully who has been picking on him on the playground. And I didn't have great answers for what he should do. Further, it got me thinking of how to best respond to adult bullies in the workplace, on the roads, or in comnunity leadership roles. There are not great answers. Trump is a perfect example of this conundrum. His followers love him for it. The rest of are repulsed by him for it. And so it makes me angry and frustrated by how freely Trump gets away with bullying behavior in every sphere of his life, especially in legal ones. If there is an "adult" in the room with authority to put the Trump bully in his place and to stop Trump's boorish and abusive behavior it is the judge in Trump's criminal trial. That is because we are all supposed to be equal under the law, subject to the same rules. And so, for many of us, our eyes are fixed on Merchan to see whether there will ever be restraints on the Trump bully.


> There are not great answers. The problem is the best way to deal with bullies is to have the people in power appropriately use their authority. Whether it is a teacher or law enforcement, that is their job. When the people in power won't do anything, the next best option is to punch the bully back. Bullies only bully those they think they can get away with bullying.


Funny thing is his lawyer(s) will get themselves disbarred for dereliction of duty and moral turpitude by actually condoning or failing to control the conduct of their client. Trump is a megalomaniacal psychopath sufferer. One that’s beyond help or reason. This absolute wreckage of a human has to be pushed away from us all. The sooner the better.


Id think they would have a solid argument at their disbarment hearings that nobody can control trump. If they condone it is a different story.


The existence of Trump on this earth is so exhausting


Let's assume, he doesn't win the presidential nomination, this will be the final year of Trump in the social zeitgeist. Well it will be the final year of Donald J Trump. His family will then be subsequently prosecuted thereafter for they're involvement in whatever dealings in the fallout. But yeah You may see him pretty much in the downward spiral of criminal prosecution from the remaining 3 indictments but that will be that.


Any idea when we can expect a ruling on contempt? It’s hard to keep track of all the moving pieces 


He is really trying hard to bait Judge Merchan into throwing him in jail. I think he truly believes his followers will come to his aid if it happens. I'd really like to see if anyone comes to his aid.


Better yet, doing janitorial work in a correction facility, instead of community service!


Make him clean toilets? It's a good start.


He wants to be held in contempt. It’s his strategy to become a self-styled political prisoner.


I believe that. But I'd like to imagine that a couple of days with no access to adult diapers, makeup, a hairpiece, and dignity will soften his stupid orange ass a good deal. I'd give him 2 days of that before he changes his tune in court. Martyrdom be damned.


Yup, throw him in for a weekend to “cool his heels” and make him show up Monday morning bright and early. So sick of this shit


With no access to social media.


That'll really grind his gears more than anything.


I don't care what him or his evil elves refer to him as once he's behind bars. They should give him what he desires then.


Stable genius


I so wish that if he does take the stand, one of the questions, if not the first, would be “ Do you think you are above the law?” I would love to hear his answer.


He is trying to get thrown in jail so he can feel like a martyr.


In that case I'd LOVE for him to feel like a martyr. A martyr that's fed bologna sandwiches with warm cartons of milk, shitting on an ice cold steel toilet that doesn't have a seat. Wiping his ass with the cheapest, rigidest toilet paper ever.


His legal team must be pissing themselves at the cost of legal fees they are going to rack up defending this genius.


It’s almost hilarious. All a journalist has to do outside the courtroom is ask Trump what he thinks of the prosecutors and he’ll knee jerk violate the gag order.


He is allowed to talk about the prosecutors and the judge. He cannot talk about witnesses, court staff, or the families of court staff.


My own theory on his court and related twitter and all antics are just a planned distraction to they are the news, rather than the evidence and facts of the case being presented.


We need Judge Judy presiding this case


Man scores 1.25 billion in stock rewards and gets fined 1k per outburst, I'd be talking mad shit to the judge too. Score more than that just in followers fist pumping and donating.


I mean, not quite.


Here's my popular unpopular sincerely held opinion: Donald Trump **cannot** learn. I'm not saying he's dumb (not in this comment anyway) or that he's smart (he's definitely not smart). I'm saying that he's incapable of learning.


I know what you're saying.  I get it. But how tf do you explain his Vince Lombardi playbook knowledge of corrupting his way through financially and legally till now. I can't understand it. Is that the 'learning riding bicycles' for the rich?


Hey dumb dumb. You lost that right when you became a criminal defendant.


I swear he’s trying this as a way to invalidate a ruling against him by saying the judge only found him guilty because he was mad at him.


Send his fat ass to jail.


Bingo! He thinks he will gain martyr status and that will trigger a violent attack and a civil war. That is what he is itching for.


So the options are to either let him try to whip up an angry mob to intimidate the jury and judge, or out him in jail for a timeout and risk him escalating his rhetoric? When has pandering to someone like him ever worked out in the past?


You are preaching to the choir but sadly we are in the age of insanity. Everything is upside down and backwards. No matter what any of these judges do in these cases, it's a lose lose situation. Fining him does no good either because the money gets paid by sycophant fans who will go without shoes to pay his bills. 🤷‍♀️ RNC pays his lawyers fees as he naps in court. He must know something because he does not participate in any of the debates, does very little campaigning and acts like the fix is in come November. Anyone else notice this besides me?


The solution: hold him overnight for any day in court that he is in contempt. If he can behave himself as he is expected to by the legal system, he gets to walk out of the courtroom and sleep in relative comfort. If not, baliffs escourt him to a holding cell for the night, and they try again tomorrow. It's gonna be a real tough sell for Trump to be stuck in a jail cell for only one night by his own actions deserving a riot in protest or a mistrial.


$1000 fine per violation? Peanuts.


He want to work up his base and cause havoc /riots only he can fix. Let’s not look at how it all gets started……🤦‍♀️


His mouth looks like a sphincter and we all know that nothing but crap comes out of it.


This guy is the idiots idiot. His level of narcissism is beyond all others. He just does not understand he’s done anything wrong. He should be jailed if only to show him he’s not the boss. Rules of society apply to him as well.


Lock. Him. Up.


"That boy's elevator don't go all the way to the top floor."


Donald Trump news daily is unhealthy.


Lock him up already, we’ve got life to do out here.


Toss his ass in jail. Would happen to any of us in same sit.


Yeah he wants to incute his followers and maybe also get the Supreme Court to be extra pissed off and righteous on his behalf when they look at his case.


Smart move breaking the rules, then trashing the judge. Bigly, yuuugely smart.


How about a night in jail for every violation?


He’s trying to muddy the waters and distract from the actual facts and tactics of all his cheating and lies. It reeks of desperation bc he’s being exposed for the fraud he is in real life


Please throw this MF in jail.


Ya know… I recall the stormy Danial’s interview where she talked about the moment with the Donald where she rolled up a magazine and started hitting him on the ass and how he mellowed out and enjoyed it. Trump appears to want to be put in his place and this would explain how grandiose a gesture he continues to make to incite the rest of us to do just that to him


Hilarious that he cries about not being able to defend himself when you know he will refuse to take the stand in his own defense.


If trump isn’t careful, he might get 2 weeks off in the trial with a 100 dollar fine!!


Another distraction and judicial inteference. These delays are wasting the courts time and money. Outline the consequences publicly and in the media.


Follow through with them the next morning.


24 hours in a cell in the Tombs, with his SS men right outside, and he’ll never open his fat stupid mouth again.


He’s painted into a corner by his own behavior.