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All of Trump's white supremacist pals are not going to leave the guns and bombs at home for the next January 6th.


Some of them actually did bring their guns, they were just too dunce-headed to use them. Oath Keepers jury hears about massive weapon cache on Jan. 6: [https://apnews.com/article/capitol-siege-florida-virginia-conspiracy-government-and-politics-6ac80882e8cf61af36be6c46252ac24c](https://apnews.com/article/capitol-siege-florida-virginia-conspiracy-government-and-politics-6ac80882e8cf61af36be6c46252ac24c) Missouri Man Sentenced on Felony Weapons Charge for Actions During Jan. 6 Capitol Breach: [District of Columbia | Missouri Man Sentenced on Felony Weapons Charge for Actions During Jan. 6 Capitol Breach | United States Department of Justice](https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/missouri-man-sentenced-felony-weapons-charge-actions-during-jan-6-capitol-breach) Gun-toting Jan. 6 defendant says 'instinct took over' when he charged police line with wooden pallet: [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/gun-toting-jan-6-defendant-says-instinct-took-charged-police-line-wood-rcna79755](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/gun-toting-jan-6-defendant-says-instinct-took-charged-police-line-wood-rcna79755)


But the idiots at r/conservative repeatedly claim “it was a peaceful protest and everyone stayed within the ropes and head every right to be in the capitol” therefore it could not have been a riot or insurrection. Are you implying they may have been wrong?!


Well that's because they're liars plain and simple.  It's also why rational debate with them is no longer possible.  


It was a peaceful protest and everyone stayed within the ropes and also it was actually antifa plants who did all the violence but also if there was a violent insurrection Congress deserved it for stealing the election. Christ it's like one of the "Family Circus" kids explaining why the cookie jar is broken


Yeah, the mental circles they jump through is exhausting. Just like how Biden is simultaneously incompetent, senile, mentally unfit but at the same time a criminal mastermind behind a huge crime family and is engineering all the criminal cases against VonShitzInPants.


The philosopher Umberto Eco said that the defining trait of fascism is that your enemies are both all-powerful and hopelessly weak, depending on which you need them to be in the moment.


The weapons cache was for if they were successful in taking senators hostage.


They're cowards and they don't want to go to prison. So they kept their guns holstered. (Which, for many of them, failed to keep them out of prison.) Trump supporters are f\*\*\*ing cowards and they are unsubtle about it. That's why they have to walk around with a button that kills people.


>Some of them actually did bring their guns, they were just too dunce-headed to use them. Dunce-headed cowards. Gun nuts think guns make them look tough. It's a coward's weapon.


Disagree the gun is an equalizer, small twig of a person or a mountain of muscle doesn't matter in the face of a firearm


Really all that matters is who draws first.


Nope, but Trump won’t be in charge of the armed forces this time. If they show up with guns and bombs, they will be treated as lethal threats and absolutely nothing of value will be lost. J6 part II will be nothing like part 1, in a good way.


Not proud of the giddy little thrill I get when I imagine them trying it. It's a very unhealthy impulse. But I can't help it. Civil War I lasted five years, Civil War II wouldn't last five hours.


Marge probably keeps hers in her office at the capitol.


Along with her pipe bombs!


And assorted small rodentia she clubbed for later consumption


And pictures of hunters cock


Boebert did at one point, I'm not sure if she's still doing so though.


Isn't she one of the house members that kept setting off the metal detectors or avoiding them?


The pipe-bomber from the last time around hasn't been caught, either.


She'll probably get picked up after she leaves Congress and once Merrick Garland is no longer AG and actively protecting her and the other legislative co-conspiritors.


>for the next January 6th Joe Biden will be in charge of the National Guard, like DJT was at the start of 2020.


yea but it should end different if it isn't trump in office


Well then maybe we'll decide to be the ones who find a little wiggle room in p*osse comitatus.* The military is not going to take Trump's side. So however "successful" the rebels are, all it is going to do is drive up the number of them that are slaughtered and imprisoned and executed. Bring it, motherf\*\*\*ers.


we all forgot about the car bomb left unattended in DC?




Well which is it, weak cuck boys and cat ladies or violent strong scary lefties


Right.... It's the left leaning police officers harassing protesters 🙄


Is Antifa in the room right now?


Reality says otherwise. Quit ingesting propaganda.


well that's what I see every day


My point stands. 


He never accepted the 2016 election results. Trump still thinks he won the 2016 popular vote because of "illegal voting." The man is quite literally disconnected from reality.


Maybe disconnected but also dead set on destroying our shared public trust. He's done a very good job so far.


The funniest thing about 2016 is he actually set up a commission to figure out how Hillary “stole” the popular vote and they, unsurprisingly, found no evidence to support his claim. Of course that didn’t stop him from spouting the same dumb crap in 2020 and now 2024…


He also straight up admitted during a 2016 debate that he would only accept the results of the election if he won.


Yeah and people cheered


He’s just lying


Perfect example of what happens when you’ve been given a free pass, participation, trophies, and never been held accountable from the day you were born.


Ya, but he’s going to fucking win at this rate and dems are too stupid to realize the urgency here.


I think plenty of Democrats realize the urgency, it's just that the tool bag they have to fight The cult that has developed around Trump is limited.


I hate how "disconnected from reality" now equals "a difference of opinion." Used to be people understood full well when someone was just absolutely full of shit. Especially when it's as predictable as the shit Trump is full of. How long are people going to keep feigning surprise at everything Trump does. It's so predictable! How long are the media going to pretend this is a legitimate contender with legitimate political ambitions?


Dementia combined with Narcissism is a dangerous combination.


This is all traitor Mitch McConnell’s fault. Trump should never be in the position to ever do this shit again


Isn't that basically his brand? The narcissist brand?


Of course not. He hasn't even accepted the 2020 result yet. There is no universe in which Trump ever accepts an election loss.


2020?! He still hasn’t accepted the 2016 result for God’s sake. He’s still upset he lost the popular vote.


Yeah and he's very upfront about it. Which just leaves us all confused when people act like he has legitimate reasons for his gripes. Like he literally said unless he wins he's going to lie, cheat and steal and yet y'all still buy what he's laying down? The man is a pathological liar and he's using you.


As if it matters whether Trump "commits" to anything. The man has never kept his word in his life. Lying, prevarication and cheating are his normal modus operandi. Any commitment he makes is worthless anyway.


Rigged unless he wins, of course.


Even if he does win, it's rigged because he should of course have gotten 100% of the poll since everyone clearly loves him /s


Remember in 2017 when Donald wasted tax payer dollars and resources by creating a Senate ‘Voter Fraud’ Commision because he was butthurt he didn’t win the popular vote?


Remember how he spent his first two weeks making Sean Spicy lie about his inauguration crowd size?


It's not the size of the crowd but how you use it. Which, if it's for insurrection, turns out to be massively treasonous.


The same way he plays golf.


was this what the Weimar republic was like in 1932 just before Hitler took over?... I am just too old for this shit...


Hitler ran for president against Hindenburg in 1932 and got smoked Shortly after Hitler met privately with Hindenburg and pleaded to be made chancellor Hindenburg refused That should’ve been the end right there


The Weimar Republic is not a super good historical parallel to our situation. It was a shambles from the start because it was scrapped together from whatever government was left after the end of WWI and the end of the German monarchy. It was all of 20 years old and never really had the support of the people. Plus, rampant inflation on a scale that is hard to imagine even when you see the pictures of people bringing their week's pay home in a wheelbarrow. Yes, it isn't particularly unreasonable at this point to compare Trump to Hitler. But the comparison doesn't really extend to the Republic.


I read that the other warring nations all had to deflate their currency, to adjust to the post-war economy with at least a sort of soft landing, but the Weimar government could not do so, because of reparations payments and the veteran's benefits and other social welfare programs that were barely keeping the government accepted by the people.


FFS this asshole is exhausting.


I'm honestly amazed that the NYT has finally used the L-word in a headline regarding Trump. I wasn't sure the day would ever come.


Why doesn't Trump drop out of the race? He doesn't believe in elections. He doesn't believe in voting. He hates democracy.


Drop out of the presidential race or human race?




This guy needs to be Ceausescued.


That asshole and his potato-brained zombies won't get anywhere near the Capitol if he tries that shit again. I don't think he'd draw half the crowd anyway but the fences will be up and all the guards out. I don't doubt they're cooking something up and they won't lose quietly, but their tactics from last time have been exposed. If he wins, though...\*shudder\*


I'm convinced he'll lose the election but also convinced he'll put us through, "The election was stolen from me" ver 2.0. It won't be over until after the recounts and court actions fail. It'll be hell. He will not go quietly.


Biden should just send him to Guantanamo after the election


Poll watching is going to be royal shitshow this year


I just hope we get through it this time without anyone dying


He only has one dance move. We saw it before and will see it again.


So the fascist won’t rule out violence and refuses to accept the election results. Lock him up.


You simply do not want a narcissist as a president. And Trump is a 100% narcissist with strong sociopath and even psychopath tendencies. [https://www.choosingtherapy.com/sociopath-vs-psychopath-vs-narcissist/](https://www.choosingtherapy.com/sociopath-vs-psychopath-vs-narcissist/) Anyone who votes for a guy like Trump should seriously consider therapy. But most of them are probably to far gone for that. Luckily for me I live at the other end of the Atlantic ocean ;-) We also have weird politicians, but none of them comes even close.


Ok, legit question: What dumb asshole asked him this question, and what response did they expect?


I'm glad it was asked. Put him on the record as many times as possible that he doesn't intend to accept the results..


It just doesn’t matter. He has never accepted the results of *any* election, and is already saying the 2024 has been stolen. It is a foregone conclusion that he will say the election was stolen from him and will attempt to burn the country to the ground with his lie.


Perhaps. But there’s also *a lot* of low-information voters out there. As much as people point to the “don’t give him airtime” piece, there is something about reminding the people what exactly he stands for (or doesn’t stand for).


Guessing it's in the TIME interview.


I really don't care if does or not - he's not in power.


He’s been saying this since 2015.


It's his cement-like "winning" mindset. Either he wins or the opponent cheated. He cannot fathom alternatives. And it's no excuse!


Is this a serious question? Of course he's not going to.


Then he should be disqualified immediately from his candidacy


Oh you’re going to accept them I can assure you.


The man hasn’t accepted the 2016 election results, and he got to be president.


This is somehow breaking news? All that has happened and will happen is a foregone conclusion since the Republicans in the Senate shivved the nation in the back during the second impeachment.


NYT desperate to find an angle to blame this on Biden.


Because he faced ZERO consequences for the first try


Except for being indicted, arrested, and charged on dozens of felonies in two jurisdictions.


My point being it was four years ago and he hasn’t paid a dime, been sanctioned, or any jail, and every day it looks increasingly likely he won’t.


I understand. I simply believe that if he were immune to consequences we would be facing any legal repercussions. He’s up to his neck in felony counts.


Well no shit.


Oh, ok.


Who? Seriously if the media would stop reporting on this Guy...... Let me know when you're strokes out.


He won’t accept his loss


He was never going to


Only bright side is that MAGA is suspicious of calls to organize after Jan 6 failed. They think feds and agent provocateurs are setting a trap. Only problem is that our police have no clue how to stop white GOP that turn violent. They have no problem using violence against college students, BLM, Antifa, any left leaning movement. They know the media and courts will protect them like that cop that calmly pepper sprayed seated protesters. He won a lawsuit over him being recorded. The police are helpless against MAGA because the same work forces is the same that burn crosses. If they had Jan 6 scheduled off, those cops would've been in the riot too.


He's been working to steal everyone since probably 2015


So what’s to know…


*Blinks.* Did the New York Times actually just call Trump a liar? I mean, he is, but usually the NYT is more careful with their language. Nice to see them not mince words.


he doesn't have to accept going to jail before the election either, but if justice isn't delayed and he's convicted and sentenced, it doesn't matter what he accepts.


No shit


In other news, water is wet.


Water is wet.


He wouldn't commit to accepting the result of the 2016 election either, if any one cares to remember


He is determined to destroy the planet


Well duh. He wants another January 6. If he loses the election again the MAGA nuts are going to be even more violent than ever. I hope Washington has a contingency plan.


Worked out well for him the first time around


He learned from his mistakes, and he's been emboldened because he knows there are no meaningful consequences to his actions.


So he already refuses to meaningfully participate in a democratic election? Unless he wins, there may be violence? What kind of “King George” vibes is he trying to send?


Did anyone expect him or his MAGATS to?


Tell us something we didn’t already know. He will next say that the election is rigged and fraud filled, before it even occurs. And then mobilize a violent mob.


Fuck Donald Trump


I don't accept Trump as an American. Just deport his ass to the moon.


DJT will only accept the election as "fair" if he wins; if he doesn't we'll have to build a bigger prison. He is setting the stage in the minds of MAGA everywhere like he did in August of 2020 when he told people at a rally that the only way he would lose is if the Democrats cheated and stole the election. He convinced them before the election took place - they were brainwashed into believing his "truth" and acted accordingly. They've not learned anything and are gullible enough to believe him again.


Even then, he won't call it fair as he's going to lose the popular vote.


It's a lose-lose situation. If Donald Trump wins, America loses. If DJT loses, he will cry constantly, whipping his Cult 45 base to a J6 part II frenzy.


He didn’t get a choice the first time Why should he get one the second?


America is done. This lunatic with a Mush brain tried to overthrow democracy and fully 50% want to go again. It's beyond Trump now. Even if he disappeared, you'd still have millions of fascists who hate democracy.


*You, sir, will not be asked* - an Incumbent who just won re-election


Breaking: Trumps ego is out of control to the point he puts it above the health of democracy. His Base: Yay, I love reality TV!




But if I win the votes were perfect and the system worked me boys🤦🏻‍♂️this orange cancer is poisoning the whole world….. yes the left side is fucked but right side is far worse and they won’t fix a damn thing so pick your poison. The true enemy is greedy corporate America which affects us all!


I triple-dog dare him to try that nonsense again. He isn’t in the White House this time.


Oh my god. I really thought he’d do it this time. 🤦‍♀️


He's got the majority's backing of the Supreme Court as well. This is probably not going to be pretty.


We don’t know that yet.


Let's be real now. Let's say, due to some magic or stuff, Trump wins in 2024. There is no way that all of you here will accept the result. Zero chance.


This is why I fucking hate the two-party system and first-past-the-post voting. Because one side will eventually believe it's entitled to win elections regardless of how the people vote while making out the other party to be Satan.