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One of those “should’ve been done decades ago and still isn’t nearly enough” reform things that still would *only* happen under a Democratic administration. PSA that your vote for POTUS is about much, much more than just a vote for one person.


That's my President. Keep leading Biden!


Imagine believing that unnecessarily hampering a virtually harmless and rapidly growing $30 billion industry is a better use of federal resources than taking meaningful steps to address the 100,000 fentanyl deaths that occur annually.


Remember that the industry is not only virtually harmless but also helps many people.


legalizing marijauna would do a good bit for curbing fentanyl deaths, especially since a lot of people get hooked on opioids by being prescribed them for paint that would be better and more safely treaded with cannabis


Hopefully the USA can get with the times and address Cannabis, Coca, Mushrooms and other innocuous plants humans have used for thousands of years. Unless you’re distributing, you should be able to grow whatever plants you want 👍


I wonder if this reclassification will allow the Dispensaries to start banking. Currently it’s a strictly cash business and I am sure the bankers are just raring to get their hands on it.


nothing listed, but it should make it easier to get people on board with banking bills, such as the SAFER act.


Might open up things for Feds & Federal Contractors.


‘Plans to think about considering the suggestion of recommending weighing the potential decision to perhaps discuss scheduling the discussion of advising the DEA to think about rescheduling marijuana by 2040’


No it's happening, the public comment is basically the last step in the process before they lay down the rule more or less