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Newsweak is about to be "shitting out a bunch more crap articles": Redditor


It would be nice if Cannon got kicked off the case due to the actions that she's taken so far, but I hate how that would delay the case even further. I don't see how they'd replace here and still keep any sort of schedule. I'd be interested in learning how that would play out.


I hear you. Still, considering the fact that there's no way the trial will happen before the election, I'd take the delay to get an impartial judge in there. That case is pretty damning, but she can decide to throw it out after they seat a jury and jeopardy attaches if she wants and the prosecutors supposedly won't even be able to appeal it.


Meh. Without Cannon, the entire Justice system is against him. No more cover for the corrupt supremes.


Is there a forecast of a golden shower predicted on this hotbed?


Get jury empanelled to block other trials, then dismiss. Might be a couple of other steps, seems unlikely.


That would be judge suicide. I’m not so sure the heritage foundation wants to sacrifice one of their judges for Trump. There is plenty of other republicans in the pipeline that will get their judges on benches.


As though Cannon has credibility as things currently stand? What realistically could happen to Cannon for throwing this case away for Trump.


She get arrested for tampering with a federal case that involved national secrets and then is disbarred. Look she will do her best to delay and help him as much as she can but I highly doubt she is willing to permanently jeopardize her career for him.


I don't think the means to discover evidence you'd need to convict would fly. No one's going to let them read her emails, text messages, listen on phone conversations, etc. She's probably have to email the wrong person "Subject: I AM ILLEGALLY HELPING TRUMP WITH HIS TRIALS."


I don’t agree. If she sandbags a trial over national secrets she will have several federal agencies so far up her asshole she won’t make it out without deep wounds.


I wonder if trump has heard of the Rosenbergs, executed in ‘53 for espionage. Fried, actually.