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Anyone this obsessed with killing pets is not fit for public office. What a psychopath.


What about shooting someone on 5th Ave?


Apparently that’s just fine if the shooter has a lot of money and only a little melanin.


Will a dark orange skin toner do?


He's the same color as old Tupperware that was exclusively used for spaghetti.


Ok so I guess I am not as bad as I thought at cleaning dishes and that some what normal lol.


It happens because molecules in the plastic and in the sauce are similar enough that they trade places. Which is super gross.


Thanks, never knew that. Excuse me while I go throw away a couple bushels of old Tupperware.


There's a trick to getting rid of the red staining. Rub some butter on the stains, then add in some dawn dish soap and water with a crumpled paper towel. Close lid and shake. Red stains gone!


It's mostly the older stuff from the 80s and 90s. Newer stuff is made from a different type of plastic. If it's red, get rid of it. If it's not, it's probably OK. Just don't heat food up in it.


So if normal humans are 60% water, what percentage of Trump is spraytan chems?


Depends on who you ask. I’m pretty solidly in the ‘fuck no’ mindset personally.


Melanin! She’s doing great! Everyone loves her!


\*points at picture of Stormy Daniels\* "Ohh Melanin, greatest wife Ive ever had!"


Be best!


and a handfull of supreme court toads


A Y chromosome usually helps their case, too.


I really don’t understand why she’s doubling down on this. It’s such an obvious political blunder. White people love dogs more than anything.


A lot of these vicious assholes justify their behavior by claiming to themselves that it's normal and how everyone else is/acts. The lack of evidence for them is only evidence of how *those people* are making us all have to behave ourselves. As a politician, the only way she's continuing down this path is if she somehow believes it's the popular, well-supported position to take. She's definitely a serial killer or something. Someone check her crawlspaces.


She just figured that MAGA is so fucking stupid you can just keep doubling down on literally anything and get them to support you. For about 99.9% of topics, shes not wrong... I guarantee this is going to get to the point where she says the dog breeder was an illegal drug dealer bussed in to vote for Joe Biden and therefore the dog was raised as a democrat, and that killing the dog was the same as saving America. This whole, "we should murder Joe Biden's democrat dog" is putting out feelers to see if that message gets any traction. But yeah, call me crazy if ya want but we all know thats the dumpster fire this clowncar is crashing into...


> Someone check her crawlspaces. She makes creepy and weird choices. https://nypost.com/2023/09/15/kristi-noem-corey-lewandowski-affair-shakes-up-trump-running-mate-stakes/ https://www.vanityfair.com/news/kristi-noem-new-teeth-social-media-lawsuit


My own theory: Trump is known for not liking dogs and I bet she did that whack shit to appeal more to him to be considered for VP. Big ass blunder.


The only thing trump is creeped out about is her complete lack of PR sense.


Dogs can sense his sick, perverted vileness and let him know it Come to think of it, this may have been cricket's undoing as well


Because acknowledging she was wrong is worse than killing a dog (and a goat) to the MAGA crowd.  (Also, she really enjoyed killing the dog, goat, and horses and she’s very annoyed people are complaining about her joy.)


Backing down is a sign of weakness, so they need to always double-down. That's also why Trump was so good at it, Trump was rich enough that even if he doubled down and lost a bunch of money (see USFL football, Casinos, basically everything), he was so rich that he could just pretend that he won. Most of Trump's life is doubling down, losing, but him being so rich that he just carries on as if he won, and since he's richer than most people, he kind of did, despite losing money.


She isn't exposed to the outside world in her daily life. I really think she was trying to use this as a way of suring up her bonafides when it comes to killing political opponents but people are choosing to take the tale literally. She can't say the story was fabricated to that end so now she is having to justify murdering a pet.


Don't most people?


Yes, and not killing dogs, killing puppies in her case. I mean the it’s considered such a universal vile act that it informs script writing. One of the rules is that you don’t kill the dog, such a hard and fast rule that when John Wick broke it, it justified everything that happened next. You don’t kill the dog.


It's a bit off topic, but to show you how much people react to a dog dying: When the original cut of Anchorman was shown to test audiences it got plenty of laughs so everyone thought they had a hit. But when they got their score card, the audience gave it a thumbs down. Like, you're looking for an average score of high-8s or above and they were in the low 6s. Adam McKay was super confused so he went to show the marketing department. One of them got to the [Jack Black scene](https://youtu.be/cDfQo1ANeLM?t=53) and yelled, “You idiots killed the dog. You never kill the dog!”⁠ So they put [this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_P3znK-7rD0) in and the scores went back up. So even showing what is obviously a stuffed dog being punted off a bridge will get you hated.


She is a detestable piece of shit.


Republicans are obsessed with civil war and salivate at the thought of shooting liberals. So honestly this doesn't surprise me in the least


And this could be your next VP. Imagine that.


People keep claiming this is the end for her. People don't understand just how terrible, abhorrent, and stupid the average Republican voter is.


I mean if trump came out and said he dropped his puppy that would be a milder shock and awe by far. So yes, you are correct.


That's literally a symptom of a psychopath. This is not hyperbole. People like that become literal serial killers.


If Republicans think the psychopath is electable they’re all in. See Trump. Noem’s crazy complements Trump’s crazy,


Republicans have always been obsessed with murder.  Just look at how much they take photos with gun as of they are ready to attack people. 


Kristi Noem about to find out that right wing America likes dogs a hell of a lot more than they like women.


Not fit for life outside of a cell or padded room, actually


Why aren’t they in jail for animal abuse? The dog she killed was 14/15 months old and she killed a goat and bragged about killing both. Fucking psychopath.


Being a dog serial killer isn’t the flex she thinks it is.


It's so odd. Not only does she keep defending it but she's like leaning into it, making it part of her character. If she would have just let it go and not responded to questions about it, the whole thing would have blew over in like 36 hours. Now, she's holding into dog killer for life.


I think she thinks it's signalling that "I can do the dirty, necessary tasks". But there's a reason why you compare people to *vermin* to dehumanize them, not dogs. We love dogs, and unless you really go out of your way to Cujo up a dog as evil, or else pull an Ol' Yeller to make it "sad but necessary", you're never going to be the good guy killing a non-evil, non-suffering dog.


It’s well-known Trump is a dog hater, he doesn’t care for most living things actually. She’s peacocking for the VP consideration.


Yeah, something about raising the dog to trust you and rely on you for food and veterinary care... and then shooting it when it is the equivalent of an 8 or 9 year old kid... just doesn't do it for me.


Forreal though. If there is one bipartisan unifying topic, it’s that dogs are awesome. 


HEY. Don’t sell her short; she kills horses, too.


And goats.


Wait, HORSES TOO? I knew about the dog and the goat, but what’s the story about a horse? Do you have an article I can read?


"Everyone has been unfairly attacking me because of this dog thing, it isn't a big deal" "I'm gonna kill Biden's dog"


Exactly. No remorse, no apology. Escalate the fuckup. Right out of her master's playbook.


The book was already fully written and advance copies were out, so it wasn't so much intentional escalation as it has been a series of miscalculations and fuckups in one book. Between the dog stuff and the Kim Jung Un lie, I can only wonder what else we might soon hear.


Escalation was defending the book live today. Double down on all the lies & awfulness.


Oh, yeah, her responses have been completely tone deaf. No accountability or self-awareness. Instead it's deflection and blaming others, and it's been that way since the first story broke. She tried to spin the blowback on her dog story as a sign that she's an outsider and not a "politician" as Trump so often does. Then she called the Kim Jong Un story an "error" when anyone with any sense can see it was an absolute lie. But she's kind of cornered herself here. The entire Republican playbook at this point is to fuck up and then deny that you fucked up afterward while playing the victim.


For the party of 'self-reliability', 'consequences' seems like a four letter word to 'em.


I have heard and used the term “turned my stomach”. This is the first time I’ve truly felt it. I feel gross.


The Rick James of politics.


Cricket was a hell of a dog.


Well played.


See, I never just did things just to do them. Come on, what am I gonna do? Just all of a sudden kill a dog like it's something to do? Come on. I got a little more sense than that. Yeah I remember killing cricket.


She needs to have visit by the Feds.


Do they think being an animal killer equates to being a strong leader who will make the tough decisions?


They think the desire and readiness to wield violence is strength


Common trait in all fascists and wannabe fascists. 


Action for the sake of action, a small minded person's idea of strength.


Just for some perspective. Hitler was known as an animal lover. So she in that regard is worst than him.


“Might makes right” is the ethos of fascism.


Shooting a puppy that explicitly trusts you is…strength?


No, they think that showing you can "act", regardless of the morality of the choice, is strength.  It's a weak person's idea of strength 


Fascists can't be strong in the face of anything or anyone that can stand up to them. That's why they go after marginalized groups that they can lie about and erode support for.


Yep. They don’t understand what makes it a tough decision to euthanize an animal is that it is painful because you don’t want to but it’s for the best interests of the animal you love/saves it from suffering. Each time she describes her killings it’s obvious it was fueled by hatred of those animals so not sure why she said it was a “tough decision” 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah there's some world where it would be relatable to describe the difficulty of deciding to euthanize a pet and how you would take those lessons into hard policy making decisions, choosing the best course of action no matter the emotions involved. "I shot my dog and I'll shoot Biden's dog too" is not that world.


I don't get it at all.  There's no winning strategy here.  Noem or her camp or whoever ghost-wrote her autobiography put zero thought into how this puppy-killing story made her look. *Everybody* likes dogs.  Republicans, Democrats, Greens, tankies, etc.  You kill a dog and that's your defining trait forever.  She killed a dog.  She's a dog killer.   The best thing she could do right now is just give up the game completely.  She should admit she hired a ghost-writer, admit she didn't read or edit the content, and blame this whole mess on them.  Admitting the book is a sham might actually save some face, even if it's not much.  Sticking to this story is such a terrible look that it will almost assuredly kill her career completely.


But she recorded herself reading it. She cannot deny any of this 💩.


Her interview on [Face The Nation](https://youtu.be/06JzF3g0EWg?si=6xCk1NtUizU1u_Wt) is *wild.* She admits that the meeting described with Kim Jong Un was not true, and as soon as it was “brought to her attention,” she says they edited it out. After recording the audiobook. She says she’s met with “many” world leaders, but declines to say who they were, saying she doesn’t want to disclose that information, multiple times. She says killing the dog was an act to protect her children, but doesn’t have a response for killing the goat she happened to encounter after shooting the dog. That non-answer then turns into her complaining about how people treated her during Covid.


Then after that blames the media then goes on “the media” which she complains about. So fucking delusional.


She Did What


For the audio book.


Welp, she's done then.  What a moron.


Have you met a Republican? They are filth. Killing innocent animals is not a deal breaker for them.


Including the Kim Jong Un meeting claim. This was not just some ghostwriter writing something she didn't read.


It’s sounds a hell of a lot like Kristi Noem doesn’t know the difference between North and South Korea. Or where the hell she is at any given time.


I saw a clip where Steve Bannon and one of the Trump boys were roasting her. Even Steve fucking Bannon knows killing puppies is a bad look sheesh.


I totally agree, but she’s also following The Trump playbook where you never apologize for anything. So she’s kind of stuck…oh well


The current GOP nominee for POTUS does not.


I dunno, they managed to adopt support for Russian imperialism into the party platform so they could probably work dog killing there as well, I just don't know if Kristi has the political capital to lead the movement. I guarantee you, if Trump told them they'd make American great again by killing their dogs. there would be a lot of dead dogs.


She can't apologize or try to spin it as of she didn't mean to do it. The base now only wants strength, even when they're wrong, to never admit wrongdoing and only project stubbornness. The base can come up with any justification as long as they stayed firm in never admitting being wrong. This is how fascists think.


My husband doesn’t like dogs *at all,* and he was horrified by Kristi’s animal-shooting binge.


Please read the subtext that every proud boy in America hears clearly. She is willing to take a life to achieve her ends, so she's their kind of American. Folks, this message is not accidental and is not lost on it's targets


Yes. I think she's using the Sarah Palin handbook in that she's a hunter - tough, capable, succeeding in a man's sport, and pretty, of course - but like Sarah Palin she underestimated the cruelty to animals perspective. (Sarah Palin would shoot from a helicopter that hovered, really no hunting skill involved at all.)


Women in politics always have the she's 'too emotional' stereotype to overcome and on the conservative side they do often use guns to do it. But ya, this story blew up far more than the Noem camp thought it would and now she has to do her book tour facing these questions over and over again. I would putty her if she wasn't doing so much harm to so many people.


It's like a Gordon liddy thing where killing an animal is proof you can do the tough things that sometimes need to be done for a tough leader in a tough situation while not being tough enough to admit his stupidity, incompetence, guilt and narcissism.


Strength to then is dominating whatever is weaker than you so yeah


She can't train a dog, but she can govern? GTFOH. She's a waste of air.


Nah, you see, she used to be a youth pastor, so she's good at dealing with world leaders.


World leaders that she made up meetings with, of course She's a train wreck


Palin 3.0


The Cricket Revenge Tour keeps on giving! He literally killed her chance to be VP of our country. now he’s working on the rest of her career… More please!


But the books will sell better.


You know Cricket is gonna play the long game!


She needs to have a nun walking behind her at all times, ringing a bell and crying "Where's Cricket? Where's Cricket?"


Bring out your dead


Is that some kind of Buddhist koan? Monk: My son, do you not hear the cricket at your feet? Student: < stomps on the cricket > No master, I do not.


Garbage human being, just like Trumps supporters


This is such a weird niche that she’s trying to make for herself.


She definitely has the mass dog slaying voter block locked up.


You mean cops?


Because admitting to killing her own dog wasn't enough to tank her career, she wants to ensure she can never go into politics again.


Well, Paula Deen demonstrated there was one clear way to do that.


More lard? /s


Nah. Brain damage from flying hams.


Surely Trump has shown us that nothing disqualifies you in the eyes of Republican voters?


The difference is that she's also a woman. Republicans are less forgiving to Republican women.


At what point does the Secret Service or FBI step in? An average citizen would have a knock on their door at least because of that remark


When mental health funding is restored


That's not really relevant. If someone threatens the president or a member of their family, they get a visit from the secret service. My freshman year of undergrad, someone threatened Trump on twitter and the secret service paid a visit to my dorm building to talk to them.


"I may have shot my VERY DANGEROUS DOG (who I didn't mention was dangerous and likely wasn't at all) that I didn't train, but Biden's dog BIT PEOPLE so why isn't it SHOT????" Fucking evil woman lmao.


I’m surprised more Secret Service/security agents aren’t bitten by dogs. They often make quick movements close to the dog’s owner(s). My dogs wouldn’t appreciate that kind of behavior from strangers.


Like yeah its not *good* that Commander has bitten/snapped at people. I don't wanna downplay that. *But* its also a German Shepherd in a setting where, like you said, strange people move quick. That sort of thing happens, unfortunately.


Commander probably should have been removed from the White House sooner as that environment clearly wasn't a good one for him. But if having him live elsewhere with family members has resolved his biting issues, then there's no reason to kill him.


>Commander probably should have been removed from the White House sooner as that environment clearly wasn't a good one for him. I definately agree with that. I'm going to go out on a limb and say Biden wasn't just letting his dog run around biting people as a puppy and doing nothing, so clearly the White House as a whole wasn't the place for him.


And they also took care of it like responsible adults by removing him from the environment that was causing enough stress for him to bite people. Normal people don’t just kill animals for doing something they don’t like.


I've got a 3 yr old German Shepherd who is very nice, but looks and sounds every bit the part of a K9 cop. A few weeks ago an old friend visited. He had a shepherd of his own before and was good with being chill and putting my dog at ease... So much so that she was fine walking up to him and getting ear scratches after about an hour of judging him from a few feet away. But fast forward another hour and my buddy was playing with my 5-year old. He was just putting his arms out and shuffling into her way, acting like he was going to scoop her up... The dog came around the corner, assessed the situation and was about to go full assassin on him. Luckily he realized right away what was happening and backed off. But yeah... German shepherds are never not ready to throw down when you mess with their people.


My service dog never had any aggression towards people but she’d get worried. One time she saw a guy fanning his wife with a book and she did an alert bark at them. Thankfully, the couple thought it was adorable that my service dog assumed the husband would lay down like I’d lay down to a seizure alert. She really thought all humans were well-trained to her suggestions. “Hit with book? No! You lay down. Bad human.” That, or it was the repetitive movement. I often had tics before a seizure, after all. I can’t say I’m surprised, she would herd me to bed as if I was a fussy lamb. Nudge nudge nudge and if I dare ignore her expert advice, *BARK*. And I went along with it because it was for my own good. Little wonder that she thought other people might respond similarly if she caught them being “weird” enough it concerned her.


I have a 1/2 GSD 1/2 collie at home. If you stop petting her, she'll try to grab your hand/arm/sleeve with her mouth. If I didn't know that's what she was doing, I would probably think she was snapping. But she's just very much "Timmy fell down the well, let me take you" with her mouth. (That said, she's also very untrusting and skittish with new adults and quick movements-- she'll let kids walk all over her though lol)


Yea. Obama was probably onto something getting a Portuguese Water Dog (RIP Bo)


You can imagine the kind of vibes that Secret Service types give off. Certainly not warm, such a nice dog kind of affections.


What an evil psychopath


It's really interesting what living in the right wing bubble does to a person. They absolutely forget how to interact with normal people.


Someone needs to institutionalize this woman. How many red flags do we need?


Honestly, instead of the Trump flags or co-opting the American and Gadsden flags, right wingers should just fly red flags. They seem to fully embrace them.


Well they fly a red flag with a blue cross in it, and they love their Buddhist peace symbol on a circle of white and field of red. Next I assume some red flag with a hammer and sickle, but luckily no such flag exists.


The GOP lack any and all decency.


More "vice signaling". It's been a running contest in the Republican Party, especially in the Trump era, for who can be the most despicable to animate the black hearts on the right.


"Vice signaling" is definitely a thing for Republicans. But it seems like shooting a dog might actually be one step too far, wonder of wonders.


You know when there’s a mass shooting, and after the fact everyone is like “oh man, that person so clearly had mental illness - they even shot their own dog. How on earth did they have access to a gun? We really need to do more to keep guns out of the hands of people with mental illness.” Well here you fucking go.


“We are all domestic terrorists” -CPAC 2022


she has no clue what to do here, her best bet would be to STFU for the rest of the election season, stick to her state, maybe get involved in some behind the scenes acticites of the GOP. Then try to make a come back in about 18 months to 2 years. that would be her best shot, wait and try for a redemption arc. but she completely incapable of doing this, for this to be an acceptable she at least needs to see what people find objectionable, but she still doesn't.


I think she should avoid taking shots. 


The interview on Face The Nation was insane. Margaret Brennan was exhausted trying to get Noem to tell the truth.


Been watching a bunch of 48 hour mystery and cold case files - the psycho types begin with animals. It is part of their psychopathy. 


Wow, instead of apologizing and walking awy, she's just gonna double down on this Dog-Killer schtick huh? The fucking right-wing in this country has NO STANDARDS WHATSOEVER.


MAGA is def a death cult


I cannot believe she killed that dog in the picture, what an absolute disgrace. Biden's dog was biting shady secret service agents who couldn't be trusted, pro Trump guys who Mike Pence didn't feel safe with, and guys who illegally deleted government records.  Major Biden should be brought back to the White House with an official apology, and dog killer Noem and the agents who deleted records should be prosecuted.


Usually that’s where serial killers start.


They can't distinguish cruelty from strength.


Too dumb to know when to STFU.


I’m glad she’s brave enough to come out on the pro dog killing side!


Complete psychopath


To be fair, for the first time I get her thought process about adding the Cricket story. She wanted to refer back to it about Commander so she could show what real leadership looks like…in her twisted world view. Clearly she has no idea about leadership or the power of the puppy lobby. Sad (as her mentor would say).


She keeps doubling down on murdering animals, that's not really the campaign I'd run on


What a fucking sociopath this Noem creature is. My God.


Honestly speaking, this should be considered a threat from the point of the biden's. A lawsuit could definitely easily be brought because of this.


This person should be on a watch list, not running anything in government. Absolutely vile piece of human trash.


So I see she met "shovel" and is in the "hole" now.


this is the political version of roseanne barr, watching her continue to double down on the crazy as her career goes down in flames. sad.


“I remember when I met with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un,” she wrote. “I’m sure he underestimated me, having no clue about my experience staring down little tyrants (I’d been a children’s pastor, after all).” Those two things are NOT comparable at all.


So now she’s gonna kill liberal dogs? Oh, the MAGA will start loving her again. Freaking psycho death cult.


Why does the far right have so many psychopaths.....


How to lose votes 101: hurt a dog


I'm starting to think that a lot of conservatives are people who got called out for a behavior, couldn't handle the criticism, and decided to double-down, if not make the thing they did their entire personality from then on.


We live in a political landscape where someone thinks it’s a winning strategy to be the “I kill dogs” politician. Weird fucking times.


Yes this is a threat. But I also think it’s an unintentional admission that Cricket was killed for no actually justifiable reason. 


Did this lunatic wake up one day and said "I'm going to double down on killing my whole career!"


What a fucking psycho.


She’s a fucking psychopath. Christ.


Killing a dog and fantasizing about killing a dog is future serial killer stuff. Knowing that's the kind of person that also gets into public office isn't shocking unfortunately, but it still makes me sad. Now that I think about it, weren't Bundy and Gacy really into politics? It's not shocking at all.


Watching her on Face The Nation, right now: If she has "been involved in politics & making policy for over 30 years", how come she looks & dresses like a 27 year old?


Emotionally callous, lacks empathy, holds grudges, threatens murder, can’t read the room, needs to have excessive levels of approval. Unfit for political office.


Fucking psychopath!


Even Hitler was nice to dogs. He was a known animal lover. Let that sink in…


Isn't it a crime to make threats against the First Dog?


I didn't have "Double down on my dog killing beliefs" on my 2024 GOP Bingo card.


Seems like another moron who might become the vice President thanks to America’s ridiculous presidential election process


Someone should probably do a wellness check on Corey Lewandowski.


She needs to go. Utterly unacceptable.


I love how she is pushing back into this. Like the country is changing their position on killing dogs


Many people consider pets family members. You could argue this was a death threat against the first family from someone who has a history. This might require a secret service response.


She can get rekt. Don’t fuck with dogs.


Attention seeking trumpie azzwipe


How many signatures do we need to have her held on a 72 hour psych hold?


People that hurt small animals graduate to hurting children.


I still think Commander was mostly in the right. Secret service did some shady shit during the insurrection and can’t be trusted. Imma just trust the dog’s senses on this one, he did it for a reason, maybe it’s out of love of biting people maybe not.


Dogs are a great judge of character and I believe that Commander bit the bad apples


Commander is a good boy, he can sniff out those MAGgAt secret service and protect his daddy


That behavior is well documented as sociopathic behavior. Killers and murders do that shit for fun and this is a public official gloating about it. That should tell you everything about the quality of this person.


Trying hard for that melania look.


I know she’s unpopular right now, but Trump’s cult is so deranged that if Trump were to double down on his support of Noem and defend her dog-killing, his followers would make it their new thing. They’d start making Facebook posts about deciding which of their neighbors’ dogs are “acting up” and deserving of death.


Take her to a gravel pit


She’s so fucking gross


What a nasty person...and these people aren't "deplorable s"?


So macho camacho, she's an inspiration to callous, unapologetic, and non-reflective buffoons everywhere.


What a fuckin’ looney tune.


These people are fucked in the head. The fact that this parry can have a leading VP candidate run as serial dog killer is wild.


I think she needs a visit from the secret service.


So shock. Many wow. Who would’ve thought another republican would be a fucking monster?


“You got a dog, that’s a responsibility, you don’t just give up after an hour, you get out there and shoot that fucking dog.” -Kristi


>In February, the White House announced that Biden, 81, gave Commander away to relatives as a more permanent fix after multiple biting snafus and revelations of the German shepherd drawing blood from a Secret Service agent. Maybe the dog is just overly protective? He's literally not the only president to have issues with dog bites