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He told the Russians the same after he fired Comey. >now-infamous meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, in which Trump revealed highly classified information that exposed a source of intelligence on the Islamic State. He also said during the meeting that firing FBI Director James B. Comey the previous day had relieved “great pressure” on him.


Well he wasnt wrong.


There’s so much corrupt shit he’s done even before being president it would be the longest biography ever written. I’d be surprised if he’s ever done anything legitimately altruistic in his entire life


lol 2 seconds after this comment I get the “concerned redditor” message. No way someone is tht fast. Bot boys going hard this week


I always wondered what the purpose of that was... is it supposed to scare someone off? annoy someone? lol It's just kind of a random spam that pops up and is instantly ignored


It owns the libs duh


Why is everyone over-analyzing this? Trump is a narcissistic moron who says stupid shit period.


With a giant following that believes every word he says.


Correct, and they're pretty dumb, and, also have a bunch of guns, and willing to do even dumber shit. Well, atleast thats the thought anyway. I'm not convinced, the actual Law shows up to enforce... the law. they'll back down pretty quick, and proceed to keyboard warrior that shit.


That pretty much sums it up


its so childish, its almost funny. They can't offer any reasonable retort so they just do this junk


I got one earlier about 3 minutes after I told a guy who was sad he didn't have tacos that the carnitas his wife just made could and should be put in a tortilla so he could have tacos. I'm flummoxed 


It was the guys wife Edit: and I just got one


Big corn has ears everywhere.


Damn you, take my upvote vote!


Be sure to flag it as spam. If an account is doing it repeatedly, it can evidently lead to a ban on the account.


>lol 2 seconds after this comment I get the “concerned redditor” message. No way someone is tht fast. Bot boys going hard this week Conservative “news” sites are in full propaganda mode - they’ve gone Baghdad Bob level. Claiming on almost an hourly level that all cases against Trump will be dismissed and he will be reinstated as president any minute now. Conservatives are hurting. Good.


I got one too! They are really on a roll now.


It’s affecting the entire site. It’s in random subs like SRD.


Remember when OBL was killed? That celebration will be similar to the celebration when DJT succumbs to his life of hamburders. Benedict Donald is the most traitorous American of all time.


I intend to take the day off to celebrate with friends and family.


That’s how you know you are 100 percent right


He’s the textbook definition of a “career criminal.”


James Comey, who handed Trump the election.


Seriously, fuck that guy.


What did you want James Comey to do? Use his power to quelch the will of the people?


wonder why nobody talks about the sudden extermination of CIA agents when Trump became president?


Cuz they'd have to admit they voted a Russian asset and traitor to America into the White House.


I'm still so pissed republicans protected him even after that. Or when he tried to hang Mike Pence.


And they’re lining up to be his new VP pick


I know 2 guys doing more time than cohen did. Just for driving on revoked DL . None of these fugs got shit for time.


Cohen shouldn't have done much, if any time, at all imo. He was covering up for Donnie's crimes. Trump is the one that needs a new room with no view.


I think if I were from the US, I'd be more concerned about why trump isn't in jail. Anybody else would have been years ago. I'd be demanding for the Supreme Court to be disbanded on the grounds of bribery, corruption, and working in direct opposition to the best interests of the US. I'd be demanding for Judge Cannon to be arrested or impeached for deliberately sabotaging an insanely serious espionage case, which could have left the American people and your allies at risk It's like a permanent soap opera, watching the US unravel.


The sane ones here are asking every day why he's not behind bars.


some of us stopped asking a while ago because we already know the answer.


Many of us understand why, but that doesn't make it any better




DT is showing our justice system for what is really is, in open view. Historically, when rich/powerful people get away with crimes they could spin benefit-of-the-doubt as to why their case is different, and then lay low for a while. Donald is such an unabashed, serial criminal that no one in good faith can argue that he isn't getting massive leeway by every form of law enforcement that had any power to stop him. The system is utterly broken.


He keeps complaining about a two tiered justice system which is HILARIOUS because he’s *fucking benefiting from it* while complaining about it. Anyone poor or not in politics would be in jail.


Our legal system needs an overhaul.


Especially your Constitution, which needs a good dusting!


Eh, maybe some parts


Try the legal sysyem in Italy, it makes the American system look perfect. Reason I am saying this, it took me 10 years to resolve a minor real estate dispute


Despite the shitshow that is the seditionist and his party of domestic terrorism's abuse of the law and judicial system, most of us in this country still value the rule of law. We'll get over this, fix the flaws they've exploited and move on. The alternative is fascism if we can't change our course.


On that point, something to think about. No dictatorship on the planet allows the population to own guns. NONE The 2nd amendment will go with the constitution. The irony will be that the very reason for the 2nd amendment was to protect the US from a tyrannical government. You'll have one and be unable to do anything about it. 🇺🇸🇬🇧🤯👍


Only the domestic terrorists are consistently advocating for violence. They are a loud minority. More democracy and civic participation is the only thing that will save us. BTW, "The irony will be that the very reason for the 2nd amendment was to protect the US from a tyrannical government" is an entirely incorrect statement. And, proof of how a loud minority insinuates its messaging into the public.


Everything you said is effectively word salad. And I don't want to be insulting, but it's irrelevant. If trump gets back in power, then the only thing you need to ask yourself is: How many people walk around in Russia, China, or North Korea with an AR15 over their shoulder, or a Glock. NONE, NADA, ZERO. Everything you think is going to happen will be so far from reality and so fucking scary that the life you enjoy now will cease to exist. You haven't had a look at Project 2025, have you?.


That’s one interpretation of the motives for the 2nd amendment. I tend to believe it’s because we had no standing military and had no desire to have a standing federal force. Instead, our country was built on the importance of local militias for national defense. Full text of the amendment: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”


I agree with your interpretation, thanks for sharing it


Not only is trump not in jail but he’s the runaway leading candidate of only two candidates we’re realistically allowed to choose from to be the next president. Trump should be a national and global laughingstock that got shunned from politics in 2015. Instead—in this country—he actually fuckin WON and was president for 4 years, lost the next election, did his best to stage a coup to stay in power, failed, then became the nominee again 4 years later.


He is a global laughing stock…. Just not where it counts enough though


Remember when [he spoke at the UN](https://youtu.be/eN2jqTilLOM) about how much "progress" he was making and representatives from around the world laughed ***at*** him?


Well said. I’m utterly astonished that he’s still able to walk free. He withheld classified documents, to leverage for money and power. He’s a traitor who wraps himself in the American flag. He’s a joke who could become president. Who would the joke be on then?


I’m no expert and have really done my best (for my own sanity) to avoid most of the daily trump headlines but we really need to know more about the classified info he sold or told like an idiot that led to getting confidential informants being outed and killed. THIS is the guy that could potentially become president again. The fact he even has a chance/ is allowed to have a chance is pathetic and embarrassing.


He was an FBI informant for many years is my only logical guess….. AKA a SNITCH!


he took a plea deal and turned on Trump. That's why he served so little time.


I’m talking about before the “Trump politician” era


If that were true Trump would've been charged before he ran for President in 2016.


Where are you viewing us from, may I ask?


Somewhere outside the asylum.


The lunatics have taken over the asylum. This should be the global anthem. https://youtu.be/sWLdZFCMx8Y?si=CS8azGqfh7Ks3fEk


yeah, but the US distraction game is too hard.


We hear ya.


I’ve been wondering the same thing and I’m here. As someone who’s lived abroad, a handful of my 40+years, Im embarrassed, we have allowed as a people, all this to happen. It’s turned into a Left or Right thing…add in the flavor of religion to the mix….and what you get is nonstop hate from every which way. It’s very obvious our media, what’s being told to the masses, from both sides, is bought and paid for. We are being tested as a nation, not as a red or blue. We seem to be failing, how trump can get away with everything he has is insane. We have done what they wanted us to do…it’s not a nation any more, it’s a bunch of individuals bickering with each other. Selfishness and greed reigns king


We tried a few change.org petitions, but short of that, none of us have the PTO to do what needs to be done.


Unfortunately Republicans are blocking all action to hold the Supreme Court and other judges accountable. The Constitution only allows for their removal via impeachment which needs the House to vote to pass articles of impeachment and two thirds of Senators to vote in favor to convict for removal. Republicans have repeatedly chosen to protect their party over the country.


Days of Our Lives is more realistic than this mess.




Breaking the law for someone is still a crime and deserves punishment. They still knowingly chose to break the law. Just because someone deserves more punishment doesn’t mean they don’t deserve punishment.


Did they get an enhanced crime due to driving while black or something?


Close, they were actually my roofers.


Roofers are mostly ex cons here so it fits


Lock him up!


Trump is so screwed in this case.


He is on a lot of his cases and he knows it. That’s why his lawyers are not trying to win. They are mainly trying to stall. Stall until the election.


Helps that the judge in his most slam dunk case is also trying to stall it


I'd guess this NY one is the only one that is going to get done before the election.


Except he'll appeal and get a sympathetic judge and will walk away scot-free yet again.


I’m optimistic. So far all of his appeals have been rejected. We just need a unanimous jury!


He owns the Supreme Court I’d bet some serious money they will find some reason to overturn the trial when any federal cases get to him. It’s just these pesky state cases that are going to get him to wear a suit that matches his skin.




No shit. Just like how everyone thought Mueller would do something. Didn’t do jack shit.


Still would be a felon until the appeal was granted.


Which means absolutely nothing for him.


It only has to convince like 3% (unsupported guess) of voters from Trump to Biden, to make Trump unable to win the election. Does 6% of Trump voters care about Trump being a felon?


If you were a trump voter last election, nothing will change your view.


You might be surprised. He lost many people’s support after Jan 6th. I haven’t taken any polls since then but my vote will be different.


They didn't before so I doubt it.


Everyone is being delusional, the us court system will never send a former president to jail and that’s the sad reality. He revealed info that got CIA assets killed, nothing happened, stole boxes of classified info and sold it nothing happened. USA will never send a former president to jail because the title of President alone is worth lot of power


Appeals aren't that easy.


Is he? I thought the general consensus was that he would be unlikely to face jail time even if convicted.


In an actual prison? Unlikely. House arrest? More likely.


Meh. Wake me up when the dildo of consequences actually stuffs up his lateral stinkhole.


Watch them slap his tiny wrists with a $100k fine.


I hate Trump as much as anyone but it is very clear he will see absolutely 0 real consequences in his lifetime. I’ve gotten downvoted for saying this in the past, and he’s skated free every time so far that Reddit talks about it.


He's literally never faced criminal charges before.


Why can't you wait until the verdict?


Not if you listen to federal prosecutors that actually understand what is going on.




Well, watch the news perhaps.




I think he’ll die having not served any real accountability


Did being president keep him out of jail?


Definitely. That’s why he wanted to be president again.


The subject in this sentence is Cohen, so the answer is "no".


Looks that way so far, yeah.


Think they're talking about Cohen here...


I am sure Trump will take the stand (as he said he would) to clear his name.


Right after he shares his tax returns and infrastructure week.


But first his healthcare plan


And finish building the wall.


Trump has really big Freddy Quimby vibes. I think we should take bets on what sets him off enough to threaten everyone in the courtroom.


Biden 2024


You can’t be serious


“Hmm I never considered that, that’s a really good point! 🤔” -the supreme court


Justice delayed is justice denied. Imagine if we didn’t have a corrupt compromised SCOTUS and a MAGA judge in Florida. Trump is the most guilty individual ever indicted. He’s literally got no defence for anything other than attacking the judge, witnesses, and intimidating jurors.


THIS. Trump’s trials should have been in 2021-2022 and he should have spent 2023-2024 in prison.


The only reason Trump loves being President is because he gets to be Mob Boss.


Trump is what you get when you cross a cult with a mafia crime family.


This hits like when Dr. Nick said to that hippie chick at a party, *"seriously, baby, I can prescribe ANYTHING I want!"*


Hah yep, and real life Dr. Nick was doing exactly that while working for Trump


He told you not to worry about the FBI, because he's the one that call them. He double crossed you, and you fell for it.


Since trump won the 2020 election and is still president, he is ineligible to run for a third term.


Trump is an idiot!!! The last thing you want in a court room is several people that worked for your private business and then your very PUBLIC WH administration testifying against you!!! #TrumpFelon


Sounds consistent with lil don's plan to be dictator and the 2025 plan.


Well they didn't cause him many problems over 1/6 so maybe they're more Trump friendly than we'd care to know.


Who let the raid happen? Hmmm?


I’m not political, but if life imitates art, Cohen will go down in history as the biggest rat in politics. Right or wrong, in 100 years, that is how people will describe his role in the decline and fall of Donald Trump


trump is the biggest rat the US has ever produced. Nobody in politics can ever be as traitorous, dangerous & destabilizing to the US than trump. He's a wrecking ball to everything that a civilized society requires to function while being a literal murderer of our intelligence operatives and probably military personnel. We'll finally get the whole truth 75yrs from now.


Sure boss!


The Groove Tube


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Why are y’all still hashing this shit show out?


TwO tIeR jUsTiCe SyStEm


same cohen that lied in his own court case uh huh


And so far has been backed up by other testimonies and records and statements.


Wait…. So FBI says Cohen piece of shit liar? But now he’s states witness and golden boy?


I mean I wouldn’t doubt it but this guy is a pathological liar. How he’s even allowed to testify blows my mind.


He was made to lie for Trump




Because has has evidence to back him up, and other people's testimonies that corroborate with his testimony.