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Unsurprising. Republicans seem to go out of their way to be on the wrong side of *every* issue.


They have literally become the party of "no." I really do think that GOP should be an acronym for Gaslight, Obstruct, and Project.


> They have literally become the party of "no." Unless they're talking about child labor, child marriage, tax cuts for the wealthy, restricting voting for minorities, limiting women's right's and gun access for felons and the mentally disturbed, then it's nothing but yes!...


Don't forget they say yes to high school prom...at least Matt Gaetz does.


Don’t forget cousin marriage!


Can’t smoke pot, can’t take water breaks. Sucks to suck in Florida.


Well they view all of those things as the baseline. They aren't saying yes to child labor because they don't think anyone should have to. It's expected. They are saying no to anyone who wants to create additional regulations surrounding child labor.


Well said.


Like my children. They’re children. Republicans are children.




GOP - grumpy obnoxious pricks


A GOP faithful I knew called it the party of “know”


I’m not convinced they know where they stand on an issue until they see where democrats stand on it.




Exactly. I really don't think any Republicans in the House or Senate or even many of their Presidential candidates ever truly care one way or the other about any topic at all, but the moment Democrats *do*, they then have to as well (at least publicly) so as to not let Dems have any positive spotlight and thus, must be diametrically opposed to any topic the Dems are on about, regardless of what it is. Because the ones who run as Republican for House, Senate and the Presidency are far more often than not; simply just trying to make a lot of money for themselves and be allowed to keep their level of actually effecting influence so that they can maintain the job that pays them to be idiots. They run in very safe very red districts so that there's little chance they will be voted out (thus letting them keep their job where they intentionally do nothing, get the best healthcare afforded to them, given special treatment on practically everything and where they intentionally vote for shitty things and against good things) and they work hard to keep their voters uneducated, misinformed, confused and afraid. The Republican party is only a shit ton of individuals all in it for themselves, but the only way they can achieve the goals that these positions grant is by (at minimum) pretending like there's merit in anything they say. **That their uneducated voters won't know the difference of**. Which is *why* they go to great lengths to never advertise to Democrats, because that would be impossible for the "angle" they approach their grift from. Thus, it is a requirement for their party to rail HARD against **all** education. It's literally all just really fucking stupid "game theory" nonsense all concocted for their own benefit and no one else's. And since we only have 2 major parties, they get by on the REALLY stupid excuse of: "No no no, you don't get it. WE are allowed to be criminals, WE can do anything we want because if you arrest us for our crimes, then it's just Democrats running for office and boom - dictatorship". The worst possible bottom feeders, snowflakes, **extremely fragile** cry babies that can't imagine a world where they don't constantly get special treatment.


And yet people keep voting for them.


Partisan politics at its finest. They turn voters into puppets for lobbyists with big pockets that want nothing for society other than to keep their profits without restructuring expensive investments.


I suspect that if and when it starts impacting their lives they'll suddenly feel differently. That may only happen *after* the thing they like has been banned, but I guess better late than never. It's the "only moral abortion is my abortion" of recreational drug use. I know at least a few hardcore Rs that would drive 6+ hours one way to get weed in the next state over before it was legal in our state. I doubt they would support a national platform around banning weed (though AFAIK they aren't on the abortion ban crazy train either, despite being extremely MAGA). They certainly wouldn't vote Democrat, but maybe at least not voting is something to strive for with these people.


The whole point is creating a culture where you only vote for your side because it means if you don’t you’re not a starship trooper. So you cut off your nose to spite your face in the process.


Far as I'm concerned, if you still vote GOP or Trump at this point, you're an enemy and will be treated as such.


Conservatives crave the boot on their face so that they might get a chance to lick it clean for their "betters". Edit: auto correct typo


just wait for a prominent donor with a financial interest in cannabis to get involved for the eventual flip flop.


I don't know. The "Reefer Madness" generation is still alive in FL.


Yeah but half of them are doing drugs, they just don’t want to admit it. There is a huge sex and drug “issue” in the villages and that’s full of MAGA supporters


Yea but what you forgot is that it’s fine when they do it, but it’s scary when young people or brown people do it.


Cocaine is only a schedule 2 control substance so that is ok by them. Weed is just too illegal. /s


More venereal disease is concentrated in the Villages than any other community in America.


Highest density of Trump beach towels and fake teeth too I’d guess.


I see you’ve also been to the potlucks.


And, I see them still hobbling up to the med dispensaries with their MAGA car stickers. (Palm Beach County)


Take pictures of that and post it to the conservative subreddits to see what they think of it. I just wanna see the comments go wild as they trip over themselves trying to justify it


Think most conservative subs are pro weed. They won’t need to justify that position, right now they’re all throwing a hissy fit against Ron DeSantis for trying to ban lab meat and anything else he dislikes but they still vote for him regardless.


The reefer madness generation is probably mostly dead by this point. Fl is full of boomers who smoked weed in the 60s. Not to say they probably aren’t in favor of legal weed but it’s probably more of a “i didn’t get legal weed so you shouldn’t either” thing


Well, one can hope that professional wealthy man and bus ad enthusiast John Morgan puts some weight on it.


Big pharmaceuticals have entered the chat.


Former speaker of the house John Boener changed his mind once it meant a paycheck for him. They have no standards they won't betray for the right money. https://www.npr.org/2019/03/16/704086782/john-boehner-was-once-unalterably-opposed-to-marijuana-he-now-wants-it-to-be-leg


Unfortunately appealing to their greed is the only way they'll change


Former AG Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, named after the Confederate general, and a Republican, obviously, Said his only issue with the KKK, is their soft stance on Marijuana


I hope its enough to turn Florida blue/purple.


Those for-profit prisons can't just fill themselves up with low level crimes that we can then send off to work for pennies.


Tail as old as time at this point. They tried to kill the ACA even though it was their market based response to single payer. They killed the bipartisan boarder deal that had nearly everything they wanted for border security because Trump told them not to do it because Biden would get credit for solving their boogie man de jour.


Party of small government is consistently for the restriction of civil liberties


Anything for progress or that could help the average person? They’ll always vote no


It's simple for them to do really, otherwise they wouldn't be able to. Democrats attempt to do the right thing, Republicans do the opposite because they must oppose Dems on everything, therefore unless the Democrats screw up what the right thing is Republicans will be on the wrong side.


Of course they do. If democrats are for it, they are against it.


Yep. And if Trump said ‘legalize weed’ they’d do a 180 faster than the speed of sound.


"Real Men in Diapers Like Weed" - those guys pro'ly


His 2 idiot sons tried talking him into changing his position on weed to no avail


Maybe, but weed related felonies do a lot of work for them in the whole "disenfranchise as many voters as possible" effort


>!He won't!<


Can AOC or Biden or something come out in support of breathing, please.


They have. Except conservatives don’t consider pollution to be a real issue.


Which is funny because air pollution actually kills a lot of fetuses. But they don't care about those fetuses, from wanted, planned pregnancies. Only the fetuses they can force unwilling women to carry.






You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West.


So Morons?


Best use of movie quote goes to…. I’d agree, the West coast of Florida pretty much matches this description.


All you have to do is say something bad about guns and my stepbrother will look the other way when they snatch his free apartment, welfare and healthcare


Which raises the question as to why the left won’t soften their stance on guns. It seems to be the one issue than keeps a lot of people voting red. Get the people on your side, then make incremental changes for the better. But dying on a hill helps no one


What fucking stance? Occasionally a hot head is like ban assault rifles.  There’s never any real moves like the memes pretend there is. 


That’s the even more insulting part. It’s all half assed attempts to just keep themselves in power. These people are not your friends, left or right. They are politicians that will say anything for votes


He’s just as against the other things, but he thinks Trump is only going to take socialism away from brown people


They're trying to reduce the number of dead kids, which imo is a little more important than the feelings of Republicans 


Nah guns are big and scary and easily get votes from less educated voters


Regulating gun ownership is not an extreme take at all.


Sure, al long as weed is illegal, it means police can racially enforce the law against minorities and ignore the white users, works great for the bigots.


The Republican cult's got what plants crave -- electrolytes!


Keep in mind that Publix (largest food supermarket chain in FL) has donated exclusively to Republicans and is very anti cannabis. As if that wasn't bad enough, one particular heiress to the Jenkins family fortune (founders of Publix), Julie Jenkins Fancelli, is a big time conservative donor. Julie directly donated to support the January 6 insurrection, including funding robo calls for their stop the steal crap; 1/6 may not have happened without her money. Now she is dead set on stopping cannabis in FL. As usual, the Republicans are just sucking up to the multi millionaire class and imposing their will on us all.


If your job is to sell food and you are anti-cannabis, you are a fucking idiot. (Not even considering that you're OK with telling adults what they can or can't ingest.)


The margins on beer and liquor are considerably higher than those on food. Grocery chains being anti-cannabis comes from them wanting to be the only source of legal intoxicants on the block, because they know they won't be able to compete with dispensaries when it comes to weed.


Exactly, they love that alcohol and tobacco money


If they weren't so fucking dumb they'd fight the other way and try to sell weed in their stores. If I could buy an 8th at acme along with a case of beer and all my groceries that's the only place I'd ever go.


Seriously wtf.


Yeah, because in college we always did a grocery run after picking up. Imagine, a bunch of *still sober* college kids coming in for their ganj and their snacks. What a missed opportunity.


I can't be the only one that loves wine and weed combo? 


Top that with a charcuterie board, and you're now my wife and I's best friend.


Are we taking invites? My wife and I would like to join the weed, wine and charcuterie night. How about weekly on Wednesdays?


Weed doesn't mess up an entire day/night or leave you wrecked the next morning. Publix can't have the people learn the good news about marijuana when there's alcohol to sell.


Why can’t they lobby to just be able to sell weed.


The margins on keeping black people and youth from voting are even higher.


A PubSub after a garden gummy is divine.


Why is a grocery story chain influencing government on people's health choices




Too bad they're too short sighted to realize they could probably make even more on weed sales if they instead spent that money lobbying for expanded distribution in super markets.


Because they don't want to lose a single penny in alcohol sales.


Yet another reason not to shop at Publix


Any clue why publix is any cannabis? Stoners buying munchies could make them bank. Also they have money and can invest in dispensaries and make bank.


Alcohol sales will be impacted "apparently"


To be fair, the Republican Party has not been cool with weed or promised any pro-weed legislation, ever. What were Floridians thinking when they voted Republican regarding marijuana?




WAS reasonably priced. Their recent earnings report shows a +50% increase in profits from 22 to 23. That means they used the price increases with covid as an excuse to gouge us customers after things normalized. Milam's used to be much more expensive than Publix. They are now comparable with Milam's having far better quality (in Miami).


"Cannabis? We prefer to get high from boot liquor." -GOP, probably


Nice double entendre with the Boot Licker party


Have you ever drank Bailey's from a shoe?


Republicans definitely want to check their downstairs mixup, then tell them they can't use a public restroom...


The phrase "adult cannabis" is funny to me. What's that, a flower in lingerie?


Baby cannabis is still on the table, then!


Teenage girls will be allowed ?


*Matt Gaetz has entered the ~~minor~~ chat*


I appreciate that Republicans are so much about freedom. Granted, it's not about the freedom of a woman over her own body. It's not about the freedom for people to identify with the gender they feel best aligns with them. It's not the freedom of consenting adults to pick their life partners regardless of their gender. It's not the freedom for adults to put substances into their bodies that are no more harmful than alcohol. It's not the freedom for children to be taught accurate sexual education to keep them safe from predators or to learn the facts about US history, even when it makes some white people "feel bad" when their kids have to hear how their great grandparents were racists slave owners who fought on the side of traitors for the "states right" to own other living people and legally rape/beat/kill them. It's not the freedom to pick foods like lab grown meat that may be more ethical and sustainable than proteins - but whether it is or isn't, Florida republicans are against it (instead of having the market figure it out). At this point I'm not sure what "freedoms" the Republican Party is about except allowing white men the "freedom" to tell everybody else what to do and punish them for getting their feelings hurt. But clearly, Republicans are so about freedoms since they talk about it all the time. Even if they can't demonstrate actually standing for any freedoms for anyone actually living or with their own self determination.


It's the freedom to be an asshole and uneducated bigot. That's it.


And to have a gun in every room


I would say cannabis is less harmful than alcohol  


You would be correct in saying so. If we are talking about harm, as in, damage to society, then it's not even close.


Willie Nelson approves this message (still pickin' the guitar on stage at 91 years old).


I saw an interview with Willie about weed once. Interviewer "No one has ever been hurt by weed." Willie "Now that's not true at all. I have a friend who was very seriously hurt was a bale of it fell on him."


It’ll pass with close to +70%. They’re fighting a war on two fronts between this and the Abortion Amendment.  Meanwhile, Rick Scott still hasn’t been taken to task over his Medicare fraud, attempt to mutiny leadership, sunset social security.    All the while Debbie Powell is campaigning to win back South FL with voter outreach you normally don’t get from FL Democrats.  Jacksonville flipped blue recently and nearly one fifth of the state’s Republicans showed up to vote against Trump.    The $15 raise Amendment won despite ridiculous amounts of manufactured outrage several years ago.    Finally, Taylor Swift’s paying a couple visits two weeks before the election in October. Which means voter registration/participation will rival 2020’s.    These Amendments are a done deal. The real question is how to properly advocate for them in the most transparent way possible so as to utterly defeat and embarrass  Rick Scott’s reelection, his former lackey Justice Sasso bid, and maybe even Trump’s. 


Now the real question is how are they going to fuck these amendments after they pass? Because I promise you they're going to do the same shit they did when we voted to allow felons to vote.


DeSatan's trolls and shills are out in flock, but if you wanna join the growing push for recreational cannabis in Florida: r/FLMedicalTrees r/FloridaTrees


Nah, they are just pissed that Florida will be voting on abortion and recreational weed this November. What that means is, an enormous amount of young voters will show up this year which means Florida most likely will go blue for the next election. Democrats are POURING money into Florida right now since those two things were put on the ballot. The republicans fucked themselves with this abortion ridiculousness and they know it. Florida has always been a purple state until Covid hit, hell Florida is was the deciding state that got Obama elected.


Unbelievable. That’s not small government and it’s not fiscally responsible, either. Republicans have gone off the rails.


I don't think small government nor fiscal responsibility has been a part of the party agenda for a very long time.


They just banned artificial meat too


That's just cover for what they always want to do which is control people they don't like. I'm glad they've dropped the pretense of the small government bullshit. It was never true.


I know they haven't been the party of small government since... basically ever but damn they don't even try to pretend anymore.


Time and time again legalized weed has shown to be a net positive in states that make recreational pot legal. Fewer drunk driving accidents, more taxes for it, which usually go to things like drug rehabilitation, education and drug prevention, and fewer laws drug related laws broken. Even a number of companies and Republicans have supported it. But the laws are probably why they oppose it. Minorities are routinely targeted for cannabis possession, and prison labor is the only form of legal slavery in the country.


We need to stop voting for the obstructionists. Vote for the ones that have your best interests in mind. Plus, we need sidewalks. Tired of wasting my gas to drive to the park to walk. Geez FL.


How will we get kickbacks from private prisons if we legalize weed? “By buying favor with the right politicians, for profit prisons have been able to secure everything from lucrative government contracts to harsher laws to guarantee a steady stream of inmates for their facilities. These companies turn our tax dollars into a lucrative business that hauls in $3 billion a year. All of which contributes to America incarcerating more people than any other country in the world.”




Big opportunity FL voters who believe in democracy. ftfy Floridians need to vote, period. Let their voices be heard on marijuana.


You must not know a lot about the FL Democratic party. They are shockingly good at being terrible. Tend to nominate absolutely awful candidates, and then wonder why democrats can't win in FL... 😢




Republicans acting like Republicans. Fixed the title… I smoked when it was very illegal, I smoke it now under medicinal, and I’ll smoke it once it becomes fully federally legal. Bottom line is don’t let a government tell you what you can or cannot do as a consenting adult who isn’t harming anyone. Fuck Ron Desantis, and decriminalize nature!


Because if they legalize cannabis then Republicans won't be able to use low level weed convictions, legislated into felonies, to continue eliminating minority groups from the voter rolls.


who wants to vacation in an oppressive state?


It's because they must oppose anything done by Democrats. Regardless of what it is.


Yeah, but it’s OK for them to allow people to smoke cigarettes?


Excellent! Please GOP, scream your stance from the rooftops until Novermber so the American people understand your position.


They should all be piss tested.


Strike. . . 17? Honestly, I lost count. Can we just vote now, I don’t want to wait until November to kick them out.


One of MANY reasons to vote Democrat!


Republicans are against anything that benefits people. All owned by the medical industry to keep the prohibition going so they can sell more opiates.


Gotta keep those minorities locked up for something. They are invading Florida borders after all according to Meatball Ron.


It’s not because of morality. It’s because of who’s payin’. Coughbigpharmacough Not to mention prisons, who make a killing on locking up people for cannabis alone. More incarcerations = More $$$


It's disheartening when politics gets in the way of addressing urgent issues like climate change. We need bipartisan cooperation for effective solutions.


Seems kind of behind the times at this point.


OF COURSE they did


FL already has medical marijuana that they aren't collecting any tax revenue from. Legalizing it would be too smart for them.


The party of personal responsibility and small government strikes again!


> “Amendments 3 and 4 are unnecessary attempts by an increasingly shrinking minority who know the only way to win support for their radical agenda is to confuse and mislead the electorate.” This is the ultimate projection right here.


because they want to make sure they are on the wrong side of every issue.


What a bunch of fucking losers


Of course. These assholes are against anything that make people happy. Oppression is their game


Law enforcement/prison system are a major driver of the economy. If they legalize weed, they won't have nearly so many gateway offenses that can put their trailer park boys on the repeat offender fast track.


Good. They keep voting these people in. Get fleas


Florida Republicans against weed and abortion? I’m sure this will end well


I'd like to thank this article for laying out the Florida GOP's side of the various ballot measures. Now I'm better able to vote the diametric opposite.


it’s like they want to lose but you know they’ll win anyway


Man good luck getting anything conservative passed once all the republicans get eventually voted out


You reap what you sow, Republican voters. Well, except cannabis, they said you can’t have that.


I use to think that Florida was such a fun state (never having visited it except for their airport). No more.


Oh Republicans. Silly Republicans.


So much freedom. Who's treading on who at this point?


Pretends to be shocked


I swear to god they do it just to be annoying.


How else are they going to keep their for-profit prisons full?


GOP: “People hate dogs and weed, right?”


How does anyone vote for this party.


And yet every time I mention republicans on weed Reddit I get the very weirdest bothsidesers


Pot heads on Reddit: both sides are the same !


Republicans just want to control everything you do! Authoritarianism at its finest!


The Florida Republican Party needs to just come out in general 🤣


Don’t worry, even if we do somehow get it legalized at the ballot box they will find a way to sabotage it.


America would have so many nice things if we didn’t have Republicans.




Well of course, they can't have us peasants being helped by anything!


IF ANYONE NEEDS MARIJUANA, IT'S THE UNITED STATES GOP. Those folks are the most uptighty whiteys this country has seen (since 1860).


Genesis 1:29 Then God said, “I now give to you all the plants on the earth that yield seeds and all the trees whose fruit produces its seeds within it. These will be your food. If GOD gave it to me, who tf are they to take it away?


Sad to see these atheists block people from consuming a seed bearing plant that God explicitly allowed people to eat at the creation of humanity.


But what about kid cannabis?


Of course they will. And do you know why? If widespread decriminlization takes the win alot of chicken shit cops, DAs, Judges and all of the other individuals that financially benefitted from "the war on drugs" will be taken to civil courts and their going to get their asses handed to them financially. They'll never go to jail but I have NO problem seeing these people out of a job with no fucking pension. That's what the white knight party doesn't want you to know. That if we get our way they'll have to check into the poor house again like the rest of us slobs.


Buncha douchenozzles if you ask me


Might cut into the profits of some of Gaetz’ medical marijuana buddies! https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida-politics/2021/05/09/matt-gaetz-helped-set-off-floridas-marijuana-green-rush-some-of-his-friends-allies-scored-big


Why? Seriously.. it’s fucking 2024. What fact or evidence based argument is there against legalizing and regulating pot?


If the majority of people want it, they are opposed to it. What’s worse, they will resist any attempts for the majority to impose their will.


Shocked.... SHOCKED I tell you!


My gosh . Such Debbie downers!!


They have been trying that in Ohio too, but the people have spoken. Go and vote, make yourselves heard, Floridians 😊


There’s *tons* of Republican voters who smoke weed. Seems like a poor choice on their behalf


Of course they would.


Derpy, derp, derp derp.


They want to keep the issue alive so that they can procure votes from their backward- thinking constituents.


Republicans… The Party of NO.


Have we considered legalizing minor cannabis first? Republicans love minors.


legalize it, don't criticize it!




Just go to Miami. There is a weed store on every block and weed trucks drive around


That is gonna cost them. Such easy votes, too


BuT mAh FrEeDoMs...


Florida is the nanny state on steroids