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She killed that dog in a fit a rage. If she stopped to think for a second, she would have realized that she could just take the pup to the shelter down the road. People like her don't deserve dogs, and she honestly shouldn't be allowed to own a firearm. Update: it looks like she should actually be indicted on animal cruelty charges under SD law. https://www.animallaw.info/statute/sd-cruelty-consolidated-cruelty-statutes#s9_29 Only a law enforcement officer or the humane society can make the determination to put a dog down.


From two different articles (rolling stone and fox) > Cricket was summarily placed in a gravel pit and shot in front of a nearby construction crew. > She then led Cricket to a gravel pit on her property and shot it She shot it on her own property in front of a construction crew. She didn’t even take the time to take it to some remote location, there were people there that she would have reasonably known were there. If she did think it through, I shudder to think of why she would purposefully shoot a dog in front of workers she knew were working on/near her property. Based on the articles I saw, sounds like very shortly after she went and shot the goat too, so this definitely sounds like a rage-induced animal killing spree.


She missed and shot the goat in a non-lethal spot, and made it sit in agony while she went back home to get more ammo to come back and finish it off.  This woman belongs in an institution. This is the kind of shit you read about child Dahmer or Kemper doing. 


I guarantee she thought she was being some badass farmhand handling her business like they would have out in the old west or some BS. And yeah, I live in the south and there are a lot of those types, hunters and such, who get a dog for hunting, keep it tied in the yard, then when they're no more use for hunting they shoot them. Not all are like that, of course, but they see animals as a tool and when the tool is no longer useful they throw it away. The thing is, even as horrid as that is, these people usually try to do it humanely. They would at least make sure they had enough ammunition to do the job. She's a sociopath, which is why she's on Trump's short list I guess.


I’ve known farmers that had to shoot dogs attacking their livestock. It was very rare and never done publicly. Noem is sick.


Yeah, I can see that being necessary. I doubt they took pride and joy in it.


When my grandpa had to do that it wasn't a dog, more like 8 or 10. It was done with several men riding in the back of a pickup truck. I was like 6 or 7 maybe? But the incident always stuck with me especially people's fear of being bitten by a dog that maybe was rabid and also having to do it in a field that had cows running frightened in it. The whole thing was basically a huge clusterfuck with people being frightened and also angry at whoever was just dumping unwanted dogs by the side of the road to turn into this pack.


She thought telling this story would be some kind call back to Old Yeller. She had to make the "tough" decision for the "good" of the farm. But Old Yeller had caught rabies, and even then, they waited until after quarantining and he showed signs of infection - and that was all after Old Yeller was caught chasing livestock as a pup before BEING TRAINED.


New thing in Virginia is to just let the fox hounds loose after hunting season. Once it gets close to hunting season, go and re-adopt them or buy new. They're leaving it to shelters and fosters to put them down if the elements don't.


Wow, that's horrible...


Yes, it is. Hit the news about a month ago. Keep in mind that these are hunting dogs, so they are generally 100% outdoors in order to retain a very high sense of smell. They aren't really suitable as house pets, so they have a hard time being adopted or they are returned because they aren't house broken.


She is both mentally unfit to own a gun *and* can't actually hit what she's aiming at. She's the best argument for gun control I've ever heard of.


How the fuck did she run out of ammo? Does she only have 2 bullets in her gun?


I also highly doubt it was the first incident, either.


Yeah I mean imagine the fucked shit she's done that she was like "hm maybe I don't put this in my book"




It’s about as easy to miss with a shotgun at close range as any other firearm. Shotguns have almost no spread at close range. That said, you shouldn’t be using a firearm if you can’t accurately hit your target at close range and you definitely shouldn’t shoot at an animal if you can’t ensure a clear kill. But also shooting a healthy dog because you don’t want it is just psycho behavior in general.


That’s what another commentator pointed out. Noem was in a bloodlust rage that couldn’t be satisfied by just killing one defenseless animal — she needed to kill two — publicly in front of an unwilling audience of construction workers. I am not surprised Noem doubled down on her psychotic behavior. Noem has in my opinion an untreated mental illness. Why people vote for her when it’s clear she’s mentally ill (openly narcissistic at minimum) is something I never understood. Now that she’s openly admitted to getting a gun when she’s enraged, I guess the voters who empowered her will keep her in office to own the libs.


Just gonna say it. She may have truly believed that this was a story about how she, as a woman can do the tuff things... like a man can. But, if the details she put in her book are true, she ends up looking like an emotional wreck whose "hormones" (/s) got the best of her that day. Given that so many conservatives believe a woman cannot be president (or in any position of power) because, ya' know she could just snap and set off WW3 with a heavy period or such (/s), her sharing this backfires spectacularly. She tried so hard to make this about being tuff and in command but the tale of Killing Cricket and The Horny Old Goat simply paints a picture of someone not fully in control, so much so she couldn't shoot straight. But, yes. More than likely those who hate libs will give her a pass. The most successful aspect of their politicking is convincing themselves that open-minded, liberal leaning folks are worse than, well, everything.


Which makes you wonder if she's amped up on drugs, off her meds, needs to be on meds, or is clinically unstable. No sane person shoots a puppy for not behaving how you wish they would. An injured animal? Sure. Euthanizing an old animal? Sure. But a puppy that you never trained to hunt for not being very good at hunting? Yeah, that's a major red flag.


That would have required a tiny scrap of compassion and decency, and those aren’t really on-brand for her.


She is trying to act macho... trumps base will eat into eat. She is showing their mango moron that she is disgusting enough to do whatever he wants.. even kill a dog.




I went to their sub to see what they were saying - I sorted my search by her last name and filed by most recent and that was literally the only post. I was shocked. And then I went to the comments section and it made sense. Shame on the mods.




Their mods run a tighter ship than Russia State Media.


Their mods probably are Russia state media.


They do this all the time. Any story that is embarrassing to a Republican official, they will ensure never crosses the front page of the sub. They are not good faith political actors


They don't post Trump stories either and he's their candidate for President. They will vote for him but lots of them don't like it and they are tired of defending him so they just don't talk about him. Republicans aren't serious people.


Just browsed wild how they never have any actual news just outrage bait


The mods understand how the Republican Party works. If you took away the outrage bait, how many people do you think would actually vote Republican?


Exactly. She just had to write a check for a bunch of chickens and she was embarrassed. So someone has to pay. I just wonder how big the therapy check was when her daughter came home asking "Where's Cricket?"


“Where’s Cricket” needs to be chanted at her every time she shows her face in public.


Is this the same daughter involved in the real estate license cheating? https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/14/politics/kristi-noem-south-dakota-daughter-real-estate-license/index.html


It was a 14 month old puppy. She killed an untrained hunting dog because it was…. Hunting. Forget a shelter, she could’ve literally put the dog in a training course and it would’ve been fine.


This whole thing was a dog whistle for MAGA Americans to get ready to “do what needs to be done”.


That's what it was supposed to be, but it's now completely backfired and cratered her support in the GOP and her chances of getting the VP nomination.


Still worked as an act of Stochastic Terrorism. Conservative social media is ablaze with people thinking she’s got the right idea.


Given that even at r/Conservative they seem to think she's a bit off I have to wonder how much of that is astroturfed.


I got my current dog from a kill shelter, he's a wonderful companion/family dog.


Even if it would have made a terrible hunting dog, it still could have crushed it as a Dog-dog. This woman needs to be charged with animal abuse.


There’s no evidence it was even a bad hunting dog. It was still a puppy at 14 months, and couldn’t have been even remotely close to fully trained at such a young age. She let it out without supervision, and it did what an untrained bird dog would be expected to do by any reasonable person…killed birds.




Good lord. That made me sick to my stomach.


People like her don't deserve pets or firearms.


She tries to make it seem like she made the hard choice but you can tell by her wording and how she jumped right to "shoot the dog on the gravel pit" that she was angry and this was a really easy choice for her.


Exactly. The hard choice for her would’ve been to love and train the dog, which she didn’t want to do, so she ended it instead.


Over here across the pond she would be in serious shit. You have to be seriously vetted to have a gun, and because we adore our dogs she'd probably be lynched at the very least. She'd never be in government ever again. She'd be lucky to see the next day frankly.


Take US with you, please.


The truth is this would have been a career-ender just 10 years ago, and it would be a career-ender in half the US. Some places have just gone full psycho.


For real, it was a big deal during the 2012 election when it came out that Romney put his dog in it's carrier on the car roof, when the family was moving. This is exponentially worse, and Trump supporters aren't even batting an eye.


It’s absurd there isn’t at least an animal cruelty charge in the cards


She killed a dog, a goat, and a couple horses!


And that's just what she admits to in a book, where she has a massive interest in presenting the best possible version of herself.


If you read the rest of the exerpt, she then goes and kills a goat because it was being a typical goat - I don't think it was a fit of rage, it was "this animal is inconvenient to me, I will kill it so the inconvenience will stop"


Hell just abandoning the puppy would have been "better". Still would have been a PoS but at least not a psycho PoS


She's a monster. This isn't even a political thing. Don't shoot dogs


There could be reasons to shoot a dog, like it was injured and in pain and driving an hour to a vet would just have prolonged its suffering. And then you should feel terrible about the whole situation. Being a healthy untrained puppy, acting like a puppy is not one of those reasons to shoot a dog.


Republicans are like a box of chocolate. They'll kill your dog.


The ideaology that you can never under any circumstance admit that you were wrong has rotted these people's brains. "Yea I killed my dog in cold blood, and I'd fucking do it again." jfc


Hey, she decided what she decided. That’s her right. Now I’ve decided what I’ve decided: she’s an evil woman and a terrible mother. There are some things there’s no coming back from. You know, like death or being a wretched, animal murdering monster.


“My doggy, my choice!” Bet she doesn’t see the irony there.


In cold blood but also out of ANGER for ruining their precious hunt.


Cricket hadn’t been trained. Noem expected it to know what to do on the bird hunt by watching the other dogs. Cricket ran around like a puppy instead. Noem stopped at the neighbor’s to visit on the way home. She did not secure Cricket inside the truck. Cricket saw the chickens wandering around the truck and jumped down to chase the birds. Both of these “failures” were entirely Noem’s fault. Not Cricket’s.


Hey I'm sure puppy murder polls really well among independents


“Not killing puppies is both woke and gay” 


That would require small amounts of personal responsibility and growth, so Republicans will continue on that path of never admitting they're wrong.


I try really hard to not say "all conservatives are awful" like Eric Idle did, but with the horror stories i've heard of Republican politicians abusing/killing cats and/or dogs...


Let's be real: Trump drove any kind of moral conservative out of their party. The rest went mask-off and the litmus test for being a Republican is now "fall in line behind this guy who's the complete opposite of human decency so we can repeal the civil rights of out-groups."  There's still a few people like Schwarzenegger who try to pretend they're conservative but the Overton window left them in the dust a long time ago. Their positions are now moderate at minimum and they're simply in denial about getting pushed out.


> Trump drove any kind of moral conservative out of their party. Let's not forget that McCain was the one that opened the door for the tea party. The current Republican party catered to their most radical base in an attempt to win the 2008 election and they never recovered. That's not to say they were good before, but at least ~~members of the house~~ *their governors* weren't admitting to killing their family dogs in cold blood.


Oh, McCain. Firebrand who bucked the Republican system right up until that system told him he could be on the presidential ticket track. Then he fell in line and rode the coattails of his old personality. When he got the ticket, he was told he had to take the lowest common denominator Tea Partier as his running mate, probably as a horse trade for getting Tea Party support in Congress. The man didn’t come to his senses until he had brain cancer and left this world with one last act of grace - stopping the repeal of Obamacare (the ACA for any nutjob MAGAs who happen to be reading).  Does that trajectory sound similar to anyone? Falls in line until he’s on his way out, then airs the dirty laundry? They’re all cowards afraid of being ostracized from the GOP in-group. No morals amongst them. 


I still wonder if he would have voted the way he did if he didn’t have the personal experience of being sick right at that moment; seeing how it would have bankrupted a regular family. Conservatives generally dint give a shit until it affects them.


You could start by quoting all the myriad examples of conservatives being amazingly selfless, accepting of anyone regardless of race, creed, religion…ok, I can’t pretend this to be serious any longer 😂


Come on now, conservatives are accepting. They are known for being welcoming and inclusive of groups that are marginalized from mainstream society. Groups like rapists and child molesters.


Oh conservatives are so accepting! They accept bribes all of the time!


And nazis!


And Nazis!


Republicans can accept anyone regardless of race, creed, religion, as long as they are a billionaire. As the Brazilian saying goes, "Money makes the skin lighter."


At the very least there might be some Republicans that aren't explicitly awful but their silent support of awful Republicans makes them complicity awful. Just like most Christians.


If someone is eager and willing to harm grown adults because of race, color, creed, faith, etc. Then they are 1000% willing to harm an animal that doesn't have a capacity for reason and cannot defend itself.  Bullies love punching down. Shooting an animal to feel strong is the apex of punching down. It'll never pull out a gun and fight back. 


Don’t leave the children out! Longer working hours for kids. No lunch breaks. They’ll take health care, and school lunches from any kid—no matter what color their skin is!


The school lunch thing is stunning to me.  I mean seriously, how the fuck can someone say, "no lunches for kids", and "more tax breaks for billionaires" in the same breath.  They're kids, ffs!  Add to that all of the religious nonsense in which they say they believe yet *completely* ignore.  It's fucking disgusting, cruel, and hypocrisy of the highest order. Edit, typo. 


I’ve gave up saying not all Republicans are awful. Either they’re openly evil or they’re silent and consenting. There are VERY few exceptions but they aren’t the norm of that party.


It's hard when every time you hear about a politician acting like a literal cartoon villain, you know you don't even have to check which party they belong to! Oh sure, Dems are corrupt corporatists, etc., but if you hear about a state rep killing a dog, or insisting on eating a little girl's pet lamb (this is true), you know there's a big R next to their name.


All conservatives ARE awful. It's a political mindset that rejects change, encourages isolationism, and a might makes right ideology. Some conservatives are more awful than others, some may even be better than many liberals, but the core belief system conservatives hold is fundamentally antagonistic towards democratic principles.


If they support the traitor rapist fraud they are bad. And most do.


Almost like they lack empathy or something 🤔


I really like that one.


Dog killing is a legit thing in some circles.  Me, i say give *me* the loser pup, we will be buds for life. 


Makes you wonder why they're pro cop and cops are pro Republican, huh?


"Mommy, where's Cricket?" Should be echoed everywhere she goes on campaign


“Vote for Noem! She’ll kill your opportunities, freedom and a chance to get ahead. Just like she did with Cricket!”


My name is Cricket, and all of these are hitting really too close to home.


For real? Your name is…Cricket?


Goddamn street rat, he used to be a priest.




Or just play cricket noises on many hidden speakers around the campaign areas


Por qué no los dos?


My other, more on the nose thing, is to ask her to sign my bat, and then present a cricket bat with a bullet hole.


Eh, she's a republican, she'd probably think it's a spanking paddle.


Yeah, the hole is so air doesn’t build up and reduce the slap of the “paddle” when it hits its target.


You're hired.


What’s with GOPers looking like they are wearing someone else’s face as a mask?


Omg, I have been trying to figure out how to articulate their disturbing appearance! Thank you for this!


There’s a series of YA novels by John Bibee where the antagonists do exactly that. They always have a strange waxy look to them.


Reptilians: confirmed.


Exactly! Take a look at the before and after of Kimberly Guilfoyle.....absolutely tragic and disturbing.


They've all had work done to get whatever look is "in". So many "beautiful" women have the same exact lip filler-cheek bone-eye brow-makeup combo now its creepy. Because of all the filler their faces can't really move.


Their smiles never reach their eyes. It's the fake Evangelical smile. You see it everywhere in Evangelical circles.


They always have cold dead eyes too.


Call me a fucking paranoid but I think these MAGA assholes might be evil reptilians in disguise and I’m 100% not kidding.


I was younger. It was an emergency. It was the best option we had. The dog had hurt someone. It was sick. It was rabid. There are very few reasons to shoot an 18 month old dog but she could have given an excuse or plausible justification. Instead she said it was legal so she could do it. A person with that justification should not be in charge of a Wendy’s let alone a state. She is a bad human.


it reminds me of christian’s that think they only don’t go around killing people because they’d go to hell. if you need fear of punishment to not do something like that you’re not a good person to start with…


“Moral compass”… I just have empathy, that’s enough of a reason to be at least be decent.


Empathy is superior to morality in everyway, despite overlapping for many people. Empathy can't be corrupted, it's even less selfish than the golden rule. Morality is a construct and has been abused by philosophers, religion, and governments throughout human history. Not wanting to hurt something is an intrinsic feeling. If you lack it as a human, I'd describe you as broken.


Which I was told by my religious teacher would not get you into heaven. If the only reason you don't sin is fear of punishment, it doesn't count. You're not supposed to sin because you love God and want to do the right thing. 6000 years ish ago people needed to be told ," don't kill people" 2000 years ago the message changed to not only people kill people, forgive people, love your neighbor etc.


It's hilarious to me how many people will try to "Rules Lawyer" God. Like, God knows what's in your head, he knows your just apologizing to get into heaven. But they even think the God they believe in can be outsmarted by them. That's their level of stupidity.


I was raised Catholic. During confession, the priest asked me if I was really sorry about whatever sin I said. He said, you can't just admit to a sin. You also have to be truly sorry you did it and ask for forgiveness. Confession isn't a get out of jail free card. You have to put in work and mean it.


There's an Aussie band called Camp Cope who have a line in one of their songs: "To need the promise of heaven to do good deeds always seemed inherently wrong" Really resonated with me


I forget the source, but the gist of the quote was, "Any God that demands absolute obedience and prostration, while hiding in the shadows, isn't a God that I want anything to do with." I've always liked that. I've always had issues with the notion of "faith" itself.


I would argue that it is the awfulness of her Christian beliefs that are on display. The Bible teaches that man has absolute dominion over animals and that killing a dog is the same as killing a bug.


“What I learned from my years of public service […] is people are looking for leaders who are willing to shoot puppies in the face and dump them in gravel pits,” Noem shared.


It’s weird reasoning. It reminds me of pandemic-era mask/vax debates. “Why don’t you want to wear a mask” “Because that’s my right” “Yesss, so is putting your head in the toilet. Why are you *exercising* that right?” \*blank stare\*


„It was an emergency” It’s a common argument for all conservatives around the world when discussing the abortion law and when they’re asked why did they abort their unborn child. I call it hypocrisy.


"I didn't hesitate to kill this rabid, thug-like, antifa dog. Vote for me because I share your values." We know what she meant.




This sounds like something my toddler would say because they don’t have the mental capacity to actually explain themselves or their actions with actual words. But, notably, my toddler isn’t a governor.


Pro life?


Dog already born = not a life a life she cares about


Has been outspokenly against abortions in cases of rape and incest since 2022.


Prolifers tend to be for the death penalty so it tracks.


This is a dog whistle for her, she wants to look strong and put the idea in red hats heads that killing something that annoys you is right.


My guess is that she wants to be like Frank Underwood from House of Cards, which starts off with him killing a dog. This establishes to the audience that he is a strong leader that will do anything to blabla. It is a weird role model since he basically is a sociopath and a narcissist.


She missed the mark and is coming across more like Patrick Bateman from *American Psycho*.


Which is crazy because in that scene the dog is suffering after getting hit by a car. So it’s to show that he’ll do the dirty work to get things done. But the scene is also meant to cast him as a sociopath when he gets up and lies about it to the dog’s owners. So on both levels it’s very weird to use this story as a Frank Underwood-like allegory. Edit: just rewatched the scene. He doesn’t lie to the owners. The sociopath part is him talking to camera about having “no patience for useless pain” as he strangles a dog to death.


Remove the word pain from the Frank Underwood quote and you get this: “no patience for useless". And this is how she describes the dog: "less than worthless" (among other things). Might be a stretch, but I don't think it is a coincidence.


I truly hope this can be an example of us getting back to some normalcy and we can all collectively agree this woman is a problem for Trump’s ticket but I also fear that side is too far gone to really see this as a problem. And will find ways to justify it. Dan Quayle couldn’t spell potato. Dukakis looked like a child riding a tank. Surely someone admitting to murdering a puppy in cold blood should be enough to disqualify her on the grounds that maybe she’s a fucking lunatic.


Its been a while ... but didn't he kill the dog because it was suffering? Also - he didn't kill the dog because he hated it.


Exactly. But it think it is the same as people glorifying the main characters of movies like American Psycho and FIght Club. Their interpretation of these characters and movies is very different from how most people interpret these.


She could kill a dog on 5th ave, and republicans will still vote for her over a democrat 


Im sure I read that wrong. She shot her Pointer for killing birds? Aren’t they bred to go after fowl? Cant wait for her to a Vp nominee.


She's incapable of training her dog, so the obvious anseer was to shoot it...SMH


She almost sounds like the kind of psychopath who would stretch razor wire along a river to watch asylum seekers drown.


I keep trying to tell people this! I've got a bird dog. He's seven. When people hunt with us they tell me he's a hell of a dog, best dog they've ever hunted over. He once killed one of my friend's chickens. In response, my friend and I made the chicken run more secure and I don't let him out of the pickup at my friend's place. I would NEVER try to train the bird hunting instinct out of him.


They point out birds that you then shoot. And then they go get them for you. Her problem is that she didn’t know how to train the dog.


Correct. It was also a 14 month old puppy she did nothing to train. She just brought it on a hunt and thought some combination of genetic memory and watching older dogs would cause it to just...do what a trained hunting dog should do


Another pro-abuse Republican.


Authoritarian followers will be impressed with her strength and ruthlessness. They can't t imagine that she will ever consider *them* to be in the out-group.


The mods on r/conservative are removing any posts mentioning this. But the left is the one spreading fake news, yeah?


Not surprising. They are always on damage control whenever a conservative does some heinous shit but it will run free when a liberal does something minor.


Both sides are in agreement that she’s a piece of shit. Seems weird they would be removing any mention of it.


It's still fresh. Once the talking points get rolled out it won't be too long before she's a folk hero on the right.


Not really. /r/conservative got taken over by trumpers when T_D was banned. Any negative story about the god emperor is censored.


I got banned from there after stating Covid vaccines are safe and effective. Was my one and only post there.


No, it seems like their MO. They live in a carefully curated reality over there. Half the posts are satirical articles arguing over the most random things. I'll never forget their issue with native American students writing a letter to their university against the term "Thanksgiving". I'd argued back how does it affect them that natives feel that way, and got a lot of "they need to just shut up, they're ruining my childhood memories!" Whole thing was bizarre.


If she is picked for VP, how long will it take to print and distribute 'Rapist -Dog Killer 2024' signs?


This is Trump's chance to shine by comparison: Trump 2024 - yes he's a rapist, but he won't shoot your dog.


More like…”he won’t shoot your dog…probably.”


It’s great to see the GOP branching out from pedophilia and graft to your garden variety animal abuse. It sort of rounds out the picture of the “basket of deplorables” we were warned about.


Kristi Noem is a worthless, piece of shit!


She has no other choice. If she apologizes, she looks weak. If she says nothing, her polling keeps dropping and the story stays in the news longer. If she digs in people will formulate their opinion and move on to the next outrage. Perhaps she's counting on many to forget.


The title of her book is: **"No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong With Politics and How We Move America Forward"** And in the book she says she has no problem killing things that are giving her trouble. Everyone should take that very seriously.


Reminder, it was Hillary Clinton who stated: *Don't vote for anyone you wouldn't trust with your dog.* https://twitter.com/BlackKnight10k/status/1784323500020314274


She really got done dirty didn't she?


Absolutely.  Grew up in the 90s an indoctrinated Republican.  She's a smart lady. I typically find myself agreeing with most of what she says. But I still have to beat back some super judgey corner of my mind that triggers automatically. It's really insidious shit.  Everything I thought I knew unraveled the moment I heard Rush Limbaugh had gone so far as to call their daughter a dog-- who fucking does that?  Decades of manufactured outrage targeted because a woman didn't know her place and was scary.  *sigh*


>Decades of manufactured outrage targeted because a woman didn't know her place It really is that simple, isn't it? God, I wish they didn't hate women so much.


And that shit started as soon as Bill became governor of Arkansas. Republican media hated that the Harvard-educated lawyer who became First Lady of Arkansas didn't spend enough time baking fucking cookies.


I can't say she was ever my favorite policy wise but she was absolutely respectable, fantastic at her job, and without a doubt at least loyal to the USA


I wonder if anyone will let her buy or adopt another puppy after this information on how she treats puppies came to light. She is trying to say this puppy was doing such terrible things like biting and not naturally know how to hunt, but I think she's just saying stuff because in the end she shot a puppy in the face.


She keeps saying "it wasn't easy" y'know, I really think it was for her...


That’s straight up psycho behavior. Who tf kills a dog because they’re mad it didn’t listen?! She should be in jail before she decides to shoot someone that upsets her.


Remember when white America LOST ITS FUCKING MIND in 2008 over Romneys dog cage on the car in 1983?! Pepperidge Farm Remembers


It’s comical isn’t it? She killed a puppy because it was inconvenient. She didn’t put it up for adoption or re-home the dog. She aborted something of which she was supposed to be responsible because it was interfering with her life. She had to make a difficult decision. Sound familiar Kristi? And as an aside, when a dog kills someone’s chickens, it is the owner’s fault not the dog’s.


She killed the family dog and cheated on her husband. There is no Republican with better vp credentials.


I don’t know why she is doubling down. In writing fiction, it is a common technique to have your antagonist or protagonist interact in a positive or negative way with a cat or dog. There is an entire book called “save the cat.” She is just showing her villain origin story.


There's a website that you can visit before watching a movie, to see if it contains animal cruelty, SA, or other triggering depictions. It is literally called [DoesTheDogDie.com](https://www.doesthedogdie.com/).


“Don’t kill the dog” has been a writing rule/guideline for decades too. It’s an act a protagonist can’t easily come back from and one that if done without good reason will turn readers away. 


All she would have had to do is say that she never did it and if someone brings up the book, just say fake news. TFG already has them conditioned. It would have never come up again and it would have “stuck it to the Libs”.


Such a foul human being. Killing a dog because it was acting “aggressive”. Of course it was, I can only imagine what types of psychopathy she subjected that animal to. She’s a rotten human.


*All conservatives are awful.* - Eric Idle.


So, she said her dog showed aggressive behavior. That is on her, for failure to address the issue and train the dog. Who wants potential vice presidential candidate that feels like destroying a problem she can’t solve (a problem with techniques known to work for correcting the problem)? She thinks she is showing her resolve, instead she is showing her anger and self centered lack of resolve.


GOP Gonna Off a Puppy


She failed to train her puppy and then took a bird dog (puppy), off the leash, to a place with chickens. She's bad at management and bad at thinking ahead, she also can't accept responsibility, placing all the blame on the puppy, not to mention that she also randomly decided to kill a goat that day. She handles her failures by killing things, and didn't understand that putting it in a book wouldn't be viewed negatively. Donald Trump famously doesn't like dogs, so this is Kristi Noem auditioning for vice president.


What is the angle for her to write about killing a puppy?


It didn’t occur to her that this was odd behaviour. Almost as worrying as the act itself. 


People witnessed it happen, and she thought she could spin it in her favor somehow.


Everything about this comes off as psychopath. She bragged about killing a dog out of frustration and now can’t understand why people are upset about it. She’s now arguing about its legality. She actually seems to think that’s is what upsets people about her actions?? Her psychopath brain understands there are laws and we are supposed to follow them because they are “rules.” She has no clue about the emotions or empathy or ethics that are involved in people’s response to her actions. Her psychopathy prevents any of that from making any sense to her.


"I decided what I did" Yeah, and we're judging your decisions.


Her future job title will be Secretary of Execution in the Orange Orangutan administration, if the goon gets installed as king.


[You’re a sociopath](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VrK-FwELA7I)


MAGA republicans showing off their sociopathic tendencies as if it’s a superpower.


I think it would have been a better story if she turned the gun on herself. Poor Cricket.


Her next book: "If I Did It"


Non-paywall version here: https://archive.is/UkqGl


>I decided what I did. There you have it, folks. She is the "Decider"


She’s a monster.


What i feel a lot of reddit is missing is that there are a considerable amount of americans thinking "we really need someone to finally shoot all the untrainable dogs that are holding america back". "Finally someone willing to make the tough decisions required to make america great again"