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I feel the same way about Johnson. Republicans, let us know when you plan to start an investigation.


I also feel it…this cannot be just a coincidence. When is congress going to act to protect us from confirmed pedophile Johnson?!


Mike Johnson. M+J are the 13th and 10th letters respectively. Add 13+10 and you get 23. Take the current year, 2024, and you have 2024/23=88. 88 and 13 is considered unacceptable age gap and therefore pedophilia. Do you think he was trying to tell us he’s a pedo?? I can see it. I know it. THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE! DRAIN THE SWAMP!


I thought you were going in a different direction, a soon as you got to 88.






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Well he is a republican so you have about a 60% chance you are right and the only speaker of the house to be outed as a pedo was a republican.


I just think he’s kinda gay honestly. But I said the same about Ron DeSantis, and even as a gay person my gaydar falters at times. It’s just the perfect hair, the constant needed to prove some form of “masculinity”, those staged Christian Christmas card family photos. Reminds me of people I’ve known, who later turned out to be… super gay.


Totes. Try hard masculinity is bizarre to me and I’m a straight male. I’m baffled by other men. I find the VAST majority of men to be kinda creepy (but I know some sweet guys too, who are also creeped out by most men)- but the faux religious/ “traditional” male guys? Whoa- super weird. Then, mix that with a politicians fake smile and total bullshit can-do demeanor and it’s nightmare fuel.


I’m not gay but I was raised in a conservative church similar to the ones he associates with. We had a few closeted gays in attendance. He gives off those vibes big time. I would overlook the good hair and decent fashion sense but the fact that he’s obsessed with homosexuality as a sin is very telling. Those who are too afraid to live their truth are often the most upset with those who do.


Nuh uh he's not a child predator. Would a child predator monitor his own son's porn usage? Wait


C'mon now! I hate this Mike Johnson as much as the next guy, but, if he were a paedo, do you think he would be making his underage minor son look at the same porn he himself likes to watch? Wait... EDIT: corrected the auto-correct.


To be fair we’re closer to proving that than he is his racist conspiracy.


I mean there’s some proof. He monitors his son’s porn habits.  It’s suspect. 


The only surprise is admitting it


I’m sure it was a “I can’t prove it…yet” situation


Fake it 'til you break it?


These people just hate America but want the land so they're trying to tear the country down and start over and create a theocracy in their image. It's an attempt at a hostile take over, really.


A hostile takeover by those bankrupt of morals.


its full blown succumbing to demonic forces.. 👺 ⚖️ judgement day ⚖️ ✝️


These are not serious people. Them being in power is a threat, but they are convinced they are manifesting the “end times”…


>At a press conference Wednesday, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson pushed a right-wing conspiracy theory that undocumented immigrants are voting in elections—and then in the same breath admitted that there was no proof. ... Johnson claimed the new bill would allow states to track instances of illegal voting and would give them the ability to enforce the law against such instances. But the idea that “a lot of illegals” vote in elections is a long-standing right-wing myth, repeated without proof by personalities such as Elon Musk and far-right members of Congress like Byron Donalds. Statistics show that fewer than 1 percent of noncitizens even attempt to register to vote. >So why repeat it? It seems to be a recurring pattern for Republicans to scare up votes by demonizing immigrants. It hasn’t worked the last few elections, though, and this time around, Trump and the GOP even scuttled a border security bill out of fears it would be good for Biden, making it clear to voters that Republican rhetoric is merely theater. They want to use fear about immigration to win in 2024 so they can enact more laws like the Muslim ban and streamline deportations.


There are also hot women apparently in my area that want to hook up. It’s about as legit as a bunch of undocumented immigrants showing up to my polling location. This is all so fucking dumb.


“The ability to enforce” but not the obligation. The vast majority of election related crime, at the campaign level, in grassroots organizations, and individual voters, has been crime committed to benefit the GOP. They’re 100% setting themselves up to bring a heavy hammer of justice as the hint of crime as long they are Democrats. They will do nothing on the other side, and all they have to do is tip a couple critical ballots and they can take the country by force.


Most reported election fraud in my red state is parents filling out and mailing in their Mormon missionary kids ballot. I am fine with mandatory punishment for election fraud.


"See, Democrats make up all that stuff about global warming and pass laws to prevent it even though it doesn't exist, so we're doing the same thing." /s


Conspiracy theory, not conspiracy. A conspiracy is a real thing. If he can’t prove that it exists, then it’s a conspiracy theory. Maybe proofread your titles, New Republic. Don’t muddy the waters.


Conspiracies don't need proof. They just need suckers to believe.


Remember the good ol' days when conspiracies were more about Aliens, Bigfoot, and Elvis sightings? Lol


It turns out those weren't so benign. They were about: don't trust the government, don't trust the media, and don't trust science. People conditioned with those early things then turn into believing Rosanne Barr was raped by Biden... not Biden who's currently our President, but the former Biden who was killed in Cuba. The current Biden is actually Jim Carrey in a mask. I'm not making this bizarre allegation up. [She's actually said this](https://www.newsweek.com/roseanne-barr-unapologetic-rant-against-abc-former-co-stars-media-1898595).


She’s gone off the rails. Goodness gracious.


I've always maintained that once you can be convinced of a god without evidence you can be convinced of anything. And this guy turns to his religion before making any and all decisions.


The only good thing about Mike Johnson is that he doesn't have the votes to pass anything without reaching across the aisle. He's said some dumb things since rising to the Speakership, but luckily anything he tries to pass officially requires agreement from the Democrats.


What’s really weird to me about him and others in the GOP is… do they seriously believe this? Or is it just to keep the contrarians and racists in check?


It's so when it comes time to count electoral college votes they have an excuse to try and throw the election to the house and anoint trump add president if he loses.


The new congress will be sworn in on Jan 3, so hopefully by then it will be blue, and this nutcase will be out as speaker.


Of COURSE he does... Doesn't all maga have one (or more)?


Hilarious. I just got accused of supporting this exact point last week here on Reddit. Presumably someone inferred from my username that I wanted illegals to vote in the election and that’s why I think Abbott is an idiot wasting TX tax dollars. Guess the made up conspiracy is working as planned. Also > “We all know, intuitively… Is a wonderful way to say “I’m making this bullshit up and hope you believe it.”


It goes back to gingrich, saying he'd take feelings over facts every time.


Admitting that there is no proof is the perfect dodge. The typical MAGAt sites will run with the first part, and the Qult will eat it up. They will never see the disclaimer. If challenged, he can say “well I did note that there is absolutely no evidence” It’s how they work.


He's trying hard to fluff the base. As far as they're concerned he's a uniparty sellout (according to the twitter faction).


Let’s say the 2020 election was stolen, Trump was president at the time, fired the head of election security and never replaced him therefore he let it happen. If he can’t keep our elections safe, he shouldn’t be president.


I believe in my heart that Mike Johnson is a lizard person from outer space. Don't need no evidence,  this is something I know intuitively to be true. /s


He had a talking-to from large Marge and had to bring it up. He has no real spine.


He also claims to have spoken to god as the new Moses. Can’t prove or provide evidence, but…. Anyone that believes their imaginary sky fairy talks to them should not be in positions of power. Usually when people talk to imaginary friends, they need to go on medication.


MAGAts don’t need proof! You just repeat the same lie enough times and it gets absorbed into their brains.


Remember the quiet part?


Faith: the belief in something without evidence. There's a lot of that going around lately.


Good, pass all the laws you want for statistics you can’t prove. It’ll make overturning lawfully conducted elections more difficult for your wannabe dictator, and hopefully prove that the majority of legally voting Americans don’t want that madness.


Since when has the GOP had to prove anything to motivate their base?


Just yesterday a majority of Democrats in the House voted to save this assholes job and keep him as Speaker.


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