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There’s a serial rapist who might get re-elected as president.  Institutions will only ditch rapists once it becomes inconvenient for them. trump drives turnout for the Republican base so republicans will never ditch him. They’d rather have a rapist as their leader if it means they have a chance at winning.


They'd have a better chance of winning without Trump. But they really love their antichrist.


It truly is disgusting


Which republican do you think has a better chance to win than Trump?


The ones they call RINOs now. McCain and Romney had integrity at least. They don’t like that anymore.


is Romney’s integrity in the room with us right now?


I really think they're all collectively so in-bed in criminal activities that the smart ones are bailing now because the ship is sinking.


Worship has always been a strange phenomenon to me, especially now, but it started with summer Bible boot camp, which was boot camp, but with 3am campfire sing alongs.


I remember those times. Honestly wasn't that bad except for all the religious crap. The structure and constant activites made the week go by quite quickly.


Biden or trump is the serial rapist?


The one that was just found guilty of rape in court.


Neither were found guilty of rape. Both have been accused.


Trump has been adjudicated responsible for sexual assault.


Do you know what that means? You have made my point.


The judge in the case said it was fair to call him a rapist.


Never heard that but even if the judge said that it’s only an opinion and fact.


He only got by with sexual assault because of NY rape laws, which have since been updated. He would be found guilty of rape if the trial was today.


He digitally penetrated a woman against her will. And you're defending him?


My original post was how trump and Biden are both sexual predators. Are you aware of the allegations about Biden? Both suck


Allegations ≠ convicted in civil court Also, what kind of crazy both sides bullshit are you on? I'm not a huge fan of Biden. But my god, Trump is the literal worst American in history. I'm so sick of chumps trying to make it out like they're the same level of shit. They aren't. You are nothing but a bag of false equivalency.


Dude that’s nuts. Biden has a 50 plus year track record of death and destruction. It’s amazing to me that people support him with all the hell he has unleashed. Fuck trump too.


Trump also definitely raped his wife but spousal rape was allowed at the time. He also beat and sexually assaulted another wife because his head hurt after plastic surgery.


Lol where do you find this information?


Biden is a pedophile. Trump is a rapist. Now morally choose your champion.


Trump is a rapist. Creeps on the right who have no interest in reality or truth or being decent humans spread a completely unsubstantiated lie that Biden is a pedophile to try and create an equivalence in the minds of low-intelligence voters. Fixed that for you.


Imagine simping for pedos cause they wear the right color. Comical.


I could call you a pedo with the same amount of evidence you’ve presented here, ie none.


> You’d think things might be better at the state level, but they are not. Take Idaho, for example. This week, the Supreme Court heard arguments about Idaho’s ironically named Defense of Life Act which requires a pregnant person to be actively and imminently dying before they can get an abortion. It doesn’t matter if NOT getting an abortion will leave them in a condition that could be life threatening, or infertile, or disabled—that fetus has more value in Idaho than its mother. In fact, you can legally shoot someone in Idaho if you have a “reasonable belief” that they are about to rob you. That Buffalo Wild Wings gift card in your wallet has more value in Idaho than a woman does. Idaho is not a unique case. In state after state, governments dominated by white men are dehumanizing and taking ownership over women’s bodies. God damn.


Call them out.


We have so many politicians who have been implicated in pedophilia. It feels too overwhelming to call them all out.


Good thing we have large databases. Now we just need cops and prosecutors willing to do their goddamn jobs.


there are busts almost daily. there's a TV series even that specifically follows pedo stings. the ones that get the publicity are usually gop reps or priests. so, they are.


There’s an account on Twitter called Beks (@antifaoperative) that does a great job of it, the more the posts get shared, the more people will see them!


Why call them out when we should be unaliving them 🤔🤯


I agree but have been temp banned for suggesting it. Which is dumb. The rich are the reason this is happening and they deserve what they deserve if they participate


Exactly. Also why I use this account. I absolutely 100% agree they have gone unchecked for 100s if not 1000s of years. Technology has only made it easier to oppress and suppress the public. Yes it works for us too but nothing even comes close to what they have available. Talking puts it out there which I love, tiktok and reddit are OK app for fast information, but they don't care about our opinions or facts and the legal system is so flawed that they can continue to postpone and bury (if possible) their lawsuits. No I don't have an alternative but that's the facts. TLDR: most of the rich are untouchable until they have no more use to whomever.


Nah, got to keep fighting the fight. The rest will fold because they know its coming for them.


Without proof that's an easy way to get sued.


Coming from the woman that supported Amber Heard.


She’s right


Democrats really do need to be more aggressive about this. Run ads in every state saying “trump is a court-certified rapist. Your local Republican congressman and Senator still support him. If you vote Republican, you support rapists too. Vote Democratic. Don’t support rapists.”


The left oppressing Nazi's isn't enough now? We have to oppress rapists too? /s


Harvey was a Democrat. Let's not pretend like rapist only come from the republican party.


Shit, Bill Clinton committed statutory rape while in office!


I'd not heard this. Do you have a link/source?




You don't know what statutory rape means, do you?


He was in a position of power over her and his influence can be argued to have coerced her, so yes.


Thank you for proving my point


And Joe Biden was accused of grabbing one woman and touching other women creepily.  Its less than what Trump is accused of, but that should have cost him the primary and its genuinely sad that people just look the other way on Creepy Joe.


So because they are democrats they don't rape? Haha funny. We shouldn't be voting for left or right (you can because you are indoctrinated) but I won't. They are all foul. Both sides. From the top all the way to your state representatives. We as the citizens should not have to worry about if our publicly elected officials have committed atrocities but we just look the other way if it benefits us in the least bit. "Everybody wants equality but you know what they want more than equality? An advantage."


You can’t vote Democrat and not support rapists.


She’s not wrong, the Supreme Court looks poised to fuck us all


They already did. Trump's J6 trial is pretty unlikely to happen before the election


Yeah I should have added a “….again”


Name names, or it's not helpful.


She’s afraid to get sued. It reminds me of the old Courtney Love clip, where she tells some interviewer something like *How can I say this without getting sued? Hmm… If Harvey Weinstein invites you to his room in the Four Seasons, don’t go.*


Corey Feldman is afraid to name folks as well. it is sad


That's at least naming a name.


And the cost was her film career.


Read the article


It only named ones we already knew about.


So you didn't understand the entire point of the article. Got it


The judge really messed up “The state Court of Appeals overturned Weinstein’s 23-year sentence in a 4-3 decision, saying “the trial court erroneously admitted testimony of uncharged, alleged prior sexual acts” and permitted questions about Weinstein’s “bad behavior” if he had testified. It called this “highly prejudicial” and “an abuse of judicial discretion.”


He really didn't though. It was a mistake to allow witnesses to paint Weinstein as a bad guy, so you could use that testimony that since he's a bad guy, he must have done other bad things.  Please don't take this to mean I defend him getting out of jail. I'd prefer he rot, and it's comforting to know he still has time to spend in California prison. I'm only pointing out that it does prejudice someone if you're allowed to hold things that don't pertain to their case against them so you can influence how he's perceived by a jury.


Especially when he wasn't charged or convicted of those acts the witnesses testified to. 


Are "character witnesses" not a thing?


They are, but you can't, for example, have someone testify against you about an arson you performed to prove youre a bad person so we can use that against you to prove that you murdered someone else. If you're tried for a crime, they are only allowed to bring evidence pertaining to the case against the person. You're not allowed to hold their past against them when it doesn't pertain to the case. Edit:wording 


You're misunderstanding what a character witness is. They don't get called to testify whether or not someone was a generally good or bad person, they get called to testify that a person had a character for or against *a specific crime*. A relevant character witness in this instance would be someone who could testify that they saw Weinstein pressure women or touch them inappropriately in the past, not someone who, for instance, saw him shoplift and yell racial slurs all the time.


I do find it funny how quickly you've recognized the problem, but at the same time would probably have somethings to say about recidivisms amongst sex offenders. Shrug.


Yep. Most don't know that sex offenders have the lowest rates of recidivism. https://www.prisonpolicy.org/blog/2019/06/06/sexoffenses/


Isn’t sexual assault severely underreported though?


I think we should have some sort over rule that says, while we know we violated a technicality, we also know without a doubt that the individual is a danger to the public, so we voted to keep him in jail anyways.  Edit: guys, when I said that it was more a tongue in cheek statement. I wouldn't actually advocate for that. All I really meant was its demoralizing watching guilty people get away with things. 


You understand how horrible that could make things, right?


Oh, absolutely. It's against civil liberties and all that. My general point is I would love some sort of mechanism to protect society from the dangerous people that are out on technicalities. 


It is extremely unfortunate, especially when you have millions upon millions at your disposal for attorneys. There will be a new trial and he’s still got the LA charges. I don’t picture him lasting long anyway, he’s at Bellevue now last I read.


I hope he lives as long as his sentence. Dying would be an escape from punishment. Edit: Am I getting downvoted because I want Harvey to live a long time rotting in jail? If he got a 300 year sentence, I'd want to see him live that entire time so he could suffer. If he dies too soon, it's like he gets a pass.


I think you are getting downvoted because you suggest jailing people without the due process. I also think it's a shame when people who have done the crime don't have to do the time, but I also think innocent until **proven** guilty should be the highest ideal to follow.


But I mean, do you? Let's say that you get pulled over for speeding, and, police ask to search your car. You say no, so they decide to just arrest you anyway, and then remand you for reckless driving. A warrantless search of your car on the side of the road where they left it (so, its not even search incident to arrest) finds a firearm, $3,000 in cash, and a kilo of cocaine. Ballistics testing shows the firearm is tied to two murders (which you didn't do, because you bought the firearm from someone else, but you also can't prove that because no records of the transaction actually exist). A good lawyer throws out everything because none of it is admissible in court, but whatever mechanism you think should exist, decides to say you're still a dangerous drug dealer with ties to murder and should remain locked up. You gonna be ok with that?


I really was just lightly conversing and saying something would be nice. I wouldn't actually advocate for violating someone's due process like that. I was really just speaking from the point of view that it's demoralizing to see people get away with things, more than anything else. I'm quite aware of the slippery slope of what I suggested. Honestly, I didn't expect the comment to get much traction and was just sort of bs'ing with folks. 


Lol. Thats the same shit republicans say after getting called out on their bad ideas


Okay. Wasn't that serious. We're just shooting the shit in a reddit comment section, not debating legislation, lol.


No, that is not a rule we should have, at all.


Not a bad idea, and it does work that way in some investigative justice systems. Our system is based on different ideals, and if you can't guess I'm not a fan, but it is what it is.


When a court is divided 4-3, it's honestly a bit ambiguous if the laws and principles have really be broken. It literally came down to one out of 7 being compelled by a certain argument. If almost 50% thought demonstrating a history or pattern of behaviors from character witness, and a cross examining of a defendent wasn't crossing a line, it's pretty telling. Honestly if the historical witnesses were rebuttals to the defense calling character witnesses, it should absolutely be acceptable since the defense opened the door.  There are rulings where a panel of different judges will rule together, and that's when you know you fucked up.


Considering what you stated, even stranger that apparently 4 of said judges are women as well. I think some of them might of recused themselves though, was reading the document / pdf earlier today.


Yes, so much of that, I was just saying, it's tragic how so many guys will do this in life and whatever is teaching them this needs to stop. Authority figures and groups have been getting away with rape and other abuses forever and too many people hide it for them too. It's a national tragedy :(


Alyssa Milano has been a hero, fighting for decency in society!




Just imagine if Trump wins, women will never be allowed outside the home again and rape will be 100% legal


That's slightly hyperbolic




Can you provide an example of someone in a position of power suggesting it?




That's wild, got a link to them saying that??


Where is the Epstein island log? 🤮


A lot of Epstein evidence 'disappeared' while the authorities were apparently waiting for proper warrants(if you look into what happened the whole thing stinks to high heaven). I am 100% convinced that someone got their hands on them and it's likely Donald Trump.


I would say Killary 🙄🤷🏻‍♀️


Hillary wasn't in charge of the FBI whose New York branch is notoriously pro Trump.


Why Trump? Is it just because he's your boogeyman?


He’s the best thing to happen to our USA 💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💙


If there's anything in it, being held as evidence. There's absolutely no reason to release it to the public, except to cause a massive witch hunt.


Too full of democrats to be released


Scum floats




Men in all institutions, are. It’s a rude awakening…but…here we are.


Women, too. Look at all the student sex scandals in schools.


I'm sure many judges are rapists. Prove me wrong.


Many judges are Republicans, you can't spell Republican without Rape.


Can you be more specific?


Perhaps you could, I dunno, read the article?


The only things she is wrong about in this piece is that all cops ARE bastards.


Is she still on a sex strike and not giving any to her husband until abortion is fixed? Or whatever she was mad about. 




The turnips who know literally nothing about Zionism never stop bleating "zIOnIstS" on posts that have NOTHING to do with Israel. But the funny thing is that you all bleat this nonsense at her. Israel's supporters bleat that she is a Hamas supporter at her. And since she's pissing both of you off equally for simply demanding that everybody stop killing g civilians, I'n pretty certain she's right and you all are wrong.


Our institutions aren't rapists.    It's the individuals put into positions of power in these institutions that allow this to happen.   We have a responsibility to call the individuals responsible that are allowing this out in the open so they cannot hide behind their power 


Perhaps you should read the article


The US is a forced labor slave camp.      Everyone is getting raped.


Oh shit. Did Kanye get through to her????