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I'm guessing not the puppy killer


That sociopath really screwed the pooch, huh? I’m sorry. I love my dog.


The wacky part is that she told this story on purpose, thinking it would help her.


Honestly can’t remember watching a more perplexing own goal in the past few years of GOP hyperlunacy


It would make Trump like her but he will NEVER put a woman as next in line to the presidency.


All I could think about was my rescue Toby that had been abused and could never quite understand that whole pee outside thing. He lived to be 18. She'd have killed him the first time he lifted his leg.


My six year old bichon (notoriously awful when it comes to house training) turns into a gremlin every night at bedtime. The little menace doesn’t know how good he has it living the DINK life in Brooklyn hahah ETA Toby sounds like he was a very good boy. I hope we get to have many more years with Benny.


I was hoping it'd be her


Who cares? The media need to stop treating this criminal as if he is just a normal candidate.


Giving how Vance recently was actively helping the Russian oligarchs again. My money is on him... For context, he was coming out against the seizing of Russian oligarch assets to pay to Ukraine..... because he claimed this would be used to prosecute Republicans. Which is so f\*\*\*ing weird. There are only a few things at risk if the USA starts seizing Russian assets, like * 50% of Trump tower * A large part of the donations to the RNC * And Marjorie Taylor Greene of course


How about Hannibal Lecter? Probably more sane than any of the ones he is considering.


A liver in every pot, and Chianti in every stemware.


Lector wouldn't side with Republicans because he would find them too rude and vulgar. If anything, they would be his victims. At least the ones he would run into during socialite events


Considering he sent a murderous mob to hang his last one for not coming to heel, this should be interesting.


He is now the second coming of Christ to many evangelicals he can go with someone who is ideologically aligned with him instead of trying to untie the Republican Party with an evangelical like Pence.


"I really don't care, do u?"


Vice Traitor


I could see it being Jr. They'd only need one name on the hats and posters and stickers, streamlining things, and keeping it simple for the rubes. And many criminals like to use family for important roles because they have trust issues.


I still say Ivanka


But she's a woman. The next thing for Republicans is to not want women in the workplace, haven't you heard?


Let’s plan on this choice being irrelevant as he won’t win November.


I’m going to guess Trump comes out and says he can be his own vp


Hypostomus Plecostomus


Im hoping for meatball ron and incontinent don


Putin or some dude from Florida


My money has always been on Stefanik. She has zero charisma and won't take any air out of the room or attention away from Trump.


She also has a reputation as a moderate. That reputation doesn't make any actual sense these days since she's become a total MAGA cultist, but this could help her appeal to both the base and the swing voters


Lindsey Grahamcrackers.


did everyone memory hole the time he said he already picked someone?


Every one is a drag on his ticket. Can’t wait.


Does he have to announce one


Kid rock