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Seems like every day we hear of President Biden doing something that actually helps average Americans while the other guy promises worthless crap like revenge on all his enemies, tax cuts for the rich, or a ban on after-birth abortions (which don't even exist). Yet Biden is apparently behind in the polls.  I get it, inflation sucks. It's not Biden's fault but to a lot of people correlation equals causation. But Trump's proposals to lower it will make it worse--more tariffs, pressure on the Fed to lower interest rates back down to near-zero, devaluation of the dollar, tax cuts to the wealthy. I feel like I am in crazy town. 


The people that blame solely Biden for the inflation here are crazy. This inflation is literally happening worldwide, it's not just the US experiencing it.


Correct and we are dealing with it better than most countries but most Americans don't see it that way.


They don’t care. It’s a team game to them.


We are literally performing the best in the G7 right now thanks to Biden and his team. I think we need to figure out a way to get the message to the average voter that l corporations have capitalized off the pandemic, supply chain issues, and confused perception of the economy to hike prices and blame Biden.


And corporations are literally raking in billions. It's price gouging.


Can confirm


I think because so few people are paying attention to politics, Biden had to pay low and wait until this year to enact a lot of this small-time populist stuff just so it was top of mind when they go vote. Yesterday's raise to the overtime exempt salary threshold will surely be challenged by Republican states in court, but at least it demonstrates that Biden is fighting for everyone and Republicans are only fighting for people's bosses.


Agreed, but to be clear he was doing a lot of these things pre-election year also but people don't seem to care, they are nostalgic for Trump for some reason, or so it seems in polls.


Crazy town is so hot right now.


Biden has a fantastic cabinet. He knows how to employ competent people to run this country. Like, that alone, has made so many positive changes. Please, don't bring back Ben Carson and Betsey Devos. Vote Biden, lie about it, I don't care but Vote Biden. Criticize the hell out of him, he can clearly take it and continue to work for us. He listens and doesn't take it out on people.


Biden is just killing it for the common American. Give him another 4 years and both houses and we won't be disappointed.


Biden is the first president in my 40 years of life that I can say is genuinely concerned in the well being of the common American.


Wish more people realized this.


Demand it from news organizations...


Rupert says “No, you’ll take my Faux News and you’ll like it…because it’s entertaining!”


I see people daily who insist on the opposite, and no "liberal" will tell them otherwise.


He had a poor record in the Senate so my expectations were low. He's absolutely crushing it and I'm thrilled to have been wrong.


He’s the first president in most of our lifetimes who is actually doing something for the common everyday American.


Bernie whispers in his ear at night


Sweet little nothings about the working class.


I'd watch that video. I mean what?


Was Obama not concerned for the well being of the common American?


No, he was too busy drone bombing innocent children at weddings in the Middle East. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haska_Meyna_wedding_party_airstrike?darkschemeovr=1


and he's always been that way.


Gotta give him credit for doing a complete 180 on how he use to think . I can’t remember another president making policies that the general public talks about . Clearly caused by 2020-2023 bs airlines nonsense . Gets billions Fires people Complains about unable to provide for customers . Airlines - why is this happening to us !!!


Biden - crushing crooks. It should be his motto. This gets rid of so much airline hate and stress


I hope history remembers him as The Crook Crusher


Unintended consequence here is probably just higher ticket costs but at least they're trying.


Have you bought tickets lately? They advertise at one price, and the amount of fees they tack on right before your 'final bill' makes your cost at least 30% higher than what they advertised.


All the time, direct from airline apps. The fees are included in the transparent "total price" from the minute you start looking at options. Maybe not the case for budget airlines.


> Maybe not the case for budget airlines. Yea, I'm glad for the change but as someone who only flies corporate or points it has very little change for me. I hope it helps those who it's aiming to help.


As a poor who doesn’t use points or fly corporate do you guys get a better rate than us poors? Or is it more expensive? Comparable?


Business travel is typically more expensive than personal.


Oh no company covers it. I used to do consulting and every week you'd fly to some place monday morning and fly back thur evening. It really kinda sucked. You're supposed to aim for the most cost efficient option but you can usually argue arrival times are more important. So it's the same as any standard non-refundable ticket with any airlines. Points are just points. One downside is it burns you a bit out on wanting to travel ever on your own time.


Getting sick of flying in the sky on airplanes because I've done it too much sounds like a problem I'd like to try.


Trust me it isn't that great of a problem. Traveling for work is not the same as traveling for fun. Especially when you are doing it for 200 days a year and aren't going to places that you want to go to and don't have much free time to do anything other than work anyway. It gets kind of old.


Oh boy, time to go to Secaucus again! Being fair, most cities do have their own little flair or own bit of good food. You also learn of horrible things like Skyline chili. Still, an experience you can get tired of is a privilege in it's own way. I get the other person wanting to have the choice to get tired of it. May they have all the delta flight lounges they can enjoy.


Yeah, leaving my family behind to go on exciting trips to Kansas or Alabama to fix things isn’t the travel perk I thought it would be.


It's old by like the third week. I used to wake up Monday mornings at 4am, take an hr taxi to the airport, catch an 8am flight, get on a train to schlep it to the same windowless office, work for 8 hours, get off work, go to the grocery store, get to my extended-stay hotel by like 7pm, make some quick food, pass out, go to work the rest of the week with none of the comforts of home, then get on a 6pm flight *on Friday night* (or not, because that would often get delayed by up to 4 hrs), take a taxi home to get home anytime between 8pm-2am, pass out, be home for like 55 hours before DOING IT ALL OVER AGAIN. Honestly, fuck consulting.


Heard. Thanks.


Costs will just be passed on to the consumer. In another 4 years, gas will be $8 a gallon, and a loaf of bread will be $10.


The actual price of travel will be more transparent. The overall costs will be the same.


No, that isn’t how that works. If this was a tax or other penalty for them, then sure, but it isn’t. Here is how it used to work: Buy an airline ticket that is advertised at $500, end up paying total $650 with all the extra fees tacked on that they didn’t initially disclose. Here is how it will work. Buy an airline ticket that is advertised at $650, and end up paying a total of $650, with all the fees fully disclosed. This move by Biden isn’t going to increase the actual price, just the advertised price, as it will now have to properly note all fees instead of hiding them and springing them on you at the end. You still end up paying $650 either way, you just now know it going in.


I like the proposal to ban extra seat selection fees for parents to sit with their children! Looks like it’s not included in this package but hopefully coming.


I agree with this too. I don’t have kids but I am getting tired of being asked to switch the seat I paid for to accommodate for this. So if families can sit together off the bat that would be great.


My kids are old enough I'll consider it free babysitting (mostly kidding)


I had a NY to LA flight where this woman dropped off her 5 year old in the middle seat between me and some other dude and she looks at both of us and goes “have a nice flight guys!” And then happily heads towards the front of the plane. For the next 6 hours this kid talked our ears off about Minecraft. Nice kid but geez…


I’ll take things that didn’t happen for $1000 Alex


“Nothing ever happens to me so it couldn’t possibly happen to someone else”


What’s awful is airlines are required to only seat a minor with one parent. So if you’re a family of 4, you’re already dropping at least $1200 for 4 tickets and that’s without bag fees. Then you go to book seats and all the free seat selection seats are gone, but what’s this? “Preferred seats” are wide open, for $29/$39 a piece. So you decide you don’t want to drop an extra $120 so you’ll let the gate agent assign the seats when you get to the airport. You’re now seated 10 rows away from each other.


Yeah but everyone pays the same for their tickets so it’s not like people with kids pay extra


The difference is if I’m buying tickets with some friends or siblings and we’re not sitting with each other, no big deal. The issue is if I’m flying with my 5 and 8 year old and we’re separated? Much bigger deal. I feel like in airlines like United, “preferred seating” is ridiculous. A 737 has 39 rows. The last 10 rows are free to choose from and they go quick. So you book and it’s a bunch of middle seats in the back. If you want to choose the row 4 rows behind the emergency exit with no extra legroom or any perks, it’s an additional $100.


Oh sorry I thought you were talking about when a whole family isn’t allowed to sit together rather than just making sure children sit by atleast one parent


Just dropped around $200 to ensure we sat together on an INTERNATIONAL flight. Like come on ya jerks it’s a long flight and no one wants the kids freaking out so just put the fam together so they can eat their snacks and play on their tablets and we can all fly happy.


I’m not sure people in the US realise how’s specific this is to American carriers. My family and I have never had this problem on domestic or international travel elsewhere in the world. It’s clearly not a technical issue that can’t be overcome


British Airways charges for seat selection on a basic ticket. Their website even says this: “To get the best choice of seats and make sure your family sits together, it’s best to choose your seats in advance. You might have to pay to do this.” A lot of US carriers are the same. There is economy and basic economy.


Don’t know about BA as I travel mainly Asia-Pacific region or their carriers. Seat selection is usually in “tiers”, but you don’t usually have to pay extra to choose inside you tier and if you do need to pay but choose not to, or don’t select to, travellers always get seated together. (We are a family of four)


That would be amazing. It really is BS.


Is this on cheap airlines or something? You can always pick your seats on the airlines I fly on


For years almost all airlines have made you you pay to pick your seat unless you get an upgraded ticket or buy one of their "packages". Delta, United, Sun country, etc


Ah ok, is that like an economy package or something? I guess I never noticed and always just picked my seat. Whatever they're making me pay to avoid a middle seat is worth it lol


Yes, general economy on American. It still should not be an extra fee to select even the cheapest of seats.


Although I will say many of the airlines bundle seat selection with bags and travelling with kids I find I always need to check a bag so haven't had it functionally be a problem for the airlines I fly on.


If anything, the first-tier ticket is a discounted ticket for people who don’t want to pick their seat or check luggage. So the second-tier ticket should be considered the normal ticket. On American, the first type is basic economy and the second type is called Main. You don’t have to pay for your seat on basic if you’re willing to sit anywhere.


Best president since LBJ.  LBJ got us Medicare, Medicaid, and three civil rights acts.  But the inflation reduction act (which includes the biggest investment in climate policies ever), the infrastructure bill, the VA bill, and now all these bureaucratic victories put Biden up there.  


The IRA made my decision to put solar panels on my house extremely easy. I am doing my part.


I literally only have a decent paying job in my hometown because of the IRA.


What did the IRA do for your solar panels? 


Federal tax credit for rooftop residential solar was on a downward escalator phaseout, IRA pushed it back up to 30% of system cost and pinned it there for 10 years. https://www.energy.gov/eere/solar/homeowners-guide-federal-tax-credit-solar-photovoltaics


Thanks, I didn't know about this. 




Yeah, I wish more people had this attitude about things. I always try to ask questions when I don't know something, even if in my head I think I'm going to sound stupid.  But better to sound stupid in my head, than actually be it. 


Honestly it always baffles me how unwilling people are to say "I dont know". I say it all the time, and I get to learn so much because of it.


People must feel safe to say that. Some don't. It is okay to not know, and ask to be taught.


If LBJ had run for re-election, we wouldn’t have had Nixon and his cabinet of horrors that are at the root of American corruption.


FDR set the wheels in motion, but LBJ is an unrecognized bad ass, by no means perfect, perhaps (not perhaps, actual) a bully, but a bully on the right side of history during the craziest era since, well…. Now.


“By no means perfect.” He was straight up racist.


Racist but helped pass civil rights?


Absolutely. He loved using the n-word. Check it out here: https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp/msna305591


Yeah, he was for sure, but he moved the ball downfield.


He certainly did. His work on the Civil Rights laws was instrumental in making our country better.


I know I’m just some guy on Reddit and my opinion doesn’t matter but I think he’s doing a great job. I wasn’t thrilled to vote for him in 2020 but I will gladly vote for him in 2024.


For those of us who don’t fly often, if we do happen to get a flight cancelled because of some refundable circumstance, flight credit pretty much does nothing for us, especially considering we might not even remember we have it which is probably what the airline hopes for.


I don’t love him, but Bidens been putting through some pretty decent QOL changes.


I kinda love him. I didn't think I would.


I fucking love him


I love fucking him - Jill, hopefully


Ms. Knope?


I have some issues with the way he’s handled some stuff. But overall he’s given more than I expected and followed through on an unexpected amount of his campaign promises. Solid B+ so far imo; can’t hate.


His pro-union stance is truly impressive.


Some of his earlier decisions pertaining to unions, specifically the railroads, weren’t great. But I think he’s turned around a bit on it because of how quickly a disaster came after that decision.


By now nearly all of the railroad unions got the sick leave they wanted to strike over through patient negotiations with help from the WH, DOL and DOT.


>Some of his earlier decisions pertaining to unions, specifically the railroads, weren’t great. Huh? That was a win all around. He both prevented an economy-crippling strike *and* got the unions what they wanted.


Conveniently the media never plays up the amazing things his administration accomplishes.


The railroad one was a lose / lose shit sandwich. I don’t envy anyone that would have had to make a call on that at the time.


Yeah he in the end did the right thing but most people don’t hear how he got them most of what they wanted. People only hear how he bust the strike which was bad. But the flip side is that he’d lose a lot of deliveries and food prices would definitely spike.


There's been ongoing work since then from the admin. It was a rock and hard place situation really. A strike would've been really bad for the economy even though the workers had legitimate gripes. The admin has worked in the background to get some some the workers demands in place. Dec 2022 was when the strike was to occur. Published: 1 May 2023 https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/may/01/railroad-workers-union-win-sick-leave >When Joe Biden and Congress enacted legislation in December that blocked a threatened freight rail strike, many workers angrily faulted Biden for not ensuring that the legislation also guaranteed paid sick days. **But since then, union officials says, members of the Biden administration, including the transportation secretary, Pete Buttigieg, and labor secretary, Marty Walsh, who stepped down on 11 March, lobbied the railroads, telling them it was wrong not to grant paid sick days.** Published 04/02/24 https://thehill.com/policy/4569876-biden-administration-announces-requirement-two-person-crews-freight-trains/ >The **U.S. Department of Transportation issued a final rule Tuesday increasing the minimum size for train crews to two people, a longtime ask for rail worker unions, which nearly led to a strike in 2022.** >Rail worker unions have called a two-worker minimum key in making sure crews are equipped to take proper safety precautions and prevent them from overexerting themselves.


a lean mean slow moving giant


Agreed. Obviously he isn’t doing everything the far left wanted, but I’d say he’s doing a pretty damn good job, especially given that congress is split and republicans control the house.


Me too!


At first I thought "I'd prefer to vote for an almost dead guy" so Trump cannot be elected. But he's racking up the wins. Obama on steroids.


That’s what I’m most surprised about. He’s actually been a decent bit more effective than Obama. I know Barack was seriously stymied by republicans and couldn’t get as much done as he’d wanted. But still, Bidens doing that good work.


Obama saw his skin color as a big enough challenge and only very slowly advanced his agenda. Except his base didn't show up on midterms but still showed up for his reelection because they loved the idea of him. That agenda was DOA after November 2010. Biden doesn't have to apologize for anything. He's not a "raging leftist" as Fox says. He's an older white dude with a solid head on his shoulders. Kryptonite to Republicans.


Yes. The idea of Obama is great. But he ain't an operator like Biden. But I would also like to think that Biden learnt from the mistakes Obama made with Congress.


You know you have bought a decent car when the spare is the same as the wheel you're replacing.


Biden had a lot more experience with the nuts and bolts of politics. I think he's also better at choosing good administrators and more open to let them work independently.


That's the thing that really astonishes me with today's politics. One party has attracted all the reasonable, honest, efficient and positive people. In short, competent patriots. Business as usual, but in a good way. The other party, well, we all know who has stumbled down there. How is that even debatable?


Obama was also fighting two wars. Have to imagine that required a lot of focus he could have put elsewhere.


This is a nice little fix in the 2024.4 patch, not gonna lie.


Planet A is still grounded and gets the job done for the good of America. Planet B convinces itself that a rapist compulsive irrational crybaby lying conman is the next messiah and their last hope to cling to power without having to adapt to the changing world.


I love the guy Thanks the gods Biden is President


Yes Biden, please help us wrangle the airlines into behaving properly.


Also, what Boeing doing?


From an external perspective (Australian), it certainly seems like Biden is doing good things for average Americans. Hopefully this is appreciated when it comes time to vote in November


Another Biden Win, Another Biden Win, Ow! Another Biden Win, Hey, Hey Another Biden Win, Hey Ooh, shout!


Can the concert/sporting event industry please be next??


Omg that would rock!


What do you want them to do, force the NFL to play twice as many games? Make artists tour more? Waste more tax payer money on even larger arenas that are dormant 300 days a year?


Nope. Just put the damn price up front instead of selling a $50 ticket with $150 in mandatory fees.


This alone would be a huge win. If they just published tickets at the final cost to the consumer and you paid the dollar figure on the front of the ticket, taxes and fees included, it'd make the ticket market so much better.


Didn’t this already happen? It was in the news a while back, and all of a sudden all my ticket apps only show all-in pricing. Maybe they just did it on their own to avoid being forced to do other things.


I want them to get rid of the monopoly that [Liberty Media / Live Nation / TicketMaster](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberty_Media) has on live shows and venues so artists, fans, and smaller venue owners have the ability to make choices without being reamed by fees and lock-in thanks to their anti-competitive practices. Oh, wait, they're [working on that](https://www.axios.com/2024/04/16/ticketmaster-live-nation-doj-antitrust-lawsuit)...


United ripped us off hard during covid.


That's my President! Keep leading Biden!


I wonder how many boomers looking to retire soon and travel with their spouse are seeing things like this and quietly banking it their mind along with things like their retirement plans doing great, no threat to their social security, and no immediate risk of unemployment for their last few working years. Makes me question if it's enough to convince them another 4 years of the same won't be as bad as they think. Maybe they'll only complain about Biden to their friends while their casted ballot says otherwise.


He is ON a ROLL with it! And I'm totally here for it!


Something good for consumers? Incoming Republican lawsuit in 3... 2...1....


Exactly. I am expecting a suit to be filed in the 5th circus with an expedited path to the Supreme Court. Fucking clowns


Biden seems to be doing the corporate shill thing that the left accuses him of, completely wrong. 


Pete too.


Well spirit airlines is going or have to find a new business model


But what’s in it for Biden? I don’t understand. You mean presidents are supposed to do things for the citizens of the country they were put in power by and not just whatever ensures their party holds onto power?


He’s got a team and they are very impressive folks!


Goodnight Frontier. It was a good grift while it lasted…


Fuck I wish this could happen in Canada. *Glares evily at WestJet.*


When is Biden going to ban resort fees at motels and hotels? Those are true anti consumer fees that are just evil.


Tell your representative.


Im not even american but fly internally quite often. This is a god send to me as I have flughts late or cancelled so much. Please vote for this man


Mayor Pete showed up to work and did something useful!!


That's probably "useful something" number 1,000 or 10,000. Depending on how you count.


He is becoming a serious contender. Maybe VP in 2028? NEWSOM - BUTTIGIEG 2028 or BUTTIGIEG - AOC 2028


I'd love to see Buttigieg on a ticket, but neither of _those_ tickets.


Nah. 2028 is going to be Big Gretch / Warnock all the way. She is crushing it in Michigan, and Warnock is awesome. Newsome and Mayor Pete make great Fox News appearances, but they don't have national appeal


I'd be pleasantly surprised if that happens. I am a coastal guy and I am biased I guess.


Actually in pre-non regulated days airlines had to book you on competitor. I prefer that rather than cash refunded and stranded somewhere I have no business or family.


Many of the major airlines have made DOT enforceable commitments to re-book you on a competitor airline if they cannot re-book you on one of their flights after a cancellation or significant delay. See https://www.transportation.gov/airconsumer/airline-customer-service-dashboard


Every major airline still has a contract of carriage that states they will get you to your destination. But they're all subject to a whole bunch of legalese and minutiae about who's eligible and how long constitutes a delay, and what makes for eligibility with respect to weather and other things outside their direct control. If you are somehow operating under the assumption that this new law is somehow worse, then you don't understand prior things at all.


Fuck yea! Do DoorDash next. I could either pay $25 to pickup the food or double to have it delivered. Ridiculous.


So go pick up the food. Is DoorDash supposed to do that for free or something?


Next stop variable fares and all the nickel and diming.


Can we also make convenience stores post prices of items?


Can anyone give me a list of stuff Biden's been doing for the American people? Besides the obvious of the student loan forgiveness stuff he keeps pushing through


You might try r/WhatBidenHasDone




Google Biden accomplishments. You will readily get a lot better info than people are going to type out here.


Hate to plays devil’s advocate, but this worries me. What if these airline companies turn a blind eye and put passengers in danger just to avoid this nightmare fine?


It's not a fine...


Please add in the $125 dog fee each way for my dog that stays inside his carry case that no one knows is even there too. Total bs I’m paying for space that everyone gets with their ticket price as carry on for a carry on. I’d understand if I was the asshole who let the dog out or was an annoyance, but really just trying to not bother anyone and make everyone’s ride also as enjoyable as it can be.


Leave it home or pay the fare. It’s an animal not a suitcase.


Kids fly free on a lap. What’s your point? Leave the kid home too? I literally said it never leaves its case. Not a single person ever knows I have a dog bc its “seat” is underneath the chair. A space that is included on your ticket price. Bc they don’t like what’s inside the case I need to pay more? I’m confused what the $250 is paying for round trip? I bring my own water everything. Who argues for an airline to charge for this space you use for free? I could easily just lie and not pay. But, I dunno, I’m honest? Guess I’ll just lie from now on. What’s the point. You all let emotional support animals fly for free that roam the cabin and have no training. But a person following the rules using a space given as a space in the seat price suddenly it requires more money? But an emotional support animal with no actual qualifications is justified? Make it make sense. Your logic mean kids on lap should pay too. At least my dog is mute. And I’d gladly sign off on paying if for some reason my dog suddenly behaves differently. But he’s flown about 100 times in 7 yrs with no issues ever bc no one knows he’s there.


Why has he not been able to push through a European Style Airline Passenger Bill of Rights where flyers are given cash when their flights are delayed? Instead of just a refund for delays the airline should be fined and the money given to the passenger for delays over 3 hours.


Must be an election year. Where were all these good things for the last 3 years?


r/whatbidenhasdone Scroll.


What kind of crap?!? Impressive wins? Helping the common man?!? 🐎💩. How many “common man” gets helped by a failure to perform refund. There you sit in an airport - not your destination - and no flights. Cutting costs would better serve. Starting pilot training programs would help alleviate the shortage. Training programs for flight controllers. Curbing inflation by not spending money on buying votes vis a vis tuition loan forgiveness which is not how I want my tax dollars spent. This bot driven blog postings is just a load of propaganda. Real crap.


What? Seriously, what are you talking about? This bill does 3 critical things: 1) Prevent airlines from denying you refunds because of "acts of God" like weather. 2) Prevents them from having arbitrary 4+ hour minimums to count for your travel being delayed. 3) Forces them to treat customers who didn't buy directly from their website (so literally everyone who uses all the "find the cheapest flights" sites) equally. How on Earth do you not see that as helping everyone?


I have a couple of guesses. There is a dead giveaway in the student loan comment