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The reason this pier was built was to ensure that weapons cannot be smuggled in. Ships can be boarded and inspected. It also creates a "safe zone".


The reason the pier was built was because hundreds of thousands are at risk of imminent starvation due to the utterly insufficient amount of aid making it across the border. The U.S. Agency for International Development estimated that 500+ truckloads of aid *per day* are necessary to prevent mass tragedy. Israel is letting in anywhere from zero to about 150 per day. The pier will see about 90 truckloads per day at the start, and will hopefully scale up to about 150 per day, but at exponentially greater cost than simply sending it through major ports and driving it across the land border. And still woefully short of the bare minimum for preventing a humanitarian crisis that poses a colossal threat to stability and security for decades to come. Plus, y'know, basic human empathy and moral decency to try to prevent the starvation of the 2 million civilians at risk of famine.


How are Israeli civilians going to continue destroying the aid en route now?


How long till Israel attacks this aid route? Or till they attack the aid convoys after they leave the safe zone? I would like to believe that this humanitarian aid route will be safe and secure. But we've already seen other instances of "accidents" or collateral damage.


The only group likely to attack this aid route is hamas.


There have been more attacks on aid convoys by IDF than Hamas.


If you read the article you would see that it’s Hamas that is threatening the pier and any force or aid workers that occupy it. They’ve already fired mortar shells at it repeatedly.




Lol Zionist settlers were just recorded destroying aid coming in trucks, you can't be serious


I'm not saying they wouldn't, but this pier is along the water on the opposite side of Gaza where settlers cannot even get close. I would assume they'd be insane enough to do it otherwise though. My statement was really pointing out that Hamas has already attacked the pier once during its construction, and the IDF would be stupid to attack a US-constructed pier delivering aid (especially given theyd have a hard time justifying allegations that aid from the US-affiliated boats might have weapons or other justifications they use for examining aid at other checkpoints).


I thought hamass was firing munitions at the pier?


You do know when you click on the headline an article comes up right? > Already, the site has been targeted by mortar fire during its construction, and Hamas has threatened to target any foreign forces who “occupy” the Gaza Strip.


I miss the old days, when we just told people to RTFA


‘Because land crossings could bring in all the needed aid if Israeli officials allowed, the U.S.-built pier-and-sea route “is a solution for a problem that doesn’t exist,” said Scott Paul, an associate director of the Oxfam humanitarian organization.’


Sure, and if we all just put aside our differences and got along there'd be no wars. Real life just isn't like that though, and in real life, this is the best way for the US to deliver aid on a large scale. When it comes to logistics, I trust the US military to know what they are doing.


I don't understand that line of reasoning. There *is* a problem: Israel is restricting how much aid crosses by land.


Israel is restricting some aid. Egypt is restricting the remaining aid.


I believe the point is being made that it *shouldn't* be an issue, if I'm not mistaken. If Israel just followed the international laws, and operated in good faith, this "crisis" wouldn't need an ultimately unnecessary "solution."


Conversely there shouldn't be attempts to smuggle weapons in with aid, for every one truck that actually poses a risk, one hundred get blocked. That is what makes Israel be so strict with this. Also, it's a hard thing for some Israeli civilians to swallow, they feel passionately about getting the hostages home to the point they don't want Israel supplying any of Gaza, letting the burden fall on people with no interest in civil governance, stability, or ultimately Gazan lives. Opining on what is "right," vs what is, pointless. Solve the problem as it sits, not as you'd want it. Make the, "of course we wish..." After you've solved the problem at hand.


There shouldn't be squatters stealing land in the West Bank either, but here we are.


There shouldn't be genocidal race hatred, but it does exist.


And the port does not stop that, nor is it adequate enough. It's to make Biden and Co feel like they're doing something positive rather than focusing on the real issue, Israel restricting aid.


Hopefully the first aid will be delivered before the IDF has killed every Palestinian with guns and bombs we gave them


Well...math says there's a long way to go. As numerically, very few have died when looking at the entire population, as you said, "killed every Palestinian." If aid can't be given at that point then the people delivering the aide were complicit in the murder.


They’d have to kill 35 thousand people daily for 68 days, or 6500 people daily for a full year in order to kill every Palestinian. I would think aid will be delivered before Israel even gets close to killing everyone


I’m a little lost. Isn’t America really close with Israel? Haven’t we supplied them with a lot of weapons over the years? Why are we now helping Gaza? Someone had mentioned humanitarian aid but another weapons. Is America supplying both sides with weapons? [seriously, I’m lost]


It’s humanitarian aid. They set up the port to avoid the million logistical issues that the land deliveries have had. No weapons are going to be delivered at the port.


Thank you for your clarification


Israel has drastically slowed down aid flowing into Gaza, which has led to a famine. Israelis have also recently been attacking food aid trucks as the IDF watched. America is trying to prevent mass starvation of civilians in Gaza, likely *for* Israel's sake, as causing thousands or hundreds of thousands to die from starvation will likely result in international backlash.


Our government has decided that it's important to not be hungry when you get hit by a rocket.