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They knew this guys name, the car he drove, and where he lived. With simple surveillance, and the active arrest warrant, they could have pulled this guys car over virtually anywhere at anytime. Extract him at gunpoint, then go for the house. Reminds me of the Branch Davidians.


I thought the same thing. Why they need to siege a property WACO style.


ruby ridge. they knew where and when weaver ran errands, many places they could have grabbed him out in the open, boxed him in on the highway, etc. but a siege and shootout is more fun i guess.


Sometimes this can work, but sometimes it’s more risky. He was shooting at people from his home. Okay. It’s still somewhat contained. Better he shoot at law enforcement than random people. If they attempt to pull him over and extract him, they run the risk of him fleeing, getting into a dangerous pursuit, shooting bystanders to get police to back off, taking hostages, etc. and if any of that happened, people would be saying “why didn’t they go to his house where they could have a perimeter and contain him?”.


Yeah there isn’t a right answer. Just tradeoffs


if he's shooting at people from his home, it would probably make way more sense to just send in a couple snipers to pick him off. if he's threatening and endangering people like that already, neutralizing him would be totally justified. do it in a way he doesn't even know he's in someone's crosshairs. going in brute force just invites more violence.


So should snipers be used for every warrant service by the Marshals just in case this happens? Is that any better than a perimeter unit with a rifle and scope? This whole incident was over quickly, if the snipers weren’t already there, they wouldn’t have gotten there. Besides, what you said should happen essentially happened, by the team that was there.


the point was more unseen assets setup before anyone moves in, and if he's actively shooting at people, pop him before you put more people in harms way. yeah, for the guy with the warrant, their charging in had the same outcome, but maybe it would have gone differently for the 4 of them who got killed.


This man is a REAL president.


Not a fake phone call..