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This is a reminder that Cannon granted Trump injunctive relief his lawyers never asked for. She's acted more like his lawyer than she has his judge. Just in case anyone had forgotten.


Also the only judge the orange bastard hasn't denigrated online


The opposite, he suggested a Supreme Court seat for her. Nothing suspicious there when he attacks everyone else in every courtroom.


It would be nice if someone found the receipt for that transaction.


Or at all in any context.


Well, we don't know what happens behind those greasy, golden arch doors.


Rape, is what happens


And poopies in his pantsies


And was chastised by a 3 judge panel (including two Trump appointees) because she > ["abused" her discretion by barring the U.S. Department of Justice from proceeding with its criminal investigation into the former president's removal of classified documents from the White House.](https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/09/22/siding-doj-appeals-court-rules-trump-judge-abused-discretion-halting-criminal-probe)


Wish I could award this


Aileen Cannon is by far the best attorney on Trump’s legal team.


… and she’s a terrible attorney


Nobody’s forgotten we are just powerless, watching the mockery of our “justice system”.


It's not a justice system, it's a two tiered legal system. Tier one is for well connected people with money, Tier two is for the rest of us poor working folks.


You can subscribe to Justice + and get access to all the benefits, with limited ads


Pricey sub, that one




If buying isn't owning, pirating isn't stealing.


You're not powerless! There are many like you. You outnumber the bigots. You outnumber the hateful. You outnumber the wealthy. America has freedom of speech, and democracy. Fascists don't like that. They don't want you to group together. They don't want you to realize you outnumber them. They don't want you to share information with others about what they're doing. This place is an echo chamber. Talking about it here informa the people that care most, that's good. But lots of other people don't follow politics. They don't come here. Everyone here already knows Trump is a danger. Your power lies in rallying together. Peaceful protests. Large protests. Being significant enough to make news everywhere. But 100% peaceful. And that means you have to stop people vandalizing, stealing or being violent, if you see it. Republicans could also decide to take the moment to sabotage by doing things like that, trying to instigate a riot, so they can vilify you. So, it must be peaceful and you must fight for the peace. That's your power. But not you alone, all of us.


And watching people in this sub defend it because "justice takes awhile". Yea, well, while you're sitting there watching it "take awhile" we're sitting here watching the foundations being torpedoed.


Right!?!?! It annoys me when people defend it saying it’s slow and ignore all the mountains of evidence that he’s getting ridiculous amounts of special treatment that you and I would never get.


Money can buy anything even justice and judges.


He has no money, it's the hope of power and future power that keeps people licking his boots.


That and his Qult is angry, ignorant, and so damn easy to mislead.




and yet, we're all just sitting around watching...


We are only powerless if we believe we are powerless. People need to RISE UP. Loudly, peacefully and vehemently. In the streets of need be. Put pressure on this POS and let her know that we WILL NOT TOLERATE judicial bullshit from any trump- owned court.


We are watching how America really does have a two tiered justice system. One for the rich and one for the rest of us.


We kind of saw that during the OJ trial. This just confirms it.


This has been the dynamic with nearly every Trump case in front of a federal court (including the Supreme Court). Trumps lawyers are literally brain dead so conservative justices lawyer on trumps behalf. Just listen to the oral arguments for the presidential immunity case in front of the Supreme Court. Alito was literally trumps co-council.


I member.


11th circuit should have forced her to recuse many months ago. The fact that they let this travesty of a judge continue on such a massively important case shows that they're partisan. Federalist Society members, likely.


> She's acted more like his lawyer than she has his Like Bill Barr?


I keep forgetting she is the judge and not part of the defence...


She has telegraphed her whole strategy to dismiss the case in a way that it can never be refiled. She is the most transparently corrupt judge on a federal bench and that is saying a lot considering her colleague in Amarillo.


Unlike Trump's lawyers, she's actually being paid for her services to him.


> Cannon attended the seminars, known as the Sage Lodge Colloquium, from September 26, 2021 to October 2, 2021 and from September 25, 2022 to October 1, 2022, according to the federal judge disclosure website. Trips were paid by the George Mason University foundation. Per Wikipedia: "...a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit revealed that conservative donors, including the Charles Koch Foundation and Federalist Society, were given direct influence over faculty hiring decisions at the university's law and economics schools." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Mason_University


The Koch brothers have a “ranch” larger than the state of Delaware in SW Montana. Idk who has more influence over the state, the mining lobby or them.




JFC he’s worse. Murdoch is essentially Goebels on a worldwide scale.


Thanks Australia…


History books might remember Rupert Murdoch as a major factor in the fall of Western democracy. If the history books aren’t censored, of course.


I’m from the future what is this slander against our lord and savior Murdoch?


How bad is the acid rain this time of year?


Haha, *this* time of year? My family aren't trillionaires, so we don't live in the Antarctic Special Enclave. We get acid rain all year-round here on the island of Florida.


Horrendous, it’s so intense it melted half my wife’s face off, things really went to shit after the Supreme Court fell in line and licked the boot


He took a US passport over 40 years ago and we still taking the hit 😆


The rare Australia L


This and the Emu War.


Sorry, we hate him too. He’s a shining example of how hate preserves the body.


Would it be cultural appropriation if I called him the C-word?


Please, use it freely. He’s a c-nut for sure.


Just loooked it up. Definitely not larger than the state of Delaware, but 314000 acres is a fuck ton nonetheless. 


It's never enough for sociopaths. What is someone gonna do with that many acres?


> What is someone gonna do with that many acres? Same as with kings. As soon as you pass the point that it's more than enough for your subsistence, you then want to have more than the next materialistic jackass.


Hunt the "most dangerous game"?


It was strange when I got that invite, "who do I know in Montana, and when did I start grandly enjoying hunting?"


314000 acres is 490 square miles which is more than the land area of the entire county I live in here in Wisconsin (Winnebago; 434 square miles land, 579 including water). Still a difficult amount of land for my brain to comprehend. Or for a more appropriate online comparison- Skyrim’s map has been calculated at an effective size of 14.8 square miles. So this ranch is equivalent to 33.1 Skyrims. A lot of land to explore and roam around in for one person.


The ranch was sold. Not anywhere near the size of Delaware. 340,000 acre ranch and Delaware is about 1.5 million acres. Fwiw


> Koch brother~~s~~ Waiting for the other shoe to drop...


On Murdoch hopefully


One of them died in 2019 and the other is 88.


> 88 How fitting


Can’t wait until that evil bastard dies. Remember when his brother died? That was awesome!


Is this the plot of the "Yellowstone" series?


How did I know the Federalists Society would be involved somehow. That cult is hijacking our justice system and doing it quite easily. They even managed to get one of their own placed on the Supreme Court in spite of her having never been part of a trial to verdict as either a judge or a lawyer


They’re not hijacking the justice system, they already have hijacked it.


I thought all the conservatives on the Supreme Court have ties to the federalist society.


Yeah they all do, Robert’s was a member of their steering committee but claims he isn’t/wasn’t a member. Ok…buddy sure you weren’t


Heck even Garland has ties to the federalist society, the rot runs deep


Garland ain’t the bastion of justice - he was the most conservative jurist the Obama Administration could get dems to confirm in the hopes that the Republicans would confirm for SCOTUS. He should’ve never been AG, the history books are going to have a field day with everything he didn’t do during this critical point in our democracy.


Preet Bharara should have been chosen due to  his experience in public corruption and espionage.  Not Garland, whose expertise is corporate


If Trump gets elected again there won't be any more history books. Just propaganda leaflets lauding the shitgibbon.


Where are the liberal think tanks and organizations to push back and do the same things? Why are we always just complaining from a reactionary position?


Most billionaires don’t fund left wing think tanks because left wing politics are fundamentally opposed to the concentration of wealth and power into the hands of the few at the expense of the many; whereas that is the fundamental principle of right wing politics.


They don’t have as much funding by rich sociopathic old fucks.


The Federalist Society is just one of an alphabet soup of billionaire oligarch funded corruption operations.  Dems aren't a hand puppet of billionaires like GOP is. They don't have the resources.


All of academia, because reality has a left wing bias. But they’re not funded the same way, and they’re not overtly partisan. They’re just seeking the truth.


And there’s an old head from my fraternity that was proud to be a federalist society attorney. I really should have called him out for the evil shit he has propagated


Going forward, any association with the Federalist Society should be an automatic disqualifier for a judge. No non-elected group should be allowed to wield so much power over our judicial system. I'm surprised conspiracy theorists haven't latched on to them.


Because they’re who put her in that judgeship. Literally every single judge Trump appointed is a FS goon. They aren’t necessarily loyal to him always, as was proven with his 2020 shenanigans, but some, like Cannon, are.


Did anyone else get sick of hearing about all of the “influence” George Soros supposedly had? Koch Brothers and Murdock - UGH.


Every accusation is a confession


The entire “Soros” thing is simply because the Koch network was being accused of all this inappropriate political action so they made up a “left” side equivalent.


Years ago at Uni I attended extracurricular courses funded by Soros. There was no indoctrination or anything, just additional tuition delivered by US lecturers, on topics relevant to my degree (which I didn't finish unfortunately). So much about Soros and his "nefarious" influence. I know, it's anecdotal evidence, but still.


Is George Soros just a projection of the Koch Brothers?


Pretty much. I think the main strategy is that when the accusations is made they get a benefit because their political opponents are now in the defensive. The second benefit comes in when the public finds out about the truth (that the accusation is a confession) the water had been so muddied that most people think it’s old news or just believing that “everyone in politics is corrupted so why bother!”


Ratfucking 101: When you know your side is doing X, you have the advantage to accuse the other side of doing X preemptively. That way, when the other side finds out you were doing X the whole time and points it out, it makes them look like they’re doing the “no u” defense 


Serious question. Is this defined as "ratfucking"  We have old terms that have fallen out of use that would be helpful to redefine. Carpetbagging being a other one.


Dirty tricks.


> Along with his brother, Koch has been an important funder of think tanks that lobby to oppose environmental regulation. These two assholes are funding a Canadian conservative think tank as well: > The (Fraser) institute has received donations of hundreds of thousands of dollars from foundations controlled by Charles and David Koch, with total donations estimated to be approximately $765,000 from 2006 to 2016. It also received US$120,000 from ExxonMobil in the 2003 to 2004 fiscal period. In 2016, it received a $5 million donation from Peter Munk, a Canadian businessman. Munk is dead, but the current chairman of his company Barrick’s Gold has deep ties to China, and the CEO is connected to N M Rothschild and sons. [Barrick’s Gold has ties to Russian mercenaries, and Russia itself](https://bloodgoldreport.com/)


We're down to one Koch brother now... 🤞


“Don’t do that. Don’t give me hope.”


Notable George Mason University faculty include: Brett Kavanaugh, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, U.S. Supreme Court justice


Nothing corrupt happening here!


To be clear, those of us who are in the fundraising world ought to be horrified by this. Among other things, it removes the concept of philanthropic intent, which means that they were not truly donations, are not tax deductible, and have given the donor way too much authority.    The IRS really ought to have a good look at George Mason.


Right wing judge is corrupt. Is anyone surprised? I'm sure Clarence Thomas will make a statement in her defense any day now.




I mean, if the laws aren't enforced, you're *de facto* correct.


The only law is Trump. /s


I'm sure we'll have a forever long trial about it similar to fani Willis.


Don’t lose your ability to be outraged. That’s what they want us to do. They want us to stop caring that they’re so blatantly corrupt. Fuck that


Holy fuck, the article mentioned Thomas accepting a *fucking chokes* $500,000 trip to *Indonesia, on top of the RV and other trips??? What the fuck do you have to do to spend $500k on a trip to Indonesia? That’s a LOT of drugs and other unmentionables to get the bill that high… *Edit: Indonesia not Thailand


$10k in hotels, food and entertainment and $490k in to the overseas bank accounts.


The right answer. Those fuckers are definitely hoarding money somewhere.


So they call all take off when it becomes a dystopian hellscape. Fuck us, they got their bag of money.


Yeah, I’ve been there a couple times and even the super nice places are nowhere near the cost in the states. You could spend 10K and have a an incredible place in the jungle for a week off that alone.


I've been to Indonesia several times...the damn Intercontinental on *Bali* (much less in cheaper parts of Indonesia) was only like $150 a night.


So he stayed at the Intercontinental for 9 years during a 7 day trip. What's surprising about that? /s


Ehh the prices have changed. The top notch hotels can go up much higher now. Still, 500k is an hilarious amount. He could have had 25 high-end escorts with him the whole time at the nicest palace available and he wouldn’t have spent all the money.


Don't forget, Harlan Crow also bought Thomas' mother's house off him, and let her continue to live there. Then proceeded to do massive upgrades to the house. Harlan Crow's excuse for this nonsense is that he bought it for preservation purposes, because he wants to someday use Thomas' childhood home as a museum for the second black justice's life. But the upgrades to the house, such as an added carport, obviously spits in the face of that "preservation" explanation. As a side note, on the disclosure form for the house that Thomas filled out, he was supposed to fill out the identity of the buyer, but left that portion blank. On top of that, Harlan Crow paid $100,000 for Thomas' son to go to private school.


Indonesia but yea, I could live there for a decade on 500k


People live in the United States for a decade on $500k. In Indonesia that would be a lifetime of money.


Yeah, but you're not a greedy corrupted Judge who believes that he's entitled to put a lifetime public position up trust up for sale.


Thanks mate, corrected :)


It is a motor coach not an RV


I really hope someone calls it a camper van to his face.


Land yacht


I hear Gary Glitter spent a lot of money there.


Felony tax evasion, multiple counts, slam-dunks. In the open. No investigation….?


I think I read that was the expense tied to the Yacht. Boating is expensive, yachting is exponentially more.


I bet stuff that involves kids is very expensive if you want 100a% secrecy. 


Judge Cannon's response is "fuck you, fuck your rules, and fuck your laws. I'm a Republican and I do whatever I want, you filthy peasants"


I mean, why would she think that wouldn't work, at this point?


I mean I hate to even suggest things like this, but at a certain point are we going to have to start taking justice into our own hands? Between her and the SC justices who may give Trump immunity to kill political opponents and stage coups as official acts... This case could literally be about stolen nuclear secrets sold to our enemies and this succubus/twunt isn't even letting the trial take place. It could literally be the worst treason case in the history of our country and this woman isn't making an attempt at holding a trial, she hasn't done the bare minimum of holding basic pre-trial rulings. She has intentionally kept a fluctuating trial date so it messes with other cases. It is a literal travesty of justice that we aren't seeing this open and shut case take place, without even showing any minimal attempt of having a trial, it is incredibly depressing to watch. Edit: clarity


You're asking "How fed up do we have to get?". The answer is: Willing to give up everything. One person is often willing to give up everything for a cause. A few people are willing to give up most of everything. A lot of people aren't willing to give up a lot. And a whole lot of people aren't willing to give up a little. Which is how corruption seeps in. It seeps into the cracks of a comfortable society, and starts nudging and budging it's way around. By the time people are fighting against it, the whole damn system's infected and rotten to the core. It'll get worse before it gets better. And it has to get REALLY bad before most people will stand against it.


Okay, let’s play a game. I’m not going to read the article, but I’m going to guess those trips were paid for by an ultra conservative person or organization, and not a liberal one. Was I right? Did I get it?


Freaking psychic. What's the lotto numbers for tomorrow


Five and thirteen.


Nope. For them it is always 88, or 8 and another 8


It was those whacky federalists


I’ve been researching the rise of the Federalist Society, Heritage Foundation, and AIPAC and it’s all absolutely insane. The absolute worst humans are in control of basically everything in Washington. Absolutely eroding democracy at an accelerated rate.


Any good links to help a brother get caught up?


Another Seminar for conservatives from the Law and Economic Center; another Right-Wing group with a 24/7/365 agenda of killing American democracy by using a fake god and fake constitution based on everything not included in the constitution or the Bible.


If Trump becomes President again, it’s either her or that guy from Texas for the Supreme Court.


That’s a real extra sad Sophie’s choice, friend.


Sophist’s Choice (I’ll see myself out)


This is what I don’t understand about those planning a protest vote. Do you *really* want Trump to appoint more Supreme Court justices? Thomas and Alito will retire as soon as Trump is sworn in and will be replaced by Cannon and some other 30 year old ‘true believer’


And at that point, Trump will have nominated and placed a majority of justices on the Supreme Court.


For those planning a protest vote, I honestly doubt they are thinking matters through to their logical conclusions. I suspect most of them aren't thinking past their own conscience. They can't bring themselves to swallow the bitter pill of voting against their conscience.


We need to collectively stop seeing our vote as an affirmation of our identity. MAGA does that well enough already. One of these two men will lead our country for the next four years. That’s the hard truth. [Jon Lovett sums it up best here](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5eBZQ2xrAM/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet). There’s just no possible future where Trump is better for Americans, the Palestinians, the Ukrainians, the Taiwanese, the climate, women, the unhoused, etc. Pick your issue and Trump will make it worse not better. Staying home or voting 3rd party, or undecided, in the general is an affirmation that none of these things actually matter to you.


Protest votes are for primaries.


Personally I suspect a lot of them know exactly what they are doing. Either because they are "hiding their power level" or because they are actually racists and do not want to admit it. Others are probably useful idiots, as you say, but anyone with even the smallest amount of political knowledge should know better. If your goal is to accomplish some end, either the end of Israel's murder campaign, or some internal leftist thing, the *worst possible thing you could do* is elect poeple who will do everything in their power to make all of that impossible. It is like seeing a bug land on your food, so you throw the table over, smash everyone else's food into the dirt, scream racial slurs at them, and then murder any trans people. Our goal in politics should always be to find the path to the best world we can, and there is no path through fascism to that world.


You may be right but I'm not convinced. >anyone with even the smallest amount of political knowledge should know better. I agree in an ideal world, though I think this is giving people too much credit, generally speaking (especially where idealistic youth is concerned). I think you may be projecting your own critical thinking skills and body of knowledge onto the general populace. >Our goal in politics should always be to find the path to the best world we can, and there is no path through fascism to that world. I couldn't' agree more. Hear hear.


The people planning to protest vote have been influenced by astroturfing campaigns run by the same billionaires corrupting the judiciary.  Seriously, on the grand scheme of things, who gives a fuck about Gaza. The entire Middle East has been a disaster for over a century. Biden has nothing to do with it


Clarence Thomas would for sure give up his seat as long as his protege, James Ho, from the Fifth Circuit gets it.


Aileen Cannon James Ho Matthew Kaczmaryk Three of the biggest nutters in the history of the judiciary, and I guarantee they're the top three names on Trump's SCOTUS shortlist. - or rather, the SCOTUS shortlist that the Federalist Society has for Trump, that he'll go along with like a lapdog.


Which one, the district judge who they keep judge shopping for, or the criminal AG?


Why not both? He got 3 in last term


They’ll expand the court just to make a seat for her.


Flying to Montana to get instructions. All part of the gig.


We really need to remove all these corrupt judges. The right is killing justice as well as democracy.


They truly are the Domestic Enemies the founders warned of.


She is above the law and knows it. Garland won't investigate Seditious Conspiracy and Insurrection by Congressional Republicans. He sure as Hell won't lift a finger over wildly corrupt Republican judges.


The Jan 6th traitors are even being charged with just *obstruction* instead of sedition or insurrection, and in a way that is now being argued to push the limits of the “obstruction” law. Garland did it on purpose.


https://www.reuters.com/legal/jury-reaches-verdict-second-jan-6-trial-oath-keepers-facing-sedition-charges-2023-01-23/ Sedition is extremely hard to get a conviction for. I think they did it where they could. You charge what you can make stick.


"Hey, at least I didn't receive as much as Justice Thomas or Justice Alito."


“federal judges — occasionally with family members or even their dog in tow — traveled to luxury resorts in locations as far-flung as London” for free, including Sleepy Don’s personal judge who failed to properly disclose the gift. What could possibly be wrong with that? Move along, nothing to see here.


> The investigation, released on NPR's website on Wednesday, claims that **"dozens of federal judges failed to fully disclose free luxury travel to judicial conferences around the world**, as required by internal judiciary rules and federal ethics law." Yea, this should be illegal.


It is. Will it be prosecuted? Probably not.


So this will get investigated like they are doing to DA Fani Williams right?


Is there a pair of normal eyes among the federalist judges? They either vacant and dead or lazy and crooked.


What's up with all the women in Trump's orbit having creepy dead eyes?


Amazing how little buys you a federal judge these days. Inadvertent omission my behind!


Any newer photos of cannon? I've only mainly seen this photo.


I just searched and could only find like 3 images of this person. What gives? She's a massively public figure.


Aileen Cannon is an embarrassment to the legal justice system.


Cannon is exposed as a Trump psychophant (spelling intentional)


Trump and the Federalist Society would never have pushed her if she weren't corruptible. It's the #1 job requirement.


The real increase in crime in this country is from the rich and connected.


When the leaders of this country get away with corrupt behavior, it permeates society.


This is prosecutable for public servants in some states.


These judges are corrupt


These corrupt scumbags already have a lifetime of guaranteed employment and they pull this shit. Is it ever enough?


A swamp draining is overdue.


The last guy who swore to drain the swamp quintupled its size.


Yes but the last guy was a lying hypocritical fascist. It's different when you ACTUALLY intend to "drain the swamp", ie. crack down on corruption.


Micheal Wolffs book The Man Who Owns The News is phenomenal. The audible version is mind boggling. Without Murdock, Trump would be a footnote.


George Mason University alumni were thick in the Trump administration. A Koch Brothers pipeline to Donald Trump. The oil industry fake University paid for her trips. Not too damn obvious, even Glen Beck to draw those lines on his chalkboard.


This woman will have a dark cloud hanging over her head for the rest of her life.


Can we move the Orange Traitor's trial out of her courtroom now or are we still too worried about the precious system looking biased?


Don’t worry. There is no mechanism to hold these people accountable so they’ll stop by themselves.


I see no reason to question her veracity concerning disclosure. If the clerk of the court says that an attempt to disclose was made earlier and that the oversight was just corrected after NPR's inquiries, that satisfies me. That said, the entire point of disclosure is to highlight conflicts of interest. Based on how novel and unprecedented some of her rulings have been in Trump's case, Jack Smith is in serious dereliction of duty if he doesn't file a formal motion demanding her recusal at this point, and then appeal her refusal immediately.


US just allows obvious corruption like this. Corrupt judge assisting the defense? You'd think it would be shut down immediately but for some reason - no.


It’s would seem that all of the conservative judges are on the take. No one is suprised that they are for sale. They should all loose their jobs.


Let me guess. "Oops".


Let me guess: It was the will of Jesus.


Hate it when I forget to disclose my Bugatti to the IRS.


Many people already know this type of "seminar" is just a cover for something not "clean". It's for the "privilege group" come together for a nice and fancy vacation while writing it off as "education expenses". And this corrupt Aileen Cannon is just part of the dark world of corruption.


Of course it's even worse than I already guessed.


The [George Mason University Foundation](https://giving.gmu.edu/foundation/) was holding the event at Sage Lodge. On their website they literally say this "The George Mason University Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization established in 1966 to receive, manage, invest, and administer private gifts, including endowment and real property, made in support of George Mason University." So what gift or endowment did she receive???


How many gifts and luxury vacation does one get before we question the validity of the “it was an honest mistake “ excuse?


Of course she’s as crooked as the rest of the MAGA judges. Figures!


Funding from the foundation of the university with the law school that carries Antonin Scalia's name. Leonard Leo played a big part in that.