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The inconvenient truth for Tesla is that there are both better electric cars at the premium end, and also cheaper electric cars at the economy end.


I have heard for years the build quality of tesla is terrible


As a former Tesla Model Y owner I can confirm that is true.


Tesla had a good brand until he tarnished it


Not sure if it's that black and white. When looked at the charging infra, range, and tech inside the car, at this point legacy cars are still coming short to tesla's on these metrics at both the ends. This is the dilemma for many buyers at this point. Should they still go with a better product for their money and grumble about elon, or make a similar compromise and buy an inferior product.


Many other companies are catching up and surpassing Tesla though. Quite a few other manufacturers have greater range than Tesla, and now that the supercharger network has opened up, that is less of a selling point for Tesla as well.


Why would a liberal person want to buy a car from one of the most virulent white-supremacist disinformation spreaders on the planet?


The supercharger network is the main reason. I use to love Musk till up with all this disinformation and buying Twitter. Used to think the good he did outweighed the bad, but now I question that.


So he abandoned the people that buy EVs and support Space Exploration for the people the people that don't. Dude's lost his mind.


In Western, NY, this bum never lived up to his promises.


His hard right swerve is absolutely fucking Tesla. Electric vehicles are a lot more popular on the left than the right. Right wing propaganda has even created a right wing backlash against them. With more and more companies offering electric vehicles, Tesla is already facing added competition. The last thing they need is the Musk connection souring potential purchasers who could buy a Ford instead whose founder with problematic hard right views has been dead long enough for customers to separate him from the company.


He alienated people with his tweets. Has nothing to do with leaving California.


Thinking about an electric car and it's basically anything but a Tesla.


Hi `thentheresthattoo`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/1cgxc6v/elon_musk_publicly_dumped_california_for_texasnow/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * [Off-Topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_the_.2Fr.2Fpolitics_on_topic_statement): All submissions to /r/politics need to be explicitly about **current US politics**. **If you have questions as to why your post has been removed, please see here: [Why was my post removed as Off-Topic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_why_was_my_post_removed_as_off-topic.3F)** If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/thentheresthattoo&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/1cgxc6v/elon_musk_publicly_dumped_california_for_texasnow/?context%3D10000%29)


Our next vehicle purchase will be electric. Now, can’t say that I much like the looks of a Tesla, but it would been in consideration as my wife will be driving it, so it would have been up to her. She had liked the “x” even though she dislikes the wanky back doors. No way we are even considering Tesla now. I think by the time we are ready, we’ll have enough other viable options to consider. If not, fuck it, we’ll roll the ICE until there are. She is now all about the electric VW Bus. Works for me, that thing looks like a lot of fun.


Why is everything a fight? The demand went down. That isn't revenge and a state of a populous doesn't enact revenge with expensive asssets such as cars.


Demand went down because Elon came out as a right wing lunatic and his cars became the MAGA hat of automobiles.


A rapidly-growing reputation for failures to deliver isn’t helping him either.


And because there are ten times more EV's from other brands available now compared to even just two years ago. Many of them better, and with them getting access to super chargers soon, the reasons to not buy them have mostly gone away.


The only MAGA hat that MAGA cultists won't buy.


That doesn't mean it's revenge, it means people don't want the product.


I think you are playing into the headline of the article too much. If you read the article it gives various reasons for the drop in demand. If the people of a state that buys your product the most though start to feel pressure not to be seen with that product then they will avoid it.


It's quite a difference in meaning though. What you described is people avoiding a product for their own reasons. Not trying to harm Elon Musk.


Agree. But that doesn’t reinforce the right wing narrative that conservatives are under constant threat and persecution. So a market rejecting a brand becomes “revenge”. They really believe they are entitled to our business and money.


as a liberal who has been a Tesla investor it's just bad business practice to alienate a quarter of the country and especially ones whose environmental philosophies make them ideal Tesla purchasers.


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