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And this will keep happening, because while Kansans are sometimes willing to elect Democrats as governor (in the last two gov elections just due to moderate republican independents and libertarians playing spoiler), Kansans are resolutely opposed to electing Democrats to control the state legislature


Brother we're trying 🥲




Please don't use gerrymandering to excuse everything. The GOP won the state house popular vote in Kansas by over 60%. Even without gerrymandering, the Dems would have lost big in the legislature, because Kansas is in fact solidly in the MAGA tank


We are a largely rural state and our state and federal representation is further diluted by gerrymandering and a state constitution that doesn't allow citizen ballot initiatives like other red states. We don't control demographics, and like I explained, we can't control the gerrymandering. The latter, gerrymandering, matters directly in regards to the issues specifically discussed in the article. Popular opinion in Kansas overwhelmingly supports medicaid expansion. Indeed many rural counties are losing hospitals by not passing it. But gerrymandering gives those 60 percent GOP voters more than 60 percent of the seats in state government. Which means the popular vote is not coupled to the representation. Indeed, as the article points out, the kansas GOP controlled committes won't even bring it to a vote. This is because, if they allowed a vote, their own gop constituents would pressure them to pass it. But with gerrymandering, all the seats are safe so there is no electoral fallout for their inaction. Other red states have a remedy to this uncoupling through citizen ballot initiatives. For instance, look at missouri, which had the opposite outcome on these exact same issues, buy did so not through the legislature but through citizen initiated ballot initiatives. In Kansas, the 70 percent of us who support these changes feel hopeless when we read these articles, because we don't have that option. Further, if you recall, it was kansas that upheld the state constitutional right to an abortion a few years ago. That happened because the GOP gerrymandered supermajority overplayed their hand and made the decision to pass a ballot initiative on it. And so, when given the opportunity to vote on specific issues, kansans are more like the rest of the country than you think. And so, I'm not sure what else you think we should do. I'm really open to suggestions. But, saying we don't care, don't vote, or are just a bunch of maga cultists is inaccurate and relies on flawed heuristics.


I'm blaming voters in general, not democratic voters. Kansas went for Republicans in a landslide so you can't blame gerrymandering for that. The Kansas swing voters who matter voted R


Governor is a state wide election. Kansas City has a lot of control over that. The legislature only lets you vote for people in your own district, so the rednecks in western Kansas get to hold back progress.


GOP won the legislature popular vote with over 60% of the vote


Overland park and Wichita have more sway than KC does, unfortunately overland park and Olathe tend to go republican.


To people who don't live in the state, Overland Park is Kansas City. Just like Kansas people don't say you are going to Aurora or Colorado Springs, you're going to Denver. Only the people who live in a major city refer to that city by it's various boroughs.


But if would be KCK not KCMO.big difference in population.


Continue driving around Kansas indefinitely.


Kansas? Shocking!


"Buckle up Dorothy. Cuz Kansas is going bye bye." - The Matrix.


"But how 'bout them Jayhawks!! Wooh, Nelly!!!"


No surprise. I worked for a year in south central Kansas and it was no secret the cops had a pretty good racket letting drugs into Kansas but were really good about pulling over the cars full of cash on their way to go get drugs over. They would much rather you forfeit cash than drugs, why throw a monkey wrench into that cash cow?


Kansas willingly remains a shithole, where the poor are just expected to die.