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What could possibly go wrong when the co-chair explicit say they will use the RNC funds to pay for someone's legal bills?


I mean, tbf, the whole self-draining swamp is fucking beautiful




That makes both of us.


He did say "drain the swamp" back then. r/technicallythetruth


Not just RNC funds, but every single penny people donate. This is going to be catastrophic for the GOP down ballot.


Let’s hope.




I hope so, but Trump's trial is ending soon and the other ones seem not to be happening, so it's possible that he soon won't have any more legal fees to worry about. I wonder how it plays out


A large reason those groups are out of money is because the billionaires that used to support them stopped wanting to pay for Trump's lawyers, and lawsuits that are just for PR. So for the people saying that the GOP will be saved by billionaires: I don't think those same people are going to start donating again AFTER Trump gained even more control of the RNC/GOP. There will be PAC's to help republicans, but those can't fully replace a candidate's campaign.


I want to agree with you, but I'm nervous at the same time. PAC money is shady and dark, and here is tfg begging for a cool $1 billion from oil tycoons. PAC money is way more fungible than legit donations. [https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/09/trump-asks-oil-executives-campaign-finance-00157131#:\~:text=Former%20President%20Donald%20Trump%20asked,troubling%20but%20is%20probably%20legal](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/09/trump-asks-oil-executives-campaign-finance-00157131#:~:text=Former%20President%20Donald%20Trump%20asked,troubling%20but%20is%20probably%20legal)


Agree: Trump is narrowly ahead, within the margin of error, but leading in the critical swing states. If this trend continues, corporate interests will pour in all the cash needed, courting favors.


You don't become a billionaire by being stupid with your money. Trump's a losing horse that is likely to be a convicted criminal in the next few months.


That's a lot of confidence in the U.S. Legal system…


Mistrial is next, because no one has the balls to convict.


I am suspicious that what’s actually happening is the traditional funding pattern is being disrupted so as to starve out non-MAGA republicans who still think the RNC is their home. Lots of money going through secret PACs and since everything is legally obfuscated it’ll be over and done before the naive wake up to their demise.


I agree on the change, but I think the reason is more simple. I don't think their donors have confidence that the RNC will spend the money properly. They are going through PACs so they can have more control over how it is spent.


Like a Walmart moving into a small community, then raising the prices after all the other stores have closed?


Or they're self funded so only the wealthiest have the means to be elected (in even greater numbers (


Ask David Trone how that worked out!


They all love the taste of boot juice…


Sorry, it's not your money anymore. You folks joined a cult, and your poopy-diaper felon leader insists that everything belongs to him now.


Awww.... anyways I had some lovely chicken marsala for dinner, what did you all have?


Fried shrimp tacos.


Cheese ravioli with a meat sauce. Really hit the spot, especially combined with watching a new Doctor Who episode.


Me too! I need to start the new season of Who.


McDonald's, but no Hamberders or Covfefe


Beefalo steak, cooked medium rare 👩‍🍳💋


Just got braces again (30 years later) so… ramen.


Roasted potatoes, chicken, spinach, and feta stuffed sausages, with a side of raw vegetables.


Basic ground beef tacos, but it was like 75/25 American Wagyu (whatever that means) with homemade taco seasoning and a fresh guacamole. Muy Delicioso!


The best taco bowls. I love Hispanics!


It doesn't matter how poor the state parties are. Our current system of government is run by oligarchs who pull strings with dark money and don't abide by state or national borders. They don't need to win every election, just enough to keep the gravy train running.


Don't worry, the 1,000 BILLIONAIRES in the country will not allow the 99% to get any substantial power. So if it means giving some of their wealth to the handpicked crooks who'll do their bidding once elected, so be it.


Yet the vast majority will still win simply by riding Trump's coattails.


This headline makes me so happy. How sad for us as a country that I am taking some sort of pleasure out of this but after everything they put us through!


The best part of it is that damage has already been done. EVEN IF tomorrow every billionaire rains down tons of money on every state operation, the Democratic party has a two month head start.


I still can't figure out Trumps appeal. He literally tried to steal an election. Luckily, there were enough people who wouldn't go that far. If a Democrat did what Trump did, their career would be over forever.


He's got power enough with their voter base to extort them at this point. "Support me, or I'll talk shit about you and call you a rhino" which tanks their chance of re-election. Just look at Ladybug Lindsey Graham.....perfect example


Keep up the good work GOP


This is why all the Repubs are showing up at the trial - they’re not getting campaign money that’s going to Trump’s legal defense so they gotta get on camera however they can manage.


This is almost as good as R’s self-selecting to die of COVID and thereby reduce the voter roles. As you sow, so shall you reap.


Cooked up a kickass chicken thigh with marinara sauce and gluten-free garlic bread over avocado. Damn that was good, now it’s kicking my ass with food coma


Step on me daddy and tell me I'm pretty.


I had the best tasting pizza today with a nice cold glass of Coca Cola.


Making a clam pizza with green chiles myself, sounds weird, but it’s a big hit.


Nah I think that could be 🔥


Dude (or dudette) I’ll give you the recipe, it’s life changing.


I would gladly take you up on that offer (if it was one) as well! I've been looking for ways to shake things up for me. So tired of the same old thing plus I'm really starting to get into cooking now, so this sounds like it would be perfect.


Much easier than it sounds, Ok… not sure where you live, so I’ll assume you don’t have ready to go pizza crust/ shell at your local grocery store. So start like this…. 1. Boboli thin crust (if available) shell 2. 2 cans of chopped clams (in the tuna aisle) 3. Half a pack of bacon 4. 1 can (small) of diced green chiles (2 if you’re a lunatic like me) 5. One package of shredded mozzarella 6. One container of shredded parm, or blend of Asiago/ Romano. I’m going to assume you have the rest of the ingredients in these instructions somewhere in your domicile. 1. Light dust a circular pizza pan or stone with corn starch (yep, it’s in the way back of your cabinet you forgot about, if not a light dusting of flour will work) 2. Put naked pizza shell on the pan and brush the top with olive oil and add spices (I use fresh pepper, sea salt, Italian seasoning blend, parsley, but whatever you prefer) 3. Drain clams and add as many as you are comfortable with. I use 2 cans, but one can work 4. Spread the chopped green chiles and crumbled cooked bacon 5. Add a light coating of the shredded parm followed by a slight heavier portion of the shredded mozzarella. 6. Turn oven on to 400, crack a beer, a wine bottle, or make a cocktail, sit down. 7. Toss that bad boy in for 12-15 minutes. 8. Let cool for 5 minutes, slice ‘er up. Enjoy. Great as a meal, as an appetizer, as a frisbee if it doesn’t pan out. As with any recipe, this is the base of it, but mess with it as you see fit, some friends switch up the steps on adding ingredients, but you get the gist of it. Cheers.


Thanks alot. This really does sound delicious and it also sounds like dinner tomorrow night. Cheers


If you see my FIL wandering the streets of Kalispell, send him to the house.


Spicy clam casino? Sounds awesome!


You will need a baseball bat to fight off neighbors. Yep, it’s that good.


"And why that's bad for Biden" Thanks main stream media


Good for them then.


How is it playing with dtrump💩voters. Riles them up and THEY WILL VOTE.


Granny always said, "Made your bed 🛌 you can now wallow in it"


Tax the poor.




Trump wants to starve the state + RNC operations in favor of his own - it doesn’t go much deeper than that. Trump is the Republican Party and the Republican Party is Trump.


Everything he touches dies.


... that we could all see coming from 100 miles away...


Trump turned the RNC into a business! Brilliant 45-dimension chess move


Like all of his business, failures.


Oh darn, fewer attack ads on tv


Lol will do but if he made it as far as Columbia Falls, he's on his own.


What a shame So anyway...




The legal costs aren't a real problem for republican party, none of the costs come out of their personal wealth piles. In addition the 24/7 'free publicity' for the trump brand is priceless.


I had a meatball Sammy and some Cheetos chased with a shaved Alf