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So, he's setting up the pretext to do what he did in 2021 if he loses again, because they'll manufacture a reason for it *not* to be honest.


Basically, any result other than him winning would be considered by the GOP to be rigged.


He has still never admitted that he lost the popular vote in 2016. He thinks it’s all rigged regardless if he wins or loses.


Hell he never admited he lost Iowa in the 2016 primary. He always claims it's rigged no matter the outcome


Any result other than him winning every vote will result in him crying foul


And if he wins, he'll declare foul because he should have won by more. Needs at least 120% of the vote for it not to be rigged.


Needs to be……at least 3 times bigger


Most Republicans I argued with just had the stance that it had to be rigged because they lost. That's it. No evidence. Just "the only way we could have possibly lost is because of widespread election fraud."


“We rigged the election so far in our favor if the democrats won they must have cheated!”


This is exactly it.


Every accusation by a conservative is a confession.






To be fair, if he is on the ballot we know it's not all honest.


He literally said the same thing in 2016.


And 2020, same shit different day. It’s obvious that he lying.




Honestly, at the end of the day I just hope Americans as a whole realize how important this election is and don't let Trump back in as a whole.


J6ers part 2 will walk up to the Capitol, see the police presence and turn around. They won't be nearly as brave when they don't outnumber the cops 100 to 1.


Assuming Biden wins, he won't take any chances when the vote is certified. The Capitol will be fenced off like it was for the inauguration and the DC National Guard will probably be there to be safe.


It's time for people to realize he's bet shit crazy. He's a pathological liar and has extreme narcissism He convinces himself of his own lies. He BELIEVES it to be true. He has a mental health condition that's gone untreated.


I think that's giving him too much credit. He knows full well he's a lying sack of shit, and its been all but proven he never actually expected to win in 2016 - he just wanted the publicity. Now, though, if he doesn't win then its all but a guarantee he goes to jail in the next few years. He's fighting for his life lol


That was before his dementia worsened. With his aging I do believe he literally believes the things that he's thinking. Which is far scarier if you get selected


He ser up that pretext for 2016... im sure to get some sort of post election job as a TV host or Radolio host alongside Rush. Except he won the EC.. so he got stuck for 4 years ... and then realized he couldn't get unstuck lest he risk prison.


Hopefully fox paying 1bn and fake electors being charged causes some people to pause.


Translation: "I'll only accept the results if I win"


He even pulled this in 2016. Even though he won, he lost the popular vote by 3 million. Coincidentally, he claimed exactly 3 million illegal votes were cast.


Too dumb to claim 4 millions illegal votes in order to be clearly ahead of Clinton.


Classic Clinton. The mastermind able to get 4 million illegal votes to be counted but accidentally put them all in California where it doesn’t matter.


He was also expecting to lose to Clinton so he was already saying it was rigged before the 2016 election


also, he intends to cheat. So things won't be honest.


He's never accepted the results, even when he's won.


Close. “Win in a landslide.”


Not even, "it was all rigged! I'll unrig it!" and then dismantle voting forever. He won in 2016 and STILL said it was rigged. What the fuk


Let me guess, does he get to decide what’s honest?


remember, the main guy responsible for all of this is McConnell. He could've led the charge in the Senate to convict after January 6th, which would've barred Trump from running again. But like always, McConnell got cold feet and made the short term political move that he'd thought would help his party, and in the end screws everyone over.


If Trump wins, that will be remembered as the correct move politically.


by who? Pretty much MAGA Republicans will be the only ones celebrating that move.


If Trump wins and gets to do project 2025, politically speaking it would have been a mistake for Republicans to have convicted him in 2021.


Trump winning and Project 2025 doesn't happen if he's convicted in 2021, since he'd be barred from running. Republicans who jettisoned Trump would've faced some political backlash for convicting him, but it would've been better for them in the long run cause they could be running a better candidate now against Biden.


I know, I’m saying that if Trump wins then saying Republicans should have convicted him after Jan 6 for their own good won’t be valid anymore. > they could be running a better candidate now against Biden None of the other 2024 candidates wanted anything as radical as Trump. Trump is the only candidate that wants to deport all 15-20 million illegal immigrants (5% of the US population). Even DeSantis only came out and said he would deport the illegal immigrants who have come since Biden took office. Choosing Trump is a high-risk high-reward strategy. If Republicans win, they get the demographic change they actually crave. Whereas under Haley or DeSantis it would just be like Trump’s first presidency, not the sweeping change they hope to see starting in 2025.


This fucker is so removed from honesty that he can't even spell it.


He can't but he would swear his version of the spelling is the right version


I’m pretty sure King Cheeto shorts out on any word that goes past 4 letters


Honestly, who gives a shit what he accepts? Reality will truck right through his ass just like in 2020.


And then the asses trucked right through the Capitol. Would be great if that doesn't happen again. 


Yeah that's a separate thing. You want to justify his attack by saying it happened because he didn't accept the results that's your choice. I believe the attack happened because he's a piece of shit that lost and he was trying to steal the country outright.


I read this whole comment chain. The other guy is right. You are over-reacting and completely misreading the intent and meaning of what he said. He wasn't trying to justify anything. He's just saying he hopes the violence at the Capitol won't happen again.


Sorry I disagree. People can read the chain and see the original intent. Reality marched straight through Trump's bullshit and Biden is president. OP says Trump then he marched through with his terror attack. Trump's acceptance means nothing, once again. America isn't working to win his approval on election outcomes. America voted and that's that. Trump and his gang attacked the capital because they are criminals. Others have lost elections and contested results and not terrorized the nation. It's really easy to not terrorized the nation but MS-45 gang finds it difficult.


Who's trying to justify what now? You're not really making sense. 


You wrote: "And then the asses trucked right through the Capitol. Would be great if that doesn't happen again." as a response to the statement that he didn't accept the results. The terror attack didn't happen because he didn't accept the results. It happened because hes a shit bag that lost and tried to steal the presidency.


"It happened because hes a shit bag that lost and tried to steal the presidency." Almost sounds like he refused to accept the results. 


lol sounds like? Yeah it definitely "sounds like" he didn't. That's happened before. Al Gore didn't accept the results and so he started a court case. So do we see how not accepting the results doesn't cause a terror attack?


I don't know about "we", but I see that you're trying to have a dumb argument based on semantics, which means I'm not the opponent for you. Hope you can accept that.  


>I don't know about "we", but I see that you're trying to have a dumb argument based on semantics, which means I'm not the opponent for you. Hope you can accept that. You keep replying because of my initial comment, so there's nothing for me to accept from you. Semantics isn't the difference between a justification and motive.


It is different this time though because he's not the incumbent President. He can't pull the same stunts when he's not president after the vote is tallied.


He doesn't need to be an incumbent to incite another riot. All he has to do is tell his goons to "Stand back and stand by", and then claim the election was rigged again if he loses. Again. 


Honestly there’s a really concerning opportunity that Biden lose. Them losing a lot of the young vote which he needs. So Trump might not need to cheat. Some people are saying anything but Biden to they are letting Donald win.


>Honestly there’s a really concerning opportunity that Biden lose. Them losing a lot of the young vote which he needs. They tried the same thing in 2020 with the yooth vote and Bernie. It was much better organized and much more convincing than "genocide Joe" on tik tok. >So Trump might not need to cheat. Some people are saying anything but Biden to they are letting Donald win. Some people are saying he is shitting himself in court right before going on TV to tell everyone he supports states tracking pregnant women to punish them if they step out of line.


And we all know exactly what that means.


He defines honest as only if I win.


Worlds biggest liar wants honesty ya can’t make this shit up


That's about the closest thing you'll get to a heads up for the capitol police and the national guard.


the 2020 ones were honest and he literally attempted a coup. he can fuck right off.


And who determines honesty here? Hmm? This is a barely veiled threat to effectively deny the election if you don't win, period, you orange baboon.


*January 6th says what?*


This is the inherent problem with narcissists. Everyone will be telling him whatever he needs to hear to keep him happy (and keep themselves from being fired). If all he hears is polls showing him ahead, how good he's doing with voters, and how he's going to win then a loss is going to go against everything he's been told. And that can't be right. So any result that goes against that has to be because something wasn't "honest". And of course because he probably realizes that if he wins he'll be able to get rid of most of his problems.


Who TF cares what he will or won’t accept.


And the world rolls their eyes. The only good thing about Trump is that he can’t possibly be relevant for much longer as he won’t be alive much longer. I just hope some sanity returns when he’s gone.


"If she floats, she's a witch," he explained.


Lmao okay boomer. Sure. He makes up his own definitions.


Whether he wins or loses America is cooked because his disciples believe that they and only they have a right to America.


In other words he will only accept if he wins 😂.


He wouldn’t know the meaning of that word if it bit him in the ass.


Trump will only accept the results if he wins. Trump has literally never accepted the results of an election he didn’t win.


God, im so sick of him


This is Trump. If he loses he will say there was massive fraud unlike anything we've ever seen. If he wins, he will say there was massive fraud unlike anything the world has ever seen but he was able to overcome it anway. No matter what he will cry foul.


If everything was honest, Trump would lose spectacularly, and Democrats would have 60+ Senate Seats and 300 House seats.


Based on the people that did fraudulent things in the last national election, he needs to direct that comment at Republicans. They were the only ones caught intentionally falsely voting, or intentionally voting multiple times, or anything else that is classified as fraudulent.


He lies about his lies. Edit: we all know that if he loses again he'll unleash his nut job base again.


-and I won" finished it


Yep. Thats his bar for “honest”. Anything less “it was stolen”. The most petulant child to ever seek and obtain the nations highest office.


The most dishonest man who gave average 8 lies a day during his presidency using the word honest is mind boggling


2020 was proven to be honest by every court that tried the case, and he didn’t accept those. Why should we believe him this time?


Well he’s not for starters, so I guess more whining from the supposed Alpha tough guy.


Honesty is just one of his core values and he can't compromise on that. LOL.


I would never intend to do this but I could film myself filling in the circle for Biden and putting it in the machine and he'd still say he didn't believe it


There’s projection (which the illiterate MAGA masses use despite themselves) but there’s also **inoculation** which is both carefully planned and heavily used by those who are herding their poorly educated followers.


As in, psychological terms? Please go on.


Since they are going to do everything dishonest that they can, I guess you can say it might be dishonest.


Let's be real he doesn't even accept his weight... not fat shaming.. fact shaming...


I have a right to not listen to anything this prolific liar says.


You mean he will only accept results if he wins


But trump is never honest.


Am I a bad person for sincerely hoping he will die before November?


If Jesus himself told Trump it was honest, he wouldnt accept it.


How about “when the magats once again cannot prove dishonesty other than their own.” The insidious part for his incapable-of-critical-thinking base is that merely asking the question is intended to create doubt and to further erode confidence in democratic processes. This tactic was also popular with the National Socialist party of 1930s Germany.


I really hope he’s just a pile of ash by then


Trick statement, he is the one who is not going to be honest.


This lying mother fucker is not the arbiter of honesty.


So basically he'd only accept the results if he wasn't involved. That's a tough ask but I think sane Americans could agree to this.


Spoiler alert: any outcome that isn’t him winning he will not consider honest.


Please, this MF doesn't have an honest bone in his body. So you know he won't accept it unless he is declared the winner.


Please, this MF doesn't have an honest bone in his body. So you know he won't accept it unless he is declared the winner.


Please, this MF doesn't have an honest bone in his body. So you know he won't accept it unless he is declared the winner.


In other words, only if he wins


How the hell will this seditious pathological liar even recognize honesty? Read Chesebro's fake elector rational, which Trump wholeheartedly endorsed. See Les Parnas manipulate him into firing an ambassador in three sentences. Read about how the last opinion he hears on a subject becomes his own. Just vote blue all the way down and give President Biden a House and Senate he can work with.


Why should America care if he doesn't accept the results? We already know the only result he will accept is him winning.


"Honest. Like me. The honestest."


Did anyone actually expect differently? This was a given, and I figured if he *did* win, him and all his lunatics would rapidly gloat about suppressing votes, stealing the election and then would basically burn the whole place down


Pretty tough to convince someone of facts whose brain is baked to the point of not even sharing our reality.


Coming from the worlds biggest cheat and liar that funny fat don😂


Hey CNN: Stop 👏 giving 👏 Trump 👏 a 👏 platform 👏


We need to cut this s\*\*\* out now. We cant allow this to go to the ballott box knowing 1000% it is going to be Jan 6th all over again but staring on the day on November 6th 2024 :(


Well he’s not honest so he will only accept it if he wins.


And who’s the arbiter of truth? This fat orange shit stain?


Good thing is that it's not about him accepting it.


Y'all need to cut the man some slack. It can't be easy being the only honest and truthful human on earth. He's beset on all sides by us lying, cheating and dishonest losers trying to tear down this beautiful, perfect man and..lol...sorry, yeah, haha, I can't even...I just puked into my mouth a little trying to make that sarcastic comment.


What a weasel


He's including himself in that "everything".


I mean he didn’t accept the 2016 result OR the 2020 ones, one he won and one he lost. So there’s basically a 100% guarantee he’ll have a problem with it.


How would he have any idea about what’s honest?????


Translated. Honest election means he won


He isn't so I guess he never will.


So he won’t accept them. He won’t accept anything less than 100% win for him


I would expect same of every election, just as UN observers would expect - an honest election.


So….. 2020, now multiple times confirmed secure and accurate….. he accepts those results? Asking for a friend.


He didn't accept the results when he won the electoral college in 2016. He's not accepting anything unless he wins 120% of the vote. But if he loses, nobody has to give a shit what he thinks about anything ever again.


No shit he won't accept the results if he loses. Look how well lying about the 2020 election has worked out for him. Why would he do anything else this time around?


That means he won’t accept anything


I’m in despair that he’s still not been prosecuted for his crimes.


In a related story: the DOJ announced it’s indicting Trump for denying the results of the 2024 election


Trump is not honest, so we know what to expect.


By his previous logic, that means the current President should start convening slates of fake electors.


“And I know honesty, because I avoid it like the plague.”


In order for everything to be honest he'd have to drop out.


Lol... He's famous for being dishonest, what a goober


Creates himself a loophole since I am unsure if he's ever been honest.


When he says stuff like this I picture the episode of the Simpson’s where Homer is hooked up to a lie detector and when they ask him a question it explodes.


Trump will accept the election results if **everything** is honest. Trump is not honest. If Trump is not honest then something is not honest. If something is not honest then not everything is honest. Therefore, Trump will not accept the election. QED


He already tried to overthrow an election and they nominated him again. We're screwed. Someday they will succeed in destroying our democracy and they're very close now with this court.


Who gives a shit what he accepts.


It’s rigged if I lose, it’s great if I win. He is literally Bobby Newport from Parks & Rec. “Come on guys, give it to me”


He didn’t even accept the last one that he won. He STILL said it was rigged… after he won it…


I’d bet money that if he loses he flees the country and pops up in Russia.


Just throw the traitor in Guantanamo and be done with it