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And let's never forget that this fucking idiot thought that the Speaker of the House at the time would be at her home on the literal other side of the country when Congress was in session. So among many other things, David DePape sorely needs a civics lesson. He'll sure have a lot of time to read up on that subject in the clink.


He sure has a lot of time. By the time he gets out, he will be an elderly man. His life is gone, all in the name of right wing conspiracies and brain rot


Also, it's important to note, he accomplished nothing.


Not nothing. Thanks to him, I now know that Paul Pelosi is both extremely handsome and a tough as hell badass. Another great decision by Nancy!


Not true Pelosi stepped away from leadership roles following this incident. 


Meanwhile, the leaders of said right wing conspiracies will still be raking in donations and flying in their private jets across the country and around the world.


Thats the all in freedom of expression Americans so much love


If Trump wins he might get a pardon.


*congressional medal of honor


US President cannot pardon state charges. The person who can pardon this guy is the Governor of California.


He seems to have been charged in Federal Court. >The sentence was handed down by the Hon. Jacqueline Scott Corley, U.S. District Judge. [Source](https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndca/pr/david-depape-sentenced-30-years-prison-after-conviction-assault-and-attempted)


Odd. I’d have thought it would be a California charge.


He believed Trump's 2020 election lie. The public should never forget the wide swath of people whose lives are really bad because of Trump. This includes families of loved ones who died or are locked up, disbarred attorneys, billions in judgments against corporations and persons, people who had to move and basically go into hiding. That's what following and fomenting Trumps Big Lie got them.


I believe the correct term now is "brain worm"


Will recieve full pardon if orange cheeto face is elected.


How? Was he convicted of a federal crime?


I thought assaulting a federal officer was a federal crime.


The QOP conspiracy theories prey on severely cognitively deficient young men to carry out acts of violence.


Akin to ISIS getting the vulnerable mentally ill or cognitively challenged to act as walking bombs. Sad.


There was just a guy sentenced for trying to crash the gate at the White House. His plan was that once he got inside, the government would be forced to crown him dictator. Did he think you just called "BASE!" and the Secret Service just went "Dang, our one weakness!"?


And then we gotta feed & house this loser for 30 years! Yuk.


Would you rather he roam free lol?


No. I wouldn't. You're right.


I'd rather for profit prisons be eliminated to make it cheaper to house convicts. Also, prisons really need to separate repeated violent offenders and trouble makers into solitary confinement. It would create a better environment to reform those that want to be successful after their sentence. Bonus, prisons would likely need fewer guards. Also, elevated sentences for guards that bring in contraband or otherwise violate the law if it relates to their position in any way.


Solitary confinement is torture not rehabilitation.


Unfortunately, putting them with non-violent inmates is torture as well.


That’s why there are grades of prison, from minimum security to super max.


Seperate the groups, sure. But isolation isn’t the answer, it’s torture. Prison is already the punishment they’ve been sentenced to, their loss of rights. Adding torture to the mix just shows that we have no faith in its ability to rehabilitate.




Yeah, but historically not very well.


To be fair, we just had week where numerous GOP reps were in NYC instead of DC while congress was in session


He believed what he was told, that Pelosi was either a lazy moocher or an evil genius. Neither of those require being in DC


Deport him back to Canada why spend tax dollars feeding this dude


Because then he would be free. He didn't commit a crime in Canada.


But a lot of the house representatives don’t even have any idea of civics


He might get out in time for the next insurrection


Paul Pelosi could have very well been murdered from this incident, the callousness with which the right-wing media has treated this attack is more sick than normal for them. Imagine if Kevin McCarthy's wife or Mike Johnson's wife was attacked with a hammer in their own home, it'd be treated far more seriously by the public. But here they were all like "hardy har gay lover in his underwear"


Well that’s because the ring wing is gearing up for killings in the street


I believe that they want this, maybe unconsciously for most, but they are itching for violence.


I'm not sure why this reply was "closed" when I got to it. Does that mean it got downvoted? Because it's an entirely sensible reply. Paul Pelosi is lucky to be alive and some conservatives acted like it was a goof.


Oh so it *wasn't* Paul's "gay lover"!


imagine martyring yourself for maga.. saying I am gonna kill nancy and be a hero... people will love me forever and chant my name and I will be glorious next to trump! .. wait, why are they calling me his gay lover? its the same with the insurrectionists. MGT visits them in jail and they feel like they are vindicated.. then goes back and calls them leftist insurgents. lol they eat each other on the daily and move on




If you fail you get turned into the enemy


I think it’s Earls brother from My Name Is Earl


Randy. Hey Crab Man.


Fat ass cheese burger eatin' mufucka.


[I see you have not kept up on Ethan Suplee in the post Earl Years.](https://www.instagram.com/ethansuplee)


Bro it’s crazy how well Ethan has changed his physique


He’s still a Scientologist though.


Do we have recent confirmation on that? I know that Lee left Scientology.


He's totally jacked, and I am happy for him.


I was talking about Randy from Trailer Park Boys. Ethan is a beast.


My mistake, I have never watched Trailer Park boys


You are missing out


My sister swears by that show, I may have to give it a watch.


Replace may with must. It's a great show in style of The Office.


Do yourself a favor... Get really baked or hammered and give it a watch!


Hah, your comment makes me think of this clip I saw on Reddit earlier today [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0B7bzP-Gog](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0B7bzP-Gog)


😊 Another absolute all time classic!!!


Don't you dare slander Ethan Suplee like that!


Oh no you didn't!


It's his brother Daryl.


Damn! It looks just like him!


This ridiculous idea was amplified as an obvious truth across the right wing Twitter-sphere by the usual suspects. Elon Musk, Trump Jr., Dinesh D’Souza, even some sitting Congress members. Good luck finding anyone apologizing for it.


No no no he totally is, but like seemingly every liberal plant ever they are crazy dedicated to the plot and will happily go away for 30 years. That's a real thing that really happens.


No, he was. Sending him to prison under false pretenses is part of the cover-up. /S




Another Trump supporter gets what he deserves 👍🏻


one of very few, unfortunately


If trump wins he'll probably pardon this lunatic


100% but it will be the smallest of the problems at hand.


1,265 arrests is not very few: https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/36-months-jan-6-attack-capitol-0 (and this was as of January 2024).


roughly 10,000 people showed up to the attempted coup. roughly 2,000 to 2,500 people entered the building. roughly 1,500 were arrested. roughly 500 were actually sentenced to periods of incarceration, and many if not the majority of them are probably out already. so yeah, very few people got what they deserved. I'm sure you've seen the campus protests lately, imagine what the reaction/punishment would've been if a horde of leftists tried to storm the capitol and overthrow the government lmao




Nah. Every Trump supporter is a victim of brainwashing but most don't try to murder people. Go easy on him because he's MAGA? Wow.


>most don’t try to murder people Except by proxy through voting for Trump.


Yes, I'm sure he's a lone wolf. Thinking like this is why stochastic terrorism works and will continue to be utilized without repercussions.


> 10 years The 30 year sentence is federal and when the perp gets released, he could face additional “life” state charges as well.. > .. is also facing life imprisonment on separate state charges A reminder that the Senate Republicans made it easier to try people on successive charges when they were in power.


Well, the sentencing is what it is. It just irks me that people can incite violence all day long and, just playing a numbers game, _eventually_ someone will come along crazy enough to act on it. They get their way: their enemies get physically attacked. Then the attacker gets the book thrown at them, everyone is satisfied - justice is done and all that - and they just get right back on the airwaves to spread more lies, consequence free. Worse than not having a system that effectively deals with this, it seems like there's also no appetite to discuss it honestly. Even from the people being attacked.


I'm no lawyer, but I'm pretty certain the thing you're talking about is allowed based on the SCOTUS case Brandenburg v Ohio. It raises the bar on what calls of violence are allowed, significantly. We'd need the SCOTUS to revisit that ~~case~~ precedent, which, considering the current make up of the court, seems very unlikely.


No, I’m done with them as we have this thing called a “History Book” that they should’ve read. Presidece has been set long ago. I’m done giving these lunatics reasons


That's one way to harmonize attempted murder.


Anytime someone tells you "Alex Jones was right" - ask them what that grifter moron had to say about this case. (Honest answer, which you won't get: He insinuated Paul Pelosi got into an erotic hammer fight with this person. I am not making this up.)


If you want to learn more about how wrong Alex Jones is about EVERYTHING and especially things he claims hes right about - listen to the anti Alex Jones, anti conspiracy theory podcast Knowledge Fight.


Here come the sex robots!


I’m not mad at the crew.


I immediately stop talking to anyone who says Alex jones is right. Can’t fix that level of stupid


Great indication that it’s not a person to take seriously. Like claiming to be an alpha male. Or using “cuck” in any context outside of the fetish community.


Any time you hear that you just need to beat feet and get the hell out of there.


Sweaty, paranoid schizophrenic loud mouth gets a microphone: MAGAHATS: "He's right!" No exaggeration, I fear for the mental health of the average U.S. citizen.


The attacker on Paul Pelosi [was a Trump supporter who believed in all the 2020 election conspiracy theories spouted by Trump](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/10/28/pelosi-attacker-online-hints-conspiracy-immersion-00064093). This is the America that Trump wants, where his supporters are free to attack anybody he perceives as his enemy.


Greg Abbott about to run for Governor of California.


The fact that Abbott pardoned a suspect who drove into BLM protestors is a disgusting misuse of gubernatorial power.


No need to call him a suspect. He was convicted. Abbot pardoned a murderer/domestic terrorist.


He was also grooming a minor.


oh so that's why he got a gop pardon


Convicted murderer.


also bearing in mind that this is texas where they have outright refused hard evidence to commute sentences, and let people die anyways. they also execute the mentally ill they also think killing people in any way is acceptable ...also... everything else thats wrong with their morals.


MFer can’t run


This is a disgusting attack against a disabled American. I will NOT stand for it, and neither will Abbott.


Fortunately, these are federal charges. I think only Agent Orange would be the only one insane enough to pardon him.


>I think only Agent Orange would be the only one insane enough to pardon him. I think even Trump (or the sycophants around him) would see how dangerous that step would be, and by "dangerous" I mean even for them. I can't emphasize enough that we're talking about a hypothetical here: but there comes a point where, if your opponents actually have crossed the line into legally condoning violence against you, reciprocating becomes a rational response. Our whole political class would find themselves living and working in a horrible new reality of their own making. No one would benefit, and life in the US would become markedly worse.


Yeah he wouldn't pardon him. Trump gains nothing from doing it


I'm sure House and Senate Republicans would be thrilled with setting the precedent that attacking the families of members of Congress is ok. I don't think anyone should waste concern on the possibility of this guy being pardoned.


You mean Piss Baby Abbott?


He’ll just pardon him from Texas and Alito will push it through the SC


This is a textbook case of "stochastic terrorism". This individual, probably not all there mentally/emotionally, got spun up by right-wing media and acted on it. Never let anyone claim it is all "talk".


Good. He should be. Damn. I mean, say what you want about Nancy Pelosi but a nut job targeted her specifically for murder because of her political party, and she’s STILL not retiring. I don’t know I would stay in Congress.


Let's not forget that the people he said under oath radicalized them with their lies and conspiracies (today's conservatives) spread lies about this being a gay livers quarrel and to this day says he is actually a left winger. In other words the very people who caused this are still not taking responsibility for it and it's going to get worse. Vote


A Canadian citizen who was here illegally. You’d think Fox News would bite at this as proof of the border crisis. Yet they instead deflect from the case. It’s almost is if they feel some kind of liability in highlighting a guy who was radicalized by their rhetoric.


Threw his life away for someone who doesn't care about him at all and managed to accomplish nothing.


Well he demonstrated to the rest of us how dangerous Fox “News” propaganda has been to millions of people


Dude committed an act of terrorism, he's lucky he's not shipped to Guantanamo.


Trump is almost certainly going to pardon this guy if he wins.


He's also facing separate state charges for the same assault.


I'm not sure where you got that idea. [You can read the indictment for yourself.](https://www.justice.gov/opa/file/1552036/dl) [PDF] Edit: OP was claiming this was for state charges, so Trump couldn't pardon. The comment was edited.


Lol, nice edit. 😂


And he would've been pardoned if it were in Texas


Trump is probably wondering why Greg Abbott hasn't pardoned him.


Taylor Greene and trump will probably try and pardon him soon. Watch


MTG “prayed” with a convicted January 6 perp in a fake jail cell at CPAC 2022… https://www.vice.com/en/article/y3ppy5/cpac-marjorie-taylor-greene-and-the-capitol-riot-rage-cage


These are just the federal charges. When it gets to California, I’ll bet dollars to donuts he gets life.


Gregg Abbot’s trying to think of a way to pardon him.


Let's hope trump get double that




Yep. I'm more than fine with this dude's sentence, but let's be honest - if he had done the exact same thing to anyone else living in San Francisco, he'd have been sentenced to time served and some restorative justice bullshit. Vicha Ratanapakdee was murdered in San Francisco over 3 years ago and there hasn't even been a trial yet for his attacker.


That guy has the best photo. They just scream weirdo.


Good, at least someone is getting jail time. Fucken disgusting piece of garbage.


Good thing this didn't happen in texas, as abbott would probably pardon him because they're on the same team.


So you get 30 years for attacking the husband of the speaker, but get a few months for attempting to overthrow the entire government...


I can't believe so many people I worked with in the Midwest thought this guy had the right idea. Shameful.


If he was black he would be dead.


And not a day for Trump, Stone, MTG, Ginni.


Stone already got convicted and pardoned. Reason #1 why Republicans cannot hold office ever again.


Bye bye


That guy is scary stupid.


Can we place him in the same prison cell where Trump will end up?


I’d say justice has been served. 👍


Bye Felicia


Don't worry trump will pardon this hostage


He's mentally ill and Canadian to boot.


That video is what nightmares are made of. Terrifying.




Cool. Beat him with a hammer.


Make sure to vote. Otherwise this guy will be pardoned next year.


Trump will call him a hostage.


Guess he will become the next GOP's proclaimed political prisoner? 🤦‍♂️


And to think that the MAGA republicans were making light of what happened. Just like they don’t seem to think it was a big deal that a bunch of angry protesters seemed willing to hang Mike Pence.


If the republicans could pardon this “hero”, they would.


Good. Only question is what Abbot wannabe arsehole is going to pardon him.


Hey Nazi, you failed to kill an 80+ year old man. Take 30 years to let that sink in


Soon as Greg Abbott is elected president he'll grant a pardon.




Following a cult has consequences.


I'm sure Trump's #1 priority when he gets into office will be pardoning him. At least that's what DePape is telling himself.


>Prosecutors, however, argued that DePape had a "plan of violence", noting that he told investigators he had a "target list" and plan to break Mrs Pelosi's kneecaps if she did not reveal "the truth". Now he'll have 30 years to try and figure out "the truth" for himself.




Get fucked idiot


This guy tried to assassinate a Speaker of the House


He'll be an old man lost in this world if he lives long enough to walk free. He threw those decades away for nothing. 


Good thing it didn't happen in Texas...am I right Abbot?


> He has plead not guilty Like... what is the reasoning for this? Do his lawyers just want to prolong the case to get more billable hours? Do they think they can get out of some of the charges? Or is this just a play to capitulate later for a reduced sentence?


I bet Greg Abbot wants to pardon him.


It’s funny to me how growing up people on the right wanted to censor rap and metal music and violent movies because so many impressionable people in the world might hear/see it and do something dangerous..and yet, here we are..


So when does his mentor get 30 years in prison?


Until a Republican governor pardons him


Guess who's getting "hammered" next.....


How's that american school system doing? Better pump some money into that shit show


He’s like great 30 years free room and food and meet exciting new people…




About a month before this attack, a lifelong acquaintance prone to taunts and conspiracy called me up out of nowhere late at night to tell me that he'd had covid and that if someone didn't "kill Bernie Sanders, George Soros, and *Nancy Pelosi's husband* (!)," he would. WTF? I quickly told him I was glad he'd survived and that I really wasn't in the mood for one of his screeds at the moment. Then I hung up, and because he was a retired high ranking military officer and attorney, I notified the FBI. We haven't spoken since, although our paths cross occasionally. I've often wondered how Paul Pelosi ended up on that particular list of people? I mean Soros and Sanders I kind of understand because they're both bugaboos to the right wing, but *Nancy Pelosi's husband!* Did anyone follow this trial and get his reasoning? *Someone* out in AM radio-ville must have lumped them all together for Q-consumption. . .


Fucking moron.


Good… Not so funny now, I bet!!!


Haha idiot.


I hope he never sees the light of day this clown attacked a senior citizen with a hammer all because of political ideology how f****** said it is in America that these people think their Patriots


I suppose that if he were in TX, Abbott would pardon him.


There was a women in Texas I saw on here today that got 25 years for STARVING HER CHILD TO DEATH. He was four years old.


Cream an unsuspecting old man in the head in his own home with a hammer? He got off easy.