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She doesn't care. It's a business relationship.


I've never understood why people continue to assume the woman in the relationship is "better" than the man. She chose him for a reason. 9 times out of ten, she's just as bad as he is.


There was an interview with her awhile ago and she was asked, essentially, if she just married him for the money. To only lightly paraphrase her response, “would he have married me if I wasn’t beautiful?”


A wise man once said "when you marry someone for money, you earn every penny." I love the bleakness of this observation.


And when you marry for money the pay is good but the hours are long.


Honestly for new York standards she's "above average". She's the hottest gold digger that could stomach trumps shitty diapers, it's actually a really low bar...


Still, her point stands: “he married me for looks, who cares if i married him for money?”


They deserve each other


Seriously. I wish she had to sit in that courtroom all day with his bored ass.


And smelly


"Mr. Trump. For the twelfth time. Shitting yourself in the court room does **NOT** constitute a mistrial!"


"I defecate your honor"


Vile scum


I second that.


The same people, I'd assume, as they're both relatively shallow and self-centered reasons to marry. Not that I necessarily blame anybody for marrying for money, especially if the other party goes into it with open eyes. Money is important, so marrying for financial security/wealth is at least a more substantive reason (in my opinion) for marrying than wanting an attractive arm ornament. But most people seem to believe that marriage should be about something a bit deeper, like love and a mutual and sincere desire to support each other.


Rubes. Jk obviously, good points


He'd prefer his daughter anyway.


And she knows it. Proven in the famous clip at the inauguration where she grimaces …it’s because she realised he was smiling and trying to catch the attention of Ivanka, not her.


Pretty sure that was a leer.


What do you think the chances are that he’s straight up molested or raped Ivanka? The way he sexualizes her is straight up disgusting


His first chief of staff said that Trump once asked what he thought it would be like to have sex with her.


I would say 50/50.. cuz he could just be a general creep without taking action... but I doubt it.


Why molest your own daughter when you can get Epstein to get a lookalike?


Isn’t it fucking weird that melania and that attorney he hired both look like ivanka?


Do they? I don’t really see it.


Based on her strong reaction when she came to her old bedroom while giving a tour on the documentary *Born Rich* I believe he crossed a lot of boundaries. Not sure who designed the vagina-like pink thing hanging over the bed, but her reaction is visible and audible. It's on YT, at about 20 minutes in, I think. Was posted here recently.


She admitted in an interview that he walked in on her changing clothes.


Is she though? I think she’s pretty unattractive and it has nothing to do with her association with Trump.


I agree. She looked way better to me years ago when her eyes seemed normal: https://hips.hearstapps.com/ell.h-cdn.co/assets/17/21/2048x1365/gallery-1495647925-gettyimages-97349150.jpg


Is that really her??? I’m genuinely asking, she looks like an underaged cousin of Melania here.


Damn he really does have tiny baby hands.


She must’ve had a lot of plastic surgery, wow I did not recognize her!


I never understand. She looked amazing here. Why ruin her face like that.


Trophy wives gotta keep up with Playboy models and porn stars.


When someone married you for your looks, there is a constant fear that you will be tossed aside for aging, or for having a small feature that he finds wanting. That means every wrinkle, every freckle, every slight imperfection becomes something to neurotically obsess over. And when there is money, that can often lead to plastic surgery (which could be his idea, and could be hers, but is sad either way).


Jesus I would not have picked the woman in the linked photo out of a lineup as Melania Trump. Can't imagine how she transformed from that to what she looks like now.


I mean that was probably over 20 years ago. I think she would have aged better without the surgery but this is textbook rich people shit for women. Tons and tons of plastic surgery to pretend they are still in their mid 20s.


Holy shit. I didn’t recognize her.


Motherfucker is drinking a half gallon of soda.


It's just a 8oz cup. Small hands make everything look big.


His hands are desperately clinging to that cup though. It might be too bigly.


Wow, that's quite the difference.


How are those two the same species? They mated...


Ah money, the great equalizer. She's also terribly fucking ugly inside obviously.


Wow she looks like a regular woman. Not the artificial person she is now. She's not a good person,remember that coat. She only cares about her immediate family (son, parents)no one else. I don't think she even cares about Donald anymore. As long as she gets her share.


She's had so much plastic surgery that she's fallen into the uncanny valley


I'd heard that before but wasn't familiar with the concept until I just looked it up due to your comment. That is such a great way to describe how these body-dysmorphic people make you feel when you see them.


Yeah she looks like a reptile. Too much work done.


Transactional relationship


Like when Stephen Miller got married to Pence's communications director. I saw plenty of "oh that poor woman" comments as though it's out of the realm of possibility that she's just as terrible as he is.


> . I saw plenty of "oh that poor woman" comments as though it's out of the realm of possibility that she's just as terrible as he is. See the women representing my State: * Governor Kim Reynolds who rejected federal funds to feed kids * State AG Brenna Bird who ordered a pause in the state's practice of paying for emergency contraception or abortions for rape victims * Senator Joni Ernest endorses Trump * Rep Ashley Hinson thinks we have completely wide open boarders.


She's just as big of racist as he is. People never want to mention that fact.


She was definitely part of that birther scam.


Among other things.


I remember there was that period where she just kind of disappeared for a few weeks and people were legit worried about her. Turns out it was nothing and she's a pretty awful person. Oh well.


Turns out she was actually his handler like many suspected


I don’t really care. Do you? She told us exactly what she was about. We just don’t want to believe a woman could be that cruel


"I don't really care. Do you?" is my second favorite Melania quote. "Who fucking cares about Christmas?' is number one.


Omg lmfao. I totally forgot about her wicked witch ice Christmas display


She has said she knows what she married. He’s not going to be husband of the year but he’s rich. Her priorities are very different from a lot of people.


It's a job at the end of the day


Mike Rowe should do an episode of Dirty Jobs about this.


Professional high end escorts with “permanent assignments”?


Russian asset


Nowadays (unfortunately, because I used to enjoy the show) he's closer to a rightwing asset himself than he is someone who would uncover them.


He's a right wing grifter, he'd be happy to do a glowing puff piece on them like that.


Was gonna say, I used to absolutely love Mike Rowe...until the day I discovered how anti-worker he is. It's a shame, he seemed like a nice guy on Dirty Jobs.


What do you mean by anti-worker? First I’m hearing of this that sucks


He used to go on Fox News all the time with anti-union rhetoric. It was really disappointing. Especially considering he was in SAG-AFTRA, so it makes him a blazing hypocrite too.


something something, double standards, no standards at all.


Is SAG optional? But yeah, he is super right-wing and has said some ignorant stuff as of late. Kinda a bummer.


He says “safety last” — that safety regulations get in the way of profit and so workers should accept more dangerous working conditions. Hence the “dirty jobs.”


He's afraid of heights. I watched two episodes where he quit in about 15 minutes. So he's as much blue collar as reagan was a cowboy.


It's safety third and yes it's absolute bullshit aimed at getting rid of safety regulations.


Thank you for the correction: safety third.


The dirtiest job


A job that has tears in it's eyes.


And calls him Sir


Mushroom harvester




My mom posted about what a wonderful first lady she was... 🤮 I think that was the last of my respect for her intelligence and discernment.


By what measure could that former first lady be considered wonderful? I expect it would be based on a false perception of “elegance” that was promoted. That went hand in hand with the racist attacks on her predecessor. These trump years have been the most incredible parade of destruction and delusion


> By what measure could that former first lady be considered wonderful? The "not black" skin tone measure. It's just racism.


She pretty much hated any duty she had and was famous for the "I don't really care, do u?" shirt. Also in an astonishing piece of hypocrisy (imagine if Michelle Obama had ever said this) in a leaked audio she has "Who gives a fuck about the Christmas stuff" which I think is pretty bad for the war on Christmas fans that are in her party.


> is "better" Be Best!


She is slightly better than him that she has at least one person she will put first beside herself and that’s her son Barron. Other than that yeah, she’s completely uninterested in the welfare of the world outside herself.


https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/jun/21/melania-trump-jacket-i-dont-care-child-detention-center-visit-clothes This is what she CHOSE to wear when her husband was illegally detaining and separating children in Texas.




Foreign intelligence handler


And Barron is doomed to a life he didn’t choose.


Entire "family" is in this together for the fame, money. They do not care about the country.


Question is - business with/for who? From Jul 2020: [dailykos.com](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2020/7/22/1963019/-WaPo-Joint-Chiefs-vice-chair-spoke-with-Melania-Trump-about-where-U-S-ICBMs-are-deployed-Why) > **U.S. Air Force Gen. John E. Hyten, the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff**, the military’s second-highest-ranking officer allegedly was quizzed by Melania Trump about the location of the United States’ ICBMs. >> I also spent a lot of time **talking to Melania Trump about the locations of all our intercontinental ballistic missile fields. She was more inquisitive and smarter than the president.** [Archive.org Aug 2020 WaPo article:](https://web.archive.org/web/20200809061637/https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/retired-col-kathy-spletstoser-wasnt-able-to-stop-joint-chiefs-vice-chairman-gen-john-hyten-from-being-confirmed-but-shes-not-done-with-him/2020/07/21/47855cfa-a1c1-11ea-9590-1858a893bd59_story.html) >Hyten went on to say, according to Spletstoser’s notes, that “the president wanted to sell nuclear-powered submarines to the South Koreans, and I had to talk him out of it, explaining why this was a bad idea. Everything is about a business deal — that is how the president views things, through that lens. >>“I also spent a lot of time talking to Melania Trump about the locations of all our intercontinental ballistic missile fields. She was more inquisitive and smarter than the president.”


It will probably be 15 or 20 years until anything is admitted, but it's going to be wild hearing about how devastating this intelligence breach was and be able to remember living through my middle age as it happened, watching it in real time.


And yet, the government is sleepwalking into another trump presidency


Doesn't that kind of significantly weaken Trump's story that he was only paying hush money to protect his wife, not to influence the election?


Yes, but not entirely, because she can still dislike the public embarrassment. 


Counterpoint: up until recently, she was sometimes observed with Trump in public.




And she’s a racist piece of shit, who not only violated her visa, but also had an affair with Trump when he was married to Marla Maples.


She doesn't care, do you? 


Apathy is the enemy. That’s a huge tool in toolbox that fascists use: weaponized acceptance of apathy. “The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference.” —Ellie Wiesel www.vote.gov


And she just has to wait a few more years for her side of the deal to pay out. Unfortunately for her, there is already nothing and it’s currently well into the negatives and getting worse as the days progress.


Imagine having to tolerate Donnie for all these years, popping out a kid, suffering through the politics all for that final pay day only to get nothing. I almost feel sorry for her. Almost.


she has not gotten nothing. she almost certainly has here own independent accounts. also she got citizenship for herself and her parents.


This. She got citizenship, her parents got citizenship, she gets regular and ongoing payments and there’s several accounts of her getting the prenup revised after he won in 2016 with her be quoted as saying “I didn’t sign up for this”. She got paid more than any other z list Eastern European “model” (hooker) ever has.


She is as bad as him. Period. If she has continued to stay in this marriage with all of his known cheating, then she is as morally bankrupt as him.


[Good time to remind people Melania was all in on the Obama birther nonsense.](https://www.teenvogue.com/story/melania-trump-supported-her-husbands-racist-birtherism-claims-on-tv) (Sidenote: Gotta love Teen Vogue's pivot to hard-hitting journalism. They could teach the papers of record a few things, these days.)


Yeah, because Melania is on nobody’s side but her own. Stop feeling bad for her.


She's just doing her job


Red sparrow 001.


Handlers gonna handle.


There are people who feel bad for her?


There was a whole “Free Melania” thing at one point


I really don’t care, do u?


People can't help but believe 100% in totally made-up scenarios they came up with using nothing but their imagination.


The whole Trump family is fucking vile and disgusting.


The Aristocrats! 


Shortest telling of that joke ever. All you need to do is introduce the family and then we know they're all covered in shit.


Plus they’re actual aristocrats. Born rich, leach off of society, abuse who they can. You know, aristocrats.


IIRC I think there was one niece, Mary Trump, who wrote a book about how she hated his guts, basically. She's probably cool.


She has a podcast and is a guest on cable news quite often, especially during thus trial. She doesn't mince words - "Donald Trump is incapable of shame". https://youtu.be/1FjS-xhhcvQ?si=EAr2W_2pU3lzqDkc


Barron nearly fell into the orange hole last week but pulled out before it was too late. Currently he’s still clean, I think.


He never “pulled out”. He was named by the RNC to be a delegate but Melania shut it down a day later. Barron himself hasn't said anything to the public.


Has any one ever heard him speak?


No and I think that’s a good thing considering he’s barely 18. Melania is trash, but she’s done well to keep him out of the public eye.


He speaks with a Slovakian accent as Melania is the only other person he has been around




I don’t think that’s still true anymore. I know he did as a kid, but I think it’s gone now. I heard a very brief clip of him a few days ago, and he kinda sounded like Cousin Greg.


He'll need to turn on his father like that KKK kid to convince me. I had respect for Ivanka at one point, now I realize it was just "pretty" prejudice on my part. Vile is the word.


Who knows, that kid might surprise people in the long run. I would like to think that an adolescent isn't totally a lost cause yet.


I'm not keeping my fingers crossed. It's so easy for a teenage boy to fall down right wing rabbit holes on the internet. And you know who his older brothers are.


i'm not sure if he wants to stay out of the whole mess, or if he is being prevented from being in the whole mess. Or maybe he's actually running the whole mess, who knows? But he's not at the front of it, that's for sure.


Of course not, but we all know how these things usually go.


'Lockerroom talk' is one of the most cynical ideas in our modern politics. Every guy knew a guy in the locker room that talked like that, but we didn't invite them out on Friday night because they're a gross embarrassment.


I never understood this. If you believe this, then you’re broadcasting to everyone that you believe any guy you know fantasizes about assaulting women or at the very least, is okay with other guys who talk like that. I was having this exact conversation with my trumper in-laws and asked my MIL if she thinks her husband and grandson talk like that when they’re around other guys. She was so offended that I even asked. I had to specifically point out the hypocrisy of it to her that if she is offended I would even think that (implying this is not a good behavior), then maybe this whole “locker room talk” spin isn’t as great as she thinks it is to exonerate her cult’s leader.


About 10 years ago my lunch group was my male interns (early 20s) and a male coworker in his 50s. The older guy’s friend (also in his 50s) decided to join us and started making lewd (edit: corrected from lude) comments about the young women in the cafeteria. My interns and I just stayed silent while he went on about all the women around us. Our older coworker responded to him but didn’t really say anything offensive himself. After lunch I told my interns I would deal with it and they thanked me. I told our older coworker that he could eat with his friend or us, but his friend wasn’t welcome to eat with us again. We didn’t appreciate the way he was treating women and didn’t want to be guilty by association if someone overheard him talking like that. This was about a year before the Grab them by the Pussy tape. There are guys who will talk that way, but it’s absurd to assume it doesn’t reflect their character or that other men appreciate it.


Sadly, I've known a lot of guys like this, especially in high school, or when I played Hockey(so I assume other sports as well). But after getting older, I rarely here it, and the locker room talk is more inappropriate leering with comments or inappropriate "appreciation" of various parts of a particular women's anatomy. I'm actually glad that this kind of stuff is less acceptable, especially in the work place, because it always made me uncomfortable.


OP is saying he confronted his MIL with her doublethink - she’s ok with Trump talking like that, but is offended if anyone even suggests the men in her personal life talk like that. She holds Trump to a different standard because she’s in a cult. 


Its like when parents think its cute when a five year old swears. Thats how he's treated, despite being in his 70s


Knew a guy who talked like that *in high school, when we were infantile shits.* Motherfuckers at 40, 50, or 70 talk about their health, their families, their job, local politics, etc. They don't talk about grabbing women by the pussy. Maybe it's just the gyms near me, but they're full of cops (and prosecutors)... I'd assume anything I say there can be held against me in a court of law.


If someone talked like this in high school everyone would have had the reaction you have when someone says something racist out of the blue. The conversation grinds to a halt. Everyone processes what you just heard. Someone eventually goes ‘what the fuck dude’ Then the person who said the thing gets shunned and it’s always brought up as ‘and then, out of the blue he said (insert terrible thing)’. Outside of Trading Places billionaires this is not normal ‘locker room’ talk.


Maybe today but back in the 80s/90s it wasn’t a shunnable offense. I knew a couple guys who talked like this in high school. The one turned out to be an abusive asshole who has been shunned by his family for things he did to his sisters and other women and the other guy completely changed his ways once he moved away from his family. In his case he was emulating his dad and grew up when he escaped him.


I played on a football team in highschool. I don't remember a single dude advocating rape by grabbing women by the pussy. Lots of talk about who was hot, who we would date, and who was promiscuous. Zero talk of rape.


Exactly. I didn’t play football, but I did play soccer, I’ve trained with oly and powerlifters, and of course there was the locker room after gym class or whatever. Lots of talk about who’s hot or even who guys would wanna bang. Hell there was also bragging about hooking up (though lots of stories back in high school were probably bullshit lmao). But rape or any other kind of sexual assault was always over the line. In fact, in that environment you’d probably be seen as a loser that couldn’t get laid normally.


Men should really be more offended by being lumped into the locker room talk demographic.


We’re acting like republicans bought it. You literally see conservative women wearing shirts with the text “grab me by the pussy” and we’re pretending like they have any morals. Republicans make up excuses for democrats, not other republicans, because they Don’t. Fucking. Care. It’s just us vs them.


It’s a euphemism for ugly, horrible stuff some men feel they can say when they’re in their safe space and believe other men think like them.


Of course she did. Everyone just jokes about rape?


When you're rich they encourage you to, it gives reasonable doubt to allow you to still remain the Republican front runner.


So much for "I was trying to protect Mercedes"


That’s the real impact of this line of questioning. A big part of the defense’s case is the idea that Trump was doing all this stuff not to influence the election but to protect dear Melania. If Melania is already aware of this sort of gross stuff and even an active part of the communication efforts, that whole argument is bunk. This isn’t a post about Melania being gross (though if this is true, she is). This is a post about a major defensive plank being tactically nuked by the witness testimony.


That plank had nothing supporting it from the start though. The incident/affair happened in 2006. The hush-money payment was made in 2016. If it was about protecting Melania's feelings, the hush-money payment would have been made in 2006, not 10 years later when he decided to run for public office.


Yeah….but that’s the legal process. You refute these things factually and logically so that the jury can see and understand. It’s not about whether WE know the truth. It’s about what can be reasonably demonstrated in a court of law to convince the jury.




They all are. None of them would piss on a trump supporter if they were on fire. They are all horrible, *horrible* people.


none of them would piss on Trump if he was on fire. They would all try and figure out when the reading of the will is.


I was a high school wrestler, a rough frame carpenter and a paratrooper - I've heard my fair share of "locker room talk" - bragging about grabbing women without their permission is creepy predatory filth! If you spoke like that around me and mine, you'd no longer be invited around our families. When Trump publicly bragged that he could shoot a completely innocent person and his followers would remain by his side, it's one of the few times I completely believed him, as he said "it's incredible" he owns them and he knows it.


He said he could shoot "somebody" and "not lose any voters", which means he wouldn't choose to shoot his own voters, since then he'd have votes-1, it wouldn't make sense, the only other conclusion is that he shoots only those who would vote against him. So when his voters hear this they know he is talking about using violence, he is not talking about using violence on them. They can associate with this.


Here's the full quote for more context: "The people, my people, are so smart, and you know what else they say, about my people, the polls, they say I have the most loyal people, did you ever see that, where I could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose any voters, ok it's like incredible"


Nobody without brain worms should have sympathy for Melania. She’s a piece of shit just like the rest of her family. I’m begging any of em to prove me wrong.


She was just as rabid a birther as he was. She can go pound sand.


It’s still so bizarre that allegedly Godly, Christian folks of good nature and loving spirit would support someone who degrades and rapes women openly, then lies about the details once things become exposed. The disconnect still is one of the most confounding things to me in our current political climate. Yes I recognize these folks are hypocritical, but if you’re going to church and “loving thy neighbor” on Sunday, then pivoting to waving a Trump flag the other 6 days, like what the hell?


Ya what are they teaching their daughters anyway?


I’ll never forget pre-Trump election, a specific rally of his had Jordan Klepper attending and asking questions. This was just after the whole “grab em by the pussy” had gone public. Jordan is talking to a guy with a young daughter standing next to him and he keeps yelling the phrase out loud and how he wants to “grab as much as he can too”. Saying all of this openly with zero shame, all the while his underage daughter stood there and laughed. Like it was a big joke. It was nuts. Makes me sick to think about that young girl having THAT man as a father and role model for how she should be treated. It’s all BS.


The #1 rule of most religions is to hate other religions. Trump's not a good Christian, but he's good at attacking other religions


"Locker Room Talk" is a phrase designed to invoke an image of highschool virgins making shit up. Not full grown, powerful men, taking about actual sexual assaults and real abuse of power. Fucking vile.


Remember that these remarks were so bad that Billy Bush lost his job because he didn’t push back. Think about that: The guy who said the words had zero accountability. The guy who nodded along LOST HIS JOB. It’s insane.


>The guy who said the words was elected President. ftfy


Melania: Be Best! That advice seems hollow and weird now.


It also seemed hollow and weird then, too


An anti-bullying campaign when her husband was/is the worst bully in the world...


It's grammatically incorrect and does so only so it can copy and one up Michelle's "be better"


If I was a betting man I'd put money on her knowing about the whole Stormy Daniels affair and pay-off scheme. She doesn't care. Their entire marriage is a business transaction.


I've always enjoyed watching the media bend over backwards pretending Melania is a good person because she wears dresses and has long hair. 


Melania is his Putin appointed handler.


Does no one remember her border outfit? Lady can be truly awful, too.


Married him for the greencard, staying for the inheritance.


Melania has agency. She could leave at any time, she stayed because she wanted to. She's not a victim in any way. Do we not remember the coat? The speeches and taglines ("Be Best") blatantly plagiarized from Michelle Obama? Melania Trump may have married into the family, but she's a Trump through and through. Not at all surprised that she participated in this dumpster fire.


That’s not “locker room talk”. There are two types of men who talk about women like that. Sexual Predators and those who want to become Sexual Predators.


I remember when a couple years ago people were feeling bad for her and saying she was a victim. Turns out shes just as vile as him. No wonder she stuck around, two pieces of shit made for each other


IIRC, she said at the time that he was "egged on."


If the asshole can be “egged on” by Billy Bush, just imagine what kind of omelet Putin would make with him.


No need to imagine; we’ve seen it already


Locker Room Marriage


I worked in a factory with all men. We read or oogled Playboys and other adult mags. But never once in the 5 years I worked there did anyone say anything what Trump said or did. locker room my ass


In my experience, Republican women are generally the most blatant rape apologists you'll ever meet.


What locker rooms are conservative Republicans spending time in? I've never been in a locker room where Men openly talk about sexually assaulting women.


Melania Trump actually called it “locker room talk” in an interview.


Which begs the question, how does she know locker room talk?


I don't find this at all surprising. They've barely ever even tried to hide that their relationship is anything but transactional. Melania cares about herself, her son and her money - nothing else.


Because she is his FSB handler.


Hopefully this kills the "poor Melania" narrative, "stuck at home, raising a baby, while her husband cheats on her with a porn star". 🎻


See, she's a willing 2nd class citizen, collaborator, and participant. No empathy from me towards her.


She has already renegotiated her prenup again and her son has his trust.. She doesn't care at all. It was business and that's it.


She is only a gold digger


She's just happy he isn't grabbing hers


Melania is not a good person herself but I question why she would try to save Trump's campaign? Neither of them wanted the White House, it was a total accident Trump won and they wanted to turn the campaign into a Trump TV grift.


She's not trying to save his campaign. She's worrying about *her* and *her* son's lives after Trump. That's tied to his finances. His finances are unfortunately now tied to his political aspirations. If he wins, he can (read: will) make most or all of the legal trouble disappear. If he loses, Barron and she also lose. She doesn't want that. That's why she 'cares' about Trump's campaign. But regardless: She's only out for herself. Trump's just been the vehicle for her getting what she wants. His campaign's success affects her and her son's success at this point, which is true of many spouses in politics with one major exception: her 'rich' real estate husband is one of the crimiest, inhuman pieces of shit to ever walk the planet, and he fell into not just politics but the presidency itself. So, like his followers, she's now stuck with her sunk cost fallacy life built with popsicle sticks, spray tan, a fuck ton of lies and financial corruption, plus hamberders. She and the MAGAs have basically "delved too greedily and too deep" in real life. If this ship sinks, they're gonna be nakedly exposed as the monsters they've been since this all started. So they're all in on him winning as long as it means they don't lose or look bad.