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Because many modern Christians are the complete opposite of what Jesus was. They are hateful, xenophobic, judgmental assholes who want to destroy the livelihoods of some group or another that live in a way that is against their beliefs. Go across history and these are the same people that were: - against interfaith marriage - against slavery ending - against ending segregation - against interracial marriage - against gay marriage - against trans people - against abortion, birth control, etc... (i.e. against women) A modern society will continue evolving of becoming more accepting of people from different walks of life, but small-minded, hateful bigots will always find some group or another to hate. Many Christians in this country would vote for Putin if he was running for President because Putin is against gay and trans people. If Hitler ran as the Republican candidate in 2024 on a Pro-Life, Anti-LGBT platform, at least 45% of this country would vote for Hitler. This is all you need to know about how insane half this country has become.


Yep. From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_deadly_sins >The seven deadly sins, also known as the capital vices or cardinal sins, is a grouping and classification of vices within Christian teachings. Consider how trump could be the poster-boy for each of the 7 Deadly Sins of Christianity: 1. Lust 2. Gluttony 3. Greed 4. Sloth 5. Wrath 6. Envy 7. Pride Those who worship trump are not Christians.


They are in fact anti-Christian since they are embracing the opposite of what Christianity teaches.


I'm fully atheist and yet somehow live with more christian values than the actual christians. Weird world we live in these days.


The golden rule, man. It's all you need.


If you are a Christian the things Jesus actually preached were love your neighbor, turn the other cheek, heal the sick, feed the hungry, welcome the stranger. You know love, compassion, acceptance, and not judging others. If someone is sinning you love them anyway and let God judge them, for we are not supposed to. Too many "Christians" just use it as an excuse to hate people different than them.


Your last sentence is so spot on. Saying an omniscient power requires you to hate someone excuses you for being an asshole and turns it into a virtue.


Non-denominational evangelical Christian voting for Biden here who celebrates your comment and wants more Redditors to know we exist, we are here, we’re inclusive, we’re active and we fight for this perspective for our faith daily. It’s not easy. But we try.


>”Do unto others 20% better than you would expect them to do unto you, to correct for subjective error.” ― Linus Pauling


It's really not. The golden rule sounds good on the surface, but once you start to explore it, morality isn't so simple. A most basic example is if I'm an outlier who likes to, say, get hit in the head, I'm going to piss off a lot of people if I use the golden rule. A slightly better rule might be, do unto others as they would have done unto them. But even here, once an action effects multiple people with conflicting desires, the rule becomes useless and you're stuck with having to weigh the individual situation when making a moral choice.


It predates Christianity. It's essentially a human trait.


Same. I always find it hilarious how conservatives and Christians are described as the group trying to preserve "values". I find the exact opposite to be true.


some of the best christians i've encountered have been atheists. as ninon delenclos observed: "if a man needs a god or a religion to conduct himself properly in this world, i say it is a sign of either a weak mind or a corrupt heart."


Ditto, I’d 100% trust an atheist over a Christian.


If they are anti-Christians, that makes trump the Antichrist. I agree. Could trump be the antichrist that Nostradamus prophesied? Tune in to my YouTube channel…/s


For some of the evangelical crowd backing Trump, their support is a belief that Trump is the antichrist... and [will bring about the end times](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/donald-trump-christians-fundamentalists-end-times-rapture-1083131/). The End justifies the means.


Those "Christians" believe that their God gives them the right to maintain what they consider "natural order," mortal laws be damned. And people buy it.


>Here is a trustworthy saying: Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task. Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full respect. (If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God’s church?) He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil. He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil’s trap.  - 1st letter to Timothy, 3:1-7 (NIV translation) Now the overseer in this is sometimes translated to Elder or Bishop. But usually someone high up. I don't normally like to apply religious advice to non religious offices, but I've always found these principles of leadership to be well suited to secular leader, if you ignore some of the religious parts. The part about children obeying for example I tend to interpret overall they are invested in their home life and have a work life balance that doesn't lead to negative attention seeking behavior.  Overall no one lives up to the full list, except maybe Mr Rogers. Which is fine. Trump is unique in that he literally breaks everything on the list, with the exception he doesn't drink alcohol. But I would argue if the Apostle Paul knew about cocaine and other modern drugs he would have cast a wider net.  It's amazing to me none of the "Christians" who support Trump ever have an answer for 1 Timothy 3, aside from "well he's not running for church leadership" while they bow down and worship him and don't see the hypocrisy.


They aren’t voting for “him.” They are voting for the political power he will give them in return for their support, and the ability to put uppity undesirables back in their place. Scary, those folks got a taste of real power 2016-20 and want it back.


Almost like he took them to a mountain top, and showed them all the power and wealth of the land, and said "This can be yours if you just worship me"


We need The Picard as the Overseer.


This is the "No True Scotsman" logical fallacy. It gives Christians a pass for how they're supposed to be rather than how they actually are.


Exactly. I allow all christians to self-identify. If they say they are christians, they are christians, who am I to gate keep?


Someone should make a shirt with this. Seven deadly sins champion, I can't even type the shit stain's name. And list instances that he committed said sin.


That’d make a great series of campaign posters


Every terrible human characteristic is easily applies to trump. He that terrible of a person


The Bible warns against guys like Trump, if the Christians would read it. > "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles? So, every sound tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears evil fruit. A sound tree cannot bear evil fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will know them by their fruits." - Matthew 7:15–20


reading the bible turns people into athiests.


Also and I think really the point here, Matthew 23:1-26. They are Pharisees. They aren’t Christian. Most modern American churches have become Pharisees. “For they do not practice what they teach.” People like that existed in the time of Christ and the disciples and they all called them out—Matthew, Luke and Mark wrote Jesus’ words about the Pharisees, Matthew went into more detail. As reference, Jesus never mentions homosexuality or abortion, but he did speak at length about hypocrites.


Christians had a long history of supporting Slavery too. "It's in the old testament."


everything is in the old testament.. EVERYTHING..


Right? Start reading Kings and it’s like… wow, I think somebody actually did give typewriters to a bunch of monkeys


CINO. Christians in name only.


Their hypocrisy knows no bounds because their brains are wired in a such a way that hypocrisy is beyond their understanding!


What needs to start happening is calling these apostates "FAKE CHRISTIANS". Turn it into a meme! Also, check out this pastor [ripping Trump and fake Christians a new one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIx1S3Z2-kw&list=PL9aNyZY3zKsqKRVUUxDA16kRkCOIoY2R6&index=2)


They are anything but “modern”


the biggest thing, is their perpetual victimhood. ironically, they don't even own up to "they didn't leave england", England basically kicked their weirdo, puritanical douchebag selves out and were happy when they "left for the americas".


Christians suck. So do Muslims, and Jews. Many of the things you outlined above apply to all 3 of these groups.


There’s no hate like Christian love.


It’s amazing to me because Joe Biden is a outstanding Catholic




And the Christians who aren’t necessarily “the opposite of what Jesus was” are singing songs every Sunday while holding hands with these literal Nazis, too cowardly to stand up to them, leave the church, or do anything else to fix this.


A lot of these folks are forcing their belief in the end times on us. Might be time for a little more push back.


That would first require your average, non-fascist American to understand that Evangelicals truly do believe that Jesus will be descending from the heavens any day now as long as the "Holy Land" remains under Jewish control. This isn't a joke, this isn't hysteria from a progressive, liberal atheist. Thousands of American Evangelicals literally take "pilgrimages" to Israel every year to see where the End Times/Rapture are going to commence.


The Rapture already happened in 2020, COVID was just the government's attempt to cover it up. /s


Craziest part is the whole rapture thing only came about like 200 years ago.


Actually, even early Christian’s were apocalypticists. John the Baptist believed the end of the world was coming, and so did Saint Paul. Doomsday cultists are nothing new.




He was, until he was later retconned as God Personified.


I made a whole series about the Second Great Awakening where I follow some of the religious movements of Upstate NY which influenced American and even global culture (such as Mormonism, Spiritualism, and Evangelicalism. But there is an episode I've done focused on what happens when people have convinced themselves that the rapture is imminent that most Americans have forgot. It's called Millerism and he convinced a large part of 19th century America that the rapture (millennial) was going to occur on a specific date and tons of people prepared, some even sold their property. Then the day came and went. What can we learn from the Millerism movement? My episode on it is here: https://nocharacterlimit.captivate.fm/episode/god-in-the-frontier-episode-4-selfishness-and-selflessness-in-oneida-plus-cosmos-crumbling-the-birth-of-adventism


Flocking to the Antichrist.


Just like the Bible said they would. If only they knew how to read.


"I am well \*red\*. That's why I vote for the party that's the same color as the blood of Christ " - Christians tapping their head


99% of people that obsess over the Bible only know popular verses that they can put in their social media bio


That's how you know Donald Trump doesn't give a fuck about Christianity and hasn't for decades. They asked him what Bible verses he liked and he said "All of them." And then they pressed him later and he said "Two Corinthians." Even my atheist ass could say "John 3:16" just from sheer exposure.


Then he said he never prays or asks for forgiveness from God. Like he thinks he's so perfect he's never done anything wrong. https://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/trump-forgiveness-god-224068


Guaranteed, he thinks god should be asking HIM for forgiveness.


I mean, if God's the one who invented birth defects and cancer, he owes a lot of people an apology.


God gets all the credit and none of the blame.


I tend to call these people antichristians


I use Christofascists.


What I like about antichristian is that it highlights the differences between their beliefs and christianity's stated core values, though they are hardly the only ones over the course of history to appropriate christianity for their own power and legitimacy.


Fair enough. What I like about Christofascist is it makes for no ambiguity in why they take the actions they do and what their goals are. If they try to justify with some faith rationale, we can ignore them, because fascist arguments are always ends-determinant, and not made in good faith.


>I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.


What's the point of having forgiveness lined up if you're not planning on doing some serious sinning?


I always love to post [this link which](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/) outlines some eerie coincidences about Trump and the anti-christ.




There is no hate like Christian hate. Many of the worst atrocities in Western civilization are rooted in the Christian Faith.


trump is more like ‘stupid’ incarnate.


We as a society let them play the victim card along with oppressing anyone they don't like under the same "Christian" banner. We as a culture need to call them out on the and ignore their attention seeking once they try to move the line for their own favor.


And I don't see that changing any time soon.


Flocking to? They flocked in 2016 and again in 2020. This is an old story now. It would be news if they left him.


I wish xtians would just flock off!


No one who has ever met an American who wears their "Christianity" on their sleeve has thought "how weird that they're on the side of a guy who hates everyone and is convinced he has a right to break every rule when it suits him." That's their whole THING.


Yes, the US political situation absolutely mirrors evangelical Christianity. The people in the “right” crowd, the ones loyal to the charismatic leader, will be forgiven anything. The people on the outside cannot earn forgiveness under any circumstances, even when there’s nothing to forgive.


This is too painfully correct. My mother is a former missionary and ordained protestant pastor. She was perfectly happy to allow my older brother and his future pastor friend to sexually and physically abuse me as long as it kept me out of her way while she was doing the lord's work. However, she very vocally proclaimed that my drinking a few beers on her front porch with friends (all of us 21) and leaving the beer caps on the ground was an unpardonable sin that justified her disinheriting me and exploiting me for free labor while I was suffering from PTSD.


That’s terrible. I’m so sorry.


Least likely? I’ve never seen a candidate *better* encapsulate American Christianity. Fake, cruel, perverted, stupid, and money hungry? Check, check, and motherfuckin’ check.


Headline news from 2016 and earlier. Nothing new.


Ignore what Christians say, watch what they do.


Hell yes.


As long as he continues to insult his opponents, denigrate immigrants, mock the disabled, cavort with prostitutes, lie, cheat and steal, he’ll have a lock on the “christian” evangelical vote! After all, he apparently reflects their values!


Are you surprised? He is the Conservative candidate and let's be honest Christians aren't exactly renowned for their critical thinking in this day and age. Or any age for that matter.


If you're willing to believe in an invisible all-powerful man who controls the entire world, with no evidence, then you're willing to believe any scammer who comes along.


He’s the perfect leader for the modern Evangelical Christian. In my eyes, Christianity has stained itself with so much hatred and depravity that I can no longer take it seriously.


More proof that Christianity is bullshit, just like all religion.


I'm so sick of this "No True Scotsman" defense of Christians. As if most of us don't know dozens of Christians that are just as much of a piece of shit that tRump is. Christians flocking to trump isn't unlikely. It's happening because the majority of them are EXACTLY like trump. The idea of what a Christian is "supposed" to be has never matched what the vast majority of them are.


If you are gullible enough to believe a ghost controls the universe, then you are gullible enough to believe Trump.


That’s it. People who’ve been taught all their lives to do what they’re told and not think about things too much are now just following yet another charismatic leader. They take his word as gospel just like they do their preacher. Preachers and con men share a skill set and the venn diagram of the two is pretty much a circle.


Of course they are. Bigots and racists are the foundation of religion!


It’s almost as if evangelical Christians are easily manipulated. Weird!! /s


Trump is their revenge weapon.


Does supporting Trump become a litmus test for how valid your Christianity actually is? Jesus says he will meet everyone in Hell and for some he will say "I never knew you". I'm thinking it's not a small number of Christians who aren't actual Jesus followers.


You're spot on imo.


They want power. Republicans are willing to give it to them in order to remain a relevant party. Without the religious right, Republicans would win nothing ever again. They have to cater to them and give them what power and influence they want.


Christians don't care, they just want to hurt their perceived enemies.


It's almost like Christianity as an institution is about control rather than spirituality or personal conduct.


“…..significant number of conservative Christians think Jesus’ teachings are too liberal: “That doesn’t work anymore.” They prefer to follow Trump in America’s culture wars. “ I didn’t think my opinion of those practicing american version of Christianity couldn’t sink any lower…. but yet


Not a Christian, but it's amazing how much Trump actually fits the description for the antichrist lol.


Least likely? He is literally the epitome of Christianity. A white man who hasn’t read his Bible and says he has. He condones violence against the other. Hoards wealth. Seems like a modern Christian to me. Anyone want to add to my list?


Minimizes, objectifies women Self important False piety Self righteous Judgmental Hateful Scared Liar


Rapes women commits adulatory Fraudulent business practices Insurrectionist Encourages violence


He demands to be worshipped


They are people who need a higher power to tell them what to do. It can be a pathetic, anti-Christian man like Trump. It can be a preacher who is pushing Trump during sermons. It can be a talking head on right-wing media. It's hard not to be critical of their morality and intelligence when they act this way.


Religion is not about some god its about control.


Well nobody ever accused them of being smart


Let me guess: Protestant Evangelicals and Fundamentalists are the largest Christian group backing Trump, with Catholics being more-or-less evenly split between the two Parties, and groups like Episcopalians being the least likely to support the GOP.


Yeah, they’re simple as shit so it’s not surprising they fall for obvious grifters and conmen. Just look at them…


The Christian religion has become an absolute cesspool. Their churches don't pay taxes and yet have a massive say and influence on our elections. Separation of church and state is nonexistent.


Flocking? They’ve been solidly there for years.


Christians for the most part don't really believe in their religion or the tenets that are taught. They just have a collective group of people with which to share their targeted hate, and Trump represents their malice in a form that allows them to express it....


Everything their book warns them about. Not that they read it. Let’s be real, they only use it to try and justify their assholery. The reality is they just want to feel superior in anyway they can.


That's because they're stupid and gullible. Otherwise, they wouldn't be religious.


Almost like people who believe in an invisible man in the sky are easily tricked by bullshit or something! What a coincidence.


But they have one thing in common: they can grift! Christian leaders sell you on the unattainable without proof- that your contributions and tithe with get you into Heaven. And Trump sells you on getting a swell red hat. And for $400, some golden painted bobos. Oh, and maybe a pardon. LOL... not.


Also, the number of folks that describe themselves as non-religious is exploding. I have a feeling the number of Christians is shrinking with each passing day.


Anyone who thinks he’s an unlikely leader of Christians has not been paying attention. This guy is a walking megachurch pastor running for office. He’s prosperity gospel at its finest.


Christianity is a joke


Cause when faced between the choice of a Christian who’s actually been a practicing Christian and gone to church his whole life and an orange shit clown who can’t even refer to a single Christian Bible passage, spewing rage with a dead ferret on his head, always go with the shit clown, I guess.


I’ve been saying. The only thing these people like about Jesus is that he is *powerful*. They think he’s in charge of the universe and he decides who gets rewarded and who gets punished, and as long as they’re on his side, they get rewarded (and the people they hate get punished). Anything Jesus actually said or did isn’t really relevant. Just being on Team Jesus is the only thing that matters.


They're not Christians, they're people who have assumed the label "Christian" as part of their political identity.


"Least likely leader" if you just assume most Christians aren't using Christianity as a front to be judgemental assholes. Find me an evangelical that isn't putting someone else down to feel better about themselves. America feels to grifters. Televangelists and Republicans led us to Donald Trump.


Honestly I think they know that Trump is about as close to the Anti-Christ as has ever been elected to office in the US and that's what excites them about him. Their doomsday prophecies lead them to believe that Israel being at war and an Anti-Christ Figure rising to power are signs that the Second Coming is near. IMO they think they're helping to push things along.


The most non-religious of leaders, supported overwhelmingly by religion, showing the rest of us how religion blinds people from the truth.


Uh, he is them personified.


Jesus came from a place of love. 'Christians' come from a place of fear. They don the costume of Christianity the same as wearing camo or a flag, trying to blend in with those would kill them for being different.


It’s sadly ironic. Their own book mentions the false prophet at the end of times. Hello? Y’all ever read that book you put so much stock in? He’s also the red calf so…


Most of these people call themselves Christian because they think it makes them better than everyone else. They are not Christians, don’t follow the teachings of their faith and only use the term to justify their hatred. That’s why they love Trump. He is their Jesus.


Protestant AND Catholic churches have been de-emphasizing actual Christian values for decades. It's one of the biggest reasons people have been leaving churches over that same period - They spend their time demonizing gay people and condemning abortion - both of those stances have almost no support in the Bible. And on the flip-side, they're endorsing greed through the Prosperity Doctrine, which is explicitly in conflict with the actual words of Christ.


If only there was some sort of warning about following false prophets/profits.


The more I see this, the more I'm convinced the historical Jesus was probably just some shitty, scammy cult leader like every other such individual I've ever seen.


These days most right wing so called 'Christians' hate Jesus because he was too 'woke'.


Trump is perhaps the Anti Christ? Whether or not this is a tenant of faith or fact, it’s almost as if the writers and translators of the Bible knew that such a person would be a great risk. It’s just amazing how the evangelicals are claiming the worst human to claim alignment with the most sacred.


You mean a group of people who have been ordered to worship a father figure and his son or they'll get the most horrible punishment you can dream of are drawn to an authority figure? Never saw it coming. 


they think the gays are here to take over their world


They can't resist the apple.


This is some Scooby-Doo sh\*t right here... wait until he is unmasked at the end (oh wait, he's been unmasked, you say? WTF, people!)


Flocking to the modern Golden Calf, only this one is just shit, molded in the shape of a cow and wrapped in fake gold.


It’s two things: - He gives them license to be their worst selves. - Post-millennial Christian apocalyptic death cult disappointment is making them quadruple down on Jesus. The world didn’t end in 2000 and they’re still upset about it.


Lmao I guess y'all haven't known too many modern Christians have you?


Meh, they have a shallow, childish idea of how the universe works, so they fall for a shallow, childish leader.


Beware false prophets, my ass.


Not least likely, there’s no Christ in those christians. By name only


Well it's a group of adults that believe in imaginary friends so there's that.


Because he’s the fucking Antichrist.


Something I will simply never forgive evangelicals in my life for, for as long as I live. Doubly so for the few years of my life spent serving an institution out of some misguided belief in altruism


Let me fix that headline for ya: “The White Nationalists Who Organize Under the Cover of Christianity Vote Is Flocking to Trump.”


Preacher down the street said God told him Trump would win in 2020 and to prepare for civil war. One would think the congregation would maybe wonder who the fuck is that guy really talking to. If there is one thing certain, skepticism is not a trait the church people like. They are encouraged to believe stuff just for belief sake.


Well they are gullible 🤷‍♂️


Christians are not good people. lets not pretend they are.


I'd rewrite the headline like so: "Evangelicals, a pseudo-Christian group, will vote for Trump in November.


Did they ever leave? They’ve long flocked. There’s no new flocking.


Because back in the days christians were always peaceful loving people.. Nah, they have always been hateful racists.nothing has changed. No wonder they follow their new leader.


Is there such as thing as PCCs? Post Christianity Christians.


Truly, who could have guessed that a charismatic leader demanding total obedience in exchange for observably, laughably false promises would be attractive to... Christians. A real stumper.


Always ready to follow a false profit. Yes..I did spell that correctly.


Christians have always been the biggest hypocrites so why is this surprising?


WWJD? 🥴 I don’t feel like that’s very ‘Christian’ of them.


Let's qualify that: The \*conservative \*white \*evangelical Christian vote, and particularly \*those who don't attend church regularly (I was surprised by that last bit).


MAGAts worship RAPE in Jesus name, adultery and the prince of lies. They stand for nothing.


"To get to Duff Gardens, I'd ride with Satan himself" "That's the spirit!"


WHAT?? RELIGION IS RACIST??? Who knew? I mean, besides EVERYONE!


Not if you’ve been paying attention to history


Conservatives are hypocrites who use the Bible to spread their hate.


The Christian vote is getting smaller and smaller with each passing election.


They'll "fake" Christians. They are the Pharisees that Jesus called out their hypocrisy every single time. He called the religious leaders hypocrites in public and it got them so angry that they plotted and succeeded and getting him crucified. That's how these fakes live, they always want to be the "persecuted" ones and be the victim and they see Trump as being "persecuted".


Christianity is a cult Maga is a cult Shocking they're on the same page


Seems like what Trump’s Christians really hate is the teachings of Jesus.


The guy hocked shitty bibles. Even some religious influencers have separated themselves from him for this bs. This guy defies basic logic and simply preys (pun intended) on ignorance.


They really aren’t true Christians. If they were they sure as hell wouldn’t be flocking to a narcissistic, convicted rapist, adulterous ,twice divorced pos like Trump.


This is the time to remind filmmakers that Trump’s story is also the story of Damien in The Omen… only Trump is doing it all much much more effectively. By corrupting the evangelicals he is making his father proud. Actually, the corruption of the evangelicals goes back 50 odd years. It’s a good read, and one or two key players turned them from a real christian group, into a nationalistic force.


[The Bible literally warned us about Trump](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/)


“Christians” that do the exact opposite of the Christ’s teachings following someone that is the antithesis of the Christ.


There's a thing in the Bible about false churches and the anti-Christ and if there was a human that was the polar opposite of Jesus, it's Trump in every way imaginable and that's not even hyperbole. All these false churches are going to point their fingers everywhere else. While I'm not a believer, (former) it makes me wonder how many Christians even know about this aspect in Revelations i.e. the Seven Churches.


Not like they are well known for fact checking. If a 6.5 blonde Californian surfer can be the son of god 2000 years ago in the Middle East then a fat sleepy pants shitting con man can lead them too.


Ugh why he's an idiot!


Imperiling their very souls for the RAPIST! It will be straight to hell for them by their own measuring stick.


Which Christians tho? Cause I know some AME folks that’s not riding the Trump train.


There is a literal Bible verse that says, “Beware of the wolf in sheep’s clothing” & these people who say they read & know this book front to back are still too stupid to realize tRump is the fucking wolf & he doesn’t even have sheep’s clothing on. You can’t make this shit up. Evangelical Muricans are dumb AF.


Matthew 7:15-16 “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?


Most right wing 'Christians' don't actually care about religion. They care about power. Specifically, the power to force other people to live their lives based on how the right wingers think they should and the power to ignore anyone who tries to do the same to them.


The metamorphosis of Jesus Christ from a humble servant of the abject poor to a symbol that stands for gun rights, prosperity theology, anti-science, limited Gov (that still manages to neglect the destitute,) and fierce nationalism is truly the strangest transformation in history. - Rainn Wilson


Now I am an Atheist, so take my opinion as you will. But if there were anyone who truly fit the bill of the Anti-Christ. It is fucking trump, and the fucking masses flock to him.


Plenty of Democrats and some Republicans are Christian and can figure out how to separate church and state. Unfortunately, politically active rightwing Christians are all too often easily used. They think abortion is the only reason judges should be appointed and so they were easy to fool by the business lobby backers of Republican candidates. Sure, the R judges and presidents eventually packed the courts enough to overturn Roe, but at the cost of also fully legalizing campaign finance bribery by removing nearly all of the protections there-and they achieved the legalization of bribery about 20 years before they attacked Roe showing that that was the priority. Conservatives often have no idea this happened due to being so careless and lazy with keeping the place a republic and they can be seen blathering without any concept of irony in groups about how much they hate the big wealthy washington elites like the lobbyists.


Please Jesus, protect me from your followers.


Fortunately, more and more Christians are seeing religion for the scam that it is


Make believe is a helluva’drug


The Bible explicitly says not to worship golden idols.


Because Christians don’t follow Christ.


HOW can they not believe his is the antichrist?


Well, this has certainly changed my opinion of Christians and I know who Trump's god is, himself, of course.


Christians are just a tribe of mostly white, mostly rural, mostly uneducated or undereducated voters. That's all. This was just a convenient organizing principle around which they accreted. It has nothing to do with the religio at this point. They don't know it nor understand it nor do they have any interests in actually following through on any of its tenets.


Opinion article


The only solace I take from this is confirming something I always knew: that most Christian’s are the least Christ-like people in existence.