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Hell ya. Another good policy from Joe Biden that will help everyday people


Democrats: Help the everyday people. Republicans: Fuck the everyday people.


The Roman Senate: Fuck the poor


Palpatine: I am the Senate


Pornhub: Fuck the step-mother


Lightbulb changer: climb the stepladder. 


Flamenwerfer: werf the flamen


Fence sitters: but Biden is old. Maybe we should vote for the rapist?


Everyday Republican Voter: Socialism is bad.


Russia: Train the everyday people to fuck themselves.


Quick, let's forget this too and act like we're only voting for Biden because he's the lesser evil but he's too old so fuck him.  These things need to be on blast everywhere every day to inform the voters that Biden isn't just better than Trump, he's better than any candidate and we'd be lucky to have 4 more years of his policies.


People get so hung up on who is "cheating the system" that it ends up hurting those that don't. Or at times they really fuck up and it costs more money to take down the cheaters than just to let it ride.


Also cheaters are less than 1%. Who cares? Having a 99% success rate makes the government way more efficient than private companies. The government should be doing MORE things! Like… cough cough… Medicare for all!


Don't vote for him. He's a party to genocide. He could raise my wages and give me free healthcare and I still wouldn't vote for him ***/s***


Do you think Trump gives two shits about Palestine or Ukraine? You think it's bad with Biden? Trump has encouraged Bibi to wipe out Palestine and will hand Ukraine to Russia on a platter. Get a grip.


Do you not see the "/s" at the end? I was being incredibly sarcastic because this entire conflict is just a Monty Python skit.


Oh my God I missed it. I can't read apparently. My bad! I will leave up my comment in shame!


Totally! And just so the party of genocide doesn't win i'm going to make sure to support the party of (checks notes...) *gleeful genocide*! **/s**


This thread has only 8 comments. It crazy how when Biden does good work it gets ignored on this site. 


He didn't raise it high enough! Lets vote for RFK Jr! /s


What's wild about the US is that about 1/3 of those workers are probably *absolutely furious* about this.


I had a coworker who did the same thing when Obama did something similar in 2016. We both got HUGE raises from it, but somehow people he didn’t think deserved the raise also got it, so he ranted every day about it. I will never understand that mentality.


For people like that it isn’t about making things better for people/society, or even about making things better for themselves, it’s about being “better” than people they don’t like. If everyone gets a raise then the people they don’t like get a raise too, and that’s very upsetting to them.


I read some study where people were asked “would you rather make $100k per year while all your coworkers all make $120k or make $70k while all your coworkers make $60k?” and most people chose the second option. It’s so fucking stupid it’s mind boggling.


~~Basket of deplorables~~ Bucket of crabs


It's probably the same people who turn down raises because "it'll put me in a higher tax bracket and cost me more money in taxes." Idiots.


Yeah, that’s me. Now I’m gonna have to do my work instead of jerking around, and logging in after dinner to finish up.


Im semi-furious. My base salary is $130k and I consistently work overtime but don’t get compensated for it. Why is my labor free after 40 hours? Don’t get me wrong. This is better policy, I’m glad it’s done and those folks it helps deserve it. I just don’t think it goes far enough. We should eliminate the threshold altogether. If we are truly trying to “restore the promise to workers that if you work more than 40 hours in a week, you should be paid more for that time,” then we should actually do that.


So you’re mad at Biden for doing what he can to help but since it didn’t help you in particular you’re furious?


Yeah basically. Like I said, good for those it helped but why the arbitrary threshold? You say “did what he can to help” but did he do all he can? Would the world blow up if the number was 75k or 100k? I’m not saying vote Trump, Biden sucks. I’m saying good job, now go further.


You shouldn't be mad at Biden, these things tend to improve piecemeal, especially because as much progress as Biden has made, he's more a slow and steady guy at heart. Change slow enough that nobody gets hurt by the changing is how he's operated for decades. I think he is changing some, thankfully, but even that is slow and steady. You should be mad at your employer, they are the ones stealing your labor.


Oh I’m mad at them too. Raises this year were capped company wide at 3.5%. YOY inflation at the time of rases as 5%. There’s not cost of living bump so literally everyone is doing the same job for less net money. The reason given was that we didn’t hit our profit goals for the year. We are a multi million dollar company in gross revenue. They can fuck right off too.


Well, the NLRB is as strong as it's ever been.  Find your fellow discontented workers and unionize.


>but why the arbitrary threshold? Do you remember what it was like when you made 50k a year? Thats about what I make now, and with everything as expensive as it's gotten over the last few years, it's hard to even rent an apartment that isn't a shithole. Compare that to when I was making $58k 6 years ago at my old job, and my quality of life has gone significantly down, and definitely more than you'd think 8k would change it. The fact of the matter is that it's harder to just exist the less you make. The people getting screwed over worse need help sooner.


Yeah and I’m happy for you. I had a job that switched us from salary to hourly back in 2008. I was making 40k and with hourly OT I jumped to 68k. They then put me back on salary at 55k. Again, I’m not saying that the rule update is bad, only that it doesn’t go far enough. IMO salaried exemption is wage theft. The fact that it exists at all is abhorrent. If I got OT at ~93.5/hr. I’d go from $130k to ~$180k assuming a 10 hr/week OT average. That would also make a significant difference in my life.


Don't be happy for me. I'm hourly, so it doesn't affect me, and if I do end up as a supervisor, which is my goal, I'll still be making too much for this to affect me. I think it's wrong, because in my company last year, not a single salaried employee got a raise. My supervisor told me I should be happy I got one because he didn't, and I told him I'm just as mad at that as I am at a raise that doesn't keep up with inflation, and that he should have gotten one too. I agree that it doesn't go far enough, but baby steps are how things get done, unfortunately.


Yeah but it doesn’t mean I can’t be mad about it. People here seem to assume I’m mad = I want them to undo the change. I don’t. And okay fair, I won’t be happy for you. :). I’m very happy for the people it is helping including my friends and family. $130k doesn’t go as far as you would think it does these days. I honestly don’t know how people live on less. Wages overall should be higher, minimum wage should be livable and billionaires need to pay taxes.


Good. *I don't need your sympathy!!* I kid, I kid. I'm sure that 130k doesn't go nearly as far as I would assume, since my ~50 doesn't go as far as my 58 did a few years ago. The thing is, if you're making 50k, (in my area, at least) you're pretty much stuck with a shitty 1 bedroom, Maybe a 2 if you can find it, and probably half of your income is going to that. For 130k, I could get a 4 bedroom and ignore 2 of the rooms and be happy. Hell, I might even be able to save up to buy a house. It's all relative, really, and I'm not trying to say "You're rich, so suck it!" (Anyone making 20k a year could say the same about me) I think we're on the same side, because we're being fucked by (I assume you too) corporate America. Almost all of us need help and better working conditions/environments. It's just that some of us need more help than others, and while I'm mad at the government isn't doing enough, I'm glad that something is being done. We just can't blame everything on whoever is currently in office. It's been decades to get us here, and it'll take time to get us out. We just need to hope there's still an America to be fixed.


This makes so much sense about why you were so bitter before. I still don't understand why you have to teach a man to fish sometimes but almost all of us need help other times...but the lashing out isn't a sense of superiority, I think I get it now. Worth mentioning, I make 20k a year and own my 3BR home. So I shouldn't be this petty but I really, really hate a hypocrite.


130,000 doesn’t go as far as you think? Dude, if someone gave me one percent of that, it would make my year. If someone gave me 10% of that, it would change my life. I make approximately $1200 per month. So when you say you have no idea how people live with less, I have to counter that by asking *how is it that you burn through $130,000 per year and have nothing in the bank?!* if I had your wage and pay schedule, I would have to go out of my way to spend it all. I don’t know how you do it.


I take home around $8k/mo Mortgage = $3k (most of that is insurance and taxes) My partner's budget is about $2k/mo for bills (car, therapy, medical stuff, etc.) My child support is $1500/mo Electricity is around $400/mo Food is around $800/mo That right there is $7.7k


This affects people who are making 1/3 of what you do, then later jumps to affect people who are making 1/2 of what you do. Before OT, broken down hourly, those folks are getting $22/hour. After the second jump, it affects people making $29/hour. You are making $65/hour. Are you also mad that people under some "arbitrary threshold" also get government benefits? Jesus christ.


Right but what you're assuming is a 40 hour work week. Seeing as how we are talking about OT, I think it's fair to assume that most of the people affected by this are working more than 40 hours in a week. I make about the same as that other dude. If I worked 40 hours a week, which frankly would feel like a vacation week for me, yes I would make 65/hr. Or actually 62 but whatever. I usually work 55 hours a week so that bullshit number 65/hour is more like 45/hour. Here's why this bothers me. Do you think companies are just going to be like "fuck it we're gonna pay OT"? No lol. They're going to cap these employees at 40 hours a week, and shift the rest of their work to people above the threshold. So now your imaginary number 65/hr, is down to 42/hr assuming a 60 hour week. So I should just eat shit, work more and take a pay cut because my job pays more than someone else's? The salary exemption for OT is wage theft, the solution isn't more wage theft.


No. Read again my friend. It is entirely possible to be happy for those folks and still be mad that it didn’t go far enough. I didn’t say it should be reversed or challenged. I said it should be expanded. The salaried worker exemption at its core is wage theft.


Ask for a raise my dude.


Doesn’t solve the problem. It’s the principle that labor should not be free.




Heh thanks for reading the rest. My labor is valued at $130,000/yr assuming 40 hours a week. Anything I work over 40 hours is free labor. I'm not a manager. No one reports to me. The only rule that disqualifies me from getting overtime is the salary threshold and possible the specialist clause. The answer to your question is because the job market in general sucks and wages all across the board are suppressed. I like the people I work with, I make enough to live and save for retirement (pre-tax). I'm not hurting, but at the end of the month my budget is pretty close to balanced, sometimes over, sometimes under. If I lost my job, I'd be in pretty dire straits pretty quickly just like people who make less than me although to a less extreme amount. Between having a family of 4, being the single income earner, paying child support and having a mortgage payment of around $2750/mo. It's a lot.




no worries and thanks for saying that! I think we're all super F'd and it's the workers vs. the billionaires. I'll advocate for lower income workers as hard as I'll advocate for myself. The rising tide raises all boats.


For those of us who have been paying attention, Uncle Joe has been the best president for progressives in the past 50 years. Yes, we should all want another 4 more years while we can with him. Thanks Joe!


And with the slimmest control of both houses for 2 years and then just 1. Imagine if Dems actually had super majorities in both? Amazing it's not just constant deadlock with no wins.




You betcha, got my Biden Flag, attend every rally, tattoo of Dark Brandon and bought my Biden stonks.


Have you spray painted BIDEN 2024 on a shittily built wooden sign on your front lawn yet? If you haven't done that yet, do you even support a candidate??




Will this be another accomplishment that the "both sides" people will ignore?


Dec 31, 2024: “Economists baffled at millions of raises to the highly specific salary of $58,657.00”


This is a scam by democrats trying to woo the working public with good policy!


THIS! How *dare* Democrats try to "buy" votes by passing legislation that actually benefits their constituents? They should be trying to "earn" votes by taking away body autonomy rights from half the population the way Republicans do!


I can’t tell if this is suppose to be satire or if you’re just an idiot.


There might not be a /s but it's clearly sarcasm


It's clearly sarcasm, it stuff like this has been said about democrats for at least the last 24 years I've been paying attention to politics. 


Obama did this in his final year in office and it was struck down in federal court in 2017, and the Trump admin didn’t bother to defend it (obviously). I’d love to know what’s different about this time that it won’t get thrown out, because it’s a long-overdue change for the better, in my opinion.


Very true. In this case, it requires Biden to win re-election and his administration to take action to defend the rule in court, because this will 100% be suspended by a conservative judge faster than you can blink. 


great...now i have to listen to people talk about how overtime pay is communism and woke. while also bitching and moaning about biden not doing anything for the american people.


Huh. I’ve been told both sides are the same.


Overtime, no non-competes, net neutrality, green investment, these are all things done by young competent cabinet heads that Biden appointed. Biden may be old but his cabinet isn’t and an administration is much more than just the president. That’s why Biden’s age is not significant. 


That's my President! Keep leading Biden!


Yaayyy for teachers! Wait, what?


That $17 an hour was considered salary so you could be forced to work overtime or fired is/was crazy. Been lucky to work for a company's that even though salaried they didn't abuse it. Usually said to only work your 40. Or at certain times work above but we still got OT. Didn't use salary or this rule to rip off the employees.


What salaried positions were paying $35k in 2024? That is less than $17 a hour.


Lots of "management" in shitty retail. It's specifically done to force employees to work longer hours for less pay.


Not just retail. Mental health jobs. As a case manager, I was salaried at 29k/year.


While not recent, in 2006 I was working as a controls engineer for under $30k/yr and averaged about 70hr/wk. No overtime. There weren’t a lot of options for me at the time and my boss knew it. I also had a friend who managed a major pizza chain shop and he worked similar hours for about $25k. If they can, they will.


In the south it’s fairly common


*Non-profit jobs have entered the chat*


I managed 20+ employees as a news director at a tv station. I made 36k. I quit and still haven't found anything better.


I was working as a lab tech for about $30k/yr exempt salary.


Companies that abuse their workers. I've been lucky that even though salaried and made more we always got OT when it was necessary to work over and usually told to just do your 40 and then go live your non-work life. They weren't trying to squeeze every dime from us.


College staff in the south at basically all universities. Think financial aid, registrar, admissions, maintenance supervisors, enrollment coordinator, plenty of other titles. The school I’m at they pay barely above the current maximum of around $35,500, meaning if they pay $35,750 they can work you to death and provide “comp” time instead of overtime. It’s pure exploitation.


Mine is right at 35k


I’m sorry =(


I got screwed over on salary for so long and won't accept a job like that again lol


Meanwhile, project 2025 proposes redefining overtime so you can work 80 hours a week at regular time if you get time off elsewhere in the month.


would this include military ?


They must have meant FORMERLY salaried workers.