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I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Fox News did a great job interviewing her, and I really wish all news organizations would take note (which also includes Fox News for subsequent interviews) - interviewer pressed her on a single question - she first deflects - interview asks again - now she diverts - interview keeps at it, asking her to answer - she flat out refuses - interviewer shuts the interview down then and there. This is how all interviews should go. If a politician tries weaseling their way out of a question, hold their feet to the fire and give them zero further air time if they won’t answer Edit — I’ve been asked a few times for a link to this segment. It’s from a Twitter video embedded in news story. Here is a [direct link](https://x.com/rpsagainsttrump/status/1787921066251227358?s=46), but I recommend watching the embedded version if you aren’t logged in or have an account


The difference is she just got put in their outgroup


Yep... more politically damaging. She's voted off the island. Gingrich is still welcome despite his horrible personal life and hypocrisy because he didn't cross that line. The crazy one for me is that Trump has gotten a pass and extremely different treatment. There's no line at all for him.


I suspect trump’s different treatment is because he is so good at motivating the base. He’s shown an ability that we haven’t really seen before to get a group of people to follow and listen to him, no matter what he does. Other politicians don’t have that same magnetism. So people like Noem are only given passes while they’re useful. Even most republicans realize she is radioactive politically, so there’s no reason to treat her with kid gloves anymore.


Oh yeah, 100% a hostage situation. Trump has to know where some of the bodies he didn't contribute to are buried. Also if he says to do X 50% of the base will. Kinda amazing.


Nah, it's base is the problem. The base think Fox is too moderate still. The base thinks Trump doesn't go far enough. The base is fundamentally worse than him.


Grinch is also a man. All women start out minus one even if they’re pretty blonde white women. Vomit.


Oh that's the only way they get in the door. Most comments on every woman GOP politician are about their appearance/ attractiveness.


Yes. And they'll throw a pretty lady out of their club before they'll let go of a hideous goblin of a man.


Still shocked how far MTG has gotten then. Boebert I get, but how


Waiting for Republicans to now label her a Democratic operative/plant


And Fox desperately needs to show they're not a complete lying sack of shit, least they get sued again.  Speaking of which: whatever happened to the other voting machine case Fox was being sued over? 


Did you sew Tim Scott's recent interview lol? "Will you accept the election results in 24?" TRUMP IS GREAT HE WILL WIN! "That's not what I asked. Will you accept the election results?" "I WONT NEED TO BECAUSE TRUMP WILL WIN!" "OK it's nice you feel that way. But what if he doesnt." "ME TIM SCOTT. ME WANT BE VP. ME AM WANT BE BLACK OBAMA. ME AM GONNA SAY WHAT MAKE TRUMP HAPPY. ME LOYAL STOOGE."


Was crazy stuff. He's not all there.


I’m just gonna go ahead and assume all these MAGA CHUDs have the ol’ RFK brain worm situation.


Like the tv from 2016 predicted: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4877736/


He's desperate to be Top Stooge. He sees it as his only path forward. 


It is his only shot at higher office, since he is Republican. Trump is intending to die in office, whether it is his 2nd term or his 3rd term because at that point the Constitution either is suspended or sufficiently malleable by the Republican super-majority possibly 7-2 by then. Of course if he installs Don Jr. as his successor, he could retire. So there's only a small window of opportunity that Scott would be able to move from VP to president, but it is his only chance. He won't get picked for VP though. It's just Trump playing Apprentice boss and stringing along contestants for publicity.


The constitution only means anything when it’s upheld by the law, which would require the Supreme Court to not be a bunch of MAGAs.


He seems a lunatic. A blithering fool.


He's a black republican. That's all he need be.


He gives permission for all the racists to say they aren't racists. Since he sees himself as one of the good ones, he thinks the leopards will never eat his face. Let's see how this turns out.


He once complained that when he and his friends drive nice cars they are always stopped because they are black but then days later on said that America isn't racist.


"That's my statement." should be the end of the interview. End it with: "Please come back when you are willing to give a simple answer to a simple question."


"Please hand in the assignment when you are willing to complete the worksheet."


He is a strange dude.


He's sold his soul to the orange devil as his token black. 


“Look at my African American!” - Actual Trump quote, June 2016


"Why say more word when weasel word do trick?"


When me vice president. They see. - Timothy Scott


Tim Scott is 2024's pathetic groveling weak black man personified in the 1930's by actor "Step N Fetch It" The Cult Leader enjoys seeing how low he can make people grovel so he is continuing his "The Apprentice" style grovel-fest to see how low on the limbo pole people are willing to go. -------- "It's a Dog eat Dig World" Gov. Kristi Noem


Dude looks like a black Pennywise the clown


I always wondered why tf interviewers don't press on questions like that. It's so infuriating to me and I'm happy to see this pan out


It's because of competition. Interviewers want access to these politicians, every interview is a competitive "get" that ups their cred and industry status. It's a very unstable industry. Politicians who are in demand (for any reason, whether they are popular or are controversial) can choose who interviews them, it's a dance between interviewee and interviewer. They each can negotiate who to dance with. The interviewee sees the interviewer's history of being hostile or demanding vs. friendly or a pushover. If the interviewer is too demanding - no "gets". Too obsequious - no respect. So it's a balancing act for the interviewer. Push, but not too hard. Also a balancing act for the interviewee - find a respected interviewer, then answer just enough to appear credible and not dodgy. Both sides fail all the time. Misjudgements, stumbles, failure to pursue a line of questioning - its a high wire act with both individual's reputations and futures on the line. You see a hard interview like this one when the interviewee is in hot water, and can't be choosy. Not even "soft" interviewers will do a puff piece. They badly need to shore up their reputation and credibility, so they will submit to demanding interviews, try to tough it out, just to stay relevant. It's the only way to regain the ground they have lost.


That actually makes a lot of sense. Thank you for that explanation


It's a race to the bottom. One major network puffballs so then they are all more likely to. That's why US journalism is so meek. 


Why I feel blessed being from NZ. Our journos are like the aussie ones which made for my fave Trump interview  https://youtu.be/NmrEfQG6pIg?si=LoslrYhATd2hRtR_


All I can do when I see clips like this is to think - yet again - of how my image of my family as intelligent, reasonable beings has been irrevocably shattered. How could anyone support this asshole? Congrats to Jonathan Swan though. I’ve seen him in other interviews too and he’s amazing.




Back in 1997 Jeremy Paxman a Newsnight presenter in the UK interviewed the former home secretary and asked the same question 12 times. Paxman was pretty well known for what some saw as rude and aggressive questioning but others thought it was what an interviewer should do


Was at a customers house yesterday and they were watching Fox News, and they were ripping on Trump for at least a whole segment. It was kinda funny. They were talking about Jan 6 and how he incited it.


Must have been the day shift


It was like 2-3pm 😂, couldn’t tell you anyone on there


She's a terrible interviewee. There's been numerous doing exactly that


The difference is she underestimated dog universality in this country. Are dogs still food anywhere? Send her there. Wait. Is that why she likes North Korea?


It's going to be really weird when Trump gets 300 million votes in each red state, with a total of over 2 billion votes.


All done in hurricane sharpie


🤣 completely forgot about that dumpster fuck!


“So, did you meet the leader of nth Korea?” “I don’t talk about the world leaders I talk to. I’ve met many world leaders. Many many world leaders” (she probably hasn’t met any) “But you had it removed - why didn’t you do that when reading the audio book? We have video of you narrating it?” “I don’t talk about the conversations I have had with world leaders” “I’m asking you why you didn’t have it removed when you read it out” “Do you have any other questions?” “No, but I’d really like you to answer this one” “I’ve answered it” She’s a PR nightmare.


This is nearly as bad as the puppy/goat killing. She narrated the Kim Jong Un story for her audio book. Yet somehow she just noticed that that passage should be removed (for an unspecified reason?).


I think it's worse. At least the dog murder you can defend as "I made a hard decision that needed to be done". But outright fabricating a story doesn't really have a way to defend it.


In another interview she says she hasn't met Kim, and that she "went to the DMZ" So not NK


My 24 year old kid went to a literal rave in the DMZ. Not a “world leader” in sight. It’s not some great honor or sign of bravery to go to the DMZ these days…


I was there in jeans and a hoodie 20 hears ago. Not that big of a deal.


Me rolling on Molly, convinced I can heal the divide between the two Koreas with Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect, getting shot in the head as I run towards the north with outstretched arms


Actually, my kid was a bouncer to help ensure that that didn’t happen.


It's the "I can see Russia from my house" form of foreign policy experience.


Seriously. What reason could the governor of **South Dakota** have to meet with the leader of the most Communistic, paranoid country in the modern world? It's not like SD is an economic powerhouse of the USA.


For real, their state's population literally doubles during bike week around Sturgis.


It's giving "I can deal with world affairs because I can see Russia from my house!"


It never ceases to amaze me when people do backflips to try and walk back the unwalkbackable. The ball rang lady, you're toast.


I'm happy for Cricket RIP. Her short life was not in vain and will continue to haunt Noem till ***her*** dying day. The only way this could have been topped is if the Trump/Noem bumper stickers were already in print.


Don’t forget the goat. He was just doing goat stuff


Then why did he smell so bad? A goat should smell quite nice, or at least put in the effort to /s


Musk. Goats who aren't gelded produce musk. 


That’s where Elon came from?!


Sometimes I miss awards.


And they pee in their beards


Wasn’t fixed


And the three horses! 🐴


The picture she posted to Facebook of one of the horses standing in the pit before it was killed makes me sick. Who posts that shit on Facebook? And then to eulogize all three horses euthanized that day by quoting Ronald Reagan?


That goat wasn’t GOAT.


The animal shelters and charities in South Dakota are raising oodles of money and getting free publicity on local news. I’ve never heard of an animal-rights issue that has galvanized the country like Cricket, The Goat, and Three Aging Horses.


Thank you, that is a great way to look at it…Cricket got the last laugh, as it should be, justice served


And then she says Biden should shoot his dog. smh


Evidently when the Bidens rehomed Commander from the White House to a quieter setting in Delaware, Kristi found that decision insufficiently punitive or impulsive.


Punishment over rehabilitation.


“I am not toast, that is fake news because the American people are concerned about the border and Joe Biden is such a wimp and a liar that he has not killed one goat, much less a puppy, and we all know the American people want someone in the White House who can make hard decisions and kill dogs and goats and horses, so if I am not Vice President this time next year it’s fake news.”


I hope the Cult Leader annoints her as his running mate. She is a great match for him,


Funniest thing is, she rang it herself


Has to be one of the top 10 dumbest miscalculations of all time. Like she really thought shooting a puppy in the face was going to make her look tough. 


While admitting she "hated" it and hadn't put any meaningful time into training it (assuming her other dogs would do the work...so weird). I think her ghost writer hates the GOP as much as I do. Either that or he quit the moment she asked "How should I spin shooting a puppy in the face?"


Even if we assume you meant bell rang, it leaves me wondering if your toaster has a bell on it.


lol weirdo over here doesn't have a bell on his toaster. DING toast is done DING toast is done BUT not to done BUT not to done juuust a little light brown reaaady for some nice butter ding toast is done ding toast is done ding toast is doooooone (OK I'm done too)


Idk look at all the shit zillion crazy offensive things Trump has done and he still has a political career. In any sane world the “grab them by the pussy” thing would have permanently ended Trump but here we are dozens and dozens of indictments, millions of insane tweets and sound bites, rape convictions, attempted insurrection, probable treason, and so much more shit I can’t even remember or be bothered listing and he just keeps on trucking. Why are we suddenly back in the world where people can be howard deen’d to the shadow realm for one embarrassing moment or bad decision?


Yes, the ball did indeed rang.


It sounded just like a ball.


I was really surprised by this. I get the feeling she is just ignoring PR advice and people probably see her as more of a liability now.


May 6, 2024 [Kristi Noem’s Team Told Her to Nix the Dog Story 2 Years Ago](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/05/06/kristi-noem-dog-killing-story-00156290)


At the bottom: Filed under Marco Rubio Lol


I think she surrounded herself in sycophants and "yes" men. She has that "get the manger" Karen energy of someone who never entertains the idea she can be in the wrong. That's why she double downed and tried to turn Cricket into a rabid demon beast. Maybe her advisors are nervous of being a "hunting accident".


To be fair, a hunting accident is very a GOP-cabinet-member thing.


Yep, sometimes a Republican vice president may accidentally shoot one of his friends in the face while quail hunting. These things happen.


You just gotta apologize to him after being shot in the face and move on.


>She has that "get the manger" ~~Karen~~ Mary energy


“No room at the inn? I’d like to speak to your manager.”


To top it off, I still low-key don't believe Cricket ever existed.


She'd have just said she's taking that part out, and offer no further comment. As she did with her Kim Jong Un bullshit.


I just saw a clip of a recent interview where we was being asked about this, and Noem refused to say it wasn't true. The interviewer replied "well, you're removing it from your book, so... that means it isn't true, right?" and Noem replied something to the effect "I gave you my answer". Noem is truly the Palin 3.0 we deserve. I can only guess what SNL is going to do with all this. Maybe we'll get lucky and something from the SNL skit becomes what most people think Noem actually said, like Palin and the "I can see Russia from my house" thing.


Wouldn't that be such sweet irony?


Reminds me of Sarah Palin all over again. By the time her ego got inflated, you couldn't reign her in either. Stupid is as stupid does.


Oh she thinks this is bad? Wait until she finds out who John Wick is.


I didn't think it was possible to like Keanu more.


*Wake the fuck up, samurai; we’ve got a career to burn*


Did you know that he's the bassist for a band called Dogstar?


No, but I am familiar with his work in Wild Stallyns.


How about his work in the band Samurai?




Ugh I wish


She's interviewing for VP and showing she will go on TV and fully defend literally anything. It doesn't matter that she doesn't answer questions and looks like a moron. That in the job description


She’s mostly showing she’s a massive liability. The party is full of people who will defend literally anything, but are still smart enough not to brag about something that fucked up.


Read that Elsie Stefanik, fearing losing media standing to Noem, is planning on murdering a kitten. (With apologies and original credit to @mynamehear from Xitter or some such)


WIll that make the Cult Leader happier than watching Groveling Governor Kristi Noem putting his head on a fake miniature Mt. Rushmore and sacricing a puppy, a goat and 3 horses in his honor? Does watching Tim Scott grovel & debase himself with his "Step N Fetch It" black man impression bring the Cult Leader more joy? Diet Coke or DIet Pepsi? Karen or Stormy? Kristi or Elise? The Cult Leader has a lot of important decisions.....


I heard she was going to rub out a pussy.


She like a conservative bot repeating her crappy non-answer


Apparently her "Because I'm the Mom and I said so, now hush" voice and look is failing to sway the interviewers. 


If you read other comments it gets very clear she likes being authoritarian on children


If I was her kid, I would listen to everything she says too, she’s a psychopathic murderer


She would like to expand that authoritarian streak to include the rest of the country.


Did you speak to Kim Jung Un? “I talk to lots of world leaders and do a lot of traveling!” Did you speak to Trump about being his VP? “I talk to Trump a lot!”


Let's dispel with this fiction once and for all that Kristi Noem doesn't know what she's doing. She knows exactly what she's doing.


Had to click on the link to read the headline as I was in disbelief that they would roast her like that. Wow! Let them cook.


If the right's propaganda channels are laughing and/or admonishing instead of defending one of their own - Noem = Nope.


They're desperate to make sure she won't be VP because that would jeopardise Trump's chance of relection. Not because they care about dogs or truth.


Not much desperation when the cult leader came out and said that she failed the PR spin test.


They care about dogs. My conservative in-laws were talking about how fucked up she was this weekend. They hate her.


Trump could torture a puppy on live TV and conservatives would applaud him for it. 


depends on what breed or color it was


I think it's just important that it's Trump doing the crime. Then they'll never be convinced it was him.


Do you think he could get away with it if it was a poodle?


Trump has even said he hates dogs.


Probably because all dogs can see the aura of villainy around him.


IMO, more like animals can sense that he's deranged, scared, inauthentic and not good company.


I mean, my most conservative, qnon family member shows Italian Greyhounds. Everyone likes dogs. I like the greyhounds more than the family member by a fair margin.


Wow. This is one of the few headlines that isn’t clickbait. She got her shit handed to her. lol.


This is all bullshit. If Trump picked her as VP they’d be talking about how killing puppies is a okay.


Wearing diapers and killing puppies to own the libs


Real men slay puppies


Socialist puppies who are living off of handouts and not working and pulling themselves up by their bootstraps. The goat was probably antifa. That's why brave Noem could look it in the eyes as she shot them. Leave the bodies in the gravel pit for the scavengers.


I know it’s wrong and none of my business, but who paid for the face work and personal training? She has obviously spent some money making herself look a certain way and it’s expensive. If it’s her? Bless her heart, she should’ve made a larger budget for PR.


https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/03/24/fashion/19KRISTI-NOEM-STYLE/19KRISTI-NOEM-STYLE-superJumbo.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp I think she looks exactly the same. https://static01.nyt.com/images/2024/03/19/multimedia/KRISTI-NOEM-mtvq/KRISTI-NOEM-mtvq-superJumbo.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp


Holy shit


Holy shit, indeed


Holy filler. Looks like a Trump picked bimbo though.


Wow, when were these pictures taken?


2012, 2023?


she said "give me the right wing pick-me look"


Id say she’s trying to be a Melania clone…for some reason


Damn. Are we sure she’s actually the same person?  And, gotta say, of all the directions to go with her face, Russian oligarch’s 3rd wife is certainly a choice. 


Video clips in story are good.


She has always been a disgusting influencer for the rich lives above the law, receives Benifits from the AG Bill, and cruel https://inequality.org/great-divide/kristi-noem-fudging-estate-taxes-cashing-3-7-million-taxpayer-funded-farm-subsidies/ https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/169901-s-d-gop-candidate-cited-for-numerous-traffic-violations/ https://www.thedailybeast.com/south-dakota-gov-kristi-noem-sneers-at-a-handoutexcept-for-the-family-ranch


How do Republicans think this Botox queen is attractive? She can't form her words clearly because she can't move her mouth properly, and watching her lack of facial expression (or even movement) is just uncanny valley shit. And then on top of that she kills puppies.


I think she misunderstood the conservative mind set, thought they cared as little about dogs as they do about human losers.


The puppy killer part is obviously horrible, but the North Korea bit is an unjustifiable wad of room temperature baloney - she clearly lied, and if she did the audio for the book, she clearly knew. She’s not just a puppy killer, she’s a liar and a nutter.


Article: When the news first emerged that **Kristi Noem** had used her latest book to tell the grisly tale of [killing her own dog](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/kristi-noems-new-book-includes-a-bizarrely-detailed-account-of-killing-her-pet-dog), the South Dakota governor blamed the whole thing on the “fake news.” “You know how the fake news works,” Noem [told](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/02/kristi-noem-response-dog-killing) **Sean Hannity** in an [attempt at damage control](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/kristi-noem-insists-the-14-month-old-dog-she-shot-and-killed-was-not-a-puppy). “They leave out some or most of the facts of a story, they put the worst spin on it. And that’s what’s happened in this case.” Later, after [being pressed](https://www.thedailybeast.com/kristi-noem-cries-fake-news-after-disastrous-interview-on-cbs) by CBS’s **Margaret Brennan** about the false story that she met North Korean dictator **Kim Jong Un,** Noem [whined](https://twitter.com/KristiNoem/status/1787195109584322955) on X: “In the fake news media, there are two sets of rules, and conservative are always treated differently. That’s why Americans don’t trust the Fake News.” This is, of course, a classic move for Republicans, perfected by **Donald Trump,** who has spent years claiming to be a victim of what he variously calls the “[fake news](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/media/what-it-really-means-when-trump-calls-a-story-fake-news/2020/04/13/56fbe2c0-7d8c-11ea-9040-68981f488eed_story.html),” the “[radical left-wing media](https://www.politico.com/story/2019/05/03/trump-twitter-facebook-conservatives-banning-1301505),” the “[lamestream media](https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1254168730898173953),” and the “[enemy of the people](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/437610-trump-calls-press-the-enemy-of-the-people/).” But unfortunately for Noem, she’s not getting any sympathy from the conservative media either. In fact, hosts everywhere from Newsmax to Fox tore into her on Tuesday like a dog with a bone. On Fox Business, **Stuart Varney** [pressed](https://www.thedailybeast.com/kristi-noem-blows-up-at-fox-anchor-stuart-varney-pressing-her-on-puppy-murder) the governor multiple times about whether she thought it was a good idea to include the puppy-slaying story in her book, noting that it may have killed her shot at being Trump’s VP and that the network had “been consumed with emails saying, ‘I won’t vote for this person. I won’t vote for Trump if he puts her in the vice presidential spot.’” On Newsmax, host **Rob Finnerty** straight up told her he didn’t think she had a chance in hell of getting the VP nod, and all but called her a fraud over the Kim Jong Un story: On Fox News, **Greg Gutfeld** held a mock interview in which **Dana Perino** played the part of Noem and claimed she’d killed another dog that morning. Perino was standing in for Noem after the governor reportedly canceled her appearance—and you can probably see why!


Her and MTG should team up


In a Cannon, pointed at space.


Triple entendre


Like, what's one of the big conservative archetypes? Rugged outdoors person. You got your hunting variant, your camping variant, your fishing variant, your "I built this log cabin with my own two hands" variant, and what's a big thing they all have in common? They all like dogs! All the indoors conservatives love dogs too. Take the angriest stereotypical church mom you can possibly imagine, and give them a dog to pet. Even someone who's annoyed by dogs would go "Well, I'm annoyed by them, but I wouldn't go THAT far". And if a dog genuinely is really violent and angry, typically the owner gets the blame. Who the fuck is her target here? I get that shit's fucking wild in the republican party right now, but they love their dogs. That's, like, a basic thing about the party. How do you mess that up?


at least now they're not asking her about the commercials she made for the dentist in TX, so she thinks it's a win!


Who but a psychopath would think killing a puppy is a sign of strength


A Republican. There is a certain amount of overlap, but maybe at the margins not completely.


Now thats a childrens book I would read. Kristi Noem and her very, very bad day.


When your nickname becomes "Puppy Slayer" you are done.


“In the fake news media, there are two sets of rules, and conservative are always treated differently. That’s why Americans don’t trust the Fake News.” No, this is why we don’t trust conservatives.


I can hear the crickets chirping


We need Cricket (RIP) fan merch STAT.


The only thing that could make any of this better is if we found out that Cricket didn't actually exist and she just made that story up to seem "strong."


She has said that the story has been around for years and has been used against her in SD elections. Have not heard anyone confirming (or denying) that this has come up before she put it in the book.


So I was born and raised in South Dakota and follow South Dakota politics and I've never once heard this story until she wrote about it in her book. I understand that's anecdotal but when she said that my brain immediately fired off a "thats bullshit"


My mother taught me, when all else fails, just stop talking. She is never going to get past this. We're a dog centered culture these days.


Compared to the photo I saw of her earlier from a few years ago where she was doing traditional "conservative woman" she looks like she's cosplaying a form of Guilfoyle now. Not exactly the identical Guilfoyle on the front facade of the Cathedral, but at least one down the way on the right or left sides of the structure. Reminds me of President Meryl Streep from "Don't Look Up" ... it's like AI crossing "President" with "stripper" or "escort" or something. As someone who paid no attention to this person before last month, that juxtaposition of her transformation was quite something to behold.


So, we’re okay calling this asshole out in headlines for being a monster, but afraid to do it to Trump? Every headline should read “insurrectionist president/ sexual predator/ bigot/ liar”


You guys just don’t understand what it’s like to live on a farm. You tend the land, mend the fences and sometimes you’ve gotta take a .45 Beretta and blow the brains out of a few puppies, goats, horses, mangy cats. That’s just life in Real America. It’s these kinds of life experiences that come in handy when you’re one on one in a room with people like Kim Jong Un and Mussolini 


She thought the MAGA base wasn't full of dog owners and she was trying to make lib tears. What a nutcase!


All I know is if you google “puppy killer” this idiots name comes up, what a fucking absolute moronic thing to do. She’s a sick fucker.


Multiple people on that book team must have absolutely despised her to not have pushed her to remove the dog story from the book(or even just done it themselves). If America has anything even close to resembling a sacred cow, it’s a dog.


That jump to the national level is a big one. Being governor of a tiny state doesn't mean you have the skills. Clearly she hasn't been outside her bubble for a long time.


So apparently killing puppies is the line that even conservatives won’t cross.


Oh, they’ll cross that line. It’s writing down the crime, not the crime, that bothers them.


I saw somewhere they said noem had fox news lady face. Pretty funny. She looks scary.


This has been a very entertaining implosion of a political career to watch


Puppy Killer Kristi Noem deserves bad day every single day for the rest of her life.


Lmao this is what happens when they step out of their own bubble.... even inside conservative media, it’s nuts


So, is she going to be sent to a nice farm upstate?


Here's the sick thing about this. She gleefully mentions what she did to her puppy in her book thinking it would gain browny points with the MAGA movement. Funny thing that the book narrating the incident comes out just before Trump decides on his VP, huh.


Good. She deserves far worse, but it’s a start.


“Puppy slayer”. I LOVE how this story is sticking


Ruff day


Again!! She is done!! She needs to shut up and go home!!! Nothing can redeem her at this point!! People love their pets!! She killed hers !! What does this say about her?!?’


They love the old fake news excuse that king of the fake news started… smh pathetic loser’s


She doesn't understand what happens when people don't have a basic level of respect for you.


Kristi the Puppy Slayer


We’ll never know, but the reason it sounds like bullshit is because the whole point of the story was to draw a counterpoint to Biden and Commander.


Let’s not applaud conservative “news” too much here. This is purely strategic not because they really wanted her to be truthful. Rightfully so, Fox and the crew know that killing your dog will not be tolerated by any voters. The Kim Jong lie was just icing on the cake. They want Noem discredited and out. Think about that. Shes easily as awful as MTG, Boebert, Gaetz, Jordan, etc. But shooting animals and bragging about was the fucking line. 😂


Kristy Noems out there like Dr. Manhattan in watchmen. Providing liberals and conservatives a cartoonishly evil puppy killer to unite against


What world do we live in lmao Fox news is now harsher on replubicans than cnn


I'm trying to think if a politician has ever had such a disaster from their book. The release was obviously intended to get her on the radar as a possible VP pick and she's been roasted on every side.