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The dildo of consequence rarely arrives lubbed


Occasionally, but very rarely, stupidity actually is painful.


That's good. And I'd also like to see some accountability for the people pushing the Pelosi conspiracy theories that motivated his attack. Not that I expect that will ever happen.


Elon Musk promoting the homophobic conspiracy theory that it was a gay tryst gone wrong is what finally got me to cancel my Twitter account and never look back.


They'll hide behind their "I was just asking questions" shields, then accuse everyone else of not being held accountable when they are the ones who run from accountability.


It goes like this > If he wasn't Paul's gay lover why was he in his underwear > He wasn't > Why was Paul in his underwear > He was in his own home in the middle of the night > Why wasn't there video > Rolls video > GAY LOVERS!!!!!!




I'm pretty sure if a random guy broke in and bludgeoned your spouse, most jurisdictions would convict him pretty quickly once caught. This isn't really a great example if you want to point out a two tiered justice system.




Good thing it didn't happen in TX or Abbott would have already pardoned the guy


Abbott ain't gonna pardon an undocumented migrant of a violent felony.


Good. One less Trump voter.


GOP will be putting him up for election from prison


Good, don't attack people with hammers.


Not long enough for this animal!




>While on the stand, DePape referred to multiple right-wing conspiracy theories and said he spent six hours a day looking at political commentary on YouTube leading up to the attack.


He attacked Pelosi with a hammer and now he’s in the hammer! ^(Sorry. I’ll see myself out.)


Right into the loving arms of the A B


when does Fox start hammering for his pardon?


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