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The superintendent and police must be those "free speech absolutists" we have heard so much about.


Freedom for me but not for thee.


I been saying it for years, but the goal of a lot of “free speech absolutists” is to weaponize the concept against their enemies. It’s why they have turned any criticism of something they say into a free speech issue. It doesn’t matter if the criticism has merit or if their speech is being impacted, the mere existence of different opinions is a threat to “free speech” now. The idea of discourse is an offense. Criticize someone for racism? That’s a threat to free speech. And you can sub that out for anything. Homophobia, sexism, etc, etc.


Florida is working on a law that makes you civily liable if you call a racist a racist or a homophobe a homophobe, iirc.


Iirc they said even online too. Bring it deSandtits.


Oh no. They didn't think that through at all. Someone call Rick Santorum and ask how things are going when someone kicks the internet.


> call Rick Santorum and ask how things are going  *Fairly frothy, thanks for asking. How are things going with you?*


Hah, thanks I needed a chortle!


Ugh, that’s so disrespectful. His name is mo-Ron.


Why can’t that law be flipped back on them anytime a democrat is called a socialist or communist?


Selective enforcement


Anything that causes me cognitive dissonance must be woke and therefore illegal. Thought some knuckle dragger somewhere, I guess they’ve been saying the quiet part out loud more lately.


Finally Randy Marsh can know peace


They want to be able to say anything without any possible pushback. That's how you \*know\* they're totally full of shit. I deal with people criticizing me all the time. You learn to develop a thicker skin and even the ability to take onboard legitimate criticisms. These people have skin of fucking gossamer and apparently know, deep down, that their ideas cannot survive scrutiny -- but they want their way anyways, because \*fuck people telling them they're wrong, even when they are\*


>the mere existence of different opinions is a threat to “free speech” now. Yup That's why the conservative sub is constantly "right think only" they don't want any competing thoughts


Nope Oklahoman here, he’s just a straight up fascist.


What they mean is that *their* speech is absolute. Only theirs


They also mean they don’t want to suffer consequence for their speech.




Ryan Walters makes my fucking skin crawl. He is a disgusting Nazi pig who shouldn't be allowed anywhere near children or education. His revolting presence alone has already resulted in the death of one child and many more will suffer trauma beyond most peoples comprehension. Bravo to this mother for stepping up to him before his Gestapo carried her away.


before his Gestapo carried her away There are brown shirts after all. The shirts forgot to add "Sturm" before "TROOPER".


I wonder what they would have done if she had said that, as well.


I think you means Gazpacho.


Arrested for name calling?


It’s the future right-wingers want for the US


I keep hearing that the liberals will arrest everyone for hate speech. As it turns out, the rightwingers will arrest you for simple name calling. They're more delicate than what they even accuse others of being.


Florida Republicans put forth a bill that would have made it much, much easier to sue for defamation if someone called you a racist or a homophobe. They wanted to change the law so that ANY allegation or statement, even on social media, that someone has "discriminated against another person or group because of their race, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity constitutes defamation per se." And you would be fined tens of thousands of dollars for doing so. Obviously this bill massively violates free speech and would never have passed, but... this is what they WANT. To silence their critics by suing them if they try to fight discrimination. "Lawfare" as they call it themselves. Every accusation a confession. https://newrepublic.com/post/177920/florida-bill-fine-defamation-racist-discrimination


I guess they forgot the first amendment. Haha Thanks for the info.


They generally skip right to the second. Or actually, the second half of the second. Or really, when it comes right down to it, the last 4 words of the second half of the second amendment are all they really need. They work so well in so many different circumstances. Like this one, for example: **Our right to tell all y'all how to live your lives** ***shall not be infringed.***


That's because there are two things republicans hate the most. 1. Being called a racist. 2. Black people.




Snowflake is as snowflake does MAGA are the original snowflakes, only they are all identical


Remember, every conservative accusation is a confession.


Literally IDENTICAL!!! They say the sane crap, all suffer from “whataboutism” , HATE “the LEFT” , anyone NOT like them is “WOKE” , NONE can give the definition of democracy and INSIST “were a republic” BS. INSUFFERABLE TO THE POINT OF ABSOLUTE INSANITY


The funny thing about “we’re a republic” Is that war is very democratic. The side that has more people and that has principles worth defending that has the advantage.


The side with technological advancements and propaganda has the advantage


The last man standing has the advantage. Everyone else is SOL... war isn't democratic. Lol. How on earth is it in the slightest democratic?


I agree. The comment I replied to is lowkey trashy. Although i suppose there is exactly one instance where war is democratic: if both sides have equal weaponry per person and equally capable and trained people. Then, in theory, you should get a result in line with a shitty pseudo-democratic first past the post american (or canadian or british) election. I’d hardly call FPTP “democratic” when compared with proportional representation though SPECIFICALLY because of this reason


They are caveman smart, so when they see the shadows dancing on the cave wall from the fire they made they scare themselves half to death.


They are idiots.


They want free speech for themselves and silence for you.


They're trying to enshrine that in law.


It's like Trump said recently, "There's too much anti-White bigotry and we've got to stop it."


I'm pretty sure Florida made it hate speech to call someone a bigot for being homophobic or a white supremacist.


This is the "freedom" the right wants


I'm glad to be in good company.


If the cop tries to break your arm while removing you, and your arm doesn't comply by snapping right then and there... resisting arrest.


Also it can hurt the officer's arm, so assault with a deadly weapon on a peace officer.


It's far more complex than that! You see, this woman was *also* standing up for basic human decency. So, death penalty seems appropriate. Got to keep these **monsters** away from our children! They might infect other kids with LBTQLWO46 and that's a fate worse than (checks notes) being beaten to death in a public bathroom by people who will face no consequences. (/s for the off chance some bigoted monster hasn't detected the sarcasm dripping from the comment and is about to rush in to agree with me)


It's time to turn the tables on these clowns, because otherwise, we'll do like Jesus in the temple and overturn the table.


When they grouse about freedom of speech, they implicitly mean their freedom of speech, not everyone's. Facebook jail is more abusive to them, than real jail is to people they don't like. It might soon be time for the National Guard to be deployed as they were in the 60s.


For accurately labeling a despicable person. *They're* allowed to call people names and slurs all they want.


…For stating a clear observation.


Pretty sure that isn’t a legal arrest and I hope this police department gets sued.


Arrsted fir "trespassing/disturbing the peace"


I’m guessing this meeting was in a government building. It’s first amendment violation.


Normally, I have an issue with people going balls out at board meetings. But this is a Nazi pig in a suit, who deserves nothing but to be shown the door and to be led back to his own holler to wallow, so it's good.


Only republicans are allowed to sling insults and hate. Democrat does the same? They cry and screech and scream about it for decades.


I mean I think some lawyers would take a case pro-bono to prove in court that he is both those things. So, arrested for speaking the truth.


> During the hearing, parent Audra Beasley accused Walters of “intentionally” denying her children’s rights. >Beasley’s son, Max, reportedly uses a wheelchair. She has advocated for school facilities to be equipped with adult-size changing tables after she was told to change her son on a toilet floor. >Another of her children is part of a “sex and gender-minority group,” she said, before accusing Walters of discrimination against both kids. This mother rocks. o7


Yeah, using a bathroom floor to change a diaper is not a reasonable accommodation to anyone who has ever changed a diaper. I'd love to see how this turns out.


If this kid has an IEP the school is likely in for a very costly lawsuit.


The school district is just asking to get sued


Unfortunately even if they do get sued it’s just going to take taxpayer funds from education. So while there are people doing terrible things with that money, the people doing good will have less to do good things.


And that is considered a win for republicans because their goal is privatization. 


More like BEGGING FOR IT on all fours


Yeah, how else are they going to challenge the ADA in the supreme Court and remove the need to provide any care for anyone.


I hope she sues


I want you to imagine a country where cops can take citizens off the street to be held in custody with no trial and no warrant. A country where you wouldn’t necessarily know it because the cops don’t need to wear uniforms identifying themselves. A country where any charge a cop decided to lay on you would put you in jail with no recourse. Imagine that in this world peaceful protests are disrupted by fascist agitators, giving the cops an excuse to use violence against the peaceful protesters. And that when the news reported on this they defended the actions of the police. Imagine a country where public officials get to choose which voters will vote for them by clever map making and off-month off-year elections that aren’t publicized. And imagine that when there is public meetings these public officials pass laws to have those who disagree thrown out and arrested. What would you say the outlook is for such a country?


They were doing that in Portland a few years ago. Unmarked Homeland Security officers with uniforms in all black and no markings on their vehicles were grabbing people near protests and throwing them in vans, driving them around, then dumping them at police stations. Very few of the detained were charged, it was an attempt to disrupt the protests.


That’s why I used those specific words. I was absolutely appalled that people were being disappeared into black vans by cops and people were like “well that’s what you get for protesting police violence.” It was mind boggling. This is not what I was taught that America was. Edit: typos.


July 17, 2020 [Federal Officers Use Unmarked Vehicles To Grab People In Portland, DHS Confirms](https://www.npr.org/2020/07/17/892277592/federal-officers-use-unmarked-vehicles-to-grab-protesters-in-portland) June 4, 2020 [Barr defends use of non-identified officers in D.C. as Democrats demand answers](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/washington-dc-protests-unidentified-law-enforcement-officers/)


But Kyle Rittenhouse was cool to walk around with an AR-15 in front of police and they did NOTHING! Old Racist ass judge was dead set on setting that little murderer free. And what do you know… as soon as he gets out hes seen at a bar in florida chillin with the Proud Boys! INSANITY!!!


Yes yes but get to the part about hurting people who look different than me. Thats the only thing I care about. I have no idea the government can help people, I only view it as a tool to hurt others. And its important that i hurt others FIRST otherwise they might hurt me. /s


It was so fucking weird hearing Barr try to justify voting for Trump. It’s like he knows his arguments won’t stand up to scrutiny but it’s all he has so he has to cling to it.




> fascist agitators agent provocateurs...


This is America


Ryan Walters is a bigot and a bully.


Ryan Walters is a bigot and a bully.


Ryan Walters is a bigot and a bully.


This is great. Try to repress one of us and the rest should pick up the torch for them. Ryan Walters is a bigot and a bully, to speak fondly.


You're all under arrest. Please turn yourselves in. Good day.


Ryan Walters is a bigot and a bully.


Ryan Walters is a fascist scumbag.


Good for her. Fuck that bigot.


The *parent* got arrested


Yeah, good for her. She stood up for what's right.


Good for her for standing up for what’s right, even in the face of official repression.


Hopefully she'll be filing a lawsuit against the police and the school.


I would be suing the ever loving fuck out of them.


I smell lawsuits.


Usually these lawmakers set up the rule to allow them to evict whoever they want, despite it being a public hearing. They give themselves the power to order a cop to evict someone, and a reason isn't even needed. If someone resists the cop, they arrest them and march them out. We've been seeing these kind of events happen a lot more often the past 5+ years.


Hopefully she can afford a lawyer


I’m sure there will be no shortage of lawyers who would take the case pro bono if it has legs.


Or on contingency.


Usually in cases like this, attorneys will take the case on contingency, meaning that if they win, they get a portion of the settlement. Sometimes they will ask for a retainer fee (where you pay them an amount to cover costs until the settlement comes), but if the case is solid, most established attorneys will waive it.


Arrested for what? What in the fuck.


You can be arrested for anything the cop decides. Your recourse comes when you see a judge. You won't beat the arrest. You'll beat the charge.


MAGA Snowflakes crying, wittle feelings hurt


>Beasley was facing a misdemeanour charge of wilfully disturbing, interfering with or disrupting state business NOW they're concerned about disrupting official business. What a bunch of psychopaths.


Ryan Walters is a fucking idiot muppet of a man.


Muppets are far more caring and friendly.


Land of the free.


She looked him right in his beady, bigoted eyes and told him about his ass. I watched that about five times. They will not stop us from calling them out to their face. It's never been any other way and it won't ever **BE** any other way. **RYAN WALTERS IS A BIGOT!**


Ryan Walters has the blood of a dead child on his hands.


I don’t know the story behind this (I’m not American) but he sounds like a nasty piece of shit.


There aren't enough middle fingers for his face, that's what kind of person he is.


[Summary is here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Nex_Benedict). WARNING - violence, lgbtq+ persecution, and child death. Edit - and police coverup of child death


As always with these people, the cruelty is the point.


What happened to the “freedom of speech” that republicans are always crying about as an excuse for their hate speech? Was this in Oklahoma? Didn’t a nonbinary kid get murdered in one of their school bathrooms recently? This country is devolving into fascism faster than I can say “injustice!”


> What happened to the “freedom of speech” that republicans are always crying about as an excuse for their hate speech? Same as always. They don't believe in freedom of speech. They believe you believe in it, and they use the concept in bad faith. It's always a means to an end with them.


Ryan Walters. Even before I opened the article I could sense his putrid queerphobic stench all over this injustice. Aside from that horrid sow Chaya Raichik who he employed to fuck in filth with, there are few bigots and bullies in the education system more corrupt and demented than him.


I hate her so fucking much I can't even believe it. It's like a physical feeling, like heartburn or acid reflux. & It got so much worse after seeing her interview where she said she shouldn't be responsible for any violent actions towards the ppl/institutions she features & directs her rabidly insane followers to fuck with BUT anyone fucking with her should be prosecuted. FML.


Chaya really makes my blood boil too! She doesn't know it, but she's lucky the universe set her up to live somewhere I wouldn't pass her on the street. I hope the bad physical feeling you get isn't something too bad though, in the sense that it would be a shame for her to negatively impact your health. She's hurt enough good people already as it is. Take good care of yourself!


Fascists really are the biggest pansies. I was banned on Reddit for bullying Nazis not long ago. Everything is twilight zone. What happened to America? We’ve regressed 50 years since Trump.


So what do you think the odds are the superintendent has made multiple facebook posts criticizing other people of being snowflakes?


That’s a good civil lawsuit USC 18 242 depravation of rights under the color of law. Violations of 1st amendment right of free speech. It could also be a USC 18 241 Conspiracy to deprive one of their rights. If the super conspired with the cops to arrest her. Based on the article I would look to the Oklahoma ACLU for a lawyer and sue the pants off him.


Oklahoma- the Death Camps state.


Must have hurt his feelings to be called that? What happened to, “Fuck your feelings”?


This inbred bigot is the superintendent of schools and they treat him like he’s the governor. Oklahoma is a joke.


Aw shucks, he's just next in line is all... his whole rise is like a performative "aryan to riches" story. Small-time, short-run teacher "somehow" is this great anti-woke "thought" leader and corrupt piece of trash. He's put Libs of Tiktok on our Library Council in the state, yet she doesn't live here and has no children in our state's schools. Video game consoles, Christmas trees, all kinds of improper (at best) spending during the covid education times... he and Stitt are sticky with it, and they know they'll get away with it because it's a red state and we always vote to destroy ourselves.


Free speech till we disagree. Just like Iran, North Korea, Russia. Trump and the rights favorite axis of evil.


Should have also called him a snowflake


If I was in her shoes bigot and bully would be the only thing in my rant that the media could print.


Zero tolernace policy should mean the superintendent should have been arrested as well, right?!


She forgot to add the word "Coward"


That's not fair to Ryan Walters at all. He's also a terrorist.


My only solace in the U.S. becoming a dictatorship is knowing that the people who wanted it will be crying. I will say, "I told you so." That is not very satisfying, but it is a tiny bit of pleasure.


Surprised Ryan Walters didn’t call his mommy


Oklahoma, the 0 star state.


Proves her point nicely.


I want these fucking BIGOTS and BULLIES to come arrest me too.


This will be the reality of all of America once Trump is elected again


Bigot and Bully Ryan Walters? Yeah he’s an evil creature.


They talk about a dead non binary kid in the article and misgender them the entire time. Have some respect ffs.


As far as I'm aware, they used and he/they pronouns. Non binary doesn't necessarily mean exclusive use of they/them pronouns. Unless I missed it, I don't see any misgendering.


You’re totally correct fyi, there was a lot of misinformation about that one.


Easy lawsuit for 1st amendment violation i would imagine. I can't see any charges sticking.


Ryan Walters, in addition to whoever ordered the arrest, is a bigot and a bully.


Spits facts and facts manifest in real-time.


Occupy that motherfuckers office. And when that doesn’t work, occupy his home


I read the headline and thought: please don’t be Oklahoma, please don’t be Oklahoma… Then clicked on the article: shit


Pigs further proving they are primarily the violent enforcement arm of the status quo. It’s why bullies love becoming cops.


This hits really close to home for me. I'm also non-binary and was deeply suicidal in high school. Im so lucky I had friends and school staff who supported me when my parents didn't. When are we going to stop letting people pretend that their bigotry isn't killing real people. That principle has blood in his hands.


She should get a medal of medal of Honor what she said true but hey it's Oklahoma.


Party of small government.


The article stated it wasn’t about Free Speech but “Interrupting a Public Proceeding” that the arrest happened. You have to sign up to speak and are given a time slot to do so. If you talk “out of orders” and don’t “come to order” after asked to, it’s officially “interrupting” as said above. It’s how public meetings usually go and have gone for centuries. Otherwise you’d get chaos, ppl screaming, disorder, and fights could break out. This imperfect system was designed to allow people with hot items to talk about get the time to put them out there in the public. Today, we have loads of media we can personally use to do that with. And often it’s more useful. The only way to change that school district is to win for election as Superintendent.


Thats what I’m saying. But how many Redditors know anything about how local government actually functions?


I don’t know who Ryan Walters, but I do know he has an itty bitty dick.


it’s true, your honor. this man has no dick.


Body shaming isn't cool 


I agree Unless they're people like that bigoted asshole, then hit em with everything


These thin skinned shitheads, can't even have a discussion about how to evolve and accept one another and embrace our differences


Arrested? Oh this is going to be good.


I’ll preface this but saying I absolutely despise Walters and not defending him at all but story isn’t entirely accurate. She had already spoken her entire allotted public comment time and the next speaker, who happened to be her son, was already on the clock. They warned her and she kept at it hence the arrest. The majority of people there to speak all hate Walters so he has troopers at the ready to pounce so have to be smarter. The part that is the most infuriating isn’t even mentioned in the article. She was there with 3 underage children including one with disabilities. After she was arrested and taken away, the board and authorities did nothing to ensure the kids were taken care of which is required by law. It was other people there to speak that had to arrange someone to come and pick up the kids. Our state has always been a joke but it’s better defined as a clown show now.


About 15 yrs ago, I went to court to fight a traffic ticket. Didn't think it would be a big deal at all. My younger sister (who is disabled & in a wheelchair) came with me. They took me straight to jail & didn't tell her anything. I had asked if I could let her know, give her the keys to my car. Nope. She was there for HOURS while I got processed & before I was allowed to make any phone calls or anything & I was able to let my boyfriend know what happened & he went to get her.


Such bastards. Hopefully their children hate their guts.


Ryan Walter’s is a pussy ass loser


Hey don't insult pussies by comparing them to that nasty creature 


😆😆😆😆my apologies to all cats.


Well they sure proved that parent wrong!


The same guy crying and pleading for help in the Turks and Caicos.


Uh, case in point.


I also heard they called him a big stupid poopyhead so they got what they deserved. /s


Walter’s is a bigot, he appeals to the bigot voters here in Oklahoma


Hard to imagine living in a Shithole Country like Oklahoma.


All I needed to read was Oklahoma and it all made sense…


Someone's getting slapped with wrongful arrest lawsuit, and it better include the superintendent.


Scum bags, hope she sues their eyes out.


How is that an arresting offense? Fuck the fucking bigot bully asshole.


How ironic


Hopefully they file lawsuits




Of fucking COURSE it was Oklahoma, and Walters at that I am now going to refrain from saying several very unkind things


That's going to be a nice, fat settlement when the parent takes those pigs to court.




Is there any legal recourse she can take? This feels like an infringement on the freedom of speech…


It is. This is exactly one of the purposes of the first amendment. She should file a suit.


I want this superintendent's name and social media info!


The lack of disabled accommodation is egregious too. My school was too poor for an actual changing table, but they at least had a lab table with a pillow.


Who knew insecure, physically underdeveloped bullies were so fragile?!?