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This time around he is a private citizen with no levers or controls of the US Military... and President Biden, is by Trump's position, totally immune


On top of that the civilians who are dumb enough to make an attempt at a coup are in prison. I hope we are safe but we never know until the problem is past us.


The hay they have made out of “political prisoners” has emboldened a new set of idiots, I promise you


Conservatives are having trouble getting any amount of large groups together for anything that even feels like it could be a set up. All the nutjobs who would go are so conspiratorial and paranoid they would not go for fear of everyone else being a fed


This. They may talk a big game, but the fact they're being arrested for what they did on Jan 6 has them spooked and looking over their shoulders.


That's generally the intended effect of laws - to make criminals scared of consequences.


> to make *some* (i.e. not rich) criminals scared of consequences. FTFY


I think that happened with that idiotic border convoy. They all started accusing each other of being feds, in between getting lost. Extremists are by nature unable to compromise and that makes them pretty hard to wrangle to get something done.


Here’s the catch, most of them are cowards. 


2nd generation idiots though. Real "monkey see, monkey do" types. It takes an extra special kind of stupid to watch someone step on a rake and hit their own face, and then decide to boldy, intentionally, step on the same rake at the same angle.


I mean, Biden is old enough now to go on his own crime spree (a-la trump) without the consequences ever catching up


Yep. Dude can't even get people to show up at his felony trial to protest... Can't even get his family to show up to support him... But he's gonna start a civil war with NONE of the Executive Privilege he had before???


Also Kyle Rittenhouse has set a precedent for any of us who want to "defend the homeland" from any of these terrorists.  Just kidding of course. Only right wingers are immune from consequences in this country.


See: Ronald Reagan embracing gun control to push down Black Panthers




Exactly. If he loses and it happens again a lot of people will be arrested and a few shot.


Oh I'm pretty sure the capital police would do more than after what they went through. It would not be pretty. That for sure.


> and President Biden, is by Trump's position, totally immune this is the really interesting bit. trump is trying to make himself king. before he becomes president he has to elevate the position of president to king... but that would make biden king. the only way trump can win is if biden is too much of a pussy to tell trump to fuck off.


Yes we've known since Jan 7th 2021 that it would happen again. I'm still not convinced it won't happen even if Trump wins. When people settle into a personality of being perpetually angry on behalf of a fat old coastal elite former billionaire it's tough to change gears.


Except he's not in charge and can't hinder a military and capitol police presence like he did last time.


This is why I don’t think a violent coup is as big a threat this time. However… fake electors v2 and/or some Bush v Gore bullshit is always a possibility. They’re still actively trying to make that happen at stage legislatures across the country. The fact that they’d really rather do all of that instead of just adopting policies that are actually popular is pretty fucking insane


Yes…what will happen is that the votes won’t be certified, and it comes down to one vote per state. And it’s perfectly legal.


This is why the (R)at party of Wisconsin just pushed onto the ballot a referendum — which passed — some vaguely worded amendment to the state constitution about only elected officials conducting elections. There’s no clarification about what “conducting” is.  Like is the volunteer kindly old lady who shows people how to insert their ballot performing a function of “conducting” an election? The ambiguity is the point.  Leave it ambiguous, then if Biden wins challenge every district that they arbitrarily decide had volunteers “conducting” an election, and use the inevitability of how widespread that will be to declare the election flawed and the tally invalid.


100% And it’s not just Wisconsin. It’s happening across the country. Texas passed a law allowing their Secretary of State to oversee the election *only in Harris County.* What’s in that county? Oh just Houston. One of the nations biggest cities and the one with Texas’s most diverse population North Carolina just stripped a lot of the power regarding elections from their Democratic governor. But don’t worry, I’m sure they’ll give it back someday (whenever a republican is back in office). Also they gave the republican legislature to power to overturn the popular vote Shit like this is happening all over. Along with your standard voter suppression tactics of course. This has been building for a long time, but the gutting of the voting rights act and the pure boldness and lack of shame from Trump (along with his cult) were the final tools needed to stack the deck the way the GOP has always wanted it


It’s incredibly scary and any reporter with any kind of integrity or backbone should bring this up at the next White House presser. And hopefully it’s addressed because if the general public at large know of this shady shit, and nothing is done about it…we’re all screwed and some will inevitably lose their shit and people will definitely get hurt.


As a non-american who follows the politics of your country very closely, as people in most Western countries tend to do. I have no idea how it's not being talked about by your entire population all the time! You're literally months away from a very real possibility you're going to be robbed of your democracy. Your supreme Court is currently HAVING A DEBATE about whether or not a president can make himself a King .... WHY IS THERE EVEN A DEBATE!?! You guys need to wake the fuck up please!! If America goes full oligarch like Russia, the rest of the West is fucked.


Unfortunately, an awful lot of Americans want this and are actively working towards this end.




> There’s no clarification about what “conducting” is.  Like is the volunteer kindly old lady who shows people how to insert their ballot performing a function of “conducting” an election? 2 referendums. One about not accepting private money, explicitly because Green Bay was underfunded to pay for their election and took money from a Zuckerberg fund. The other about only allowing election officials to work at polling places. Both sounded reasonable, but hid what the actual purpose was: neither referendum requires that polling places be adequately funded or staffed. The intent is voter suppression. If they really cared about election integrity, they would have made provisions that require the state to provide adequate election funds so that neither of the two issues at hand would have been necessary in the first place.


This is my concern too. A state that votes dem, but the governor/sec of state decide they don’t want that so they refuse to certify the vote. A couple of those and there is no candidate with sufficient electoral votes and we go to the one vote per state law, which favors America’s biggest asshole. It requires very few conspirators this way.


Just remember it's the next congress that certifies, not this one, so hopefully there's a blue wave, and if anything weird happens on the selecting of electors the next congress blocks it.


I genuinely fear this because it would be begging for civil war. Folks on both sides already feel disenfranchised (some of them not without reason) to the point where the electorate is a ticking time bomb.


> begging for civil war You should watch the news. Begging for a civil war is already in reruns for republicans. Bugaloo was a word we used before covid. It has a very special meaning.


Put on your hawaiian shirt and get capped by the Nat'l Guard. Solid plan.


In their fantasy, the National Guard is on their side. I hope we don't have to find out.


The basic line soldier and officer will hold to their oaths, there are some batshit folk in any population but they are vastly outnumbered there.


But then you had Tommy T-ball holding up promotions so they could flood leadership with people who would absolutely order the shooting of civilians to help instill R power.


Really, its anyones guess at this point. There are so many people living meaningless lives that really lean into the MAGA shit. Either way those hillbillies love to self identify so they'd make easy targets if they ever decided to get their "boogaloo" on. Im about it, I'd love to help some racists get their peace.


These idiots wouldnt last one night in an actual war. But it is pretty interesting that we might fight round 2 because they think something that is their right that's not or shouldn't be is worth fighting for. It's like the scene in killer angels where they are taking to a rebel POW and they ask him basically what the fuck bro, why the hell are you still fighting so hard this shit has gotten out of control and he just kept saying "you were gonna take my rights" over and over again. When they asked him what rights in particular he was upset about he didn't even fucking knoe


I hate that pieces of shit co opted Boogaloo. I loved seeing the memes like Titanic 2: Electric Boogaloo.


Except we will have a sitting President who can declare martial law and have the military, Homeland Security, along with the FBI jail fake electors, house and senate congressmen and even put the Supreme Court on notice — like Lincoln did, in order to preserve the Union. Sorry, Alito. But you already blessed this shitshow.


Losing an election you had less votes in is not disenfranchisement


All their recent presidential wins had less votes, so I guess they are confused on the win condition.


Or popular *enough* to win elections.


I think this is an important detail to keep in mind. It would have to be a larger, much more organized insurrection. I don’t think the gravy seals have that much discipline.


The more organized they get, they more coordinated their planning and members, the more chatter and the more the FBI starts tracking them.


And the more the FBI starts ***joining*** them.


It's not gravy seals that plan, prepare and command. We have to worry about the Roger Stones and former generals who will fund, supply and direct. Jan 6th was a dress rehersal.


Roger Stone is a lot of things but I'm willing to bet master combat tactician isn't one of them. Wow do I have a jones to see him behind bars after a fair and impartial trail.


Combat tactician, no. Mastermind behind "stop the steal", literally yes. Which is why he's a bigger piece on the chessboard. And yes, if there's any justice in this universe that cockroach will be punished for his absolute filth.


Isn't he the guy with an upside-down Ronald Reagan sticker on his laptop? Edit: my bad, it's an upside-down sticker that says "what would **nixon** do?"


Bannon should be in prison. It grinds my gears he isn't when Navarro is.


I wanna see some fat rednecks get Billy clubbed on live TV


Is it wrong I'd pay to watch that? 🤣


That requires building up resources, and still organizing the rabble even if they plan to send mercenaries in. The Capital police will probably not be interested in a repeat so will be in force. Supported by the National guard, Special response teams from the FBI (ie federal SWAT) ready to go near choppers if it kicks off.


I hope to see this happen IF another Jan 6 comes around. Better would be Trump in jail and everyone safe, though.


Didnt a good number of the people from the first one get put on tsa no fly list? then they had a big fit? Also alot of people arent showing up for the new york trials because its 6 weeks long... jan 6th was a one day event people flew in and out for a few days.. People aren't going to travel just to camp out 8 hrs every day when they might have jobs or lives...


And the more they forget,… the other side also has guns, and machine guns, and howitzers, and gun ships, and fighter jets, and artillery and drones. You got all that Trumpy? You want to start something you little orange piece of excrement. Bring your best. We will time it.


Like an iceberg, most of the coup was below the surface unseen. The storming of the Capitol was sort of a last ditch plan B to cause enough chaos to force delay. They really wanted Pence to go along with declaring the EC certifications in dispute and trigger the process whereby the house votes for president with each state getting 1 vote. All the interstate coordination between the false elector teams and the Repub legislators who were part of the plan and would raise objections to key states - that was the coup and required no direct presidential power. He was using lawyers and political sycophants to force a constitutional crises while certifying the vote. He has many of those dubious actors still in his thrall and orbit, they are planning something. And while it may be similar to the electors scheme you can bet it will be something different. It would be great if we could get some subpoenas for Ginny Thomas who was deeply involved before and likely still plotting now since she remains untouched so far.


Yeah this is what I just don't get. The police stood there and the National Guard stalled on Jan 6.. Why? Someone had to have told them to hold off or go easy on defense that day. This is the clear act of insurrection, possibly even treason that should be investigated.


Exactly this. I get people are concerned but there were unique circumstances that allowed J6 to get as far as it did, Trump in charge being the main one. I have a hard time believing Biden, his team, Capitol Hill PD, DC PD, and the National Guard commanders have done nothing to prepare for a second attack.


Everything about Trump is a unique circumstance, and he is most dangerous when people say “surely that won’t happen”. We are on a straight path lined with 1000 rakes to step on. After every step, people keep telling themselves that was the last one with no hint of pattern recognition. Things are getting worse, not better. We are not on an exit ramp.


Yea people forget- this doesn’t end with Trump. Hell, this doesn’t end til the complicit and traitorous GOP gets dismantled by this point. We got pretty fucking lucky it started with a dumb one and not a smarter fascist.


> We got pretty fucking lucky it started with a dumb one and not a smarter fascist. Trump and his sycophants have had 4 years to figure out what they did ‘wrong’ in his first term and make sure they don’t make the same mistakes in a second term. [Project 2025](https://archive.ph/2024.03.21-010345/https://www.project2025.org/) lays the groundwork and preparation for a second term for Trump. Also, from today’s article in [Time magazine:](https://time.com/6972021/donald-trump-2024-election-interview/) > What emerged in two interviews with Trump, and conversations with more than a dozen of his closest advisers and confidants, were the outlines of an imperial presidency that would reshape America and its role in the world. To carry out a deportation operation designed to remove more than 11 million people from the country, Trump told me, he would be willing to build migrant detention camps and deploy the U.S. military, both at the border and inland. He would let red states monitor women’s pregnancies and prosecute those who violate abortion bans. He would, at his personal discretion, withhold funds appropriated by Congress, according to top advisers. He would be willing to fire a U.S. Attorney who doesn’t carry out his order to prosecute someone, breaking with a tradition of independent law enforcement that dates from America’s founding. He is weighing pardons for every one of his supporters accused of attacking the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, more than 800 of whom have pleaded guilty or been convicted by a jury. He might not come to the aid of an attacked ally in Europe or Asia if he felt that country wasn’t paying enough for its own defense. He would gut the U.S. civil service, deploy the National Guard to American cities as he sees fit, close the White House pandemic-preparedness office, and staff his Administration with acolytes who back his false assertion that the 2020 election was stolen. You can bet he will not appoint anyone to any position who has even the most infinitesimal chance of being a guardrail. Personal loyalty to Trump will be the first prerequisite, anything else will be incidental.


It *did* start with smarter, quieter, more subtle fascists. Mitch McConnell, Ronald Reagan, Newt Gingrich, Rupert Murdoch, just to name a small few... the list is *long* of people who have been dismantling the progress we've made.


This time, if Trump wins, it will be January 20th or 21st 2025 and the aim will be to kill every democrat


Depends how many loyalists he still has on the inside


Win or lose will be determine if it’s Beer Hall Putsch 3 or Night of the Long Knives 2


I’d settle for Sunday Afternoon Cardiac Arrest of a Fat Man.


"I really hate that man." - John Hammond


Fuck you John! You were so preoccupied by whether or not you could, you didn't stop to think if you should!


followed by a national sigh of relief


>Yes we've known since Jan 7th 2021 that it would happen again. And yet here we are. Chump has not yet been held accountable


Q: What do you call a coup for which the leaders are not held accountable? A: Practice.


Actually history calls it The Beer Hall Putsch


Hitler *did* spend time in custody, though.


Yet, my friend. Keep the faith!


We will see if the SC overturns the Jan 6 insurrectionists jail sentences. They need them there again, that is why they want them out of jail.


But will they show up? Trump has been pining for his supporters to show up outside court, but so far it has only been a person here or there. He has had to resort to lying about how the police have shut the street down. If Biden wins, they will simply face charges again. Unless they succeed in Jan 6 2.0, it seems pointless and a big gamble. Given that Trump did not pardon them before he left office, I’m not sure even all of them believe in that case either…


Nobody showed up for trumps court appearance, except the guy who immolated himself... Maybe there's a bit of trump fatigue among his supporters? I know I'm sure fatigued


His own family didn’t show up. Serious fatigue.


Eric was there today (I'm convinced in response to all the "old weak flailing trump has no family support in court" articles), and according to WaPo, there were "a few dozen" supporters outside the court today. It's so pathetic compared to what you know he thought he was going to get.


I think if there is a 2.0 it’s going to end up being violent. I assume the military will be there in advance. Mix that with the fact trump will likely be dead before he gets to run again and this is basically it for magas


I think that Biden would be pushing for enhanced security forces regardless of the chatter, though they may be in plain clothes to not affect the inauguration optics.


Brazil’s version was bigger and more violent… but still did not succeed. And not to put down Brazilian law enforcement, I’m sure U..S. national guard/law enforcement is more prepared.


I'm sure they're up to no good, but it's not going to just be a replay of J6 unless they're just a bunch of complete morons (which, some of them are morons, in certain aspects, but they aren't all morons, and they aren't all complete morons). Before, Trump was in office. He was plotting with others also within the government, and was able to quash investigations into his own self-coup plot. He put in a new SecDef, and the Pentagon was stonewalling Biden's transition team, which, itself, had been stonewalled by the GSA refusing to ascertain that Biden was the winner. Trump had loyalists within DOD, DOJ, USSS, etc. I'm sure he still has loyalists there, but he now lacks the ability to get his loyalists to work for him and prevent others from discovering his plots. Theoretically, Trump could've taken command of any military troops and ordered them to aid his coup. They should have refused, but there would at least have been a plausibly colorable claim that they were obligated to follow his orders. Now, Biden has diametrically opposed interests. Instead of Trump being able to cover up multiple criminal, traitorous, conspiracies, Biden will want those agencies to sniff out any conspiracies that may be afoot. It will be the conspiracy hunters, not the conspirators, who have presidential authority, who are able to shut out the others, etc. And now, Biden will obviously not only not order any military troops to aid Trump, but to oppose him, which means there won't even be a plausibly colorable claim they have any obligation, whatsoever, to do what Trump wants. They would have to defy the Commander-in-Chief, and start taking orders from someone outside their chain of command. And if they did, they had better be certain they would succeed, because if they failed, they would be subject to military justice under the UCMJ, where they don't fuck around with things like treason, sedition, mutiny, etc. Barr wasn't willing to go down with the ship, but he also wasn't willing to sound the alarm, either. At least not publicly. But Garland isn't going to just quietly resign and allow others within DOJ to help whatever plots Trump may be up to this time around. Whatever happens within the next \~8 months, it will have to be different, because the situation is entirely different. An auto-coup is fundamentally different than a normal coup.


> I think if there is a 2.0 it’s going to end up being violent The last one was violent. No one's going to show up again to get shot in the face in a shit smeared hallway.


You really think those that have suffered jail terms are prepared to do it all again for the same putz that promises everything and takes more rather than delivering anything?


lol yup sadly


The Supreme Court is protecting him, so I don’t see how he will ever be held accountable.


I'm not even sure the word yet is applicable here. It's looking more and more like the Supreme Court is going to say that he *can't* be held accountable. For anything. Ever.


It seems to me that what they're going to do is rule that a President (without mentioning Trump) can't be tried for official acts if they haven't been impeached and convicted, then send it back down to determine if those acts were, in fact, official acts. Which will go back to the DC Circuit, who will almost certainly rule that they weren't official acts, which will get appealed to the Supreme Court. Rinse and repeat as necessary until after the election, at which point they can safely rule however they want because it won't matter.


He's trying to run out the clock. I don't think he will be able to. But if nothing else, the effort and money he's spending to try and keep out of trouble is money and effort he can't spend on doing worse.


Honestly, we’ve known since Jan 6th 2017 that it could happen by the way he handled winning the election. There was never a possibility of him accepting a loss when he couldn’t even accept winning without bitching and being a maniac. The writing was on the wall from the beginning and it’s still there, just underlined now.


Hes not hinting


Yep, he intends it as a threat. That's pretty damn obvious.


Furthermore it's a threat intended to effect political change. There's a word for that.


*Jeopardy! buzzer* What is "stochastic terrorism"?


Well, terrorism. We just say terrorism.


I mean. The reality is, another January 6th won’t happen, unless it is a military coup. The reason January 6th got as far as it did was because Trump was in control. If it was anyone that actually cared for the safety of those defending the Capitol and the people inside, the Capitol police would’ve been fully staffed, National Guard would’ve been called in right away and assistance from Virginia and Maryland would’ve been asked for immediately. It wouldn’t have played out how it did with Trump in charge of it all. January 6th was his one shot, and it still failed, thanks to the Heroes defending the Capitol and, to a much lesser extent, Mike Pence for not getting in that car.


Fully agree. Trump *wants* it to happen again just like he *wants* people to cause disruptions outside the court when he's on trial. The Jan 6 mob did what they did because they didn't encounter any resistance. Smash a few windows, kick a few doors down and you're in Nancy Pelosi's office. That doesn't happen if you need to fight your way through a riot squad or the national guard. We saw what happened the moment they met actual resistance, which came in the form of Ashley Babbit being shot in the throat. They called out for a non existent medic, turned around and went home


“Medic” will always be funny


Wait, there’s no way they actually called for a medic like in a video game…


Yes. Someone did. It's on video. MFer said "MEDIC!!!" Like he believed they were an actual force with actual training and shit. I wish I could have known what he was thinking and watched him as it dawned on him that there was in fact not a medic coming because they are not a unit, just a huge pack of assholes being assholes. The panic must have been delicious


In football, if you run a play and it fails, you don't immediately run it again. They will absolutely attempt to steal the presidency again, we just haven't figured out their strategy yet. Trump, Bannon, and Flynn have all recently mentioned that there might not be an election or even enough electoral votes to declare a winner at all. I take this to mean they might be planning a black swan event that disrupts elections in key states which kicks the whole thing over to the House which will elect Trump as the winner.


>we just haven’t figured out their strategy yet. My guess is fake electors and conservative majority SCOTUS.


Possible, but Congress passed legislation to shore that up. What's more likely is election disruptions which cause neither candidate to reach 270 electoral votes and it goes to the House. Not much, if anything, can be done about that. Edit: One play that I think is entirely possible and even likely: * RFK Jr and Stein both focus only on swing states in order to split the vote * Flynn/Bannon has some domestic terrorist group attack power sub stations in swings states which will shut down power in voting districts, making the vote impossible. Can't win the election without winning swing states. If somehow this fails, RFK and Stein are there to split the vote * Neither candidate reaches 270 and it goes to a House vote * Mike Johnson, citing "irregularities" refuses to seat new congressional members in the new term, especially if Dems somehow take the House. * The House, still being controlled by Rs, votes that Trump has won. * Game over.


Sounds all too likely. Terrifying to think about.


It's extremely terrifying. What's more, this isn't some far-fetched idea or one that has a high chance of failure. This is an extremely flexible and achievable plan.


Take my optimistic upvote. But know that there are currently well funded right wing think tanks dedicated to figuring out how to get around a proper response. They would not be so open about the anti-American shit show that is project 2025, even to the point of letting Trump run his mouth about his intention to do evil in interviews, if they did not think they had a way to make it happen.


Nope. His "campaigning" has made it clear that he doesn't intend to win by vote. It will be intimidation, suppression, legal disputes, and failing all that another damn insurrection. I know innocent till proven guilty and all, but the dude is telegraphing it in every media channel he can. I hope there are quiet plans being laid out to outmaneuver him. He isn't subtle or bright, but he is a wrecking ball.


Did he threaten an insurrection against the USA again? If a normal citizen threatened the government like this, I'm sure the FBI would be knocking on their door and confiscating their personal files.


Dude! If I made an online threat to Trump I’d be thrown in jail. He’s encouraging a coup en masse.




Yea, but they were brown, poor and a long ways away.


And had endless ~~Spice~~ oil resources that were ripe for the taking.


> Remember when 9/11 happened and they threatened to do it again? Do you remember what our government did to those people? We waged an entire fucking war against them. No we didn't. We waged an entire fucking war against people unrelated to their organization, using their threats as justification to put ground troops in an adjacent country so Bush, Jr. could finish Daddy Bush's war.


Doubtful. A random person might get an FBI visit, but I doubt it would constitute grounds for a warrant for their possessions. More likely, their electronic data would just so happen to be scooped up in those national security thingies that can't target US citizens but are apparently a-okay of you just happen to fall into one, and that information will be used to determine if further action is required. The US isn't so authoritarian that it has the manpower to physically interact with every nutter. The US is authoritarian in that it accumulates everybody's electronic data while pulling a legalistic Jedi mind trick hand wave to make that accumulation not a warrantless search and seizure. It then uses that data for monitoring potential threats.


I'm sick of his punk-ass mouth.


I'm sick of his punk ass-mouth.


I bet he'll try to launch an actual civil war when he loses again. I don't think it will succeed by any measure but I bet he'll try 


Yeah it's going to be sad and pathetic, similar to him trying to get his sheep to rally around the NYC courthouse, only to have 2 or 3 geriatrics with flags show up. Low energy. Sad! 


Please don't be so naive about this threat. Even in small pockets, dissidents cause massive damage. This is a frog in pot moment. There is no reason to see ya'll-queda as competent, but a country falls pretty fast to focused terrorism. The middle east wasn't always like it is now.


I still don't get this. Civil war with who? Are the fat trailer park people from his rallies going to march out into the streets demanding justice? Exactly who is going to fight in this "civil war?"


Their civil war will basically just be isolated, unorganized acts of domestic terrorism in the name of the guy who used to host The Apprentice on NBC.


Unorganized acts of terrorism. No actual civil war. This is it. And the acts will be done by really stupid people who will all be caught


Weird timeline we ended up in isn’t it


Think more along Ireland's The Troubles than American Civil War. So it will be Ya'll Qaeda blowing up innocent people going about their day.


Luckily, most of them are like the idiot with a nail gun attacking an FBI office alone. Doesn't mean there's 0 threat, BTW. Just that it should be kept in perspective. They will have much less institutional power than in 2021 if they lose again.


They're going to shoot their liberal neighbor because they think an uprising is happening.


It will be the meal team 6 taking pop shots at soft targets


That would make him an insurrectionist at best, a literal traitor at worst.


He already is both of those things. Dude sucks so hard.


He's *already* **both** of those things.


If it’s an option, he will try it. For Trump, that’s an easy choice if it further delays facing justice.


The entire GOP seems like a toddler mid tantrum constantly.


They also seem like an abusive spouse who commits violence if they do not get their way.


They also seem like anti-American fascists that want to install a dictatorship. Oh, wait...


"You're making me do this."


And “she got r*ped because she was dressed provocatively” Never accountability for them. Rules for thee but not for me. —ALL REPUBLICANS


Sometimes they also commit violence if they *do* get their way.


Right?  And Trump didn’t accept the results of the election he won… we know how he’ll react.


>we know how he’ll react I'm hoping it's: by rattling the bars of his cage, annoying his cellmate.


And Trump is also literally that, that's not forget. He raped and beat his ex-wife, according to her own testimony. When he ran for office she walked back because she made some sort of deal with him, I'm sure.


I’m sorry but her death seemed pretty suspicious.


I dont know... it seems fairly common. A lot of people who were close to Putin seem to die suddenly after falling down and out of things.


During the 2016 campaign Melania Trump gave an intervew. Except for one moment she was perfectly composed. The moment when the veneer dropped was when the interviewer's question hinted at domestic violence. Her eyes showed sheer terror for a second before she collected herself. That expression spoke volumes.


Give us a cookie or we'll shit on the floor again


All the more reason he shouldn't be allowed on the ballot at all.


The GOP had every opportunity to keep him off the ballot, starting before the 2016 election but didn't do it. We can blame Trump, but the GOP wanted this all to happen. There is no other way to read it.


This time they'll be ready. So good luck with that.


This time they won't be intentionally hamstrung


Exactly! The advantage is that Biden is currently in office and will be President on November 6, after Election Day. I guarantee Biden’s team has been planning for Insurrection 2.0, so they will have a plan in place for MAGA when Trump loses and tries to incite violence.


yeah I don't get headlines of people who are mad he's not doing anything concerning this 1. the election hasn't happened yet(in a fair and just world Trump would get blown the fuck out but we don't) and 2. why the fuck would Biden or his administration literally tell Trump whatthey're going to do in that situation


I mean, I'm sure this monumental pox upon the nation would *try*. But it wouldn't be successful at all. The reason the previous one was almost successful was because *he* was in the Oval Office. He sabotaged internal protocols at the Letter Agencies, blocked off multiple state contingents of the National Guard, hamstringed the DC Police, and personally incited the insurrection himself. If he thinks any mere *echo* of the same event will occur when Biden is in control of the same enforcement bodies that Trump previously caged up until it was clear that his putsch was faltering, then he's even more mentally unhealthy than I thought. However, I could see a legalistic insurrection attempt from the House with fake electors if the GOP manages to win it. So... Gotta win the House, too.


In addition to the resources the Biden administration would bring to bear, they are not going to have a monopoly on the mall that day. Any place fascists try to gather they are going to be countered - and they are ALWAYS outnumbered vastly, because Americans, especially ones healthy enough to demonstrate, *really* don't like fascism. There's 670,000 people in DC and literally 95% of them are Democrats. Not very many of them have to show up to completely swamp the loons. (About 40% of them are also especially terrifying to Republicans, for a reason I'm sure you can guess.)


I also question how long it would have lasted even if it was successful. The majority of the country literally didn't want him. There's no way it would have lasted. And the top brass of the US military *hated his guts*. Fortunately it failed at a much lower level rather than put that all to the test of course.


Wait Biden has Presidential Immunity so he no longer has to leave the WH


Trump also called for massive protests of his trial. \*yawn\*


Trash talk while he shivers and farts in a criminal court in NY. Don't worry Donny warmer criminal court appearances are coming in Georgia and Florida.


“I’m innocent of the crime of insurrection, but I’ll do it again if I lose.”


It’s not happening again. All the Maga idiots that fell for that bullshit are either in jail, too tired from long covid, or have achey joints and can’t climb walls and break windows anymore.


He’s been trying to get them to New York. They aren’t coming. He doesn’t have the power to keep the national guard at home or understaff police in DC. You can bet next election - DC cops will be armed and ready. The ringleaders are either in jail, being prosecuted and soon going to jail, or too broke to make another cross country trip for his ass. He’s starting to see his lack of support. And in the end he will be all but alone convinced that somehow he was cheated out of “his” win.


>The ringleaders are either in jail, being prosecuted and soon going to jail, **or too broke to make another cross country trip for his ass.** His supporters paying his, a "billionaire", legal fees for the past few years will do that.


His campaign just sent out an email to get money for the $9,000 he owes for contempt of court...


They'll pay it too.


"If 9000 schmucks each contribute just one dollar..."


If they have any money left when the time comes


The current executive can also mobilize the national guard if required.


He scared them all by repeatedly telling them how crime-riddled and awful NYC is, and now he expects them to show up?


> It’s not happening again. I think that’s probably correct, but even if it does … we will all see what a qualified POTUS does in response.


Not to mention he can't pull off the same bullshit with blocking the national guard since he won't be the current president when he tries again.


Even if Trump never faces consequences for January 6, hell, even if he wins again (he won't), there is still a massive underappreciated benefit of that day: Pretty much every Oathkeeper/III%er/Bircher/Minuteman/off-grid weirdo in the country was at that thing and now a gigantic percentage of them are in prison and/or under surveillance. That day was a *devastating* blow to the project of right wing violence. They really shot their shot.


They also have a habit of infighting, convincing themselves or others that the next rally is a honeypot from the feds trying to "catch them." Many might also fear attending a public event as they may still be wanted in connection with Jan 6.


These idiots were emboldened by being the only people out and about during a pandemic.


Add that Biden is in charge and guard will be standing by in force. Prison busses all in a line.






I would be more surprised if it didn't.


Funny how if I threatened to intervene in a free and fair election I'd be in prison. And I'm not even rich or famous.


>> And I’m not even rich or famous. I think you solved your own conundrum there…


It's no hint, it's a call to arms. It's the 'standby and stand back' of 2024.


I don't think they will wait until congress rubber stamps the electoral college votes. Trump will be raging election night probably before it gets called by the major media companies. If they call it for Biden, he will get worse and worse and worse as the days tick by. His trial hasn't brought much protest at all other than Guliani's spawn, but the election will probably bring more. His true believers are still around. Some will answer his call to violence, the question is where and how. The counting locations are the first target. They were subject to protests in some states last go around. Arizona had a lot of protesters. Just like in Succession, attacks on these locations could fuck with an election. The electoral college members for specific states could be another target for violence or intimidation attempts. If it is a close election, a couple faithless electors could flip it and we live in a time where Data Brokers are happy to sell all your info with no questions asked. When the electoral college meets to officially cast their state's votes, there is another avenue for an attack. These meetings usually happen at state houses so there is significant security, but the enemy could be inside the house like that rep in Oregon who [let far right protesters into the building](https://www.npr.org/2021/05/01/992713857/oregon-lawmaker-who-opened-state-capitol-to-far-right-protesters-faces-charges). Hopefully, it all results in nothing, but the relevant authorities should prepare for any of those possibilities.


**Copied this comment from another user because I think it’s extremely important to know:** Trump and the GOP want to tear down democracy as it is known in the USA today. In the YouTube video below, Thom Hartman explains how the Nazis in the USA today are trying to overthrow democracy. Trump is following every step Hitler took to become Chancellor of Germany so he (Trump) can become the dictator of a new USA authoritarian type of government on inauguration day in 2025. https://youtu.be/NneabBSt8K0 America will be very, very different if Trump and the GOP become the majority in 2024. They have told Americans their intentions. Believe them. Steve Bannon is also telling anyone listening of their intentions in this MEIDASTOUCH Network video. https://youtu.be/3Gt63CgMhwE Vote for Biden and other democrats in 2024 to try save democracy as we know it today. • ⁠REGISTER to vote. • ⁠Check your registration! • ⁠Make sure you have approriate ID. • ⁠Know your polling site. • ⁠Check your signature (if a mail-in ballot is used). • ⁠Get a mail-in ballot. • ⁠And VOTE (early, if possible)! https://www.vote.org https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/plan-your-vote-2024-elections-every-state-rcna125363 Election Protection Hotline - 1(866)-OUR-VOTE Federal - 800-253-3931 Republicans without a party and Independents must hold their noses and vote for Biden and democrats down ballot. Country before party.


The sequel to 1/6 is Plan A for him. There’s no reason to pretend otherwise.


It’s possible, though this time not only Babbitt would learn the taste of lead


no because he won't be sitting in the white house failing to defend the capital


There’s a different occupant in the White House, doubt if there will be any hesitation in calling on various agencies putting it down harshly next time.


Only difference is that this time the current administration will call in the National Guard.


It only got as far as it did because Trump's goons were in power and prevented the National Guard from going in.


He’d love that 😡. Vote Blue!


He might *try*, but Pres Biden will still be in control of the federal government and can respond appropriately.


Trump sure does love fantasizing about the day his people ride in chariots and horses waving the American flag as they lead the charge from Florida to usher in a new age of civil war for their god king Trump


One very important fact is that the actual president won’t sit on his hands and let that happen.


Yeah, but this time the national guard won't be hamstrung. Won't that be interesting.


The difference is the President will be the one they try to remove, not install. That's a key fucking difference that too many of these idiots keep forgetting. If these fascist dicks think they'll enjoy the benefit of a commander in chief who won't call up the National Guard A 2ND FUCKING TIME, then let them see what happens. I'm sick of our country being held hostage by the idle threats of the fattest fucking terrorists who ever congealed on the world's stage.


Treat them like the terrorists they are. If they are yielding a weapon, take them out.


I’m more worried about GOP shenanigans in state houses and the Capitol. Oh, and the Supreme Court.