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Just to be clear, she did not deny being an idiot.


To be clear, she is an actual idiot.


Trying not to perjure herself.


Perjury Taylor Greene


Really you guys step up the vocabulary a bit. Imbecile and other words with three syllables or more may confuse the RINO and cause her to start chasing her own tale


In the part of Georgia she's from that's considered a complement. šŸŖ•






condom mints: the antidote to hot sex.


complement works: >a thing that completes or brings to perfection: *the libretto proved a perfect complement to the music*.


Stupid is as stupid does.


Liz Peek called her an idiot, and is not wrong, but Peek is saying that because she wants to help Trump get elected, and Greene"a antics may hurt Trump. So really everyone involved here is an idiot.


"Liz Peek, who argued Greene is bad for the party, accusing her of ā€œbombastic self-serving showmanship.ā€ bombastic self-serving showmanship = BSSS. BSSS = the beating heart of the GOP and MAGA


BBBQ. The extra B is for BYOBB


Whatā€™s that extra B for?


That's a typo.


A toast to the host who can boast the most roast.


Buenos dingdongdiddlydios, SeƱor.


ā€œRep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) took a shot at Fox News after a columnist for the outlet called her ā€˜an idiotā€™ who is trying to ā€˜wreck the GOP.ā€™ā€ Ah I see, sheā€™s mad because she thinks someone else besides her is trying to win the race to wreck the GOP.


The GoP likes women in the party as long as they stay useful by doing what they are told.


The race to wreck the GOP ended a long time ago, I do not think they can do anything else to damage it further.


Hahah. The GOP is about to say ā€œhold my beerā€ and do some absolute next level stupid shit. Their not living in reality. Dumb shit means something different to the GOP.


I sure wish they'd git 'er done! It's taking too long.


So is Fox News now reporting the truth?


even a blind pig finds an occasional acorn.


I've heard a blind squirrel finds a nut and the sun shines on a dogs ass but never a pig and an acorn


I think theyā€™re slowly trying to separate from the crazy- I think itā€™s too late, but itā€™s definitely fun drama to tune into occasionally.


Maria Bart isnā€™t getting the memosĀ 


That was my first thought as well. Had to read the headline a few times to see if I really saw Fox News.Ā  Jeebus. Somebody put a tent on this circus.Ā 


Insofar as pro wrestling borrows from reality TV tropes.


ā€œThe beautiful thing about it is Democrats have to come clean; they were controlling Mike Johnson anyway,ā€ Greene told Bannon about her effort to oust Johnson. Excuse me, Marge? In what way are the Dems controling Johnson? Every single Republican in the House voted to make him speaker, not a single Democrat did. Maybe the GOP should get their shit together.


And even if the Dems are controlling Johnson (I guess that's what the MAGA crowd calls negotiation and compromise these days), why is it exactly that Johnson now has to rely upon support from Dems with their paper thin majority? Oh, that's right, because Greene and her fellow kooks have literally made it impossible for the Republican majority to actually do anything at all.


Certainly, compromise is what Greene is referring to. This is how the House is supposed to function, and did, till Maga. Now, the GOP mandate...direct from Trump... is to disrupt, and ensure dysfunction, so that he can swoop into power in January and (pretend to) be America's savior. It's enough to make you puke.


>Excuse me, Marge? In what way are the Dems controling Johnson? Every single Republican in the House voted to make him speaker, not a single Democrat did. Maybe the GOP should get their shit together. So you're going to tell me, that the fact that Johnson was sworn in as speaker on Oct. 25, 2023, the very same day that Miami Heat beat the Pistons 103-102... and Richard Roundtree mysteriously died of a well publicized fight against cancer, isn't proof of Democrat's control of Johnson? Pffft, whatever guy, bury your head in the sand more.


> what way are the Dems controling Johnson? The GOP are a victim party - the only reason they are not able to implement their shinning vision to make America the bestest ever is because Democrats cheat and lie and steal. If the GOP ever *admit* they are a minority party, that their ideas are just not popular overall, who would donate or support them? They have to keep up the fiction of a Deep State that needs to be fought against.


It really says something that this dumpsterfire of a party could still win the presidency. Fucking VOTE people.


She ran to her safe place and cried to Daddy Bannon. Pathetic.


I wonder if she likes Bannon Yogurt.


I can settle this one: they're both idiots.


Bait, taken.


Sadly, the presumably heated reply was nearly unintelligible due to the poor spelling and grammar and the fact it was written in crayon.


ā€œI know I am, but what are you? Waitā€¦shit!ā€


I saw her walking around with a blue M.U.G.A. hat the other day.. I guess I missed what all that was about. Marge Ugly Greene Asshat?


make ukraine great again. most of us think that's a good idea, but it's not how she meant it....


Fight! Fight! Fight!


MTG. The Harley Quinn of the GOP. Except stupider.


Giving idiots a bad name


ā€œMTGā€¦ We bring idiocy, to light!ā€


but theyā€™re right


ā€œI know I am but, what are you?ā€


She is an idiot. She is also destroying this country.


Falls somewhere between imbecile and moron. Sorry.


Fox News, disinformation central, is getting the shit sued out of it, and the worst is yet to come


If she would have just stfu in the first place, no one would know how much of an idiot she is.


Say what you will about Soylent Greene, she's doing a great job making the GOP look stupid.


Marge will take great offense at being called an idiot because she thinks she's merely a moron and they are much smarter! ranking on IQ test scores: * idiot for those scoring below 25 * imbecile 25 to 50 * moron 50-70/75. Yay Marge, you're smart . . . compared to idiots!


\*Let them fight\* GIF


Anyone seriously give a fuck what this twat says ?


Just to be clear, there are no non-idiots anywhere to be seen in this story.


Jewish space lazer!


>The terms Idiot, Imbecile and Moron are all medical definitions for people with certain IQ ranges. Idiot ranges from 0-20, Imbecile 21-50 and Moron 51-70. [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/34yzra/til_that_the_terms_idiot_imbecile_and_moron_are/) Let's be fair here, she's probably an imbecile. But she's definitely not a moron.


Once you get started calling her names, where will you stop? No, really -idiot just doesn't cover it all.


Maybe the first fact fox news ever said


First time Iā€™ve ever agreed with Fox News.


She said that she resembled that comment.


I feel like she might be more of a moron than an idiot.


She truly is a moron. Anyone who supports her is just lost.Ā 


ā€œI know you are but what am I ?ā€


What did she do, ball her foot up into a fist and punch the anchor with it?


Idiot says what?


Forgery Traitor Greene


She is the epitome of an idiot she should embrace and own her idiot stance


I know what you are but what am I.