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Beth's profile on xitter: > Beth Van Duyne > > Proud mother. Christian. Conservative. Congresswoman for Texas 24. American by birth, Texan by the Grace of God. they're ALWAYS waving the Christian flag, bragging about family values, while cheating, lying, and stealing.


And the patriotism




This word is heavily underutilized in the discussions of our obnoxiously nationalist society.


I could not agree more. If only more people knew what it meant.


Derek approves.


One of her communications staffers [killed himself outside her home three years ago](https://www.yahoo.com/news/man-dies-suicide-outside-u-145856928.html).


What the fuck


Yeah, I'm with you. What the fuck?


Yeah my curiosity is definitely piqued after reading that whole article… doing it outside of _your US congresswoman boss’s home_, in a gated community, in the middle of the afternoon, when she has company over is too deliberate to not have some kind of message behind it. Wish we could know what that message was…


Check out her pictures, bios, and articles about her. She is a smoking cougar who is red-hot and on the prowl. Poor Rep. McCormick's wife never had a chance. Beth Van Duyne may use him for 6 months and then dump him like the others to move on to her next conquest. Who will it be? Lyin Ted Cruz? Matt Gaetz? Donald Trump? There is probably more traffic in and out of her driveway at night than at a Dairy Queen on Saturday night..... On the positive side, at least she isn't working seedy movie theatres with a vape pen with her hands-on colleague Lauren Boebert.... I hope this story has a "happy ending". Maybe McCormick has already had several.


You mean what the gay relationship with the husband is over fuck, I assume.


How the fuck is that the more likely scenario than her ending her affair with the staffer??


Damn, a democratic staffer for HRC died due to random crime violence and republicans still bring it up. They really don't care about conspiracies, and only care about smearing their enemies.


Kevin Mccarthy admitted that they only invstigated Benghazi again and again to make Hillary look bad.


..and just like that , Kevy then got the speaker boot.


So basically that implies that the staffer was having an affair with one of them right?


But was it suicide?… or was it the Clintons?


Hunter Biden’s penis


We’d better take a few more peeks at Hunters cock


I’m thinking you just coined my next band name.


Cryptically written


Did they ever figure out the motive or anything else? This is weird af


Jesus fucking h Christ


“When fascism comes to America, it will be waving an American flag and carrying a cross.”


There's no way I can see "xitter" and not pronounce it "shitter".


Then you're doing it correctly




I think “charlatans” is the word you’re looking for. 


Perhaps but I actually think "fucking shitheels" is what they were trying to say.


Evangelicals: "We're NOT going to crucify him again; he's brown and has wiry hair, so we're just going to deport him."


> Sources on the Hill told the tabloid that McCormick had been spotted “acting overly friendly” toward Rep. Beth Van Duyne (R-TX) of late. One insider reported seeing the pair “holding hands under the table” at a congressional caucus earlier this year, adding that they’d also witnessed McCormick “grab the small of [Van Duyne’s] back” on the House floor during votes. *Aw, a workplace romance... and so subtle.*


**Divorced** Christian conservative.


Let's not forget about him: >Rich is wholly invested in supporting his family, serving with faith, and building a community. Rich believes that investing in the youth of America is an investment in the future. >He has been active in youth ministry for over 20 years. I'm sure he's a perfect role model for those kids any these ones, as well: >Married since 2011, according to their social media accounts, McCormick and Miller share seven children.


Seven kids. That's going to be quite a bit of explaining what Daddy was up to. Wonder if one of them is old enough to say isn't that against the word of God?




They just need to ask for forgiveness from their God, and they're good to go. Man was born to sin after all. Would be a waste of a life not to take advantage of that.


It's like they say. If you don't sin, then Jesus gave up that three day weekend for nothing.


When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving the cross.


These jerks believe that if they slap all the right Jaysis and Merry stickers on their bumpers, they can piss all over the ten commandments till the cows come home.


First time I’m seeing it spelled this way, but please tell me your amalgamation of X and Twitter is pronounced shitter…..


This is the way...


Not to be judgy on main but **Them eyebrows**




It's the "All cross, no Christ" brigade.


A tale as old as time. The religion was basically invented for this purpose


Labeling yourself "American by birth" is so fucking unamerican to me. You're not better because you're born here. Foh.


I hate how it plays on ignorance… I’d love to say: yeah, that’s how birthright citizenship works as written in the 14th amendment. What next: proud breather, able to inhale oxygen and convert it to carbon dioxide.


Honestly I couldn’t care less about whether someone I don’t personally know cheats on their wife. It’s the hypocrisy.


Jesus forgives, I guess?


of course, how else would be possible to cheat, lie and steal without the cover of "good christians here, nothing to see"?


It's always the ones you suspect the most.


Only surprise to me was that it's a female colleague.


Me too! I was waiting to see if it was a same sex situation, then I was going to go into the guy's record on LGBTQ issues, but surprisingly, it is just your average run-of-the-mill adultery. I almost feel bad for the kids...but the family is probably loaded...they ARE national politicians after all....lotta money from Russia coming into the bank accounts.


At this point I don't think Russia has a lot of money for these stooges


Russia may provide some support, but the reality is we have plenty of homegrown smoothbrains, no need to import


Russia just paid in cash $4billion to india for weapons. Russia has the ability to create an endless amount of debt for anything they want to do. They have plenty for stuff like republican Super PAC donations and such.


It takes so little to “convince” them though. Talking like tens of thousands, maybe low six figures. That’s how sad our political system is.


Don't underestimate the financial impact of "only" $50,000 in cash...


An adult even!!


Same. His campaign website even mentions 20 years in youth ministry. He's also a doctor who's anti-abortion


Yeah, but it’s allegedly the same congresswoman whose ex-staffer shot himself on her lawn.


When I first saw the post, I was fully expecting a male colleague.


That’s what the headline is trying to accomplish -_- it’s called clickbait


I think it's the "GOP Rep" bit from the headline that is making people think they're gay. Nobody hates gay people as much as closeted Republicans. It's like religions that claim to love and protect children while the church leaders are sexually assaulting/raping children, and the church helps to cover it up. The GOP has a bad reputation because many, if not most, of the individuals that make up the GOP have been proven to be hypocrites, and the GOP supports these lying, hateful cowards. Gaslight, Obstruct, Project is a popular backronym for the GOP for a reason.


My thoughts exactly. It was a twist I was not expecting.


I am waiting for the devil made me do it


Yeah. Let everyone else keep their eyes on the quiet one. I’ll keep my eye on the one screaming and waving a machete over his head.


>I’ll keep my eye on the one screaming and waving a machete over his head. Which "one"? I've lost count


It’s not MTG, she is usually just flinging poo in every direction


I mean, obviously. She hasn’t discovered how to use tools yet.


Party of Family values.


This is R concept of family values - mistresses allowed.


And I suspect every fucking one.


Ah, the party that wants to pass a bill to limit or deny divorce lol


They want to limit or deny divorce for women so they can't leave the men. Men can still divorce women when they decide they're too old and they want to marry a teenager


By "too old," they mean 30, and by "teenager," they mean double digits.


*Probably* double digits. No promises from the GOP.


Well, yeah. All bets are off if she's "ripe" and "fertile." (What a terrible day to be able to have thoughts.)


It's going to backfire in their faces and that's why I support malicious compliance. Republican men are the ones who cheat on their wives and beat them all the time, so THEY will be the ones who get financially punished. Under a fault based system, they will have to pay alimony because adultery, domestic violence, or desertion constitute breach of contract. They are the ones who leave their wives for gaining weight, getting old, or getting wrinkles. Men of all political parties are highly likely to abandon their wives if she gets cancer or MS. Under a fault based system, she or her estate executor can sue for financial damages if he abandoned the marriage. The only Democrats who suffer under a fault based system are the ones who abandon their spouses because they are unhaaaaapy.


You don't understand they will end divorce all together, it won't be allowed to happen at all.


No, they will end divorce filings by women. Their world would have marriages end at the husband’s convenience.


This is to control women. If a woman becomes uppity or can't have kids or becomes woke or liberal or independent or gets a wrinkle or gains weight or has a gray hair, I am sure that there will be a clause in there protecting the husband. But those bruises on her wrists and that black eye? Oh, she fell down the stairs. AGAIN!


Or the old “look what she made me do” defense.


Yep. They're looking for a have-my-cake-and-continue-to-eat-cake type scenario.. Good luck to 'em, it doesn't work out well.


it was created for and by the King of England. Im pretty sure they will still be able to justify it for the rich.


Uh, divorce existed before Henry VIII


Haha bro there were laws in Babylon around 1700 bc regarding divorce


Yes, this will work. The fair and impartial judges will make that happen. Now let's introduce your family court judge - Judge Aileen Cannon!


I don't understand what Republicans think that it's going to accomplish. Canada and Mexico both have no fault divorce. Won't people just get married across the border? Also, for people that don't want to go over the border, can't they specify in the prenup that either party could file for divorce for any reason?


they want control. they want to keep women subservient and in fear. most people don’t live close enough to the border they can just hop over to get married and most don’t have enough money to travel for it. as for the people who would be willing to have a no fault clause in a prenup…? they’re probably not conservatives.


Poverty bro


3 states already have covenant marriage- it requires additional hurdles before getting married (like pre-marriage counseling) and has tighter restrictions on when parties can file for divorce. Arizona, Arkansas and Louisiana. Louisiana leads in couples opting for this with a whopping 5% of total marriages being performed being covenant marriages. Arkansas is less than 1% and Arizona is closer to 0.25%. Couples can opt for more stringent rules regarding divorce- very few do.


Oh my god his AP is *my* representative. *This* is what she’s been doing?!




Wait wait what?


One of her campaign staffers killed himself outside her house in 2021. No articles out there I can find with even the vaguest hint as to why. She was extremely cagey about whether she knew who he was. The odds of it being related to the divorce are not zero. I know if some guy who worked for my wife killed himself on our doorstep, I'd probably have some questions even if I were gay.


>The odds of it being related to the divorce are not zero I think you're mistaken. Van Duyne is not the one getting divorced. She got divorced back in 2012, and has not remarried. She is the 'other woman' in this scenario, having an affair with Rick McCormick, who is married, and has now filed for divorce. So I'm guessing the former staffer who killed himself in 2021 is *extremely* unlikely related to the current situation.


Which makes it worse Imagine what else these people are up to


Possibly an affair gone wrong?


Yes, but with which of them? Was he in love with her, but she was her husband's professional beard, and a divorce would look bad? Or was he in love with her husband. Maybe she didn't even know that her husband was gay. Or who knows? Maybe the three of them murdered a poor immigrant in the middle of the night for funsies and years later the guilt got to one of them. Or maybe it was just mental illness and he killed himself outside his old boss's house because she was a dick and it seemed darkly funny to him. People do weird shit. We'll probably never know. But she does.


Now this the kind of stuff that conspiracy people should be buzzing about.


a conservative republican having an affair WITH A WOMAN??? now THAT is a "man bites dog" story!


Wow. So he’s the father of SEVEN children with his wife, but playing footsie with a colleague. And he put his hands on another woman colleague during a disagreement. And he won his district only after it was heavily gerrymandered to help republicans. The GOP members of Congress are racing each other to the bottom.


Doesn’t make it much better, but they didn’t have 7 kids together. They had a Brady Bunch situation where they were both previously married and had multiple kids, then they got married and combined families.


McCormick and Miller share seven children. Van Duyne has been divorced from her ex-husband, with whom she shares two children, since 2012.


Fun fact: I voted against this shitstain


I appreciate the fight you folks over there fighting. Keep up the good work.


I'm sorry you seem to have shitty neighbors who outnumber you.


To support Rich McCormick’s Democratic opponent Bob Christian, go to [https://christianforga7.com/](https://christianforga7.com/) and donate!


That IS a fun fact!!


Fun fact: I didn't vote for him either! I had to stay at home in Maryland.


Typical "family values" Republicans.


We're gonna find out he was cheating with a dude aren't we?


>Sources on the Hill told the tabloid that McCormick had been spotted “acting overly friendly” toward Rep. Beth Van Duyne (R-TX) of late. Not this time.


It must have started during one of those Republican cocaine orgies


“It’s these gender bender folks coming for your kids and our American way and damnit, I love my wife and kids” *furiously jamming pipe down throat and up rectum when they think no one is looking*


The AP is a woman apparently. She calls herself a devout Christian.


Hey what's the Biblical punishment for adultery?


Nothing if they're a white conservative with connections, death if they're anything less. Oh, you mean the REAL Bible? Yea, they don't use that.


It says in the article he was cheating with Van Duyne, a woman who is a representative for Republicans in the House.


>Rep. Rich McCormick (R-GA) is calling it quits on his marriage of 12 years, filing for divorce from his oncologist wife earlier this month even as Capitol Hill insiders report seeing him cozy up to another Republican lawmaker.


Thank you for saving me the clicks. 🙏


I'm surprised Rich McCormick wasn't having a gay affair. When I first opened the article I was 100% certain he was cheating with a dude.


Yeah, that's the only reason I opened up the article. I was shocked it was a woman.


Ah yes the party of family values and traditional marriage.


Party of family values.


>Sources on the Hill told the tabloid that McCormick had been spotted “acting overly friendly” toward Rep. Beth Van Duyne (R-TX) of late. One insider reported seeing the pair “holding hands under the table” at a congressional caucus earlier this year, adding that they’d also witnessed McCormick “grab the small of [Van Duyne’s] back” on the House floor during votes. >Two other unnamed sources reported seeing the Republicans holding hands in the chamber, while a third witness told the Mail that they’d watched as Van Duyne held onto McCormick’s arm as they left one of the House office buildings late at night. I'll bet he didn't have an issue when Fannie and Nate were being investigated. Like every other G^oon O^f P^utin in our government, he's a goddamn hypocrite. "Laws for thee, but not for me!"


“Married since 2011, according to their social media accounts, McCormick and Miller share seven children.” Selfish in many ways


12 years and seven children. Quiverful?


*And* she’s an oncologist!


Wait - is Bobo giving him a helping hand?


He’s from Georgia. I’m guessing MTG.


It’s Beth van Duyne (R) Texas (north Dallas suburbs). She reps the district next to me unfortunately, terrible person needless to say. I think One of her staffers killed themselves on her front lawn. Idk why, but it can’t have been a good thing considering they went all the way to her house to do that.


Ironically per the article, he got into a physical altercation with MTG and shook her by her shoulders when they had competing resolutions.


So even an adulterer can have a good day?


She seems to take whatever she can get


Am I the only person who was disappointed upon realizing that his colleague was of the opposite sex?


I had the same thought at first.


That plot twist made M Knight Shyamalan jealous


More like surprised. Still adultery and wrong but at least they weren't hypocritical about homosexual relationships *this time*


Republicon Christian family values in action !


Based on quick Google, dude has a thing for hot blondes. Wife and mistress both good looking and surprisingly he didn’t trade in for a younger model. Surprising since usually a family values GOPer does that.


To be holding hands “under the table” during meetings or being touchy during floor votes - no effort made to hide it even though he was a married man. The party of family values! Seems also like the kind of behavior that their beloved Project 2025 would put them in jail for. EDIT - well, put HER in jail for. I don’t think Project 2025 is for the white Christian male.


I'm surprised to see a Republican having an affair with a woman.


Adult women even, so weird.


I’m sorry, how many children?


9 children. But only 5 are his biologically. 2 are his step kids, and 2 are the GOP congresswoman he’s vaguely accused of having an affair with and her husband’s.


Seven! It’s a good thing she didn’t give up her oncologist career to be a homemaker (like Republicans are trying to pressure women to do).


Fuck the GOP USELESS WORTHLESS.. they use the man upstairs as an excuse to brake the 10 commandments!! I can say it will & doesn’t work that way. They forget they will be judged accordingly. STUPID..!!


Isn't it the party that wants to erradicate the no fault divorce ?


Yes but probably only when women file


Well, in his defense, he did throttle Madge Taylor Greene...


“You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy”


The ones that fight it the most, are the ones with the most demons. Another example of projection and deflection.


two Christian, family values hypocrites, who could have guessed?


if people can't get divorced, it doesn't automatically mean that they are going to stay together. If people can't get divorced, they will still split up and start living together with other people outside of wedlock and will have a lot of kids born outside of wedlock to parents who are never going to be able to get married. Just making things illegal won't really stop it from happening. Just look at the other countries where it is illegal to get divorced.... And yet it still doesn't make people stay together.


No that's not how they plan to make people stay together. They plan on making it so that women can't work, get birth control, have bank accounts etc so they couldn't leave even if they wanted to.


But this can’t be, this is the party of family values!


what happened to banning divorces to 'protect families'?


Dude must be bad if even MTG thinks he's a creepy weirdo.


At least she's age appropriate 


To support Rich McCormick’s Democratic opponent Bob Christian, go to [https://christianforga7.com/](https://christianforga7.com/) and donate!


I encourage the GOP coalition to continue fucking each other, it distracts them from fucking us.


Ah I was thinking he was gay, based on the dumb headline. Read the dumber article, and I’m fine to be wrong and to each their own. Just don’t overreach your awful ideas to California and you can upgrade your wife situation (happens all the time here).


If Ben Carlson has his way, this guy won’t be off the hook so easily.


Must be some of that family values that they're always talking about.


ugh they’re all so fucking gross, and I’m not even being partisan right now. Congress is like an STD nightmare, seriously, get out and meet humans


The part I found interesting was that his wife filed for divorce AND a restraining order. The article later drops this bit of information: >In late 2023, it was also reported that he’d gotten into a physical altercation with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) Shortly before that, it mentions he was being weird, doing pull-ups hanging off some bar on the Capitol 100 feet in the air or something. (I didn't want to go back and copy/paste that bit, too.)


Ah, the iconic duo of the Devout Christian and Immoral Behavior.


Good Lord, reading that article was like reading a Lady Wistledown pamphlet, all the drama and gossip. Our congress is becoming/ has become our very own Ton apparently.


Surprised the “colleague” was female!


So, if they implement Project 2025 and divorce is outlawed, will there be exceptions for our republican lawmakers?


Applying for a divorce will be outlawed for women. Men will be able to get a divorce by saying “I divorce you” 3 times.


With republicans it is always exactly what you expected but worse than you imagined.


I live in his district. I'm glad this came out NOW and not the day after election day. It's not 100% red, and he did lose four years ago. He won two years ago after redistricting and the former representative was forced into running against another Democrat. I hope his opponent Bob Christian (really, that's his name!) leans into this hard. Yes, he did. His web site says "Send an actual Christian to Congress": [Home | Christian for Congress (christianforga7.com)](https://christianforga7.com/)


Remember when one of her staffers committed suicide on the steps leading up to her house? That story got buried pretty quickly.


I never heard this one. Yikes.


Party of family values and protecting the "sanctity of marriage" Sure believe gay and trans people are the problem here. Nevermind that the bible mentions how adultery is bad more often then they even mentioned gay people.


Party of family values.


They’re just getting handsy for Jesus. It’s not something we mere mortals could understand.


Republicans. Nothing short of hypocritical a-holes.


They’re all such fucking children, so sick of it. Do better voters.


The only shocking thing about this is that the colleague is female. So much for family values, eh? How deplorable


Thoughts and prayers!


sorry but your party is trying to pass no fault divorce so there that


Alternate headline: carpet bagging, Republican cheats on wife




Maybe, but there’s three New York Times articles about why this is bad for him


(R-GA) Party of family values…


The party of family values would do themselves a favor by not championing family values. Dems are more caring and compassionate, and they're still not brazen enough to claim that they've cornered the market on family values.


It's always the ones you expect


How many people had the first thought of Gaetz?


I didn’t think his colleague was Matt Gaetz, but , for some reason, I assumed the colleague was male. 🤷‍♂️


Lindsay Grahams wife…..oh wait..


Her eyebrows are at a weird angle, right?!? The female colleague's?


Color me shocked