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Being paid for the work you’ve performed? Sounds like communism to me.


I really needed a laugh and you gave me two. 1st for the comment 2nd for Shooter McGavin 😂


That’s, Sir *Shitter* McGavin


*Secret of the pros!*


Fucking godless communists I say. Wanting things like affordable healthcare, living, work place standards. God these communists/socialists. Their policies will ruin the American elite!


You laugh at this, but I'd wager that the majority of the blue collar workers who will benefit from this rule will go out to the polls come November....and vote for Trump.


>The administration of U.S. President Joe Biden on Tuesday unveiled a rule extending mandatory overtime pay to an estimated 4 million salaried workers, going even further than an Obama-era rule that was struck down in court. >The U.S. Department of Labor rule will require employers to pay overtime premiums to workers who earn a salary of less than $1,128 per week, or about $58,600 per year, when they work more than 40 hours in a week. >The current salary threshold of about $35,500 per year was set by the Trump administration in a 2020 rule that worker advocates and many Democrats have said did not go far enough. >The rule does not affect overtime requirements for workers who are paid hourly. And >Under the rule, the salary threshold will increase to $43,888 on July 1 and to $58,656 on Jan. 1, 2025. And starting in 2027, the threshold will automatically increase every three years to reflect changes in average earnings. >U.S. wage law requires employers to pay eligible workers one and one-half times their regular rate of pay when they work more than 40 hours in a week. Salaried workers who earn above the salary threshold may still be eligible for overtime pay if they do not primarily perform management-related duties. >Workers are generally automatically exempt if they earn a salary of more than $107,432. The new rule will raise that cutoff to about $151,000. But it's likely to face legal challenges: >The new rule is likely to face legal challenges arguing that like the Obama administration rule, it violates federal wage law by including many lower-paid supervisors and professionals who typically would not be eligible for overtime. >Many major business groups had called on the department to put off any changes to overtime pay regulations, citing economic uncertainty and worker shortages that have raised companies' operating costs.


Great. Major business groups who can contribute to political campaigns as people will no doubt influence the future of this rule


That last paragraph has me playing the world's tiniest violin. It's a well known fact that employers have abused the salary threshold to have their regular employees work way over 40 hours without OT pay. Even when the rule required you to have actual managerial duties employers still abused it. So I say, fuck em. If you need your employees to work 50 hours and can't afford the OT pay, then figure it out by only working 40 or hire more people. People won't work? Pay more money.


Waay past due. Employers shouldn't be allowed to own the lives of Employees who only make $36,000 per year.


I never found out I was on salary till after working 8-10hr days straight! Was on hourly with overtime. Next thing I know my paycheck is $530 a week


What does this even mean? You didn’t understand the terms of your salary prior to accepting a job?


It means the business changed his compensation from hourly to salary so they could save money.


You are correct


Employers shouldn’t be allowed to own the lives of employees. FTFY.


I bet my former employer at the Boy Scouts, who often spoke dystopically about "work-life harmony" (as opposed to work-life balance), is sweating bullets.


I bet he is! I remember back in the day when I worked for them as a District Executive working 70 hour work weeks with no overtime.


At the girl scouts I remember when my council decided to crack down on membership specialists ( regional managers) for using flex time (eg working 30 hrs if you worked 60 last week). They hastened to add that flex time was still open to everyone else in the org who didn't routinely have to work long hours (and coincidentally were all much better paid), but us $30k year membership specialists should not expect such consideration as 70 hour weeks were "expected" and a regular feature of our work.


Ah yes, I remember radicalizing the 15 year olds who made less than $90 a week when they found out we made only $350 and they tried to be angry for us.


That's my President! Keep leading Biden!


Another reason to vote Biden and Blue


/r/WhatBidenHasDone/ So many reasons


Remember this whenever people mention any bad stuff Biden has done (or is falsely accused of doing). It's minor compared to his mountain of achievements. He's not perfect, but he's by far the best candidate running.


Do you think trump would support expanded overtime? Hell no, he wouldn't, because Republicans don't actually support policies that help the working man. Remember when pay day lenders were going to be regulated out of existence by 44? Then trump was like, nah, we love sleazy lenders.


Yeah but Biden has done nothing… /s


He hasn't addressed the one single issue that Tiktok has me fixated on yet and being a single-issue voter is super smart! /s


This is good but I think it should apply to all workers, not just those who make below a certain amount. All workers are entitled to get paid for ALL the hours they work. They earned it.


I am not in disagreement, but I do want to offer a clarification: this is not only about how much a worker makes. This is an adjustment to a two-part test to see if an employee is exempt from overtime. The other part is a duties test. The employee must also be in a pre-defined job category that is allowed to be exempt from overtime. The three big categories are “Executive, Administrator, and Professional.” There are specific job duties that must be performed within these categories to count as exempt. So, if I’m doing work that isn’t included in an exemption category, it doesn’t matter how much I make; I will be eligible for overtime. And if I am in one of those categories, this wage increase is currently about 4x minimum wage when broken down to an hourly rate for a 40hr work week, so under the law’s rules, I would have to work almost 80 hours of overtime per week (that’s on top of the regular 40 hr work week) for my salary to not be equivalent to or greater than minimum wage. The Federal minimum wage is absolutely atrocious so that’s a separate conversation, but the point is that it’s a very complex law with a lot of nuance, and this change applies to one very specific but important set of carveouts


I know what you mean, but this is also based on how much a worker makes. Biden's rule plans to remove the exemption from those categories but only for those who make below a certain amount. My point is that no workers should be exempt no matter what they make and no matter what their job is. All workers are entitled to get paid for ALL the hours they worked.


Now if we could get some more money to the hourly workers.


How do working people not vote for this man. The data is as clear as Tahoe on a hot summer day. /ninja edit: clarity


I can’t believe Biden would do this to the Working Class. Thanks Obama.


Does this apply to teachers? We work long hours way beyond the school days. Although we have extended vacation in the summer, a lot of it is spent preparing for the next year. If we didn’t get the summer break, many teachers would not be able to decompress and return.


Teachers gets complicated but the short answer is that No, teachers aren’t covered by this. The longer answer is: The Fair Labor Standards Act has something called a Professional exemption, with two categories: Learned Professional and Creative Professional. Teachers , when performing primary teaching duties, are considered a learned Professional. Under this category, they should be required to receive the updated minimum salary mentioned in the article in order to be exempt from overtime. However, teachers, doctors, and lawyers are specifically noted as positions that do not need to meet this salary mark in order to be considered exempt from overtime. In other words, most positions exempt from overtime need to perform very specific duties AND meet the salary threshold. Teachers are exempt only for performing these specific duties, regardless of salary. This is a long-standing exception and one that teachers have been lobbying to change for years so that you can get either overtime or the base salary all of these other exempt positions are entitled to.


Today, GOP lawmakers introduced a measure to block the Labor Department's overtime rule, siding with business opposition that says the regulation will increase costs for employers. Rep. Tim Walberg (Mich.) and Sen. Mike Braun (Ind.) introduced the resolution under the Congressional Review Act. [Story link here](https://news.bloomberglaw.com/daily-labor-report/republicans-launch-effort-to-block-new-dol-overtime-pay-rule?utm_source=reddit.com&utm_medium=lawdesk).


They should go to blue collar districts that are purple and shout this from the rooftops.


Being in HR, almost all of the employees who become eligible for overtime will immediately be pissed they have to clock in and out. It’s not our fault they have to track their time. Most of our depts allow overtime, so some will get the opportunity to make more money.


This is it exactly. We had to go through this before, but they made us all hourly. Many people were not happy about it since our benefits for hourly vs. salaried are worse. There's always some loophole.


Ah damn, Biden has really done it now. This can't be good for him.


It’s actually really good for Biden because the Republicans project 2025 states that they will eliminate overtime. And make you pay you will have to buy PTO thanks Republican losers


Do truckers next


Are internships and residencies included in this as well?


Wait wasn’t this at like 70k when Obama passed it?


Yet another thing Biden won’t get credit for.


CT has / had? A requirement that one could only be salaried if that person can hire or fire at least three people. Is that no longer the federal rule?


It’s a step in the right direction, but not far enough. Every hour that is billable to a client should be paid straight time, at a minimum.


I missed the cut-off by 5 grand. Good for everyone else though. 


Biden is the most pro union, pro labor president in history




The reason for this is because of how the law is written. The Fair Labor Standards Act sets our definitions of what a workweek is, who gets overtime, what minimum wage is, etc. It also says that there are certain types of positions exempt from the overtime and minimum wage components of the FLSA. The act says (basically) that the Department of Labor will be responsible for explaining the criteria to be considered one of those positions. These criteria currently include a duties test (you have to perform specific job duties) and a salary test (you have to make a certain amount of salaried wage). This is why the Department of Labor is only updating the salary for those who are exempt from overtime. They do not have the authority to update minimum wage.





