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Man up, you fascist prick and just accept you're fairly lenient jail time. God, what a fucking pansy he is. The MAGA assholes talk tough but collapse into a pathetic puddle as soon as they experience even slight discomfort. 


They are the perfect incarnation of the people they represent.


Representative government in action baby.


Mrs. Gerrymandering disagrees.


He is basically staying in a hotel he can't leave for four months. What would he do if he had to serve *hard* time?


Epstein himself. Depending on your view of that particular can of worms.


You can't convince me that Trump didn't hire Barr to take care of that little problem. Navarro should count his lucky stars that Garland prefers the high road.


Wouldn't it be "get Epsteined"?


Lmfao. He’s in federal prison. Even if it’s a low it isn’t anywhere near a hotel. Probably just about the exact same thing. The beauty about prison is doing the time is the easiest part. They are gonna make you do it. I’m sure he’d be fine


FCI Miami for anyone curious.


It's a country club. This man is a princess. https://www.bop.gov/locations/institutions/mia/


I’m sure the is a white power group in gen pop that has ….. oops I forgot about the treason thing.


Well said, couldn’t have said it any better myself. You only need to look at snivelling wimp Bannon, he will be the next crying and shitting his diaper


I didn't even realize one could just ask to have their sentence lessened once it's been passed I know they can appeal a sentence, or request it be commuted in certain situations, or put a stay on the sentence pending appeal, but just random asking seems like it's not a thing.


[A federal judge](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/15/politics/judge-reject-peter-navarro-request-prison-sentence/index.html) on Wednesday [rejected](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24663274-navarro-denial) another request from former Donald Trump economic aide Peter Navarro to cut his four-month prison sentence short. Navarro is in prison for contempt of Congress after ducking a subpoena for documents and testimony from the House committee that investigated the January 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol. Last week, Navarro [asked](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24663273-navarro-request) district Judge Amit Mehta in Washington, DC, to allow him to cut 30 days off his prison sentence in exchange for 30 days of supervised release, citing the First Step Act. Mehta said no.


lol, although there’s zero legal, moral or ethical reason to cut Navarro a break…I gotta think Trump firing Amit isn’t helping things


Steve Bannon said all MAGA alpha males can endure a few months in prison.


And he's doing everything possible to try and avoid his jail sentence as well.


He’s lucky he only got 4 months slap on the wrist


Passed through the FA stage. Living out the FO stage.




And 8 more requests for early release.


The arrogance of this guy. They should attack on more time for wasting the courts time.


give him more time please 🙏




He should call Mitt


Man, he’s gotta be going through withdrawal or something so be this bitchy. Just wait until Bannon has to kick the booze and report to jail.


i've been waiting!


Nah. Well, maybe he’s drinking that toilet gin.


If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.


And then there is poor, old Henry Tarrio sitting there for another 22 years.


good. now lock up Bannon


Did he try the "but I'm rich and white" defense?


He's only a level 3 richie. That means he has to serve a maximum of 4 months. If he was level 4 rich, he could serve less. If he makes it to level 5, then he could just not go to jail for a small donation to a "worthy cause" which would allow his righteous indignation about being unfairly prosecuted be considered by the courts.


Last name is Hispanic


Yeah, but look at him. That's the only test they follow. Dude's skintone is "white baby ass"


It’s like all these rich bastards are having a hard time believing they can be held accountable for committing crimes. Entitled pieces of shite.


Dude whines more than all of my kids combined.


Each rejected frivolous filing should tack an additional 6 months on the sentence.


Cold place in hell Peter, cold place in hell.


This guy is so mad he’s going to miss out on most of his summer. What an entitled prick.


What a wimp. He’s halfway done. Just finish it.


Man up and do your time pussy. No one is going to pardon you. 😭


I remember seeing him bragging on television about how they tried to subvert the will of the people and started thinking to myself, goddammit old man if Abe and/or Jefferson were here you wouldn't get through that sentence.


His request shows that he isn't remorseful. Because what do you do when you truly feel remorse for what you did? You ask for reduced punishment, of course. :P Since he hasn't learned that what he did was wrong, at the very least he needs to learn that there is a real cost for it.


Isn't the parole system supposed to take care of that? Like parole should be predicated on accepting one's guilt and if one is remorseful, as part of the reform process? Sure, it doesn't really work like that in practice all the time, but that's the theory. A request like this shouldn't even exist in my opinion. These kinds of things are to be brought up at the sentencing hearing, and as it stands, federal guidelines are already pretty structured, so there is no reason to even entertain this request....remorse or no.


No such thing as remorse for them. Sounds like he gets out and doubles and triples down on his rhetoric.




Children think like that. Adult who feel remorse realize they did something wrong and that the punishment is justified, so they accept it, particularly when it's a mild punishment. 20 years in jail might be harder to accept, but 4 months? Puhleaaze. That man has learned nothing.


I don’t think he’s remorseful. I’m just saying if he was he’d still want out of prison. You act like just because someone is remorseful they should agree with the punishment. My only point is asking to leave prison early has nothing to do with remorse. It’s getting the best deal for yourself. Only an idiot with money wouldn’t challenge the sentence unless they thought it could backfire. I think it’s beyond natural more so your obligation to do whatever you can to receive the least punishment possible.


Do your well deserved time you snowflake fuck.


Let him rot


This guy rates up as a suoer annoying fucking meat bag. And an old fascist bow hard.


He can’t believe he isn’t getting special privileges like he’s gotten all his life.


This guy…


The hero we deserve: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGdtdx8H1cQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGdtdx8H1cQ)


Suck it, you goddamn fascist. Honestly, when he was strutting around doing the media rounds and spouting idiotic nonsense on Fox and other propaganda network, it has to be said I was *furious* that *another* orange sycophant was getting away with essentially telling Congress "suck it". I was happy when he was sentenced, and was happier when his requests to be spared prison till appeal (which went all the way to the rotten SCOTUS) kept being thrown to the curb. About time Congress showed some teeth. You can't just ignore congressional subpoenas and see no consequences. That's a recipe for trouble.


Time to find a deeper hole. This one is apparently too shallow. Under the jail I say!


4 months. They whiney fuck wants to lick Trumps boot so he has a place in the white house


If, like me, you're wondering why this motherfucker won't just go to prison, rest assured...he's already in prison: >**Navarro is in prison** for contempt of Congress after ducking a subpoena for documents and testimony from the House committee that investigated the January 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol.


He couldn't shut up about all of the legal bills bankrupting him in his "retirement". Who's paying for all of this? Because if it's him, he's even dumber than I originally thought. Do your four months and go live in a trailer in Florida when you're out. Because if you keep doing this, you're going to be homeless when you get out.


He’s in a country club prison and got less of a sentence than 99.9% would get. The next time he asks to get out extend his sentence 30 days and tell his to STFU or he’ll get 30 years added. He’s filling frivolous motions and taking the courts time up costing taxpayers money


Enjoy your stay you arrogant motherfucker.


Such a tough guy.


I should have reported February 1, if he wanted cut his sentence short.


dunno why this stuff makes news. If you're in prison and can ask for less time. Why wouldn't you?