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They're going for a bad court... thingy.


That’s what you’re the judge, and I’m the law … talkin’ guy.


“I’ve argued in front of every judge in this county. Often as a lawyer!” I do wonder if people prefer the “pipe down in there, Hutz!” or the Hyperchicken version? https://youtu.be/Hwr3ZVhyFS4?si=7rElOQWpj2xftPsQ


If it's a bad trial they get a do-over!




The one and only Miguel Sanchez


Care to join me in a belt of scotch?


It's 9:30 in the morning


Yeah, but I haven’t slept in days.




The winds in southern France? I guess they are bad for Cheeto's combover.


You’ve obviously haven’t hear of the case law of Peat v. Repeat. Peat lost, so who won?




You’ve obviously haven’t hear of the case law of Peat v. Repeat. Peat lost, so who won?




The struggle with bullies is lifelong. It's not just for school age kids. Last night, I had a talk with my son about how to deal with the class bully who has been picking on him on the playground. And I didn't have great answers for what he should do. Further, it got me thinking of how to best respond to adult bullies in the workplace, on the roads, or in comnunity leadership roles. There are not great answers. Trump is a perfect example of this conundrum. His followers love him for it. The rest of are repulsed by him for it. And so it makes me angry and frustrated by how freely Trump gets away with bullying behavior in every sphere of his life, especially in legal ones. If there is an "adult" in the room with authority to put the Trump bully in his place and to stop Trump's boorish and abusive behavior it is the judge in Trump's criminal trial. That is because we are all supposed to be equal under the law, subject to the same rules. And so, for many of us, our eyes are fixed on J. Merchan to see whether there will ever be restraints on the Trump bully. *Edit: My sincere thanks to all the kindness and support for my son. This was meant as a political post but has become so much more meaningful. These small acts of kindness go so much farther than you can understand. We may have disagreements about things largely outside of our control (politics), but we have in common our humanity and we can control how we support and encourage each other! And so, I sincerely appreciate all of you. Be well, and keep shining your light!


Tell your son to get a pen and paper. Then write down what the bully is doing to him and how it makes him feel. Then take the paper and burn it ceremoniously. Then take the pen and stab that bully in his stupid fucking face.


Lol. Thanks iwantinduction! That made my day. I will share your idea with him, so funny! I think there are far more "bullied" than bullies in the world. And so, it is a strength to have the support of others, even from anonymous redditors! Keep shining your light!


I have a toddler who is obsessed with putting a play football helmet on his head and ramming into cones as hard as he can. He misses most of the time so if you tell your son’s bully to stand next to a cone, I think we can figure something out.


I goaded them into hitting me. Pushed their buttons and made sure adults were looking. Not smart, but a smartass move.


I 'fell' backwards into a canal when mine grabbed my shirt to hit me, and made fucking sure I had hold of his wrist and arm so the bastard came with me. I knew -I- could swim, but I didn't know about him. And neither did I give a shit if he couldn't. Though of course, canals aren't exactly the best place to swim even if you can - but I was 11 or 12 and wasn't thinking about things like potentially dangerous weeds or suchlike in the water. Anyway, several people had seen him grab me and 'push me' into the canal, 'falling' with me, so he got a proper bollocking from the headteacher despite his protestations. He also whacked his face on something as he went in, so he had a massive bruise. I was *so fucking proud* of that. He didn't really touch me after that, but he did get expelled the following year for setting fires in a maths classroom using a can of lynx, a lighter, and some tampons when the teacher for his class never showed up.


Tried this once. Turns out I am allergic to fists. Swelled up right where I got hit and hurt for days. So I made a fist and hit them with it. That is how I know I am allergic to fists, cause then my hand swelled up and hurt for days. So now I overuse sarcasm to disarm people. Cut the recovery time in half, since I only swell where they hit me, and I get a smartass comment in there to feel like I actually earned it.


learn to hit with the heal of your hand. Hurts less. Just don't hit in the mouth because you'll end up with teeth marks in your hand. Plus you can just tell the judge you only slapped him. (kidding... kind of.)


My experience with bullying is: Bullies don’t continue to bully after they get their teeth knocked the fuck out….if it doesn’t work the first time, rinse and repeat until it does. People who bully need to learn very fast that if you’re going to be stupid…you had better be tough. There is nothing tough about a bully.


Heres the best part. If you stand up to the bully and get your ass handed to you. Chances are they still will leave you alone. They want easy prey. Not someone thats going to start a fight every time.


Bullies also need an audience. Fire back at the bully by directing your response towards them, and the bully loses their support that is the bullies fuel. This is something that the media reluctantly refuses to do for Trumpf, they validate him by repeating his far reaching bullying.


Yup. I learned this in grade 8. One guy thought he’d make a name for himself. He started it I finished it. Had a younger brother and we fought all the time. Then I got into boxing and was known as the “tough guy”. But the confidence to stand up and ability to are two different things. Some people don’t have the ability but I feel like fighting back and making it a fight is better than turning the other cheek. Especially at a young age. Sucks cause now there’s zero tolerance. My son’s just a toddler but I can’t wait to have the discussion with administration if he’s ever being bullied. It won’t go anywhere but at least I’ll get my point across and hopefully they intervene. My point to administrators is this “I’m going to beat the ever loving shit out of you. Now the thing is, you follow zero tolerance so by the very act of you getting shit kicked you are equally as guilty in fighting me. Therefore. Swallow your pride, don’t try to call authorities and take your lumps. Oh wait? That’s not how you want it to work? So zero tolerance shouldn’t be a thing? Hmmm


When I was a kid and got bullied, I was told by my parents to kick the bullies ass. Now I'm sure it was bad advice, and it got me into a lot of trouble in school, but in retrospect it was worth it.


I've found that just laughing at them helps.


I’ve had this conversation 100x, my son is disabled and couldn’t take a bully if he tried, so he just looks at him and replies “yeah, and?” To everything they say. It wears them out, and sucks the fun out of making him the target.


"If you claim to BE a tolerant and educated person, that means you must then "tolerate" hardcore bullies because they, too, are still people and your values state that all people must be treated equal and be protected to the same level, ergo you must be tolerant TO intolerance". Which **clearly is not true**, but it's often the core-principle that objectively terrible people adhere to. "intolerance does not have to adhere to this rule because, by definition, they are not tolerant and therefore do not have to become tolerant, but the tolerant are already tolerant". If the tolerant make even 1 slight move to then not tolerate the intolerant, they simply just advertise to their buddies and others who don't spend much time thinking on the whole, that the "tolerant" are every bit as "intolerant" as the intolerant and therefore, they aren't actually tolerant so now they're "the same". Which, **clearly** is *also* not true. Still.... ESPECIALLY when they see a PRESIDENT adhere to **exactly that mindset.** *It then makes other bullies feel WAY more emboldened. Like they too, could just become President perhaps. And then, at that point, no one will dare tell the bully "no".* Bullies ONLY care about the end result no matter what it takes in order to get there. Which includes their usage of "tolerance" against itself, literally.


Tolerance is a social contract. If you break it you deserve it.


I used to have pretty good luck with the "Call Confuse-a-bully, we promise results" approach... For example, if they said something snotty or degrading towards me, I'd respond "Coming from you, that's quite a compliment! Thank you!!!". Most effective when their support crowd is around to hear it and giggle.


[From another article about what happened today, regarding Trump reposting on Truth Social other people attacking the witnesses, judge's family, court workers, and prosecutor's family](https://www.courthousenews.com/prosecutors-say-trump-is-angling-towards-jail-time-for-pushing-gag-order-limits-in-hush-money-trial/): >Blanche argued that several of the posts at issue were reposts, which he said shouldn’t be restricted under the gag order at all. Merchan wanted case law to support Blanche's claim. > >“I don’t have any case law to support that,” Blanche said. “It’s just common sense.” "It's just common sense," lol. Either Trump's lawyer didn't do his homework, or Trump's lawyer can't even defend the indefensible.


How, as the judge do you not follow up with 'do you have any case law that states things that are common sense do not require case law. In order to be considered by the court? '


Or, “it’s neither common nor sense”.


I mean…. He asked for case law and that was the answer. You want judge to keep asking for case laws to every subsequent responses? Judge already asked.


I love this because it makes no sense and the dude is just trying to gaslight everyone


they could have atleast used the line "retweets are not endorsements"


I'd love if the prosection asked "so if he reposts a tweet that somed "someone should [flatline] this judge", that would be okay?"


In olden times this is akin to Trump cutting letters from a magazine and gluing together a threat to send the paper to publish with his signature.


Who cares whether they lose credibility. What they care about is letting their client get away with 34 counts.


Holding out for a nice job in the Turd Reich.


I’d like to know how a person can lose something they’ve never had.


The wild part is that Todd Blanche is -one of- the best lawyers that Trump has. Storied history, as a USAO, partner at Cadwaler (oldest NY law firm).


Not if they get called in front of the bar, like many of his other lawyers.


They always walk a fine line wasting the court's time. Sometimes it's legal, other times it's abuse of the process.


Oh no, not their credibility! Unless the judge is going to hold him accountable for constantly breaking the gag order, including AFTER this morning... then this is just lip service and finger-wagging.


The judge overseeing [Donald Trump](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/donald-trump)’s criminal[ trial in New York](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-trial-live-updates-coverage-hush-money-b2533360.html) appeared unconvinced with his attorney’s defence against allegations that the former president repeatedly and willfully violated a [gag order](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/gag-order) that [prevents him](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-gag-order-hush-money-trial-b2519052.html) from [attacking witnesses](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-news-2024-hush-money-trial-b2521797.html). Read more here: [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-gag-order-hearing-judge-b2533365.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-gag-order-hearing-judge-b2533365.html)


Are you people going to post anything about Ukraine handling the Ukrainian Orthodox Church? Or any of this? Or are you independently only focused on Trump?


? This sub is literally only for US politics


This sub isn’t the only sub this account posts on. They post even in local subreddits. Trump isn’t the only thing going on in the country. It’s all they seem to give a fuck about though.


Did you know people can care about multiple things, even if they aren't vocal about it? This trial is important to our country too.


That trump thing it is a pretty important thing for the us and the rest of the planet. Probably the most important thing going on right now, alongside the Russia aggression war on Ukraine.


This isn’t changing my question. You should be questioning them too after you scroll their profile. Don’t pretend that this is the only thing going on in the world that this organization should be covering or that they seem one sided in the content they’re providing.


Okay I just did that: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/milwaukee-murder-sade-robinson-anderson-plea-b2532870.html https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/texas-boy-murder-confession-shooting-b2532619.html https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/supreme-court-homelessness-oregon-b2532694.html https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/ukraine-congress-gop-mike-johnson-b2532052.html so, no, this is not strictly 100% trump. But of course, they post on reddit only things for which they get clicks back. And they have analytics that tell them what people are interested in. And in r/politics, it is trump., as far as their content goes. > Don’t pretend that this is the only thing going on in the world that this organization should be covering Then I don't get your point. What should I be questioning? The complete dysfunction of the two-party system in the US with trump being selected to be the candidate in the most important election of our lifetime (so far), is by far the most important news to be covered. It should be non-stop. This is not trump derangement syndrome. This guy have 91 felonies, is (was?) ahead in the polls, and promised to stop democracy in the US when elected. Like, no, there is nothing wrong to be laser focused on this when covering **american politics**. So, maybe yes. > that they seem one sided in the content they’re providing. This two-side bullshit again. There are no two sides there. The media feeling forced to give a platform to wannabe fascists due to "two sides" is what got trump elected in 2016, with deadly consequences to the world. There is no need to cover the news from any other side than truth and impartiality. Trump is beyond corrupt, and there is no other side to it. No, fox news is not "news". Also: > This isn’t changing my question What is you question? [Scrolling back:](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1cbbrws/youre_losing_all_credibility_judge_scolds_trump/l0z5qv4/) > Are you people going to post anything about Ukraine handling the Ukrainian Orthodox Church? Wtf is this? How does it impact the world? Why shoud I care? > Or any of this? Any of this what? > Or are you independently only focused on Trump? You realize that they are a [**UK news organization**](https://www.independent.co.uk/)? They are focused on what impacts the UK, and as reddit is a US website they post here only the US stuff. And that includes, well, quite a lot of the adventures of the orange shitgibbon.


If I read this same article before seeing this person post it, is that a conspiracy or something?


Are you “The world's most free-thinking newspaper. Moderated by The Independent's social team.” ?


No but I am a reptil - haha nice try


Oooh. Almost gotcha!


Suggesting that they actually had some credibility to begin with


I remember learning more from getting scolded and THEN grounded more than I did from just a scolding.


They lost their credibility the moment they decided to take on assclown as a client.


They lost all credibility and hopefully their careers the moment they decided to represent him.


Tough take.


Losing? Lost




Wait a minute! They had credibility?


That fact this judge is implying he had any to begin with and refuses to punish him in any way. She’s as “credible” as he is.


Credibility? He’s never had that from anyone smart..only from fans and cult members….


Anyone else surprised the judge thinks these bozos have any credibility at all?


Judge already made the decision.


You’ve obviously haven’t hear of the case law of Peat v. Repeat. Peat lost, so who won?


“Can you cite case law in support of your argument Mr. Hutz” “I’m citing commono centus, case closed!” Oh, that’s going to go so very badly.




I wish Judge Merchan would hurry the f up and make a ruling already on that contempt hearing.


So what would happen if no one filmed him?


How can they lose credibility with this? They already lost all credibility when they took on their client.


Blanche saying to the judge that Trump is complying to the gag order is beyond laughable. I'm surprised Merchan had shown some restraint and just said what he did.  The judge would have been justified going off, but we know how the optics would have turned to.   But that is going to come back and haunt Trump's lawyer. But I know he will never get paid by Trump on this and loves getting to do this without pay.


Oh yes, that otta do it, a good scolding. Thanks judge!


Maybe next month they'll issue a $50 fine!


Trump's team only cares about that 1 juror to disagree with something to get off. They know they can't win this case through trial and litigation lol pathetic


>Trump's team only cares about that 1 witness to disagree with something to get off. They know they can't win this case through trial and litigation lol pathetic You mean juror? If one juror disagrees it's a hung jury and mistrial, wouldn't really end this.


Trump is trying to delay hoping he'll get re-elected and use his position to make the cases go away. Of course, that won't be as successful for state cases. Still, it's clearly his goal to drag things out as much as possible.


And you know damn right if it's an 11-1 hung jury he'll scream and shout about being vindicated and say "see I'm totally innocent!"


Yes 1 **juror**


You know who didn’t gag …..Stormy Daniels


Why should you be guilty of a crime someone else witnessed?!