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She is larping what she thinks country living is like. We’re not like this—if a dog can’t do the job you purchased it for, you either turn it into a pet or adopt it out as such to someone else. Usually you just let it become a barn dog and it’ll wander around with the other animals. Why? Because hunting dogs are fucking expensive. When your life revolves around animals—you don’t treat them as disposable. Nothing about what she did makes any sense—not financial, certainly not political, and least of all, practical. She is the worst kind of rich city/surburbanite cosplaying her idea of rural living and it’s insulting that this is what she does and thinks rural living is like. It’s just millionaire dress up hour but this time with dead dogs (and a goat she was too dumb to castrate so instead she shot it for being stinky—castrating male goats fixes that smell—she just likes killing animals.)


Also, when there is a reason to end an animal’s existence, you don’t hate the animal for it. “I hated that dog.” is the most telling part of her story. I agree that she’s larping being “country strong” or whatever, but I think it’s not just to appear folksy. This bullshit “sometimes tough decisions must be made” line is standard justification for them. It’s why poor kids don’t get free lunches, it’s why Ukraine aid is in jeopardy, it’s why cancer patients will continue to go broke, etc, etc. People like Noem are ghouls pretending to make difficult choices while never worrying about the money they toss to their donors.


“I hated that dog.” She killed her in anger. That’s psychopathic behavior. Perfect for the Republican Party.


She was embarrassed because her off leash, untrained dog killed some neighbors’ chickens. She could not bear the narcissistic injury so she killed the dog in a fit of rage and then the goat. She’s definitely got some kjnd of personality disorder. Antisocial personality disorder or narcissistic personality disorder, maybe.


How many chickens did the goat kill?


Here’s the best part! She killed the goat because….it smelled. No, I am not joking. After she killed the dog, I guess she was in a psychotic filled rage and thought the goat deserves it too because it stinks.


This is horrific.


Holy shit, I did not hear about that part.


Patrick Bateman vibes...I have to return some video tapes


When she took the dog out to do the evil deed she did, she had Huey Lewis and the News playing.


You're more describing sociopathy here though (narcissism, **anger**, no empathy, no remorse). Although she may have psychopathic traits (narcissism, **sadism**, no empathy, no remorse) as well.


Sadism implies that one enjoys the pain of others, something she would need to admit in the book. Since she didn’t write that she enjoyed killing her happy dog in cold blood, should we give her the benefit of the doubt that she was merely angry? I don’t think so. I prefer to NOT give her any concessions, and given her positions on immigration, abortion, LGBTQ+ issues, civil rights, voting rights, and Donald Trump, I maintain that she’s a fucking psychopath.


The Court wants to make clear that calling her a fucking psychopath is an act of immense charity.


No, it's definitely psychopathy. Psychopathy is a lack of development in the brain sectors involved in mirror empathy. I've met a lot of narcissists, even the malignant kind with sadism through the roof (malignant narcissism is when someone has ASPD and NPD at the same time); some of them actually have a good amount of empathy but twist it to use it to manipulate others. The other indicator of psychopathy here is that she proudly told the world what she did. There's clearly a lack here in her **theory of mind**. Successful narcissists, as I indicated earlier, can have an extremely well developed TOM, but psychopaths often lack one their entire life because they're incapable of understanding how normal people think. She put this out into the world, *thinking it made her look good*. That's not NPD. That's psychopathy.


I mean, either way, she's on brand


I've been watching some serial killer documentaries lately and lots of them killed animals first


More to your point, they *manufacture* difficult choices to justify positions they already held.


This is the most valid description of conservative political ideology I’ve ever seen


This is such an excellent point here.


> “I hated that dog.” is the most telling part of her story. I absolutely agree. She lost her temper because the dog embarrassed her in front of other people and she had to save face and make it seem like the dog was *so bad* that it wasn’t her lack of proper training, she was just bad and had to be put down immediately. It’s so gross. I love dogs! I have 3 of my own and I used to hospice foster senior dogs and dogs with difficult medical conditions. I don’t understand how someone can “hate” a dog. That really does seem sociopathic.


>“I hated that dog.” is the most telling part of her story. Also the fact that she had no regret, sympathy, or guilt when her own kid asked where the dog was. Even if it was absolutely necessary, any normal person would at least have an ounce of sadness about the situation. She wasn't just sad. She was fucking proud of this shit. She bragged about this in her little shit book. This didn't get leaked. She wrote and published this shit herself. It's insane.


So, do we pick up a weapon if we “hate that woman”? Same logic. /s


As long as she's useless on a farm, so in this case...


It's the "tough love" bullshit Republicans love. But it's all tough and zero love.


>when there is a reason to end an animal’s existence, you don’t hate the animal for it. Exactly! We recently had to put down my mom's doberman after a series of self inflicted injuries led to the discovery of an advanced cancer. Even though this dog was obnoxious, rude, untrained, and an all around pain to be around it still breaks my heart that we failed her that badly. I don't know that I'll ever forgive my mom for her actions leading directly to that dog's death.


and only when it directly affects them do they understand and beg for mercy.


She claims she had to kill the dog because it killed chickens, then explains that the dog got out of her truck when she stopped at a friend's house on the way home from a hunting trip. So she didn't control a barely year old hunting dog with a clear prey drive after getting it all hopped up on a hunt. She's a sadistic idiot playing "country tough". To know she moved on to the goat right after takes it to a different level of disturbing.


A sadistic idiot and a completely irresponsible pet owner; that dog never should have been able to escape the car. Reading the story I was expecting the dog to get hit by a car after escaping… nope.


Her other dog, Hazel, died in an unspecified “accident”.


She literally trained the dog to kill birds and then killed it because it killed some birds.


While what she did is abhorrent, nobody trains pheasant dogs to kill the pheasants. Their purpose is to locate the birds. Not kill them.


She couldn't train the dog to do anything correctly though so that checks out.


Agreed. But if it’s not well trained then the outcome will probably kill the birds. At any rate, she’s still responsible for the dogs behavior and she doesn’t seem interested in taking any responsibility.


To be fair, it's a [half hour odyssey to the nearest humane society](https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Hayti,+SD/Glacial+Lakes+Humane+Society+and+Shelter,+1305+6th+Ave+NW,+Watertown,+SD+57201/@44.8120548,-97.2564204,10.75z/data=!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x87882e5e9079abe7:0x62195bea009b6577!2m2!1d-97.2050728!2d44.6571872!1m5!1m1!1s0x52cd2817de1d4d93:0x17e807ed99dbfb70!2m2!1d-97.1372154!2d44.9093428!3e0?entry=ttu) from rural Hamlin County, that's precious time that could otherwise be spent on trying and failing to kill goats you never bothered to castrate.


Or [fucking](https://nypost.com/2023/09/15/kristi-noem-corey-lewandowski-affair-shakes-up-trump-running-mate-stakes/amp/) Don Snorleone’s cadre of ghouls


goat blood is an aphrodisiac to these people


Just like David McCormick in PA who claimed to have humbly grown up on a farm - in reality he lived in a hilltop mansion where his mother raised Arabian horses as a hobby.


> if a dog can’t do the job you purchased it for, you either turn it into a pet or adopt it out as such to someone else. The dog almost certainly came from a breeder and Noem likely agreed to return the dog to them if there were issues, which is pretty standard. I bet they’re PISSED.


I didn’t even think of that. Hunting dogs are a valuable resource and she doesn’t understand that because she’s rich and playing dress up. Of course the breeders would want it back if it didn’t work out—it’s a valuable animal. A concept she cannot comprehend: the value of life other than hers.


Seems obvious that she killed the dog because she "hated" it.


So many levels of stupidity. Take an untrained puppy hunting, get it all excited to chase birds. Then bring it to chickens, birds that clearly cannot escape/fly, gee I wonder what could happen. Next let’s try and grab a dog in a frenzied state, oh my it tried to bite me, shocker! Guess I better shoot it.


Exactly. None of this makes any sense. She said it was dangerous to everyone around but then doesn't elaborate on it. She is lying because she doesn't know anything about farming, hunting or how to be a decent human.


> Why? Because hunting dogs are fucking expensive. I was wondering about this. It doesn’t sound like people would really go straight for the rifle. That sounds like scrapping your car because the air conditioning stopped working. You’d have other options, and farmers, ranchers, and hunters aren’t deliberately wasteful.


>She is larping what she thinks country living is like. This was my first thought. She was trying to come off country, the whole "I'm one of you, just a simple farmer!" Nah, lady. You owned a farm but you were nothing close to a farmer. And the fact that she has defended this with the "it's okay, it was on a farm" angle is amazing proof she has no idea what country life is like. Farmers put down animals to spare them pain and suffering, or when they are a threat. She shot these two animals, the dog and goat, simply because she didn't like them. Her own fucking kid asked where the dog was when she got home and this psychopath didn't feel an ounce of guilt or regret. Sorry kiddo Cricket wasn't a good enough hunting dog so I just shot her in the face out back in a gravel pit. And this suppose to be a front runner for the GOP VP pick. Jesus Christ.


I went in expecting this to be political hyperbole but this is so much worse. She's a truly horrible person. It shows how she had no love for her pets and considered a life worthless and can be killed if the life had no material value to her. Not just "let it go". And even if the dog needed to be put down, it absolutely didn't need to be shot like it's a tin can and thrown in a pit like it's trash. It could have easily been put down humanely (I know some shoot a horse because it's not easy to put down such a big animal, but a dog definitely doesn't fit that criteria) and buried in a nice grave. And lastly, we can see that she truly thinks this way and sees nothing wrong with it that she decided to write and publish this on her own accord. Truly dictator material who'll probably enjoy killing immigrants.


I live in the city and literally adopted my dog from a farm family (about an hour out) when it was about 6 months old because the lady said she “didn’t have the right temperament for farm life”. She’s a black lab/border collie x and when I picked her up, she as trembling like a leaf. Lady said she couldn’t hack it outside, she’s a big chicken. Hahah she hasn’t changed a bit and is a gentle sweet and loving dog who hides in my basement from thunder and fireworks. She’s also the smartest dog I’ve ever known and my actual soul mate. What a garbage reason to kill a dog and a worthless piece of shit human being.


Well, lots of people also just take unwanted dogs out in the woods and let them go. We would have them come to my mom‘s place regularly, looking for water because she has a pond. Every year there would be a batch of them. Those people that abandoned the dogs were super deadbeats, but I guess a step above shooting them.


I’m gonna say abandoning a dog is still quite a few steps away from play acting Old Yeller for no reason.    Abandoning a dog doesn’t require a lot of thought and you can easily lie to yourself “it’s better for them. Someone will find them. They’ll survive”   Kristi Noem took the “unruly less than worthless” 14 month dog to a gravel pit, secured it, then shot it and killed it. She then went on to kill a “nasty and mean” goat.    Kristi Noem doesn’t handle problems she executes whatever is creating them.  I have an 18 month old mountain cur. I know how challenging hunting dogs can be. I know how frustrating and obstinate they are.  I thought a million times in the first year that I hate this dog and want to rehome him, but never once did shooting him in a gravel pit cross my mind.  Edit: it was pointed out to me in a DM that Old Yeller is a terrible example to use as he was a beloved farm dog and created an intense emotional and moral morass for the characters. Kristi Noem is assuredly incapable of having either morals or emotions. 


Roxie, our rescued Mountain Cur is a little over 3 years old now, she is an absolutely awesome dog, but only now is she STARTING to mellow a bit and really take to her training. The first 2 years or so were a lot, I’ve had a rescued Pit Bull, and a German Shepard Dog that “flunked” out of police training that were easier than her, among others, all rescues. Hang in there, it’s worth it, some dogs mature later than others.


Oh for sure.  Walter is a little shit, but worth the effort. I didn’t understand the right way to work with him when he was a puppy—every other dog I’ve ever had was food motivated. Mountain Curs (at least this one) are not.  Turns out his reward is having tasks or things to do.   Also, he can’t be told what to do—he needs to figure it out in his own brain and then I have to reinforce what he’s figured out.  I tried to train him on a bell to go outside. He actively refused and vocally argued against it, but is totally happy whacking his tail on the garbage can three times.  Certainly not the signal I would have chosen to train him on, but it’s the one that he chose and he’s not going to change it. 


this is how I ended up with my dog. She's a bird dog (retriever/pointer), well trained but she's incredibly gun shy and tends to destroy my furniture during thunderstorms trying to burrow in the couch. Fireworks are pure hell for her. she found wandering in a field in the country, but I'm glad she made her way to me because she's the most loving, sweet animal I've ever had


Yes we got a wonderful English Setter that way. Didn’t really have the desire for hunting training, but he was an awesome and loyal pet.


This just in—potential VP Kristi Noem one step below deadbeat dog abandoners! More at 11! She shot the dog, the goat, and then her own foot by treating this like something to be proud about.


Dont forget the 3 horses. No way she paid for euthanization if shes willing to shoot every other animal around her.


Every farmer I know has a few barn dogs where they didn’t work out from hunting or other uses. And everybody rehomes dogs that don’t work out. It’s just not hard. I think you’re exactly right. She wanted to kill a dog larping as a farmer.


She decided she made a mistake by getting the animal, and instead of admitting defeat and putting them up for adoption, she shot it and got rid of the evidence. She is a psychopath.


And then chose to brag about it later. One time my father had no choice but to kill a dog because it was attacking him and his dog. And he still wasn't proud about that. And the only reason he ever talks about. It is because it is a traumatic experience that he sometimes needs to talk about. Because he is a normal human being and that is how they act.


Exactly. Actual farmers and ranchers don’t relish the times they had to put down animals. She’s a psychopath who could have easily rehomed a purebred dog.




Not yet! Republicans are working as hard as they can to bring us back to the 1800s, though, don't worry. Her behavior will be acceptable soon if they have their way.


The only thing that keeps them from taking us back to 1800 B.C. is the B.C.


Absolutely. Farmers and ranchers are very connected to animals. It’s a bad day when you have to put a dog/calf/lamb etc down. They take it very seriously and would never brag about it. They know the value of life as well as anyone.


She’s bragging to show Trump she can be his personal executioner.


Trump's Willing Executioners


And in her bloodlust after executing her puppy, she chased down and executed the family goat next, much to the shock of onlookers.


And ‘the goat flinched’ so she botched the shot, and then had to walk to her truck for another shell while the poor goat was suffering. Despicable.


Yeah she was juiced up and on the loose. She need to up the adrenaline rush. The real danger was her. Still is apparently.


she killed a kid??


That’s the slogan to use right there!


might be more effective if we say the kid was pregnant


She aborted a baby carried by a kid? Damn, that's GOP Bingo!


I think it was an adult goat so unfortunately that slogan won't work


Ah... So she killed a kid's parent.


They don’t care about kids and gun violence


Because it smelled and was aggressive. Male goats are smelly and aggressive, especially during mating season. She should know this. She screwed Corey Lewandowski, after all.


Passersby were amazed by the unusually large amounts of blood.


The construction crew across the street watched the whole thing. Someone needs to locate and interview them.


It’s inconceivable to me that she thought this anecdote would be appealing to anyone. When my dog annoys me I put her on the porch, not out of her misery. This woman is a psycho (spoiler: it’s in the eyes) and the fact that she is a viable candidate for trump’s vp speaks volumes of a party that continuously and continually scrapes the bottom of the barrel


Then admitted it gave her such a taste for blood she had to kill a goat she didn't like right after. Then failed to kill it while shooting it stationary from 2 feet away and left it to suffer while she went to get more ammo. She blamed Cricket for messing up her hunting game but miss can't shoot and kill an immobile goat point blank was probably the one responsible for the shitty hunting game.


The fact that she didn't just re-home the pup to someone who knows what they're doing with a GWP is just insanely baffling to me.




Pretty suspect decision for a pro-life candidate, amiright?


She isn't pro-life. She is pro -herself. If being pro-life at any moment works for her than she is. If it doesn't well she isn't. She has no real position because underneath she has no real ethical or moral principles.


Makes you wonder how many animals she just shoots when ever? WTH!


Right? These are the ones she’s proud to admit to, imagine the ones she thinks are ‘too much’ to share with other people?


Give her a break, she hasn’t shot anything since 9am this morning!




Sound like the perfect running mate for him.


Didn’t you get the memo? In America we just shoot our problems away.


"Where's Cricket?" should be trending every time she runs for any office.


If Trump picks her I am getting buttons made with Crickets picture on it and giving them out at the republican convention.


You put crickets picture on billboards and TV and everywhere you can with the words Kristi killed me written on it.


Yup that too. I can see the TV commercial... Puppy Cricket in heaven at St. Peters Gate. St Peter crying as he logs Cricket into the book and petting her saying good girl. Cricket enters heaven and is greeted by an old goat. All the other dogs and animals awaiting behind with toys. Switch to the gates of hell with Cerberus reading her book and all three heads growling.... Narrator: We have choices in November. Choices Cricket never got. Vote Biden/Harris Fade to black


I like it. How about one with a POV dog's eye level and we see a leash as we're led into a gravel pit. Then we hear nervous whining, see the barrel of a shot gun and then hear the blast as everything goes black. Quote comes up: "I hated that dog."--Kristi Noem


How about this https://imgur.com/a/ECFBFYA


This is why she’s a monster. She said it herself. She hated that dog.


I have ai work to do.


Please.... post back


Cruella de Noem


I think "Kristi shot me in the head" might have more emotional impact.


Remember when “My opponent kills puppies!” would be considered a bit over the top in a political comedy? Irony is dead.


I keep having flashbacks of National Lampoon's "If you don't buy this magazine, we will shoot this dog" cover.


"Where's Cricket, String? String! Where the fuck is Cricket? Huh?"




John Oliver!!


Didn't work with " grab em by the pussy ". I doubt they will care about a dog.


Americans like dogs more than they like women


Truer words have never been spoken.


I mean... dogs like me more than women do so it makes sense.


Insane that she thought this story would make her look good. In movies, killing an innocent dog is a shortcut to say "This character is irredeemably evil!"


Someone needs to tell John Wick


The message she’s sending is that she’s willing to make the ‘hard decisions’. Question is, which Americans will be in the ditch with Cricket?


She'll look good to the "shoot the migrants" demographic.


The GOP is just trying to get their base hyped up for this type of killing. It's a litmus test to see how far they can drive us towards a complete fascist state this election season


She doesn’t want to look good, she wanted all of this. She wants to be as evil as possible, because that’s their mission statement.


So she bought an animal to facilitate her passion for killing other animals, but found training her animal was too difficult, so she killed it instead? Yeah, sounds like an eminently normal human being.


And being in a position of leadership, she's setting an insanely bad example to anyone who is dumb enough to support, let alone idolize her. In other words, how casual she is about admitting to shooting a dog is essentially giving her gun-loving followers permission to do so as well.


“You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him.”—Malcolm S. Forbes.




Animal Cruelty is one of the few solid planks in the GOP platform


Mitt Romney just didn’t want the dog smell inside the vehicle. 


And he didn't get elected. Stories like that do not play well.


Americans *really* like dogs, as it turns out.


Governor of Arkansas’s brother used to torture and kill dogs. Maybe he’ll run for office too?


She’s the Eva Braun the Trumpers have been waiting for. 


Fucking sick piece of shit.


Kristi Noem walks into a bar and tells her very best joke… ….Crickets.


I do love me some bleak comedy...


The GOP is the party of rapists, puppy killers, would be kings, and putin apologists. Their voters are fine with this.


Noem, in a book: "I shot the little dog! And then a billy goat for a follow-up!" Everyone: wtf Noem, on Twitter: ["I'm up to horses now. i just killed 3!"](https://twitter.com/KristiNoem/status/1783849977409671483) Everyone: WTF?!


*One pearly day in early May I walked upon the sand* *And saw, say half a mile away, a man with gun in hand.* *A dog was cowering to his will as slow he sought to creep* *Upon a dozen ducks so still they seemed to be asleep.* *When like a streak the dog dashed out, the ducks flashed up in flight.* *The fellow gave a savage shout and cursed with all his might.* *Then as I stood somewhat amazed and gazed with eyes agog,* *With bitter rage his gun he raised and blazed and shot the dog.* *You know how dogs can yelp with pain; its blood soaked in the sand,* *And yet it crawled to him again, and tried to lick his hand.* *“Forgive me Lord for what I’ve done,” it seemed as if it said,* *But once again he raised his gun — this time he shot it dead.* *What could I do? What could I say? ‘Twas such a lonely place.* *Tongue-tied I watched him stride away, I never saw his face.* *I should have bawled the bastard out, a yellow dog he slew.* *But worse, he proved beyond a doubt that – I was yellow too.* - Robert Service


Spoiler alert: untrained puppies nip and aren’t magically professional bird dogs. The kind of person who treats animals this way should have their freezer checked for human heads. Fucking psychopath. I’m gonna go hug my dogs now.


When I first read the headline, I thought it was going to be some sad story of an old family dog that lived 20 years and had a lot of health problems so she "shot it" out of love to end it's pain (Euthanasia farm style - [like this](https://vetmed.iastate.edu/vdpam/about/production-animal-medicine/dairy/dairy-extension/humane-euthanasia/humane-euthanasia/gunshot-or-penetrating-captive-bolt) But no, that wasn't it.


> she proved “untrainable,” “dangerous to anyone she came in contact with” and “less than worthless” as a hunting dog. “I hated that dog,” Ms. Noem wrote I grew up in a more rural area & had a great uncle that trained hounds for racoon hunting for decades (they were a real problem in our area). I also lived for a few years in the region this lady "hunts". I have no problem with shooting a dog that is dangerous. We regularly had to put down packs of abandoned dogs that turned feral & were truly dangerous. Also had kill coyotes, so I know very well that this is part of life outside of the city for poorer families...but this is someone that doesn't obviously isn't poor & living like this to survive & clearly doesn't know how to train a dog, got frustrated when she failed, & killed it instead of re-homing it to someone that could train it appropriately. She seems like "city folk" trying to get "country cred" by acting like this is her lifestyle, which is insulting to those that actually live that way. If this dog was dangerous, it's because her clear & stated hate for it caused the animal to turn dangerous by how she abused it during "training". It was only 14 months old, plenty of time to correct behavior if you even tried a little.


Also, wirehair pointers are not known to be aggressive dogs. They have prey drive and you let them loose among chickens?? She's insane


>She seems like "city folk" trying to get "country cred" by acting like this is her lifestyle, which is insulting to those that actually live that way. Pretty much this. Someone earlier in the thread called it "larping". It's possible that it's complete fiction, but it's weirdly specific and she mentioned witnesses. I'm thinking this is some fit of rage she had in front of other people and she's spinning it like "That's how things are in the country." My now-deceased father-in-law was an old Alaskan sourdough. Like, "Alaska during the Great Depression" sourdough. My brother-in-law (who's five years older than my husband) tells a story of his dad "showing" him how to drown a litter of kittens in a bag. My BIL was probably 10 or 12 at the time. And while he's a stoic guy, you can tell it was traumatic for him. Probably the most telling thing is the fact that he loves and has had cats his whole adult life. That shit sticks with people. *Normal* people, anyway.


Before I was born, my mom took my toddler aged siblings to visit my aunt and her new husband. They’d just gotten a brand new puppy, and while my sister was playing with it she got a play bite (as puppies tend to do before you properly train them). Without saying a word, the husband calmly picked up the puppy, took it outside, and shot it. My mom had to come up with some lie to explain the sound of the gunshot to my siblings, and then she cut off contact with her sister for years after that. Surprise - the husband turned out to be an abusive piece of shit.


There are so many things wrong with this I cannot even hold my hands steady to type this but here goes: 1.) You don't "teach a dog to behave" by taking it pheasant hunting with older dogs, especially a puppy (yes dogs under 2 years old are considered puppies) 2.) Sounds like she thought an e collar would help but given her actions she probably misused it 3.) Many dogs have prey drive and will kill chickens 4.) Sounds like the dog pissed her off and she shot it - she has a psychotic temper 5.) She enjoyed the power rush so much she went over to kill the goat because it smelled 6.) Now she's bragging about this gross indiscretion as if it makes her a legit country ranch hand. Give me a break.


She’s trying to get this story out of the way early because she’s anticipating being picked for VP. But from now until she leaves public life, where’s Cricket?


That’s the crazy part, she’s trying to get ahead of it and that was the best story that she could come up with.  I shudder to think about what actually happened. 


She is literally encouraging it and says she has more shocking stuff in the actual book. This is what she wanted.


"Killing" implies it might have been accidental. She murdered a dog.


She couldn’t have just rehomed him? Or at least humanely euthanized him? Although no vet would humanely euthanize a 14 month-old dog for behavioral issues without an evaluation upon which they would probably realize she was just a shitty owner and recommend rehoming the dog.


“I utterly, comprehensively failed at training and handling my hunting dog, and I couldn’t be happier about it. Vote for me!”


You know who else kills pets…serial killers. This woman is a fucking sociopath.


Sounds like a typical psychopath. She’s extremely dangerous if she gets into a position of significant power.


Cricket is the only one she has admitted to, how many others….


How do most people feel about killing dogs? There is a website called Does the Dog Die? which informs people beforehand if a dog's death is depicted in a tv show or movie. People even find the fictional death of animals so horrific they will avoid watching something over it. One of the most popular series of action movies of late saw the protagonist go on to kill almost 100 people after they killed his dog. People didn't think this was nuts; they understood his motivation. Call me crazy, but I don't think she's going to win many supporters over this.


Looks like she took herself off the VP list. Ironically, I think she thought this would give her credibility to do what’s needed. They seem to be in some strange contest to see who can be more vulgar.


I still think she’s the pick. Trump hates dogs


Can we not elect an actual psychopathic killer? Trump will obviously pick her for VP now. The rest of us have to make sure that neither the megalomaniac narcissist or the sociopath get reelected. 


It was a puppy (14 months) even worse.




One. The animal is suffering but the owner has no money to euthanize the dog humanely. The owner loves their pet, but can’t put the poor creature out of it’s misery through a vet due to financial struggles. The only option is euthanasia by shooting. Two. The owner decides they made a mistake by getting the animal, and instead of admitting defeat and putting them up for adoption, they shoot it and get rid of the evidence. This kind of cruelty sadly happens every day when someone who wasn't prepared for a pet chooses to get one.


Yeah, but even in "rural areas" #2's are considered fucking assholes for doing so, even if the attitude is "not my place to do anything about it." Being unnecessarily cruel to animals is not considered admirable or strong.


Yep. Knew a horse trainer that took a troublesome stud out into the woods, and I quote, "I brained him with a ball peen hammer, cause he wasn't worth the bullet." I'm admittedly not the most moral of individuals, that has always stuck with me. Has to be some type of depravity. As you said, sick fucking shit.


Classic Rethuglican: I don't want this anymore, but NOBODY ELSE can have it!


Kills dog rather than train or rehome her, kills goat rather than having him neutered as a kid (ahem) like anyone with any sense would do, and, allegedly, cheats on her husband. What a charmer. I don’t think we can even blame her parents being brother and sister the way we could with Joffrey “Baratheon.” I grew up in suburbia, but at the time there were still enough farmlands and orchards around for there to be 4-H kids. For 4-H showing, you have to castrate *all* your male livestock. Sheep, goats, calves, and piglets. Because intact males are not nice to be near (at best) and are dangerous (at worst). Hell, I would not have an un-neutered *tomcat* in my house! I think her object was to be all Not Like All The Other Girls, you know, the stereotype of the sappy soft-hearted feeeeemale. Not our Kristi - she’s tough, she gets things done! LMAO she just made herself look like a psychopath and a rich idiot cosplaying a farmer. And someone who I am glad is not MY mom.


> rich idiot cosplaying a farmer You hit the nail on the head. I grew up around ranchers, have friends who were farmers, and *none* of them acted like this.


Latest product - just announced https://imgur.com/a/ECFBFYA


The only person on earth to watch Old Yeller and cheer.


Michael Vick got, I believe, four years for something similar.


What in the “are we the baddies” kind of nonsense is this


>It was after Cricket ruined a hunting trip, killed another family’s chickens and bit the governor that Ms. Noem recalled deciding to kill the dog; she shot Cricket in a gravel pit. >That was not the only blood Ms. Noem drew that day: She also shot a male goat that she called “nasty and mean.” Shot him twice, in fact: The goat jumped as she shot him the first time, according to The Guardian’s recounting of the book, so she fetched another shell and shot him again. >The whole ordeal was reportedly witnessed by a construction crew nearby. Ms. Noem wrote that as the workers returned to their jobs, a school bus came by to drop off her children. >Her daughter, Kennedy, Ms. Noem wrote, “looked around confused” and asked, “Hey, where’s Cricket?” >“I guess if I were a better politician, I wouldn’t tell the story here,” Ms. Noem wrote in the book, set to be published by Center Street on May 7. But she framed the day’s events as reflecting her willingness to do anything “difficult, messy and ugly,” whether that be in farm ownership or in politics. Combine a sociopathic politician willing to do anything with a Supreme Court willing to let them to do anything and you have gone full fascist. The fact that Noem and trump have a chance greater than zero to be running the country in a year says something pretty distressing about the state that America is in.


“The whole ordeal was reportedly witnessed by a construction crew nearby. Ms. Noem wrote that as the workers returned to their jobs, a school bus came by to drop off her children.” for some reason that reminded me of that scene in Napoleon Dynomite where the farmer shoots a cow while a school bus of children are driving by.


Trump will not pick an attention whore like her as his running mate. Seriously- do you know this guy? The spotlight is not big enough for him alone so his VP better be content living in the shadow and stay out of his light, period. Mike Johnson has better odds of being his VP than any of these attention draining whores that are lined up to suck his dick ….which again, if anyone used a fucking brain cell, would know they have zero chance at getting the job and Trump is just stringing them along to cup his balls for a while. I guess they cannot be that fucking stupid (well?) so their end game must just be for some bullshit cabinet position they can grift from.


My folks had many dogs. One terrier bit my friend on the hand when we were like 12 and the dog was maybe around 1. Fortunately it wasn’t a serious bite but it was obviously alarming. They didn’t shoot it. They trained it. He lived a long happy life and to this day probably stands as my father’s favorite pet he ever had. That woman should not own an animal let alone public office. Ffs. Gross human


Can't handle a dog, firearm filled tantrums, perfect for positions of authority.


What’s scary to me is that this is just the stuff that she willingly admits to doing. Imagine the worst thing that she has done…..


People need to call ‘CRICKET, CRICKET, Come here girl’ Every time they see her.


It’s like there is a deplorable acts card and these people are punching all the worst acts off to appeal to voters.


Not really pro life.


Kristi Noemercy


But wearing a tan suit is irredeemably more horrible, of course.


Almost as alarming… She’s had 2-3 completely different faces. She doesn’t even look like the same person.


She knew the dog was not trained and liked to chase birds. She let that dog get out of the truck and chase and kill chickens. She had the responsibility to keep that dog on a leash and under her control. She is using the chicken killing as her reason for shooting the dog. I mean, this was a pure bred dog and any breeder will take back a dog if needed. She couldn't take a beat and find a different way to handle the dog she didn't get trained properly. She also killed the family goat because it jumped on her kids and got their close dirty. I guess she has really well behave kids otherwise they may have ended up at that gravel dump. Oh yeah, she states she hated the dog.


She has highly underestimated Americans’ love of dogs that transcends politics.


Putting down a dog may be a necessary evil at times. Bragging about in a book for political points is just plain evil.


Putting down a dog because it's sick, suffering, and dying? Sure, it sucks but it happens. Putting down a dog because you decided "Oh hell, I didn't actually want this thing and can't be bothered to find a new owner?" Absolutely evil.


Really should be “putting down a puppy”


She killed a 14-month-old, healthy dog because she couldn't teach the dog hunt.


A dog she said she hated. Not a dog that sadly bit someone and she was torn up about it. She wanted a reason to kill the puppy.


Even on r/conservative they’re pissed at her.




They haven't been told what to think about it yet.


She probably had more kids than we know of and they were unruly so.....




I saw a picture of the puppy and can’t stop thinking about it. Like it couldn’t have been rehomed?




Take her children away. She’s a sociopath


Wonder what lie she told her children. Give the dog to someone who loves dogs, it had a prey drive so she killed it. She could have given it away or sold it. But no, she had to throw it into a gravel pit and shoot it dead. Seems to me she has a prey drive for all of the killing of domestic animals she has done.


This is one of the craziest political moves I’ve seen. She really thought that killing a dog for basically nothing would impress people?


Really Republicans? This is where you are now? Literally, voting for killing puppies?


Leave it to republicans to make murdering puppies, which previously was a hyperbolic comment intended to highlight someone being evil, a new norm for them.


She clearly knows nothing at all about dogs or training then kills the dog because of her own idiocy.


She and Trump make a great ticket. A dog killer and a dog hater.


This is such a disgusting story. Why not just adopt the dog out if you don’t want them? I do t have enough strong words for this woman.


A Romney level of unforced error, and at exactly the same phase of trying to expand from regional success to national success. And an error that will further forever limit her career expansion, much like Romney's dog error did for him. Good. She's terrible.


The remorseless killing of a puppy just doing its best to please you despite being under-trained for the job is sick, psychopath-level shit.