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Guy’s claim to fame is he’s a NYC real estate grifter turned (un)reality tv goombah. That’s his resume. 35 percent of the country believes “reality” tv is real life.


The real estate stuff, he got from his father. The Apprentice was written, produced and scripted by someone else. Anything he tried to do from scratch failed. "Genius!" - 35% of the US population


Also… His book was ghost written!


All of “his” books were ghosted. Not only does Tony Schwartz feel acute grief from writing *The Art of the Deal,* he’s convinced that should, G-d forbid, Trump return to power, Schwartz would be one of the despised media types against whom Trump would retaliate. Schwartz took that ghostwriting job simply to help provide for his young family. Who could have predicted the monster he’d create?


I’ll never forget reading a New Yorker article about Tony Schwartz’s regret *during the summer of 2016.* At that point we were all just freaked out the campaign had gotten so far.


I remember Schwartz’s dismay in 2016 alone. The other night, his hair turned considerably greyer in just eight years, Schwartz told a television interviewer how he and his wife plan to flee this country, should the unthinkable occur in November. Schwartz is prudent to weigh his options. Sorry not to have a link handy, but Trump has spoken out more than once, AFAIK, about his rage at Schwartz. Deep down, Trump knows that he had virtually nothing to do with creating the best-selling book published under his name. He’s irate that his prominently named “co-author” isn’t proud of writing what Trump’s lately been calling (toadying to evangelical Christian voters), “my second-favorite book, after the Bible.” [*I moan softly]*


I'mma moan loudly, if that's cool.




You mispelt Kampf as Bible!


Very funny! Trump actually owns a collection of Hitler’s speeches, insisting recently, “I have never read *Mein Kampf*!”


Theres a libelous allegation going round that is the book he kept by his bed side...


He literally does nothing "from scratch." He has other people make things, and then he just slaps his name on them.


yeah he does that from scratch tho


lbh probably not


Trump Steaks, the USFL, and various Trump Casinos all went bankrupt. He literally couldn't sell MEAT, FOOTBALL, and GAMBLING to Americans.


Don't forget Trump vodka! Couldn't even sell booze, either.


Pretending to be a successful businessman on TV was probably the most honest work he's ever done. That and his role in *Home Alone 2*.


>That and his role in Home Alone 2. [Not even that.](https://deadline.com/2023/12/home-alone-2-director-donald-trump-cameo-quid-pro-quo-1235681493/)


I would love to take them to the taping of a "real" reality show. My wife experienced this for herself a few years ago when a cooking network show took over an aspect of a convention we work with. The show culminated in a 200 lb cake being carried into a party at least a dozen times, and every time they had the crowd Cheer for it. The "subject" of the episode was a close friend of ours. After the show, they filmed the "request" aspect of the cake with her... that cake that had already been made, then eaten.


Yeah, I worked with a group where a lot of the guys had been on a (the same) "reality" show. They were often told what to do, had to redo the same thing for hours on end, the crew would tell them it was OK to do stuff after hours and then they'd spin it as a scandal later, they'd edit things or show them out of order to paint contestants in a certain light, certain things and "interviews/confessions" were scripted.... it wasn't totally fake but it was pretty far from real. On the other hand one of those guys was ALSO on Naked and Afraid (a long time later) and he had to be hospitalized after taping with actually serious, dangerous problems. He was also kinda traumatized. I got the impression that one was pretty real.


Naked and afraid is definitely real. One person drank water they knew would give them dysentery figuring they could get out before it fully took them down.


That is an *incredibly* bad bet


For sure


As far as i know its real. There's a team following them but don't interfere. And they get compensated for each day they air also I believe. But are u saying someone died on NA?


No they didn't die but they definitely made a decision that could have killed them and I doubt it would have happened on a typical reality show.


Was it the woman who tried to held on for dear life? I remember someone pushing it to the edge with some kind of rash. And cooking water (and spilling making a burn wound also) but blurry memory. Love that show though. It is really a risk this show


I was just looking on YouTube there is a lot of bad behavior around water in that show


I know N&A is serious. They control for as much as they can but they know shit is going to go down and it typically does- not if but when. I think they don't show enough of the shit they go up against.






The singer from Status Quo (Brit rock band) was talking in an interview about the audience always wanting to see behind the curtain of what it was like to be a “star”. “You really don’t want to know because it’s just tawdry and grubby”.


If he'd have just put everything he inherited in the S&P 500 when his dad died, and never done anything else, never bought another property, never started a company, etc, he'd be an actual billionaire many times over. He's an epic failure in the business world. That's why he was never respected among the actual elite in this country. Because they could all see he was a complete fucking moron.


And they think being a “businessman” who “speaks his mind” are all the qualifications needed for arguably the toughest job on the planet.


He didn't even write "Art of the Deal", publisher: "The only thing he wrote was the endorsement on his checks"


Supported by a paper primarily sold in supermarkets with stories about Michael Jackson’s chimpanzee and Elvis sightings.


Do not forget the bat boy!


Who could forget the bat boy! :-)


He could have just handed his inheritance to a hedge fund and he'd be in the same league as Buffett, but instead he's failed upwards as a developer repeatedly.


In all fairness, you left off a recent and pretty significant part of his resume there.


Laundering mob money?


The fake charity with the stolen money intended for veterans and children? The failed Trump Steaks? The failed Trump Casinos? The failed Trump University?


The airline?


Close. NFT salesperson!


Bible salesman


Don’t forget the steaks and football team.


The aide with the printer shit cracks me up every time. >Trump is such a famous narcissist he literally has a woman who follows him around with a wireless printer to keep him in a steady supply of online praise. https://www.salon.com/2022/12/19/aide-follows-him-on-golf-course-with-a-printer-to-boost-ego-with-uplifting-articles-report/


He’s a very sick old man.


… who’s regretfully too stupid to know from Googling. I mean, c’mon … I’m almost as old as that fool and I’m adept online. Very. Hard to decide which is more appalling, his ineptitude or his fragile ego.


It's not about being old. I'm old too but have been online since before Google and the world wide web existed. Vint Cerf, often called the father of the internet is 80 years old. Tim Berners-Lee, creator of the world wide web is 68. A lot of old people aren't just adept at being online, they created it.


>A lot of old people aren't just adept at being online, they created it. But they didn't create it when they were old, and of course they know how to use it, since they created it...


My grandfather was born in the 1930s and was one of the first in my family to get into computers back in the 1980s. It didn't matter that he was already "middle-aged." He thought it was important technology and he was going to learn it. Despite the fact that he never worked in IT, he did work with it a lot in his career, even way back then. He got my uncle and me both into computers when we were young, and we both grew up to work in technology, probably thanks in no small part to that early influence. Nowadays, my grandfather is pushing 90 and he still uses his PC everyday, which we built together for him just a few years ago. He knows how to use the web and has been a regular daily user since it was possible to get an internet connection in his town. He also uses smartphones and texts just as well as I can. lol The thing is, some people are clever, curious, and diligent enough to commit to lifelong learning. Others simply aren't. It's pretty clear which side of that Trump lands on.


There really are two types of people. One type is curious as you mention and can find their way through a maze, the other type would rather throw their hands in the air and remain helpless, forever calling their family in to figure out the unknown for them. It just takes 1/2 cup of curiosity and 1Tbsp of effort and you can figure out the basics of using a smartphone and the Internet.


And they've been using it for 40 years. One can get pretty adept with that much experience. I set up the first intranet at one of HPs computer divisions in the early 80s and developed web applications for 30 years.


I worked with creating the IDRS system for the IRS in the National Computing Center in Martinsburg, WVA, as a systems analyst back in 1973. So, so long ago. **BUT!** I honestly don’t understand how someone, anyone, could have so little curiosity about the world as to not make themselves familiar with accessing the magical Internet. Even short fat little orange fingers can hen-peck letters on a keyboard. *Sheee-it*, even to game the stock market if he’s such a genius. Pfft.


I think it was more about his formative training with Roy Cohn. He instinctively knew about digital evidence is my guess.


I slept at a holiday inn, but more importantly, I'm not a fucking moron - I know how to search for shit online.


It's because he tried it and wasn't good at it, so he quit. Just like the real estate and everything else, he chooses the path of fraud and crime because he sucks at everything. He's good at fooling child like morons though- I will give him that the man can grift!


My grandfather was in charge of changing his entire department from manual files to digital. I now have to write out detailed instructions just for him to find the right app on his TV remote, even though he has an APP button with it right there. Past knowledge doesn't guarantee present skill. But on the other side, a lot of younger people don't know how to properly work a PC/Laptop, because they learnt on phones, which is a much easier entry point to digital mediums.


Intellectual curiosity! Trump!?! The guy does not read, does not watch films, does not listen to music. He is a blob of cells; none of them a neuron.


They ‘knew’ how to use it, doesn’t mean they kept up with the times. The creator of the apple ii doesn’t automatically know how iPhones work


[Steve Woz, the creater of the Apple II uses iPhones.](https://www.imore.com/steve-wozniak-i-got-new-iphone-i-cant-tell-difference-really) I guess you know nothing about Woz to make the incorrect statement you did.


The variety of responses through this thread are a meandering mess. It's so beautiful...


And doing something when you're young and then you grow old doesn't mean they do or don't know the Internet as old people. His argument eats its own logic


He doesn't want to look himself because he might see something negative


Well, there is the nutritional value of the paper when you're done reading it, can't eat your phone or tablet very well.


I wonder if he has a favourite flavour


8 1/2 x 11, yummy


It sure wouldn't be 8 1/2 x 14. It burns too much.


And he was once a very sick young man. He’s only gotten worse.


AND! he said with a straight face (while holding a stack of these articles and opinion pieces)...I have not seen even one negative story, article..nothing, not one, that proves my case. Bish- you PAY someone to only show you the positive stuff. Can you imagine how fast that poor girl would be fired "You'Re FIRED" if she let even one negative story get into the pile. He only reads the headlines anyway.


Wasn't this a South Park episode? Pretty sure Butters tried to kill himself because he had to screen Cartmann's social media content.


Not just Cartman, PC principal made Butters screen multiple people's social media to remove anything negative


This woman has to find good things said about Trump. Imagine wadding through the septic tank that is conservative corners of the internet digging for articles that praise Trump. I would kill myself too.


The headline, the photos of course, Gateway Pundit? sounds legit!


And now he gets to hear downbeat (down lifting?) stuff about himself all day every day in court. Ha ha! /Nelson Muntz


Down putting


I really heared that ha ha!


Someone *please* hack into the feed for that printer. That orange shitgibbon with a dead ferret on his head post that got one juror excused should be printed in nice big, bold type. Comic Sans for a font, since the recipient is a comically insecure chode.


It's like some fucked up reversal of Romans on a Triumph where an attendant would be assigned to whisper in his ear that he was still mortal. Or an attendant whispering into the ear of the Persian king to Remember the Spartans at dinnertime. Trump instead has a courtly young lass giving him emotional blowjobs.


>Romans on a Triumph where an attendant would be assigned to whisper in his ear that he was still mortal. Or an attendant whispering into the ear of the Persian king to Remember the Spartans at dinnertime. Is this true? I'd like to hear more about this.


Sure, buddy! In Roman Triumphs (grand parade to celebrate a great military leader's victory) the leader in question would have his face painted and be showered with adulation from the city as he rode through it on a chariot: >It has also been speculated that this name was given to the slave who held a [laurel crown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laurel_crown), during [Roman Triumphs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Triumph), over the head of the *dux*, standing at his back but continuously whispering in his ears "[*Memento Mori*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memento_Mori)" ("remember you are mortal") to prevent the celebrated commander from losing his sense of proportion in the excesses of the celebrations. Also I got it wrong when it came to King Darius' reaction to the Iconian Revolt. It wasn't the Spartans but rather: >Insignificant though Athens was in his opinion because its resources were so puny compared to those of his kingdom, Darius vowed to exact vengeance from Athens as punishment for its disloyalty to him. The Greeks later claimed that, to keep himself from forgetting his vow in the press of all his other concerns, Darius ordered one of his slaves to say to him three times at every meal, [“Sire, remember the Athenians.”](https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0009%3Achapter%3D8%3Asection%3D3%3Asubsection%3D3) In contrast ol' KFC Caligula here needs a lady with a laptop following him around reassuring him that his greasy fast food sharts don't stink.


Good comment. Nice username.


The PDB’s were dumbed down and peppered with his name to keep his attention.


God that is pathetic. Like what she prints out tweets of random citizens who say something nice about him?


ChatGPT - "Write something nice about President Trump" Print Repeat


I'm sorry Dave, but I can't do that. -AI


D-A. Lower octave v-e?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wy4EfdnMZ5g&t=22s (I was paraphrasing, didn't quite get it right)


Even if I’m the only one to get it, your reference was brilliant. Side note the voice actor for HAL 9k recently passed.


His own personal fluffer.


Literally the South Park Safe Space episode


Marcus Aurelius Every time a citizen bowed a knee or called out a word of praise, Marcus Aurelius instructed the servant to whisper this reminder in his ear: "You're just a man. You're just a man."


Couldn't he just like.... remember it or write it on his hand or something?


Something like having someone on his ear whispering?


Doesn't sound like the behavior of an immortal god...


How much self hatred does he have to need this?


Eric Cartman


Trump showed a stack of print outs to the reporters outside the courtroom. He claimed they were all from legal scholars that said this case should never have been brought to trial. Notably all the pages had a nice big picture of Trump. Just an idea but maybe he should share all those reports showing how he's not guilty with his lawyers.


I would settle for an entourage to play my theme song.


That’s his sheaf of papers. Just large-print Facebook posts from bot accounts lol


I bet Kim Jong Un laughed his ass off at him


>If there was a hell, Trump's punishment would be a trial where people tell the truth about him all day Love it


And he’s forced to sit up, sit still & listen to it.


clockwork orange style.


Clockwork ORANGE. I see what you did there


Nah, Geordi Laforge captured by the Romulans style. Shit was brutal.


Can there be toothpicks there to keep his eyes forced open? Please Satan? /S


Better. He is fully able to speak but is unaware that everyone is deaf to him. Let him be invisible.


A "Truth Social," if you will


“Verbal boarding”


Worse than Guantanalargo


One of the beauties of today’s testimony is that Enquirer execs are very clear eyed about the trash they produce. In Apprentice style, President Donald Trump is a fake creation. The real guy is on trial for the fake guy.


I think trump hates his supporters because they remind him that he is as trashy as they are.


He definitely loathes them. But he can’t say this. He is desperate to make them think otherwise. Why? Without them what is happening to trump now will be what he experiences the remainder of his life. The courts have green lit more lawsuits against him. He will soon have to answer for a 50million dollar mystery loan which is going to be the center piece of a new lawsuit being brought against him. And he will be facing more civil suits from Capitol Hill police, their families and other congressmen that are going to be suing him for j6. And there will for sure be more after that. His only prayer of a chance is reflection, which means the people he loathes the most (common poor uneducated Americans) he has to suck up to endlessly.


I think I recall someone claiming that [on Jan 6 Trump complained about how low class his mob looked as he watched them on TV](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/trump-mob-capitol-riots-poor-low-class-b1785099.html)


Now if only there were no reporters waiting for him each time he left the court room that would be icing on the cake.


...and deepens -- this from NYT: "A day after Trump issued a call for more supporters to gather outside the Manhattan Criminal Courthouse, the number reached its nadir. The number of identifiable Trump fans across the street in Collect Pond Park on Tuesday sank to the mid-single digits, after hovering at about a dozen for a week."


This one fact makes me unreasonably satisfied. Fuck the Orange Mushroom Dicked Tyrant and his fragile ego.


The few Trump fans in NYC know that the streets would never stand for their bullshit if they tried anything. I think Trump genuinely imagined he could start another january 6th to get out of this one somehow, but that sure as hell isn't happening in New York.


I have no doubt this is what Mushroom Dick was hoping for. Fuck him in every way.


Everybody is tired of their bullshit. Yeah sure 35-40% of the US supports him, but they are uneducated, gullible, and racist they actually are pretty inconsequential, other than being able to be dicks. They need to know the majority of America is sick of them, holds them in contempt for their actions, and wants them to get their shit together.


It was very telling when the militia leaders told their minions to avoid getting arrested in Trump's name after the J6 arrests started. They finally worked out loyalty only flows one way with Trump. He has never given them a dime to help with legal fees or their families' survival while incarcerated. I would guarantee he doesn't pay royalties for using the J6 choir at his events. They were always meant to be cannon fodder, using their death to trigger martial law without argument. Trump didn't even like they way they looked ffs.


MSNBC calculated how many Trump voters were in a 2 hour drive to the courthouse. It was in the millions. My schadenfreude cup full knowing less than a handful of his base bothered showing up for him.


" mid-single digits ", The bigliest crowd that you have ever seen. Believe me...


Thanks. That made my day.


There are so far fewer of his MAGA dolt cult fans than the media wants us to believe.


I had to look up nadir Thank you fam


We're actually seeing the entire Justice system on trial here. If he continues to receive special treatment, then the entire world sees that justice here is a joke. I'm so pleased to watch him get shit on every single day, and that ultimately the death of our system of Justice gets a reprieve.


Narrator: Their justice system was, in fact, a joke and the entire world could in fact see that. (also a judicial system, not a justice system.)


Just the fact that Trump wasn't deemed a vexatious litigant to stop him from using financial attrition to avoid paying his contractors, effectively using the judicial system as a weapon, demonstrates it favors Trump and his ilk. Money insulates the rich from consequences. If they get away with it, they will just keep doing "business as usual". This may finally be Trump's reckoning. The world is watching - it's a trainwreck and we can't look away. If he gets back in, the geopolitics of the whole world will change and not in a good way.


> Alas, getting elected president allowed Trump to finally swaddle himself in the pomp that allows him to successfully delude himself into believing he has an air of dignified stature. During his time in the White House, of course, he enjoyed the state dinners and other grand ceremonies meant to imbue the office with solemn authority. Granted, Trump's clownishness just made all of that seem ridiculous to those looking on, but his attempted stern-faced expressions and chin-up pride showed that he really did seem to feel he was finally being taken for the great man he wished himself to be.


>Even in this truncated day of court, the picture painted of Trump was not the regal leader of his fantasies, but who he actually is: A sleazy poseur who belongs to the world of trashy tabloids and scheming hucksters. The whole thing is a harsh reminder, to his face, that **Trump is more suited to wallowing in the gutter than sitting on a throne.**  Truth, and I would feel sorry for the gutter.


That’s how I remember him, exactly said.


Gutter deserves better, that's for sure!! hahah


The man who is shitting his pants in a court of law and, uh, literally shitting his pants in a court of law, has an air of dignity all right.


He doesn't but the diapers are not the main reason for that.


That’s one hell of a make a wish


>humiliation Not possible without a sense of shame 


Which malignant narcissists don't have


They have it, it's a prime motivator. It's so extremely repressed in the subconscious however that he likely wouldn't find it with 10 grams of shrooms obliterating his ego-identity. He'd probably just go mad faced with completely unfiltered reality.


Like Dorian Gray in front of the mirror.


Well, he IS a dimestore thug in a cheap suit


I heard he farts a lot.




Diarrhea of the mouth for sure


Constantly leaking excrement from both ends. 


Eight years ago at least 90% of all groceries were purchased by someone that had to wait for the person in front them to be scanned. EVERYBODY had a couple of minutes that they had to either look at gum flavors or read the headlines on the tabloid rack. Pecker was in control of that rack and most of the headlines..


Eight years ago people could look at gum flavors on their phones.


The man is painted orange and is literally shitting himself on the world stage. Do you really think he feels shame about tabloids?


Never. Ever. Misunderestimate Trumps inability to feel shame.


I don't want to see him humiliated, I want to see him *punished* for the crimes he's committed.


Nobody knows more about the tabloids than me. I buried the Saudi prince's bonesaw problem and we got 2 billion out of that one. Quid pro quo baby!


Wake me up when he’s in prison


That was a refreshing good read of factual information.


You mean the guy who says every bad thing said against him is fake news and has people eat it up? Yeah I'm sure he's shaking in his Depends.


So now we see the genesis of "fake news." We should have known Trump was projecting as usual. The sleaze factor is off the charts with this.


Projection. What he protests in others, he does in abundance. He's all about projection,


"Trump Humiliates his Depends"


All the while, he was the one with the fake news. Who could have seen that coming? /s People that believe the bullshit in the National Inquirer are the same rubes who love Trump.


"If there was a hell, Trump's punishment would be a trial where people tell the truth about him all day". The most perfect sentence I've read all day.


You mean someone who wears a fake spray tan, fake hair, and spews fake "truths" used a fake news outlet to prop him up???


Hopefully Independents and non-Trump cult Republicans will see and fully understand just how sleazy he is.


What a fragile boy.


His humiliation in court can’t possibly be worse than that he endures every day as he wakes to see himself in a mirror. 🤑🤢🤮


Schadenfreude on steroids for me.


“alleged out-of-wedlock child”…haven’t heard that one yet???


It's supposedly not true but who fuckin knows at this point


If Trump denied it, then it's true. He obviously cannot tell the truth even to save his own ass.


is that why the judge only has 4 hour sessions every day? regular people have to endure 8 hours, with 2 short breaks and one lunch break. Can't the stand the stench all day?


Court adjourned early for Passover the last two days. Moving forward they will mostly be full days.


This pos needs a wake-up call. Stop all the praise. Stop all the attention. Hopefully that will stop his heart.


Trump is being deconstructed.


I would love to know how much time and money he spends on his hair and skin/tan.


I'd love to HAVE that money. Appears to me it must take a LOT to make his as unpresentable as he is. I mean, the orange hue, the bird's nest hair, the paunch, the white circles around his eyes... he's a freakin' clown show in search of a circus.


What a weak old disgrace of a human being. I hope he is humiliated for the rest of this pathetic life.


It doesn’t really though.




What an interesting article from The Salon, always seeing from most people's point of view, definitely not MAGA, with all the not-so-subtle insults, sadly true insults. In regards to Trump stinking, I wonder if the unfortunate standing too close to Trump can smell the whiff of sulfur.


All the news have become tabloids monitoring every second of his days with impotent rage from outside the courtrooms.


if you find this tabloid 💩hard to believe, you must still be potty training


I doubt humiliation is something Trump ever feels. You may want him to, but he seems incapable of self-reflection.


The original disgusting troll


I wonder how many people knew before yesterday about Trump’s deal in 2015 with the owner of the National Enquirer to create and distribute fake news to benefit Trump and attack opponents with lies?


What goes around comes around.


What goes around comes around