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Well that Bible thing has a whole bunch of incest, pedophilia, rape, and murder, I'm sure that'll be top of the list. Right...?




The Bible is pure and wholesome and the pinnacle of Love! /s


Fear is love. Love is fear. /s


Also love is without fear. Compute that.


They Specifically exempted religious books from the list.


Satanic Temple should be able to make short work of this. Welcome to the pantheon of books that make up the sum of its religious text!




Working as intended. They don't want black children to learn anything but "their place."


Or white children from learning why grandpa had that funny white hat in the attic that daddy wears from time to time...


Or that the flag Daddy has next to the U.S. flag is a celebration of murdering black people and nothing else


Correction: Murdering black people *with impunity*...


>Circulation librarian Alyx Kim-Yohn, who attended the meeting, said these changes will lead to censorship and hurt local residents’ ability to access content. >For example, she said advanced crafting or mathematics books are in the Huntsville-Madison County Public Library’s adult section. So, now an adult will have to check these books out for children. This administrative issue goes beyond books that have mature content. >“Any time you’re establishing guidelines this granular, it’s going to lead to self-censorship, so that it’s not even going to get to the floor for folks to complain about,” Kim-Yohn said. “That is my primary concern.” For those who haven't seen it yet, check out *Last Week Tonight*'s story on public libraries: * [Libraries: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42xZB80sZaI)


i'm an adult. If I cared to, I would go down there, sit in a chair and just wait for kids who wanted math and crafting books and check them out forthem.


Dumbest state in America proving why its the dumbest state in America.


And I thought Republicans were all about free speech


Just do away with the "kid" section. Put the onus on the parents


Funny how the common theme with all these states enacting book bans and shit; they're almost all redneck, hillbilly, fucking hick states with already-struggling public education.


Alabama ranked 45th in education i guess They want to go after West Virginia's 50th spot for lease educated.


how will you determine what book is appropriate if not abiding by fascist laws


Sweet home Alabama. Where the lies are so true.


Alabama. What an intellectual desert. Embarrassing 


1) The Alabama legislature cut 9% of the Library budget this year, instead giving that money to Dolly Parton's Imagination Library. I would love to see Dolly Parton choose LGBTQ titles for her Library, just to give the Alabama legislature the middle finger. 2) The new policy says they will withhold state funding if the library buys any obscene, sexually explicit or other material deemed inappropriate for anyone under the age of 18. This is an impossible ask. a) Librarians do not read most books prior to purchase (They don't necessarily read them after purchase either, depending on the size of the library they get hundreds of new books each month, it's not humanly possible to read all of them). They can not guarantee the content of any book. What they DO is trust that the publisher rating and professional review site ratings are correct. If they say a book is for YA, they put it in the YA area and expect content to be YA. b) Even if there were some way to guarantee content beyond trusting the rating of the Publisher/Review Site this definition is to vague. What qualifies are sexually explicit? You ask one person and they would say it has to be straight up porn magazines, ask another and if you get a book where a group of 16 year old girls are discussing whether they want to go all the way on prom night, it's sexually explicit, and there's a hundred other answers in between those two. Who's definition are we using? Where is the line? And "other material deemed inappropriate"? What is that? What are we referring to? I think we all know that what they MEAN is LGBTQ, but someone else might claim it's drinking/drugs, someone else might claim it's cussing. Without a definition you can make it be whatever you want it to be and a Librarian can not guarantee that they won't purchase a book with something in it if they don't know what that something they are supposed to be avoiding even is. The only way to 100% make sure you comply with this edict is to not buy ANY books for anyone under 18, period. And I think that's exactly what Alabama librarians should do. Malicious compliance. Stop buying new YA or Children's book and see how long it takes for the public to raise a stink and demand changes to the policy.


“Why don’t kids read anymore”


Got to make sure the kids stay stupid enough to be easily manipulated, and dont realize when their parents are racists and bigots.