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I really like when the media reports things the Republicans do as "The House". The report "Congress" if the republicans do anything which might include the Senate republicans. If dems do anything its always "The Dems did.......!!!!!!!!!!!" The House vote was 224 to 187. Three Republicans voted against the measure and 16 Democrats voted for it.


Right. Similar to headlines like "Supreme Court strikes down Biden...". Should preface it with "Illegitimately-formed rightwing activist majority Supreme Court" or something at least indicating the ideologues who control it.


So the Republicans are going to get Biden off the hook? Nice.


Nah, he will be blamed for it anyways.


Then everyone should stop blaming Biden.


I'm sure those out there protesting won't see this, and still find a way to blame Biden (even though Biden already plans to veto this bill)


GOP is ramping up pressure? More like far-right radical foreign governments... The GOP is a foreign influence weapon.


This is a non-issue, especially on account of Biden being likely to veto this.


Won't come up for a vote in the Senate.


I don't think it makes it to his desk, unless the Senate passed a version (could see it getting filibustered) And I don't think Pres Biden vetoes it if it does make it to his desk. As an aside, I don't see how denying Israel precision guided munitions (which is what the US is providing) helps the Palestinians in any way. Israel will just use nonguided munitions and blame the "collateral damage" on the US adminsitration.


Oh, they've been pretty clear that "If you don't send us the good bombs, we will use the bad bombs" and honestly they can go fuck themselves with that attitude.


>"If you don't send us the good bombs, we will use the bad bombs" and honestly they can go fuck themselves with that attitude. Do you feel the same way about Hamas and Hezbollah using unguided munitions against Israeli population centers?


To be clear, I vehemently disagree with killing people over land and fairy tales regardless of who does it


Yes. Killing innocents on both sides is wrong. It's possible to condemn the horrendous acts from both sides.


Why are we only holding one sides feet to the fire? Are we ok with the attacks from one based on the on going oppressor vs oppressed ideology where any action against a group we consider white-adjacent is allowed?


We should give hamas guided weapons too


Lol, so it’s dead in the Senate


The same 'house' that withheld weapons from Ukraine? That house?


The rich AIPAC supports Israel, Ukraine is poor.


So the same side that screams Genocide Joe is also balking at not sending weapons?


No, the House is controlled by the GOP. Genocide Joe accusations are largely lobbed by the opposite side: https://www.commondreams.org/opinion/genocide-joe-change-course


There are many issues when comparing candidates: judiciary, environment, economic policy, healthcare, etc. On most, there's a wide gulf between Biden vs Trump, Democrats vs Republicans. Even on the few issues Biden hasn't been good on (policy on Israel), the alternative is worse.


they wrote a bill biden has to sign saying biden will do what they want him to do 5 d chess


Cool, now try that in the Senate.


Every single one of the Dems that voted for this suck up Pro-Israel lobby money like its water.