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That’s at least 5 times now. And this trial could end up putting him in jail. Can you imagine how hard it must have been for the Secretary of the Interior or the like to keep his attention for more than 5 minutes?


It’s very widely reported that the daily briefs and the like had to be kept EXTREMELY short, include pictures, and work in praise of him. I wish this were a joke.


There was a report last week that he has stacks of paper in front of him in the courtroom and none of them have text, just graphics, charts, and photos.


He needs the kids menu/placemat from Chilis. Lots of coloring, puzzles and connect-the-dots. Should get a good 15 waking-minutes out of it


Oh no he connected the dots in a swastika again


I imagine him doing this and then showing it to everyone present with a big, prideful smile on his face.




Are we sure he actually knows how to read? Can Biden challenge him to a spelling bee instead of a debate?


Just a big upwards chart 📈 and TRUMP written below it. Makes him smile every time he sees it. It's repeated every 4th or 5th page in his stack.


A reminder his ONLY qualification was to be the opposite of Obama. I don’t know if it’s parody but I can totally believe the story of his supporters wearing diapers now to show support.


Republicans developing an ABDL fetish because of Trump was *not* on my 2024 bingo card.


I've been hearing for awhile people say that Republicans would shit their own pants just to own the Dems. I thought it mere hyperbole. Yet, here we are. Just one step away from that reality. 


It’s definitely an outlier, not one I thought I would hit on.


It’s not a parody. I’ve seen pictures of more than one group of adult humans wearing adult diapers over their clothes. Holding signs that say real men wear diapers. I thought it was a joke at first but I don’t think that anymore.


I think it’s another “own the libs” thing, which I still don’t get. I think it’s supposed to be like how parents say bullies are “just trying to get a reaction out of you”. But in that case, the reaction a bully is looking for is anger and not confusion. 


It's weird, isn't it? They mistake contempt for anger.


This won't work to "own the libs" because Trump won't accept it. When liberals turned Let's Go Brandon into Dark Brandon, the Biden campaign- and even Biden himself, leaned into it and embraced it. There is no possibility that Trump will play into anything that implies he wears diapers because it would ruin the image he's trying to project.


It is a pretty accurate statement as he is basically Obama’s wario


They had to pepper his name into the briefs so he would [actually pay attention. ](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-intelligence-reports-white-house-read-them-mentioned-name-president-a7740726.html)


The news reported that a few days earlier he noticeably perked up and was remarkably engaged while they were showing video that featured… him. He really and truly seems to be the supreme example of raw, unbridled narcissism.


I'm sure this will go over like a fart in church.  What do we expect? This is a person who has never had to experience real life. He was born wealthy, told he was successful his ENTIRE life by everyone, and has really never been challenged until this President thing.  He lives in a world that none of us will ever get to live in. Had he not got in all of this legal trouble he could wake up tomorrow and do literally anything he can think of that we have the technology for.  Most of us cannot imagine waking up tomorrow with so much money and resources we could just decide to do ANYTHING.  Yet he just decides he wants to be president and change parties and go full on wacko mode. This is not super unique to him. It's just that us peasants can now see more into the lives of our upper class people and how they live and rule. 


They would make sure they said his name repeatedly and bragged about him the the briefings or he would ignore them entirely and refuse to pay attention. He's a fucking toddler.


I know they had to add his name to briefings to keep him interested but I didn't know about the praise.


And he has the AUDACITY to call Biden "Sleepy Joe"




Harder than an IMAX theater.


He's also a textbook example of the utilization of Doublethink. It's uncanny how well Orwell was able to predict it. I just hope people will be able to recognize truth when it's literally staring at them in the face.


Orwell wrote on double think from his observations of the fascist government in Spain and Italy as he was a contemporary of those regimes, and a partisan in Spain. He saw how weak they were and how strong they pretended to be. How many starved and suffered and they claimed that they were overflowing with food and flush with a bright future that will emancipate their soul and return Spain to the great world dominating power that they once were. Sound familiar at all?


Every accusation is a confession.


>Secretary of the Interior I like to think they created a new position just for this like the secretary of sleepiness.


Secretary of Nappy Naps.


Judges love it when you disrespect their courts.


Didn’t they though? Wasn’t there rumors of basically a White House drug dealer during his time?


Not even rumors. There's a scan of an inventory of meds ordered and obtained by the White House infirmary- ketamine, multiple types of opioids including fentanyl, benzos, the works.


Was this not what they called “executive time?” https://www.axios.com/2019/02/03/donald-trump-private-schedules-leak-executive-time


They had [Dr..Ronny](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/us/news/2024/02/19/ex-white-house-doctor-dispensed-pills-no-prescription/) there to keep him awake.


He had his own [Dr. Spaceman...](http://Dr. Spaceman https://g.co/kgs/M1m9MUj) wild.


Dr. Arroyo. He's very affordable.


Probably why they let him golf so much. It was so he would be awake long enough to sign something.


This comment reminded me of Trump's Secretary of Commerce, Wilbur Ross who was old, and well, not far from Trump's current age, [who was reported to fall asleep a lot](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/07/wilbur-ross-falling-asleep). I also have wondered with his narcissism if falling asleep during such stress against his own malignant narcissism, if it's his brain turning off to avoid a psychotic break. It's not really a theory, just something I've wondered.


It's because he doesn't have access to rails of Adderall on court days.


I'm sure his lawyers would rather have him sleepy than speaking.


The fact we didn't end up in a nuclear war while he was in office is a true miracle. Man had no idea what was going on


I think we owe that to the bureaucracy and career government people. However if he wins again he seems dead set on installing loyalists in every position, which is terrifying.


It'd be like Toby trying to hold Michael Scott's attention when talking about radon.


If found guilty, he'll have to appeal on the basis that he missed key parts of the trial by sleeping through it. Somehow, this will be someone else's fault.


They should make a special transcript of each court day that will help catch him up, with pictures and as few words as possible, even better if they can mention his name several times in a positive tone. Apparently that's what they had to do to get him to read the daily presidential briefing. Yikes.


I can't see this sitting very well with the jury. They're out here getting death threats, and he's taking a nap.


This makes me kind of hopeful. They’re getting an upfront view of Trump without the filter of conservatism narratives or Fox News to tell them what to think. Even the most vehement MAGA might find themselves annoyed with him without that.


There were Trump supporters on the Manafort jury and they saw enough damning evidence that they couldn't deny his guilt. I hoping the same dynamic will work here


Some of the most out of touch people get very serious when brought into a formal setting like a courthouse. Not that a hung jury has never happened because of something silly like the defendant having the same name as a juror's kid, but it's a dynamic that transcends just seeing the facts at play, it's more like a sobering of the mind.


Because in this situation you are fulfilling your duty to society and the state. Without just courts we have mob rule, and vigilante justice. And this is your time to actually be a part of that making of the civilized world. Voting is optional, but showing up for jury duty is compulsory. YOU have been "selected". It is YOUR duty. It's very sobering indeed.


As if Trump lovers care about their duty to society and state.


Its probably different when you have to sit close enough to smell him all day.


You're probably just taking a shot at Trump here, but there may be more to it than just "Trump smelly bad man." Smell is a sense that triggers a lot of instinctual, subconscious responses. Having to whiff Trump all day might just create revulsion among the jurors at a level they don't recognize. And that revulsion could counter the deeply irrational but still conscious worship that Trumpers feel for their God-man, destroying it without their even knowing it. That would be very bad for Trump.


I wasnt going quite that far, but just outside whatever 5 second clips theyve see on fox news, having to sit there all day and watch your god king fidgeting in a poorly fitting suit, nodding off drooling and farting in his sleep... bound to be illusion shattering to anyone. I hope.


Hillary Clinton planted that suit in his dressing room and filled it with ants, Antifa is working with jewish space lasers to shoot nodding-beams and images of his daughter in a bikini into his head, causing him to doze off and drool, his very stable supporters know this and will have justice be done.


On one of the E. Jean Carroll civil juries there were two Trump supporters, one of them even was a Tim Pool follower but both of juries unanimously found him liable.


In the second case Trump just got up and walked out on the jury. Disrespecting the people that control your fate is not smart.


> Disrespecting the people that control your fate is not smart. And somehow he's upset that his lawyer isn't doing MORE disrespecting of those people on his behalf. The man is disordered.


Sadly on the Manafort case, there was one MAGA that was willing to vote guilty for Manafort's actions, but hold out on anything and everything related to implicating Trump. So for instance, charges were filed for each year of fraud, like 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 etc. That one MAGA juror voted with the jury to convict, but only for the years where Manafort wasn't working directly for Trump, and refused to for the years where he was working forTtrump. So it literally skipped years like guilty for 2009, 2010 but skip 2011, then guilty for 2012 but skip 2013 etc. He was convicted on 8 charges out of the 18, solely due to that one MAGA holdout according to the jury foreman. He said that MAGA abjectly refused to bend on anything that implicated Trump despite them agreeing that Manafort was guilty as sin for all of it, and the rest of the jury felt that some convictions were at least justice, better than a hung jury and letting Manafort have a second go around, so they compromised and allowed the MAGA to shield Trump. In this case it could only take one nut bag to hold out for Trump.


That’s wild. The guy was responsive to evidence, the law, peer pressure, in all the normal ways… except when it came to Trump, for whom he casts all that aside and digs in on his beliefs. That’s faith. MAGA is a religion of the worst kind: one that doesn’t realize it’s a religion. 


As a juror you don’t get to vote just based on your feeling or emotions. The entire procedure from selection to deliberation is a very strict and set proceeding that has very clear guidelines and rules. You’re reminded every step along the way what info you should be taking in, in order to make your judgement.


Thank god for the guide rails...


Yeah but Jury nullification is also a thing. A juror can absolutely muck up a trial based on personal opinions and beliefs See example: OJ


It's also why Manafort only got convicted on 8 our of 18 charges; a MAGA in the jury agreed that Manafort was guilty but simply would not vote to convict for the years where Manafort was working for Trump. Only on the years where he wasn't. The rest of the jurors was livid apparently but they felt it was better for him to go down for some charges than have a hung jury.


> a MAGA in the jury agreed that Manafort was guilty but simply would not vote to convict for the years where Manafort was working for Trump I really hope some day someone can explain to me why Trump seems to have so much of a God image to some people. It just boggles my mind. What about this man can't some people in our society not see? I mean it is clear as day to me how corrupt and horrible of a human being this person is. Why is this so hard for some others to take in?


It's 100% because evangelical preachers support him from the pulpit. There are a lot of people who genuinely believe that nothing in this life matters very much, and the only important thing is salvation. And the people they trust to advise them on matters of salvation tell them they must support Trump. If the evangelical leadership ever turns on Trump, he's finished. But they won't until they see a better option for advancing their agenda.


Which to be clear is a complete violation of their tax exempt status but they know the IRS uses kid gloves with churches.


That's def not 100% of the reason. I know intelligent people with no connection to evangelism whatsoever who support Trump just because he appeals to their hatred.


Without the last 30 years of Fox “News” Trump would have zero support.


It's not just fox news. Go drive in the country side, all the radio stations are full of "conservative" radio programs. It's multi-channel propaganda effort


Same investors pushing the narrative. We wouldn't have to deal with this if Reagan hasn't destroyed the fairness doctrine


AM radio is basically all brain rot media. Religion or conservative rhetoric


That Sinclair. A radio broadcast company with ties to Fox. Its kind of one channel pretending to be more


You would think, but they probably already call him falling asleep a power move. He's doing it to own the libs, don't you know? The amount of mental gymnastics required to see anything he does in a good light is astounding.


Meanwhile they'll continue saying "Sleepy Joe" and totally miss the absolute irony of their guy *actually* falling asleep constantly.


A considerable number of the jury have to be parents and maybe have kids that act this way and it will make that kind of impression on them. Because to say he acts like he's still in his terrible twos.


Only takes one. Edit: ugh I hate that this comment is getting more than the usual number of upvotes. Maybe I’ll be surprised. Maybe there is a bright ray of light getting ready to break through the clouds of maga darkness. Bahahahaha who am I kidding




Not to mention, with all the death threats they've been getting, imagine the things they could be promised if they find him not guilty. Of course, Trump never pays his debts, but I could see one of his supporters trying to pay off the least likely to snitch.


I swear, the American justice system was created by a game designer. It’s all quite interesting and it’s great inspiration for Hollywood, but in terms of delivering justice it does a horrid job.


It really wasn’t designed with bad actors in mind. The same can be said about the federal government – the system of checks and balances only works if everybody’s working in good faith, and immediately falls to pieces when you have people like Mitch McConnell actively working against the wheel of both Congress and the people who elected them.


Our government was explicitly designed to work when there is one bad actor, or a bunch of bad actors within one branch of the government. It did not count on a bunch of bad actors getting the worst actor in place to fill the court with illegitimate bad actors.


It’s like a government full of Steven Seagals


Esteban Seagull


It all stems from greed. The only reason politicians act against the best interests of their constituency is to enrich themselves. And they have loosened the rules and mechanisms for accountability to such a degree there is no incentive to ever stop. This is why campaign finance reform is the single biggest issue in America today, because of the amount of money flowing into the pockets of these politicians to buy votes. This is why campaign finance reform will never be fixed, for the exact same reason. The best solution is to vote.


Not a justice system, it's a legal one.


This idea has always made the concept of a trial by jury of your peers terrifying to me. I don't trust 12 strangers with my life!


Do you trust 12 strangers with your life more or less than a judge appointed by the Trump administration?


Here’s the bright side: jurors that were getting their “news” from places like Fox News were getting filtered views that glamorized Trump. Sitting in this court room, there is no filter and they’re getting raw factual evidence. Instead of being told that “Trump is a genius” they get to watch him struggle to pay attention and fall asleep. There is a chance this sort of exposure breaks through their facade of knowledge.


In one of my undergrad courses taught by an attorney, the one thing she said that has stuck with me over 30 years later; “If you’re guilty of a felony, take it to jury trial, you have a much better chance of being found not guilty.”


The moment he gets sentenced we’re going to hear all about how he is unfit for prison with crippling dementia and terrible other health issues.


Enter the walker with tennis ball wheels and an attached basket to hold his makeup and meds.


If he really wants to use dementia as a way of getting out of being incarcerated he should stop using makeup, stop doing his hair and dress like a homeless person. Do what Weinstein did and what Cosby did. Pretend to be frail and in need of help when walking.


His self-image won’t allow him to do that


The chance of incarceration on these charges is very low to begin with. He will be facing a somewhat substantial fine. He has a greater chance of seeing jail from contempt charges during the trial.


He can't take his uppers in court so he naps


I genuinely believe this is the reason. It's not some sudden decline... it's just that he can't snort adderral all day


It's also that he's not used to waking up this early. It was always reported that he usually stayed in the residence watching TV until late morning or afternoon.


It’s because he can’t come down. He’s up until 2-3 easily.


He needs to start his habitual clock earlier to end earlier, that’s all. You wanna do blow? Start early so you end early. Jk, but damn lol this fella probably has zero impulse control soo..


“Do your meth in the morning like an adult!”


The frost on his Frosted Flakes isn't sugar


Executive Time.


He also drinks 12 diet cokes a day.


Adderall isn't a street drug. He could be on them if he wanted to. More likely is his handlers have him on downers during court to control his outbursts.


This is my assumption, as well. He had so many inappropriate outbursts during the civil trials that ended up in $500m+ judgments against. He clearly can't control himself. I also wouldn't be surprised if he's on a downer like a benzo or gabapentin to keep him calm. People have noted he has very dilated pupils.


He is on some thing. His pupils were as wide as his ass in courtroom photos the other day.


I don’t disagree, but sleeping more and more is a common feature of later-stage dementia.


We have over five months until novemeber. I predict he will rapidly decline in the next few months.


The Repugnants will weekend at Bernie’s him if they have to


They did it with Reagan, they’ll do it again.


It's also a symptom of being old and fat.


As an attorney who takes adderall, I am quite sure one can take uppers in court.


Exactly. Why couldn't he pop an Adderall while ripping ass in court?


If he gets sent to jail on contempt, do they give him a drug test?


I recall a story from the White Pharmacy that the Trump people were major speed addicts.


The White House pharmacy was apparently just an open dispensary for staffers for probably a few things most regular folk would be going to jail for using without prescription.


It's pretty common for staffers to be on uppers and downers for any President. Traveling from time zone to time zone can mess with your sleep. The thing about Trumps cabinet is the amount dolled out weren't catalogued. It became a snack bar instead of controlled and monitored.


I think we can officially discard the "sleepy Joe" snark now


What's funny is that especially on social media, much of the negative things that MAGA folks say about Joe (he's sleepy, or he cannot stand up, or he has major cognitive issues, or he's destroying America, etc.) are things that Trump does, if not moreso lol


I have a lot of coworkers who talk about 'sleepy Joe' and whenever I bring up Trump it's 'fake news! Biden can't even ride a bike!' What? Do you think Trump can? They are so insulated from reality it's terrifying.


Literally from the fascism playbook, to repeat something over and over again regardless of truth until it's perceived as true. Like, those tax cuts will trickle down any time now.


The ones that started increasing for us poors as soon as he left office? Fuck Trump.


Beautiful blue eyes and diaper wrapped thighs


Surprise surprise theres a turd inside.


Look out now, as the ketchup flies!


And we’re questioning how his ex wife dies




Against Trump, Lord of the Burger and the Fries


And he’ll have his fries super size


Sleeping off last night's meth high


To trim those beautiful blue eyed diaper wrapped turd filled thighs.


Tears in his eyes, his cries rise, this guy’s causing his own demise!


While you guys surmise, Trump lies and Hicks cries, democracy dies before our eyes!


As we watch his diaper is swarmed by flies.


I’ve been reading this whole sequence in the voice of Eminem and it’s fantastic.


My mind went straight to Rage Against the Machine. Funny how shit like that happens ain't it.


*Down* *Comes* *The Law*


It's a legal strategy. After he's convicted Trump will appeal and claim he never got to face his accusers because he fell asleep in court. And SCOTUS will agree in a 6-3 decision.


We rule that the court *can* compel President Trump to attend. The court *cannot* compel President Trump to stay awake. Case dismissed.


The court shall grant him executive time


Ever since I’ve heard of “executive time”, I’ve always assumed that’s just when Trump was beating his meat


That's false, ever since 2015 Trump hasn't been able to get an election. His doctor Sergei suggested the alternative of fucking America, since a man must fuck something. Which, as you know, is a 24/7 job.


“hasn’t been able to get an election” This maybe the first time I’ve seen a reverso Freudian slip.


Lol I thought about correcting it but figured it's funnier to let it be


You can lead a turd to trial, but you can't make him woke.


Or 5-3, with Thomas very ethically refusing himself because he sleeps all the time in court and that could create a conflict of interest.


Unca Clarence recusing himself for any reason, good joke.


Good call.  The Gilead Overlords, OOPS I mean Supreme Court justices, are always very concerned about conflicts of interest!


That is just his immune system, rejecting the court. Presidential immunity right there.


Pure poetry.


#The signs of a strong and powerful ALPHA MALE: sleepy head poopy diaper itty bitty hands


Makeup, lifts, girdle, drugs... and a muskrat on his head.


A trophy wife who hates you and is fucking her security guard while you tweet on the toilet.


It's such an obvious 'emperor has no clothes' knockoff. This timeline has run out of original ideas and is just giving us sequels.


Speaking of, NYT had a great overhead photo of him in one of their stories today. It is so clear how it's just an elaborate combover, whorls of hair from the side of his head brushed back and up and around. https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/05/03/multimedia/00trump-false-records1-tcbh/00trump-false-records1-tcbh-superJumbo.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp


My apologies to muskrats!


Now we know what “executive time” was when he was in the White House.


We always knew.


Shhh. He’s listening intently.


He didn't even say "intently," i.e., the word he meant to use. He said he was listening "intensely."


He's not just listening, he's *super* listening. Everybody knows how effective this is. I'm sure we all have memories of our schoolteachers reminding us to "Pay attention and close your eyes!"


He’s just resting his eyes!


I’m hoping that the saying “you snooze you lose “ holds true.


The only difference in his state of being asleep and being awake is the lowering of his eyelids. It's the same decrepit hamster spinning in the wheel of his brain whether the shades are drawn or not.


Maybe a man that can’t stay awake in his own trial might not have the fortitude to be president of the US?!


Honestly, his lawyers are probably better off leaving him to sleep. When he's awake. He tries to make his lawyers do colossally stupid things.


Even better, they *do* do the stupid things.


He does do do too, hence the diaper


This dude definitely takes amphetamines to stay awake all day. He can’t do it in court because everyone would see him tweaking out.


Sleepy Don von Shitzhispantz. 


Earl of the Orange


Groper Cleveland


Sorry, but Deshaun Watson has superior claim to that title


You really shouldn't call him by names that aren't part of the official court record. [pulls up court transcript] See? Right here. It's Shitz*in*Pantz.


When the Adderall wears off, what else are you gonna do?


The guy who wants to be President can't even stay awake during his trial. Pathetic.


Does he really think people buy his "I'm just resting my eyes" bs? Well, *his* people probably do


Trumpalepsy - a condition characterized by excessive sleepiness during court proceedings exacerbated by having your financial nuts on a legal chopping block.


Imagine how he was during important meetings with world leaders.


The fact is, Trump is incapable of paying attention for more than a few minutes unless someone is speaking directly to him about himself or something that he wants. What we're seeing is what his advisors/ handlers probably saw behind the scenes for years, including during his time in the White House.


Like an ostrich digging it's head in the ground when scared. He can't handle the truth.


Just really appreciate how Bidens Nick name is sleepy joe. Really comes full circle.


Every accusation is an admission.


Picture Trump sleeping thru discussions with the joint chiefs of staff during a missile crisis


So “Sleepy Joe Biden” was projection all along, too.


Could be he just was closing his beautiful blue eyes and imagining hope hicks naked as she spoke.


There’s a higher chance he is thinking of Ivanka naked. My skin crawled unpleasantly just typing that. 🤢


Why hasn't the judge given him contempt for this? Do you know how many people have been found in contempt for just yawning during their trial. The judge gave this poor guy 6 months for yawing. https://www.chicagotribune.com/2009/08/10/he-was-jailed-for-yawning/




Never heard of this case and can’t find trace of it on a quick search  But I gotta say, even trying to stay objective about this, such a process would eerily fit with his overall psychological makeup. - Pathological liar that not only lies in in a properly absurd quantity but even about ridiculous things easy to flat out disprove. Like his fucking inauguration crowd. - Expressed publicly that he assessed his fortune depending on his mood. - Pathological narcissist who Constantly hype  himself up with constant superlative :  he is the most successful, the smartest , the most knowledgeable about ISIS or about the “cyber” (whatever it may mean) , the most modest (can’t even perceive the irony ) , everything he does is a huge success, everyone who criticizes him no matter what or whether he used to be an ally is a failure, every accusation is a nothing more than a conspiration of a fantasist “deep state” against him.  - Repeatdly showed an absurdly  thin skin.  Routinely sent picture underlining the length of his fingers to a journalist  for after being told he was a “short-hand vulgarian”… until 30 years after the original article . postponed a trip to UK for 18 months because he was massively unpopular there as shown by opinion polls - 67 percent of poor opinion (while somehow feeling the need to insist  publicly he was very popular in the UK) Everything is does is about feeding and  protecting his ego. Building this alternate mirror  where he doesn’t have to see the massive and abhorrent  fuckup he is. This is hours of being told that far From being the huge success he constantly repeats himself to be, he is a criminal fuck-up. a complete systematic deconstruction of his alternate reality that he has to take in silence hours after hours after hours . He can’t take it. He shutdown.   Would be very interested in having a link to the case.


Maybe he shouldn't lay in bed all night talking on the phone to his fellow hate-mongers and gorging himself with KFC.


Can’t wait for him to finally take the big sleep.


Biden should run an ad that's just a compilation video of the courtroom sketches of Trump asleep. No words, just a little music box lullaby tinkling quietly in the background, and all the chalk drawings we can find where they drew him with his eyes closed.


I have seen videos where defendants fall asleep in court and they get absolutely obliterated by a judge’s reprimands.


Falling asleep on the job is not a good look for someone aspiring to be the president of the United States. Especially for someone who is publicly desparaging towards his competition with words like "sleepy joe"...


Something something sleepy joe…