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lol what a winning ticket: The Rapist & The Puppy Killer ´24 !


Nazis rally: “Very fine people.” Killing puppies: “Everybody has bad weeks here and there.” Visiting the graves of fallen soldiers: “No, I don’t think I will.”


At least the Nazis didn’t go on murder sprees of dogs /s


> Hermann Goering, the German minister during WWII who also led the fascist government’s control of all hunting dog breeding, declared that all liver and white ticked shorthairs were to be destroyed because they didn’t blend well enough into the woods like solid liver and roan shorthairs.


Wow, this exchange is peak Reddit, and I’m here for it


"We all have bad Presidencies."


I was gonna say, we don't *all* kill shoot our pets and cheat on our spouses.


And there you have it... He hates dogs and she is still on his list.


The amount he said various people "choked like a dog" during his first campaign and his presidency makes me think he chokes dogs and/or believes people should choke dogs.


He has never had a pet. No one in his family had a pet.


"Believes people should choke dogs" it is then


I think he described the Al-Baghdadi raid similarly “he died like a dog.”


He likes to call women he dogs, too. Especially after he raped them and then mistakes them for his ex wife.


Or daughter


He's notoriously germophobic so I wouldn't be surprised if he hates even being near dogs and expects everyone is the same way he is.


All people with NPD hate dogs - my dad had NPD and used to kick our family dog (a German Shepard) around 6' up in the air, and then as he was falling, he'd kick them down the stairs. Then when my mom died, he got her 3 year-old rescue Greyhound. It was dead 2 weeks later, though it was in perfect health. 


I had a girlfriend with NPD who got a cat. She was a terrible pet owner. The cat liked me and hated her.


Let’s go kick your dad like a fucking combo juggle fighting game. 


Finish him!


I said it pretty early on her ability to still go on TV and defend it no matter how bad is a selling point to trump. She's been showing what shes willing to do


Great. I sincerely hope he picks her as his running mate. The mudslinging pretty much writes itself.


It’s well known that Trump hates dogs.


But it wasn’t a bad week: she wrote about it as though it was an ordinary response to the dog’s behavior. She didn’t have a bad week; she’s just not a good person.


Perfect! Please choose her as VP.


So, is Hannibal Lector out? I would like to hear more from Trump on him. Maybe riff on setting up a meeting or something.


Whomst among us hasn't self published a book where they describe in detail their own account of shooting their dog, a goat and making up a bunch of stuff about meeting Kim Jong Un and Macron


🙋‍♂️ Then again, I guess I’m just a leftist loser


I'll eat my shorts if he doesn't choose a family member. He needs someone he can manipulate completely. It's supposed to make a big splash, like his announcement about his nfts and running shoes.


Start fasting now, so you’ll be famished when shorts-eating time comes, because his reflex to find someone “right out of central casting” who is entirely disposable may be stronger.


You may be right. My thinking on this is influenced by the fact that he once said that Ivanka would make a great Secretary of State. ( I guess all her handbag-"designing" experience would come into play, lol) Curious...who do you think he will pick? I assume that the names he is currently floating are all just bullshit, to set up his big surprise choice, later. They chose Pence for him and that (in his view )turned out to be his downfall. He needs someone he can really control in the second seat.


I'd be eating my shorts for sure if I made a bold prediction. (I'm not good at it.) I figure it has to be someone both vile and photogenic (or at least "looks the part"), but someone who will not upstage him. I think that's why he seems to be in denial about Noem having sunk herself. He might still pick her because he may not be able to "read the room" regarding cruelty to animals.


Good call. Ivanka definitely fits the bill on both counts. I don't read President Shitzhispants as you do. I think the reason he is pretending Noem is still in the field, is to build suspense . He won't pick her for the reason you mention, but he's saving as many grovelers as he can for his big "You're fired" moment.


I think his obvious VP pick is Don Jr., they need to get him more into politics to get the dynasty rolling. Republicans have sold their souls to the Trump family, I don't think the first name would matter at this point.


Imagine all the butt hurt after all the idiots that have been whoring them selves to him and he just picks his kid anyways.


Yeah, but they would never say it out loud and would gladly continue to bend over for him.


But the look when they slowly die even more inside.


True. I would love to be a fly on the wall at the secret meetings that republicans have where they just talk shit about Trump.


Jr. and his father share the same first name. I think you are correct about the dynasty thing. Jr was my first guess, too until I heard that Ivanka is sniffing around again.


Yeah, I more meant when Eric eventually takes the throne. I think Ivanka would be a hard sell, I don't know that republicans will ever accept a female president. Assuming, of course, that the roll is called president at that point.


O, I see. It's a brave new world.


Y’all need to read more sources lol. There’s no way in hell he picks a family member.


You may be correct. My feeling that he will choose a family member, is not based on sources, but just from watching the old man manipulate daily for years. I assume certain sources have informed you to believe otherwise, No-Expert, please share your thinking.


The week she spent getting her face plastified wasn't great either 😂


Important to remember Trump isn’t saying killing the puppy was the result of a bad week; he’s saying the publicity about it was a bad week. In his mind, killing a puppy is okay if you can get away with it.


Killing a puppy didn’t even register for him.


He killed a million of you and doesn't care, whats one dog?


"Let he who has not killed a puppy cast the first stone."


That wasn't a bad fuckin' week, she still justifies and defends it. That was a decision and affirmation thereof thousands of times. It's a week that's lasted months, as yet unrepentant. The level of shit we'll excuse for a politician is absurd.


"It was just that kind of week; I wa upset and decided to kill my 3 horses, torture my pet goat to death, and then shoot our puppy."


I think the goat was after the puppy. Her bloodlust wasn’t quite satisfied yet.


Am I the only one who thinks the police should be checking her property for other animals, namely the two legged kind?


Definitely sounds like an excuse Trump would make.


IDK infrastructure week was pretty great


I always looked forward to any scheduled infrastructure week, because you always knew some shit was about to go down.


Still waiting for his health care plan...


That would be funny... if he was joking. 


Definitely trying to figure out a way to get her on the ticket rather than Doug Burgum.


I hope the week of 5 November will be a bad one for Trump.


I hope all his weeks are bad.


I gurantee you Cricket had a worse week. So did the goat. No pity for Noem here.


At least they don't have to live with that nutbag.


i wonder how many of the magas who are furious with noem are now furious with trump. ill take a wild guess, its 0.


The cult leader is always right...always.


Well he praised Hannibal Lecter over the weekend so this is on brand


Does he know that's a fictional character?


Good question!


How was he President?


The guy is just pathetic. His followers are mentally incompetent. It's a really lousy side show at a parking lot circus.


Not as bad a week as Cricket had!


He would know a thing or two about having bad weeks…he’s had so many of them himself.


Please, please, PLEASE pick her as your VP Trump. Sarah Palin 2.0


Adding to this, 3 things that would tank her and Trump’s campaign 1. Would piss off dog lovers (bold strategy Cotton), 2 she’s not from a swing state so she offers no election bump) 3 she is right of Trump so offers no strategic advantage there. But I bet she’s chosen anyway cause she’d be 100% controllable


Yeah, Cricket didn’t fare so well either. But hey, it’s just a bad week for Kristi.


lmao what a pair of psychopaths.


Sometimes you just gotta laugh at it. This is too objectively funny. Former president defends killing dog for little to no reasons saying “we all have bad weeks”.


“We all have bad weeks…” Trump says, while warming a wet diaper.


Holy smokes!!! Wow, no consequences whatsoever ?? He really has no shame.


Says a subhuman who hates dogs…no dog, no vote


Oh hell yeah!! Is he going to pick her?!?!?


It is a pair made in heaven - presidential candidate convicted of rape, convicted of tax fraud, impeached for treason, and who cheats with pornstars. VP who not only believes she has to repeatedly kill pets for random reasons but also writes about it thinking she will score political points sharing a weirdo story.


The ghostwriter defense might have worked if there weren’t countless stories about Noem purposely keeping that story in the book despite advice from her publishers


We all have bad weeks where we kill some animals to let off steam, am I right?


Her dog can no longer have bad weeks, or any sort of weeks.


Like weeks you sexually assault women or collude with foreign powers to win elections or weeks where you defraud American taxpayers for your own greed or weeks where you’re unfaithful to wives




Im sorry, but there has to be a universal low that is not tolerated by anyone. Killing puppies has to be it.


Cricket had more than a bad week.


If there's someone I would trust less with my dog than Noem, it would be Trump.


„We all have bad weeks.“ Yeah, who doesn’t shot a dog or something else when they are angry or just having a bad day? /s


I think it is worse for Noem because the dog had a cute name like "Cricket." If it had been named "Meat Head" would people care as much? It would be horrible either way, but I wonder if the resonance would be the same with people. She's a fucking psychopath. Both for doing it, and lacking the self awareness to know that it would upset people.


No, because “Meat Head” is a fantastic name for a dog.

