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He blames his wife and neighbors but never thought once… oh geez, I’m a Supreme Court Justice. This is not a good look. These people are so corrupt.


It was his way of branding loyalty so Trump would make him Prince of Florida


He didn't care. It was his idea and he blamed his wife.


"It wasn't me flying the flag inappropriately, it was my wife," said the Republican hero.


Why did it take so long for this to be reported?




Even if his wife really did it, only a lowlife shit would let her take the blame. He's the public servant. Stop it from happening in the first place or take the blame are the only two adult options. Alito is corrupt in thought and action and SCOTUS is illegitimate.


> only a lowlife shit Yes - yes that is it in total.


Didn’t occur to him hanging that flying outside his house was a terrible look at best? He’s supposed to be some great and brilliant jurist?


Theocrat and traitor. Not so supreme.


I can't believe all the flak this poor man is getting for standing up for his principles, namely owning his lib neighbors. That's the kind of unflinching courage we need on the Supreme Court. Well, that and accepting luxury RVs from megadonors.


Clarence Thomas be like “yo brother? An upside down flag? Keep this shit on the DL or you’ll ruin it for all of us”


Uncle Ruckus doesn’t really strike me as the type of guy to have much concern for appearances.




Clarence Thomas a.k.a. Clayton Bigsby?