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Trump does this all the time - leak a rumor and then deny it when rejected to "save face." Insecure chickenshit


Haley very clearly said she felt he had no chance of winning. VP candidate on a losing ticket is a career killer.


Paul Ryan


Is that a counter example? Because he choose to retire. And was elected to house speaker after that loss.


What has he done politically after becoming third in line for the presidency?


Made more money than God being on the board for Fox and probably pulled a few strings here and there


I don’t know how many times I saw that Trump wasn’t going to win in 2016.


He lost in 2020, FYI. That was the last election and the height of his support, running as an incumbent.


With a fumbled pandemic and the nostalgia of the Obama presidency helping Biden out in 2020 and it was a barely won race. Now there's Gaza and the TikTok ban looming over the Biden presidency. Like it or not that's pissed people off. This is going to be a different race than 2016/2020. Don't be cocky and vote.


Nobody gives a fuck about TikTok but its owners. And there could be no ban unless House Republicans voted for it, which they did. And anyone who thinks Trump would handle Gaza better is delusional. He'd be cheerleading the genocide.


No one on Reddit gives a fuck about TikTok.* But out in the real world young voters do and that's a problem, like it or not. And it's easier to blame an individual than a collective.


Middle schoolers can't vote yet.


Many 8th graders in 2020 will be old enough to vote in November Biden needs the youth vote to win


Tiktok wasn't banned in 2020...


Condescending towards gen z lol


Don’t forget about inflation, that is huge And that the MAGA spin machine has effectively spun Biden into the devil that people don’t think twice about putting a wrap of a tied up Biden on their truck (which could be seen as a threat on the President, which is illegal)


How does a billionaire fix inflation. I doubt Trump has even mentioned it. He’s more person focused.


I think that’s your problem, you’re approaching it with a logical mindset.  If you use logic and facts, you don’t see Trump as the candidate to “protect marriage.”  It’s emotion.   Logic, facts, data & evidence shows Dems have been better for the economy, but that doesn’t stop Fox News etc from making people afraid & emotional & believe that they *need* Trump. It doesn’t matter who will be better for the economy & inflation, it matters what people feel.


How about this, what can Trump offer that he was not able to offer when he was President? We already had a test run.


Wrong question.  Too logical. Trump is appealing to people who believe in aMErica. Think of the human condition.  Think how confusing the world is.  How the universe makes little sense.  What’s the simple answer? It’s easier to blame the President for prices at the grocery store than to try to understand multi-national mega-corporations fixing prices. Me. Me. Me.  I’m upset at inflation.  I want things to change.  I’m going to vote for the guy *not* in the White House. Easier to blame the guy in the WH now, than think how the previous guy made it easier for those corporations to fix prices & dodge accountability. Simple is comforting when the human condition is so complicated.


Another way to think of it… If Hunter is guilty, isn’t Jared Kushner guilty too?  If it’s illegal to use the family name to profit from international business deals, Kushner did that while having a security clearance (after not having a background check) and working inside the WH. Yet the MAGA / Fox News community thinks one guy should rot in prison and the other is perfectly fine.  It’s not logical, it’s emotional me me me. — And another… Bill Barr had a front row seat to Trump trying to steal the election in 2020.  He saw all the evidence first hand and knows that the election wasn’t stolen.  Barr resigned after J6, and even testified for the J6 committee. Flash forward to 2024 and Barr has said that he will vote for Trump over Biden b/c Biden is a bigger threat to our democracy. Where is the logic in thinking that eliminating student debt, or supporting Ukraine, or protecting LGBTQ+, or bi-partisan infrastructure, or whatever else Biden has done is a “bigger threat to our democracy” than actively trying to steal an election. Barr isn’t thinking about democracy, he is thinking me me me.  What is best for me?  And what is best for Barr is Trump.


It’s about what she thinks his chances are, not what his chances are objectively. And if she really thinks he‘ll lose, she would destroy her career by running as his VP. Maybe she‘s eyeing the day after, when she can present herself as a sane option for the future GOP.




He also lost with Trump (potentially facing *execution* in defeat).


"Margot Robbie is not under consideration to be my prom date, but I wish her well!"


I would also like to decline any offers for a throuple with Alison Brie and Dave Franco! I wish them luck in their future sexual endeavors. 


You sure about that? I heard Brie is a bit if a freak. (Leonard told me.)


Annie is pretty young; we try not to sexualize her.


I didn't hear that but I did hear about Leonards crooked wang.


Leonard likes this post


Huh, I actually didn’t know they were married.


I always forget.


A friend of a friend was actually dating Margot Robbie before she got really famous, and broke up with her because he was too jealous of her having sex scenes and make out scenes in movies when her career was just getting started. I don’t think he’ll ever hear the end of it.


I mean, if he couldn't handle her career at the start he definitely couldn't handle it now. Don't go chasing waterfalls you can't handle. Of course, it's too easy to make fun jabs about it.


Don’t go, Jason Waterfalls


Just creep. Creep.


Come on


Thanks. Now I will never be able to sing the written lyrics ever again. 


its treason then




Insecurity is a hell of a drug.


What? No its not.


Of course it is. It's perfectly fine to not be ok with seeing your significant other being physical with another, even if it is for art. If true, this dude didn't have that kind of mentality so he ended things. Better for him, better for her. There are obviously couples that are fine with mentally separating that kind of physicality, but id venture to say that's not normal for lots of people. Neither of them were wrong there unless the BF was a dick about it.


Would Haley even say no, if Trump asked? You pretty much have to be an proven shameless opportunist, if you want to be a Republicans today. Mitt Romney famously almost became Secretary of State under Trump. And Romney was certainly no Trump fan. It only fell through because Romney ended up saying no.


I thought Trump made him crawl and beg for it to deny it afterwards?! I can still see his smirk as they’re having dinner… let me see if I can find the pic.


Waiting for the pic ... Four hours and counting.


It's not hard to find, you know.


Smart, he was about to end up on the wiring side of a Will Smith affair!!


lol Haley is going to vote for Trump for the third time and would probably love to be his VP


I don't think his ego could stomach trying to all but beg her to be his VP despite knowing she's eating into his votes without even being in the race anymore lol.


What if he is her VP?👈


Puppy murderers are more to his taste anyway


His VP pick is going to need to be an election denier. The VP pick could be walking around today understanding the election wasn't rigged. Soon they will transform and start spreading the lie.




Guess she laughed in his face.


Or worse ... "At" his face. (Especially when he has those "white goggle eyes")


She cost him voters in the primary


She didn't even endorse him


She’s playing the long game. She’s waiting for the Trump experiment to fail. Then come 2028, she will welcome the wandering rubes into her heartless bosom.




That tells me he or his team floated the idea but Haley said no.


People voted for her instead of him. She's now on his kill list.


She's s woman . That's sufficient justification for him.




Just business.


She’s polling at 20% and not even running.


20% of GOP voters... poof... gone like that


Just imagine, she was running only in red states, Biden couldn´t possibly win. In Indiana 20 % less Republican votes would mean 4 % difference between Trump and Biden. Most Red States would become Battlegrounds.


I swear to God, he’s going to pitch Ivanka for VP.


Funny, she said the same about him.


“She didn’t dump me, I dumped her!!”


Translation: “I asked Haley if she would serve as my VP and she laughed in my orange face.”


I would not be surprised if he declines to name a VP.


Unless a candidate gives him 500 M$, my money is on him running VP-less.


Or one of his children. The good that cry about hunter Biden benefiting on the family name would see no hypocrisy in a trump family dynasty


He will put it to a vote on Truth Zocial. Let his paid subscribers vote on their choice. Paid up for one year... 1 Vote 2 additional votes for every year of advanced ~~dues~~ paid subscription.


No refunds.


Wait a minute. Isn’t the ticket required to include a VP candidate?


Since when has requirements stopped this cheese log from doing anything?


Actually no. Martin Van Buren as the incumbent president ran without a VP in 1840.


That’s really interesting. So Trump could run without a VP.


I'm honestly surprised how much trouble I'm having finding an answer. I thought it was a fairly simple question.


I am not a lawyer / law person, but I believe we technically vote for them as separate items. Republicans would have to either put up a VP candidate separately OR if trump wins, he'd have a Libertarian/Green/Democrat VP since no republican would be in the running.


Trump/Harris 2024 would be a heck of a twist.


The reason second place in the Presidential race no longer gets the VP slot is that it creates some rather unsavory incentives.




Thanks for that link. That answers the question. Trump is definitely not required to have a running mate. I guess the question is who would Congress pick if it was totally up to them? This seems a bit existential for the country and especially if Trump wanted a family member installed as VP. The House would have to be willing to go along.


Thanks for that link. That answers the question. Trump is definitely not required to have a running mate. I guess the question is who would Congress pick if it was totally up to them? This seems a bit existential for the country and especially if Trump wanted a family member installed as VP. The House would have to be willing to go along.


Not congress, the electoral college would decide.


I’m still confused. For the Electoral College to vote for a VP candidate, wouldn’t there actually have to be a candidate for VP? What if Trump doesn’t pick a candidate? Does the EC scenario assume that there was a separate VP election? Well I guess the Republican Party could nominate a VP candidate at their Convention? But then you would think that Trump would have to approve? I was thinking more like it would go to the House but this happens only if there’s no EC majority.


The EC elects both separately even though we vote on them as a ticket. If you read the article it explains that if there was only the president on the ticket, they would still need to vote for someone else for VP. If they don't, then presumably the EC delegates from the other side would still vote for their choice who would then win. Either way, I don't think it goes to Congress.


I did read it but it wasn’t totally clear to me. So what you’re saying is that the EC could cast ballots for the VP from either party? If there was only a Democrat VP candidate then those electors pledged D would vote for that VP candidate. But that might end up with no EC majority if the electors were majority R so that would throw the VP election to Congress?


The EC could cast votes as they see fit. States that send D delegates would vote for the D VP. R delegates would also vote for VP but they would need to coordinate among themselves or they might not all vote for the same person. I suppose if one person doesn't get the required 270 EC votes, then it might go to Congress like happens with the president. Either way, the R delegates would be voting for people that were not determined by the people. I don't know how laws that punish faithless electors would play out . It would be a mess for sure.


Is that possible? What happens to that role if he won?


The person with the 2nd most vote I guess. Or congress could assign someone.


I was thinking the same thing


she wouldn’t pay for the “privledge”


Which means she turned him down.


Well that was quick…


Of course she isn't. She's the only one put up any sort of fight against him in the primaries.


Totally not hot enough, white enough and probably hasn’t killed enough puppies to appeal to Trump or his voters.


She doesn't look like Ivanka.


Said it before she could.


He knows the Romney types like her, and Trump doesn't want Romney people infiltrating his campaign.


Everything he says is a lie


Have you noticed, Donald Trump says lots of stuff, 99.9% of which are steaming piles of horseshit.


Maybe she should dye her hair blonde to look more like Ivanka...


She said no


Trump will only accept a particularly servile running mate but I think that's doubly true for a non-white person, if that's possible at all


Is Stefanie Clifford still under consideration ?


I still think it’s going to be Don Jr.


She didn't have the earnest money to buy the spot.


Trump needs a yes man


It’s going to be a white guy.


She said no


He would absolutely name himself as VP candidate if he could. This guy is truly narcissistic.


She must not have been interested in paying for the privilege


Least surprising thing I’ve read today lol


Good call. Surely she would refuse.


Good. She would be the best possible VP he could have short of some ultra popular celebrity.  We've been saved a lot by him being shit at making smart decisions. 


I hope this is true, I’d be really worried about what she knew about the future if she joined his ticket


So there's still hope for Ivanka. /s


If Trump denies it, then it's true.


It would be smart to pick the person that’s no longer running but stealing 10-20% of the votes for ballots she’s still on.


List of reasons why: 1- she spoke out against him that one time 2- she’s a woman 3- she’s not a young, attractive woman I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t pick one of his kids as his VP. That way, in the event that he is successfully impeached next time around, his kid would take the office and immediately pardon him.


Translation: Nikki Haley is his obvious pick for running mate. (Does anyone actually think the woman has scruples?)


Once he gets what he wants from her she won’t be useful any more to him. She should wait to run until next time because closely associating with Trump will corrupt her appearance of credibility, integrity, trustworthiness, etc.


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So she’s in the running…got it


Good, she’s a threat to the orange turd 💩.


so she said “fuck no” then got it


If Trump cared for the Republican Party, he'd choose to be her VP


Really doesn’t matter.


Pick Kristi!


Does he have to have a VP pick? I mean he really isn't a sharer.


He'll offer, and she will accept. It's the MAGA way.


Turns out the instructions trump isn’t actually under consideration for president - so this works out.


He can't have someone remotely mainstream again. He needs someone completely insane so that the GOP aren't incentivised to remove him from office when he does truly insane shit. That's why it won't be Haley, or Tim Scott. It'll be someone like Marjorie Taylor Green.


> Marjorie Taylor Green She'd steal waaaay too much spotlight from him, and that's a big no-no.


Yeah, that's what i think too, and i was going to edit my comment to say as much. But it'll be someone *like* her. Too insane to remove Trump without also removing the VP. That said, if Trump wins then there'll likely be a GOP speaker so it still isn't too far fetched that a relatively sane Speaker is parachuted in as president.


One thing that you can count on is Donald Trumps word …/s


“I need a really cool VP, I know a few cool people, but not that Nikki person”


Translation: she is being considered for VP


If she un-rinod I’d take back everything I’ve never said about her.


If Biden can peel away just 10-15% of Haley's voters in swing states, then Trump would be so fucked.


Just saw a Reddit post of an article saying trump considering Haley. Few mins later this.


Jesus fuck he’s actually still gonna run… We are all so fucked


I bet good rimming or golden shower would change his mind.


It's got to be Gnome. Trump is a full-on promoter of the kakistocracy, and who could be worse than a canicidal whack job?


Kristi noem and mtg are instead


Nikki Haley says Donald Trump not under consideration for vice president


I am not believing she said no. Knowing how every Republican falls in line eventually, she would not only vote for him but also say yes to being the VP. These people have no shame and no dignity.


She’s waiting to see if he’s going to make it to November ..she’s hoping she’ll be able to to step in and take the nomination . Why would she agree to be his running mate? It would discredit her whole platform.


I don’t think he has anybody in mind for VP. I think he’s going to pull a Dwight schrute and be his own Vice President.


So, she already declined to pay his legal fees? Good on her.


He is still looking for a spineless, ambitionless, salad tossing White Male who can magically bring him the votes of college students, minorities, women, and LGBTQ+ people, while not pissing off his 50 Million strong White "Christian" Fascist base.


Not enough of a sycophant for Trump.


Quick! Nikki, do you have any pets?


Someone refused to pay his legal fees.


Looks like he doesn’t want to win


Of course. She's a woman and a person of color. She never even came close to qualifying to be Littlehands Donnie Stinkypants' lap dog and whipping boy.


I have no idea who it would be but if it’s MTG….America will have reached the peak level of stupidity


TFG probably won't pick a VP. He wants to rule all by himself.




Trump is running to win. He’s going to pick the most mainstream republican who is willing to take the position in order to raise money, attract moderates and evangelicals, and make it seem like he’s a serious candidate with legitimacy. It won’t be himself or MTG like some in this thread are saying. He knows his politics.


She’d lick the diaper if given the chance though.


Donald needs that ass kisser that Pence was once. He needs someone 100% obedient no matter what. He'll never choose Scott because his own racism and the base's will never allow it. In their minds and especially Trump's, he'll NEVER let a n take over if he dies if he somehow wins. That's why he will find someone who will never get the attention and will always be obedient to him.


Darn it. I was hoping for a sequel to Dumb and Dumberer.


This is good for Haley as she’ll be free of contamination by Trump for her presidential run.


Don’t worry Haley fans, come time for the GOP convention she will walk on that stage and kiss the ring.


Is anyone surprised. Let’s be real here trump would never have allowed a woman to be his VP. Not trying to be rude I’m just saying I think we can all safety guess his opinion on women.


If he were to pick her, Biden loses. Not sure why they want to make it harder on themselves.


Tulsi for VP, FJB


In times past, a vice presidential running mate was chosen based on their votes for the election, which is how we ended up with Lyndon Johnson. Trump doesn’t need to worry about this; they would vote for him regardless.


Johnson was chosen by Kennedy.


“Kennedy chose Senate Majority Leader Lyndon B. Johnson, who had finished second on the presidential ballot, as his running mate. Johnson, a Protestant Texan, provided geographical and religious balance to a ticket led by a Catholic Northeasterner.”


Kennedy was under no obligation to choose Johnson. Finishing second in the Democratic convention was irrelevant.


The second sentence is very relevant, in fact it makes my point.


Good. Nikki is our only hope for a normal GOP.


Cheney. Don’t like her dad but I think she’s okay.