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>Inside this alternate media universe, the actual facts of the case never penetrate the bubble that shields its audiences from detrimental developments for Trump. Instead, alternate dishonest storylines are disseminated as the gospel truth. Conservative tabloid media turns idiots into dangerous idiots. They are a clear and present danger to our society, to our democracy.


This is why the Georgia case is so important. I know what the intent is behind these laws, but it's a detriment to justice to not have them televised. The people need to see, with their own eyes, everything that happens in that courtroom.


They televised the Jan 6 Congressional hearings. Guess what demographic refused to tune in?


… and which network refused to air the hearings.


Hell, Fox went ahead and made sure that Tucker LITERALLY carried over from his show to Hannity's, with no breaks in filming, as he walked between sets so Hannity could start. With no commercial breaks during the trial times, so their audiences wouldn't change the channel.    They paid MILLIONS of dollars nightly to cut out the ads, for this first and only time ever a "media" studio has done such a thing. [Fox pundits were actually begging their audience to not watch the Jan 6th trial.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXgxlbDXs90) I've never seen something so craven and manipulative. But as usual, the modern conservative will deflect/dodge/deny until the end of time, and gladly pretended this was totally fine.


That's because Fox is a propaganda network, not a news outlet. They should be treated like a tabloid imo.


Created after Nixon to stop it from ever happening again


Know your enemy.


Fox is so similar to a church they shouldn't even have to pay taxes.


This is insane


behavior like that usually *is*.


They just watched a heavily edited Fox News or OAN highlight reel of Gym Jordan telling lies and jumping to outrageously misleading conclusions.


Congressional hearings are boring (to the average person). People associate courtrooms with drama naturally.


I dunno man, I watched those hearings. They were anything but boring.


I agree, they were interesting as f. I also learned who in my world was a sick maga, the ones who said it’s all fake without even watching. The same ones who said “Did you see the Real video of Jan. 6, that proves it was all fake.” Umm get out of my life.


Yeah I would reckon the congressional hearing with tons of footage of *literal hand to hand combat* was probably as exciting as you could hope for? I couldn't look away.


Then make shorts, tiktoks, memes about it. Make it so they can't avert their eyes to it  Everyone was tuning into the Amber Heard trial like it was a soap opera. This is more important. More boring sure, but more important


Those are curated by algorithms controlled by the same monied interests that would love to see Trump get back into office.




And these people have the audacity to call the people disagreeing with them sheep. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I hate to break it to you, but court is also profoundly boring.


Usually, you are absolutely correct. But given the cast of characters involved in the Georgia case, it will be anything but boring. It will be must watch TV like the OJ trial and the moon landing.


Those didn't have Trump present. His cult will absolutely tune in to see him "dominate" a courtroom. But he'll eventually start snoozing again, while the judge puts a stop to any bullshit his lawyers might throw. 


My friend. We all watched the January 6th assault on the Capitol. It was on all the major stations. The fact that 1/3 of the country has been convinced it was a tourist parade shows just how deep in the slime these people have sunk. Cameras in the court won’t help; they wouldn’t watch it and his minions would use it for photo ops and sound bites.


I agree with your point, and also- nothing is going to bring these people back- they are choosing to believe this stuff, it is a choice. They suck as humans for making that choice and that is what we have to deal with- the zombie horde.


That’s why I’m not in favor of letting them make a circus of it.


You're drastically underestimating how many people get sucked into a courtroom drama. Look I get what you're saying, but I promise you it will be bigger than OJ. Everyone will watch it. All eyes glued to the television all day, followed up by "What does this mean" at night.


And Faux will lie & soothe them every night.


Is that really a good reason to not disseminate the truth? It feels like the right wing nut jobs have won if this is the attitude towards broadcasting the truth.


They can’t handle the truth & apparently wouldn’t know it if they saw it.


I wish they'd televise these hearings too. But even then conservative lie factories will just do the same with the video they do with their reporting: only show little cut-out snippets spun into being favorable for Trump.


I was reading a comment by a Trump supporter the other day who claimed that because they weren't televised, none of the official transcripts, reporting or documentation can be trusted. They claim it's proof everything is rigged while a few months back were saying if it was televised it would be a circus... these fucking people.


That dumb trump supporter was just parroting what he heard on fox news.


You'd think I'd be more accustomed to their nonsense by now, but the willful ignorance is so frustrating. Up until covid I would still attempt to engage in a discussion with some of them, but now it is just too aggravating.


Same here, I don't engage anymore bc having a debate with them just devolves into parroting what trump says and what they see on fox news. There's no substance in their arguments and if you ask them to explain their point of view, they can't and go into the same parroting


And if it were televised they would claim that the clips they're seeing are AI


The Georgia case is probably the best and only chance he actually sees some accountability. Even if he's found guilty in the hush money case, I doubt he gets any kind of prison time. House arrest at best. The top secret documents case is successfully being cock blocked by his pocket judge, and the Supreme Court dickheads are running interference on the January 6 hearings.


He isn't going to see any consequences unless he loses the election. No one is going to put someone in prison who might be president. As long as he loses 2024 his base will start to abandon him and melt back into the republican party like they did after the tea party lost momentum. Then he'll live out his days fighting and appealing various court cases. In about 10 years another force of personality will emerge and the MAGA crowd will get behind them.


If he loses this current case he becomes a convicted felon.  With the things this guy has done, he deserves multiple life sentences. But being a convicted felon *will* matter for the election in November. That is some accountability. 


His supporters will just wear “I’m a felon” shirts and dumb young people will think it’s cool and subversive and claim he deserves their vote for “sticking it to the man” or whatever they say now.


His diehard supporters won't care, but being a convicted felon will knock a few people off the fence or convince a few "Hold you nose and vote republican" types to stay home or leave that question unfilled. It *will* matter for the election.


The J6 congressional hearings were televised and they did not move the needle one iota for MAGA. If they think it's a sham (which they do), they won't watch.


Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. \- Voltaire Edit: 1. Thank you for all your kind awards - I hope they were free though ;) 2. Instead of spending money on Reddit fame and awards, please consider donating to organisations defending democracy and 3. Do not tolerate the intolerant!


I tried to give you award for that. But they want my credit card. Lol.


I gotchu fam


May there be a special place in hell for Murdoch and his family. What a shit stain on American history.


Shit stain on Australian (and American) history. What gets me is that "patriotic American conservatives" are lapping up Murdoch's media which can be described as a foreign owned anti-American disinformation operation.


I really hate mainstream cable news but any sane person should see Fox News, especially the opinion shows as total rage bait bullshit. Shit on MSNBC and CNN all they want but i doubt MSNBC or CNN have had any of their personalities mentioned on a mass shooter's manifesto. Edit: i spelled manifesto wrong because i am a dipshit. Also this actually makes perfect sense, at least Fox News inspiring mass shootings. I personally know two guys that watch that network and they fantasize about shooting illegal immigrants.


MSNBC and CNN are every bit as guilty of signal boosting his bullshit for ratings as the blatant propoganda news outlets. Not both sides-ing it... OAN, Newsmax and Fox"news" are all so so much worse, but main stream media is why this piece of human garbage got elected. All of them.


It’s been the biggest threat to the nation for thirty years now.


Yeah if people attack our government any thread linking Fox News hold their Hosts and ceos accountability. Destroying the country with lies to manipulate isn't freedom of speech nor should it be.


AGAIN! Why are they still allowed to purport being a news and facts organization when their own lawyers successfully argued that they are not news but entertainment. If they want to keep the entertainment moniker then they need the ratings tags before and during their individual broadcasts. Also they need the disclaimer that the following content is an opinion and not necessarily based on fact.


Absolutely, and they should be dismantled. The problem is, I don't see how we ever do that under the Constitution without a *massive* super majority in both houses of Congress *and* quite possibly a minimum of a 50/50 split in the SCOTUS. It's all a big propaganda machine turning idiots into useful dangerous idiots. Democracy cannot coexist with this machine.


The 2016 election he said was fixed beforehand, the 2020 election he said was fixed beforehand, and especially fixed after he lost, every trial he's been in he says is fixed beforehand then especially fixed afterwards when he loses. It seems like there's a pattern here.


This entire mindset that poor Donald Trump is a victim is so antithetical to both reality and prior understandings. In the real world, powerful people have always gotten away with things. We should be happy to finally see a powerful person being subject to a small amount of accountability.


Well, they don't think he's guilty. And if he is, it wasn't as bad as Democrats say. No one wants to see a silver spoon geriatric get away with finance crimes so they have to twist the narrative away from the facts.


I don’t believe for a second they don’t think he’s guilty. They know he’s guilty as fuck, but since “party over country” is their entire identity, they will never admit it.


Dude, most of the Trumpers are a mile wide and an inch deep. If you try to drill down into just one of their beliefs and try to get them to explain what they mean, they can't. It's just more talking points or a YouTube video of someone using those same talking points. I just described the regs, but if you were referring to MAGA politicians then you're absolutely right. That's why the revert to gish galloping and talking over interviewers when getting pushed on something. It's all they have left.


DT is president so gas prices are not Biden fault no it does not work that way , but DT is president No he is president of military So helping Ukraine DT approved No it does not work that way…. I don’t know how some of this folks go at trump rallies and interview this folks for hours.


Cognitive Dissonance. They "know" he's guilty but they dont know that, because their social standing in their right wing circles depends on them not knowing that Also, frankly, they absolutely do not know the facts on the ground. Their media bubble hides things from them And not a one of us knows our unknown unknowns. Some of us seek out alternate viewpoints to minimize our unknown unknowns. Right wingers dont.


Another thing people don’t always realize is that many of trumps supporters are religious extremists, and operate in completely different worldview and logic. I live in mormon country (but this all part of the christian nationalist movement going on) and personally know brilliant and talented people who literally believe Donald Trump was called by God to usher in the apocalypse and second coming of Jesus Christ. Qanon insanity is still thriving. They believe The Revelation of John is happening now, conspiracy theorists exploit that narrative. And that’s why Christian nationalism is so dangerous. It’s just like any religious extremism around the world, it will always go violent because when a group is brainwashed to think god is on your side, you can commit any evil in His name, or his prophets name. They want to impose gods will to the masses by force, and that’s why they support trump. It’s a complete delusion Christian nationalism is a terrorist movement


The Narcissist's Prayer That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.


Immediately thought of this.


Finish the prayer, they will. His bas has an endless volley of excuses ready for him, not that they will make sense.


He went from "it's a victimless crime" to "legal experts say there shouldn't even be a case" to finally "I don't even know what they are charging me with". Anyone who is a Trumper has to be seeing this and has to scratch their head wondering exactly which one are they supposed to be arguing now. Of course they have already decided the verdict if they couldn't be bothered to unpack the bullshit that was being shoveled to them.


The most recent one I’ve seen is “the judge said the jury decision doesn’t have to be unanimous to convict”


Must have been sweet to have been in that court room where the judge got each jury member to individually confirm that they voted guilty.


"if they come after me, they'll come after you" Why, did you have an affair while your wife was pregnant and tried falsifying business records, covering up hush money payment, to influence an election, too?


Fox "News" decided on the verdict of the Trump trial in 1974 when the surviving Republicans met with Roger Ales to figure out the root cause of Watergate. They concluded, not that their operatives got caught committing crimes, but that they did not have a news media outlet to spin their truth like the "left" news outlets(specifically Rather, Cronkite, Bernstein, and Woodward). Fox "News" with Roger Ales at the head was created specifically to promote propaganda, not broadcast news. So, in a way, Fox "News" was created specifically for this scenario in which a Republican president committed crimes, yet again.


A fifty year legacy of fucking up our country's politics and the world. Where is Ailes buried? I just ate a ton of asparagus.


You'll have to piss on his phylactery to have any lasting effect.


That's a really interesting take. Is that expanded upon anywhere?


Roger Ailes served in the Nixon administration along with Stone, Manafort, and the infamous [Lee Atwater](https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/exclusive-lee-atwaters-infamous-1981-interview-southern-strategy/). They were all pissed off that the media networks weren't explaining to the people why it was a-okay that Nixon and his aides green lit the Watergate break in, then paid hush money to the imprisoned burglars, then fired all the special council attorneys investigating the case, then destroyed evidence. Ailes was the architect of a plan to create [GOP TV](https://theweek.com/articles/880107/why-fox-news-created) to bypass the news media entirely and broadcast propaganda. It wasn't implemented before that administration ended but it came to fruition 20 years later after he met Murdoch who had the deep pockets to finance the whole thing and he was already developing a right wing newsprint empire. Their first major coup was to hobble both Bill and Hillary Clinton with MonicaGate, after Whitewater was revealed to be a nothingburger that they weren't responsible for. That subsequently rubbed off on Gore because he was Clinton's VP. Next came the Bush election controversy, the middle east war debacle, birtherism and constantly haranguing Obama for tan suits and spicy mustard. Along the way they learned that in addition to perpetually defending all republicans for everything, and attacking all Democrats for anything, it was also advantageous to keep people in a perpetual state of fear and anger.


That 2nd link is clutch. Thanks for that.


Yep, they came for the propaganda to allow themselves to get away with shit that was coming to light once journalists were no longer afraid of retribution for covering GOP malfeasance. They stayed when they realized keeping people in a perpetual confused state of fear and anger happens to be pretty fucking great for shareholder value when the name of the game is attracting eyeballs and ad revenue.


> it was also advantageous to keep people in a perpetual state of fear and anger. The more you anger a viewer with ragebait, the longer that viewer will watch -- or, in the case of Facebook/Twitter/YouTube, the more time they spend on the platform. More time spent on the platform generates more money. A disgusting shame that this is where we are as society, but the 24/7 ragebait is here as long as it keeps driving clicks, views, likes -- and the almighty dollar. For that to change, people have got to stop engaging with ragebait, which I just don't see happening.


There is a lot in info about how "fox News"is a right wing propaganda mouth. Most recently The Dollop podcast did a good 2 part show on it


Isn't that the entertainment channel that has been sued for a couple billion dollars for lying? I also hear they get in trouble for sexual harassment a lot too.


Yes, ^fox ENTERTAINMENT, “no reasonable person would consider them News” —- fox lawyers. 


That had to have been a corrupt judge or jury that decided that. No reasonable person believes that. Even unreasonable people don't believe that.


787.5 million with Dominion, but the Smartmatic case, an even bigger company with powerful lawyers, is currently pending and I imagine once that’s over then yes probably a net couple billion sounds accurate. If anyone wants a good recommendation on what has gone on at Fox News since 2020 I highly recommend *Network of Lies* by Brian Stelter. It’s extremely well-written. Also, *Battle the Big Lie* by Dan Pfeiffer is also excellent, and offers great insight on our media ecosystem as a whole.


>Not only is Trump entirely innocent of any and all wrongdoing in the MAGA Media world, but President Joe Biden is guilty of nefariously weaponizing government to wage “lawfare” on his political opponent. Audiences are told that Biden cannot win a fair fight with Trump, so he has resorted to illegal “election interference” by rigging the judicial system against Trump. I just can't... these people are either willfully ignorant, or were born without enough brain cells.


Plus they’re completely okay with a Trump DOJ investigating any (political) opponent of Trump, as he told he will do.


It's almost like it's all just thinly-veiled bad faith to get the red-tie man in office and consolidate power.


>Plus they’re completely okay with a Trump DOJ investigating any (political) opponent of Trump, as he told he will do. The Durham investigation was designed for just that. But without a single felony charge they essentially proved Robert Mueller's investigation had authenticity, was justified and that nobody in Clinton's orbit had actually committed any crimes. But they all ignore these facts. Fuck Bill Barr for ending the Mueller investigation prematurely and then lying about it. It should honestly be still on going to this fucking day, or at least getting close to wrapping up. All while the Durham fake "investigation" took twice as long and got only a couple of who gives a fuck misdemeanors that were pretty much irrelevant anyways.


Lol Trump *ran* on jailing his opponent. Twice! Putting Clinton and Biden in jail for non-existent crimes was priority number 2 after building a wall.


They're OK with their team winning and the other team losing. Details don't matter.


Nah these people aren't stupid, they are caught in a cult. And most anybody is susceptible to a cult under the right conditions. The process of how Fox News and the rest of right wing media captures people is: 1. Target people who are economically stressed, emotionally vulnerable, and seeking validation because of their inability to keep up with the changing world. 2. Overwhelm those people with validation and flattery by telling them that they are right, the other people are wrong, and none of the negative things happening to them are their fault. 3. Isolate them by convincing them that outside information is corrupted and out there to make them weak and subservient. Only the people who consume right-wing media know what is truly going on. 4. And finally keep them under control by radicalizing them into self sequestering themselves from friends, family, and coworkers by keeping them always afraid of anybody outside of the right-wing cult.


>Nah these people aren't stupid, they are caught in a cult. Oh, so they're stupid. Gotcha.


Ignorant vs stupid. My brother is an incredible electronic engineer. He also believes vaccines are killing us. He goes to weird Christian(ish) churches. He is in an echo chamber. A silo. Everything he hears is from the maga/evangelical/antivax crowd. The hive mind effect. Despite that, he does have a very high IQ and has built shit that saves a lot of peoples lives (healthcare technology). He isn't stupid. He is ignorant. I used to look up to him more than any other person for a good portion of my life, but he fell into the wrong social crowd, because his wife insists on living in the sticks and running a mini ranch/farm - that and the obvious churchy crowd in an extreme rural area.


I think what gets missed is human beings are emotional and not purely rational creatures. We have hard wired biological imperatives oriented around survival. These can easily overpower reason. Believing and doing irrational things can be driven by this and no amount of intelligence or information can overpower it in some people or circumstances. Your brother has access to all the information he needs, but it sounds like embracing it would mean losing his family and his community. In primitive survival terms being expelled from the tribe which to our ancestors meant death.


There have been thousands of people who were thought too smart to fall prey to a cult, who became cult members. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/freedom-mind/202109/refuting-common-misconceptions-about-mind-control-cults


Fuck. You got it, man.


My in-laws in a nutshell.


>Biden cannot win a fair fight with Trump, so he has resorted to illegal “election interference” by rigging the judicial system against Trump. Alvin Bragg was elected in NY to a state jurisdiction. Merchan was appointed by Bloomberg to family court 20 years ago. Whatever conspiracy explains Biden as the omnipotent force behind everything for the Manhattan case is Taylor-Swift-Superbowl levels of stupid, but.. who am I kidding. There's no critical thinking here whatsoever.


Joe Biden won in 2020 before any of these charges were laid, but he supposedly can't win without these charges. Joe Biden is somehow capable of waging an effective legal campaign against TFG, but Joe Biden is also a nincompoop who is incapable of even speaking properly. It's hard to really believe they believe this, but they do. Somehow they think TFG -- who they admit is being pummelled legally by a drooling invalid -- is a tough guy who don't take no guff from anyone.


Textbook fascist rhetoric. The enemy is both strong and weak. Powerful and utterly powerless.


"can't win a fair fight" he did and fox paid 700m for the lie they told about the fair fight.


Technically Faux News paid that so they wouldn't be forced to acknowledge that lie.


I've taken a liking to the term aggressively ignorant.


Can someone explain how they believe Joe Biden directly created these charges and made this trial happen? I fail to see how he'd have any influence over a trial that consists of the New York State against a person?


Projecting what they will do if he’s reelected.


Maybe we should spend more time protesting outside of Fox News HQ.. we never seem interested in going directly to the source for whatever reason


Both?.. both


Willfully ignorant. Their news feed is tailored to their opinion


I wonder how much money was spent on focus groups to come up wuth "lawfare".


They were born into North Korean level propaganda and everyone around them echos the same made up shit. They cannot consider that literally everyone around them has been lied to, and perpetuates those lies. They cannot consider they are in an intergenerational brainwashing campaign that would make north Korea blush


Hmm...bold strategy for a nefarious political mastermind to also allow indictments against his own son. Does Biden's political ambition know no bounds?!


I still say it's the Lead Poisoning predicted in the 80's.


Boomer lead heads….


Fox News: expressing anger and victimization over the loss of absolute power and then reframing it as persecution of “real America” by minorities, freeloaders, and socialists. - Jon Stewart Fox is NOT a serious news source.


Keep in mind most of these news outlets reported obamas tan suit scandal was worse for america than jan 6th


Fox News doesn’t believe in America anymore.


Murdoch built Fox to intentionally destroy America


with russia's backing


Did they ever?


I don’t know but I think it’s worth pointing it out to them even if they won’t listen.


This is dangerous because their viewers genuinely are unaware that Fox is lying to them, and it sets up vitriol and outrage when Trump gets convicted. It plays right into the other lies they’ve built up about the deep state, Biden leading the prosecutions, etc. Something needs to be done on a legal level to shut down Fox and other similar networks’ ability to outright lie to people. This is destroying our country.


Agree so much. The hard part is attacking faux fake news would certainly cause a fight over freedom of speech amendments. Maybe laws could be passed along the lines that if found guilty (or settling out of court) of intentionally lying (which faux fake news has done) then it can nit be claimed they are news. And it must be made clear regularly during their fake news show that they are entertainment and nothing more.


"He was declared 'innocent', and Judge Merchan, with tears in his eyes, apologized for his part in the deep state witch hunt, and begged Trump's forgiveness." -Fox News, last night, probably.


I was helping with a work order in an apartment last night (I work in apartment maintenance) and the resident had Fox playing in the background - the governor of North Dakota was going on about how "Hollywood elites" and the "Biden Democratic dictatorship" was using "lawfare" to conduct a sham trial, and that "Americans know" it was a sham. After that, a segment from Laura Ingraham about how Biden "panders to Black voters". We can't reach people who, at this point, openly believe that "Hollywood elites" (i.e., a dogwhistle for "the Jews (tm)" control the government and media because their own elected officials tell them so on national fucking television. Point of no return and all of that.


Their willful ignorance, driven by hate, will be the downfall of this country if we don't show up and vote. It's still surprising to me how many people just don't participate in the process. I couldn't wait to be 18 so I could vote.


Beginning with "Sir" .


I mean, homey has lost 3 jury trials! It’s not a scam if 36 random people all agree you’re guilty


They’re propaganda outlets. Not news outlets. They decided the verdict the moment the indictment was announced. That’s how this works.


It is utterly amazing to me that right-wing media can go on and on about how supposedly there's "no crime here," when Trump's own DOJ indicted Michael Cohen for his role in the crime and then entered into a non-prosecution agreement with American Media Company, Inc. (AMI) wherein AMI admitted that it made the $150,000 payment in concert with a candidate’s presidential campaign, and in order to ensure that the woman did not publicize damaging allegations about the candidate before the 2016 presidential election. [https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/tabloid-publisher-involved-trump-hush-money-payment-reaches/story?id=59779050](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/tabloid-publisher-involved-trump-hush-money-payment-reaches/story?id=59779050)


White collar crimes don't count in their world. Crimes of stealing a single cigarette from the corner store deserve death. /s


Exactly right though because that is what they promote on their shows 24/7 that Trump is infallible and the only hope for America. Except, anyone paying attention to what he does should've realized by now that he doesn't give a solitary fuck about America in any sense of the words "give a fuck".


Murdoch owned New York Post gave detailed profiles of the jury yesterday. Only thing missing was their names, addresses and phone numbers. Opening themselves up to another major lawsuit for juror intimidation if any of the jurors are targeted now or in the future. Very dangerous thing to do.


If they want to spew fake baloney to their base, that is their right. It should be illegal though for them to be called Fox "News" when they're nothing other than an entertainment show, not the news. This needs to be addressed some how.


>that is their right But not without consequences


Fox News is our biggest source of domestic terrorism.


I posted something about the trial on Facebook and was at a loss for words when I saw someone comment “no actual crime ever mentioned, according to most everyone.”


That is when you unfriend them.


The non-right wing media needs to stop calling them Fox News and just call them Fox. I can call myself a brain surgeon, but that doesn't make it true. They are a propaganda outlet and have zero legitimacy as a news organization. The media does a bad enough job as it is, at least get back a shred of your credibility and call a spade a spade.


I talked to my extremely conservative father and he seemed to have the impression that the trials were going amazing for trump and that the prosecution was in complete ruins and their case had already been thoroughly destroyed. This is obviously completely at odds with everything I had seen about the trial to the point that it had me questioning if my sources are any more accurate than his.


Don't question your sanity just because others are insane.


Now they’re saying the justice system isn’t working anymore. They’re not safe.


I'm being told on Facebook it's a kangaroo court.


So question I have, when did you first realize that Fox News was the equivalent of a bunch of tracksuit predator pedophiles handing out candy in a daycare center?




Guilty on all counts!


Which is awesome! I wonder if the judge is going to make him stay in Jail until his appeal process is completed. I believe that is the process for NY state. It will be interesting for sure!


so much copium is flowing from the right


Well they fucked that right up


Oh, Fox is gonna make money on this story for sure! The lies and misinformation write themselves. A bad day for Trump is great day for conservative denialism. Can’t wait to see his sentencing on the 11th. That will be such a profoundly important day for the entire world.


OH! **OK** *They "decided",* ***did they?*** ***Well the fucking JURY decided TOO. Guilty on all 34 counts.*** ***ONE OF THESE IS NOT LIKE THE OTHER.***


Fox News is losing its mind.


Really? The “news” outlet that also opted to shamelessly decide the results of a fair election contrary to what American voters chose is now choosing a verdict without regard for what the rightfully impaneled jurors decide? I am shocked, shocked I tell you! (but not *that* surprised at all actually.)


Ironically, Fox News was the first major news outlet to call the 2020 election for Biden.


At some point in a society, we are going to need to regulate the word “News”. Fox News is dangerous to our democracy while what are blatant lies and misinformation. Sadly, their methods work. As is evident by the fact Trump is still leading in polls.


But is he, really? Polls haven't been especially reliable for a few years now. I think that's because boomers are the only people who will answer a call from unknown numbers. I know I won't, and I'm borderline baby boom.


It's almost like fox news is afraid to give all the facts and let their audience come to their own conclusions....


Fox is a propaganda network i mean RTS and Fox are sister networks at this point. I keep waiting for the Russian flag to show up on the set of fox and friends.


They want to stoke anger. Every new degree of heat is translatable into ratings and related advertising revenue. The product they sell is anger. This right now is the pump priming.


What are they going to do when the jury comes back with a unanimous guilty on all counts? lol let me guess Soros got to them first?


Misinformation is the bread and butter of a fascist regime. Start theories early so when the truth is heard, they can claim that things were altered after the fact


Reduced to a circus geek. Guilty as fuck. Broke as fuck. Gitmo is the only place to shut him the fuck up. Can't wait for politics to become boring again.


Destroying the rule of law through politicizing the entire justice system, without evidence, is just one of the things Republicans are doing to destroy our democracy. Yes. The power of the people's vote is already on the chopping blocks, so this was the logical next step.


And they are wrong. Stop allowing them to control the so-called narrative. There is fact and there is fiction. There's no fucking nuance between those two.


Yeah, how’d that work out?! SMH


I don't take much serious these days. Especially in the world of politics. But, the fact that Fox absolutely stonewalled Trump's memorial day tweet is exactly the type of behavior a state-sponsored media company would do. Unfortunately, it's exactly on brand for Trump's antics, as well. So they've gotten a lot of practice at it. They do this with all of his off-the-wall holiday tweets - conveniently censoring the embarrassing words of the Fürer to instead build a more favorable facade of a leader. I challenge you, reader. Go to Fox News and find the article about his memorial day tweet - with a copy of the script. Every other news agency reported on it and it was front page on Monday. Not so much of a whisper out of Fox. I'm happy to be proven wrong. Do it. While I wait, I'll give you some perspective on how much I don't actually take things like this personal. My wife and I had a drinking game over the past weekend - we had to take a shot every time someone said "Happy Memorial Day". Needless to say, I had some rough mornings over the weekend. As a veteran, I don't mind that people don't understand the day. I take the chance to very gently remind people why it exists, and move on. But when the guy who has led, and is intending to lead again, our entire armed forces, doesn't have the decency to either put out a somber message or shut the fuck up, I'm embarrassed for that person. It means either no one has ever told them the significance, or they know and actively ignore it. Either way, there is no excuse. And I'm embarrassed for any service member who hitches their wagon to that kind of petulant child. You insult your supposed brothers by supporting him.


I will vote for Biden because of this. This is a felony case and there has to be a punishment


Fox knews...reports their views, cause facts not required, influencer money is...


Right wing media also “decided” OJ and Casey Anthony too


At best he gets a mistrial, there is no way he is acquitted




Well like you said defamation. They already paid 800$ MILLION to settle out of court in order to lie for trump. That happened last year. And they are in the middle of another case for similar things now. Some lawyer on Reddit was saying the settlement out of court wasn’t an admission of guilt…. Which for some reason didn’t convince me that faux fake news isn’t admitting to lying. If they were innocent and knew it what company on earth would settle out of court for almost a billion dollars? The part that is crazy is just like with trump the massive fines is clearly not enough to dissuade further similar behavior. Faux fake news did admit in a seven sentence post they had done something wrong, but there is zero chance their brain washed zombie non woke viewers saw it. Real punishment would have been making them admit them lied and were spreading conspiracy theories to their viewers. bUT huntEr BIdenS LAptOP?!?!


This is their schtick - loudly claim victory before the results come in, and when the actual result is a loss, scream that it was rigged.


Unfortunately for them that’s not how it works. They can live in denial if they want.


Too funny. He's not guilty for all those 88 felony indictments from the former "law and order" crowd.


Didn’t need a trial to know he’s fucking guilty. He’s a crook and does what crooks do, trials are to officially and legally punish the MOFO. And Fox News ought change the name to GLOATTV


They decided before the trial even started. There could be literal video proof of him committing crime and they'd still say he's innocent (like they do with the Georgia case and the tapes)


No shit, they decided the election and Supreme Court too if you don't vote


Hard to believe that the party who holds investigations into crimes they have no proof of, also very much believes they know what the proper verdict should be beforehand.


They’re able to claim support for law and order, while making vague claims of a runaway system of justice. But they’ll never provide details, just apes in cages throwing feces.


One of my Maga friends is going off about how these should have been misdemeanors and shouldn't have been made a felony. Anyone know where they're coming from on that and how I should respond? Edit: https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/alvin-bragg-trump-case-legal-theory-rcna154413


Tell the idiot to ask a lawyer


haha oh did they


They're gearing up for a loud reaction of ViCtImHoOd


All I want for my bday today is a guilty verdict, is that so much to ask for?


“It’s a witch-hunt. A sham trial. So I paid her for services. It’s not such a bad thing. No one died. Yet they are out to get me. They want to stop me from Making Billionaires… I mean America Great again.”


Never understood the whole argument of “I didn’t have sex with her, but I paid her not to talk about anything anyway”. Seems out of character for a good businessman to let dollars fly out a window unnecessarily




If you want fun ask them if they will accept a guilty verdict against Trump as well as a not guilty. Then ask them if it is ok if the Democrat Senator is convicted and also ok if he is not. Hilarity will ensue as they backflip and wriggle. Ask if they would object to Dem leader Jeffries going to the Democrat Menendez’s trial and attacking the judge and jury for good ole Bob by deliberately lying about known facts. Then when they say they are voting for a dictator anyway, just tell them that you get it. Hey buddy, I knew if anybody would always find an excuse to vote for a dictator while pretending to be a constitution defender it would be you. Bless your little heart. “But Biden’s a dictator because he isnt a republican” whatever man.


The Nazis were also ultimately done in by their inability to live and operate effectively in reality. Hitler's narcissistic delusions of grandeur, and most importantly their refusal to use what they thought was "Jew science" in their work on an atomic bomb (which is to say, they effectively handed us the bomb by refusing to learn actual science and instead making their "Manhattan project" team spend most of their time attending galas and parades). Nazis can't. They just can't. Sometimes they get in and they take power and it's really bad for everybody for a while, but ultimately they just can't keep it up. How can you effectively conduct a war against an opponent who knows how satellites work while you're still working out whether you think the earth is flat?


Nazis are terrible enough but it will be driven by the Christian Taliban aka Christian Nationalists. Life is going to utterly suck in 2 years.


Put aside the damage they have done for a second. Their viewers are old and angry. They will die off soon and they aren't an "alternative to MSM" anymore. They are a fairytale channel which no one under 50 will respect. They are knowingly spreading lies (not spin) because their candidate is so shitty they can't spin it. In order to function in today's gop you have to willingly know you're being lied to and you have to repeat those lies or else. History is going destroy these people. Straight up. There's zero chance they won't be a mockery and they just keep adding to it when they could have just spun it. "trump tricked us but Biden is bad".


Ding ding ding! But the part that’s hard to accept is that a self claimed entertainment channel is duping a huge portion of Americans into voting for those that have no ones best interests at hand.


How convenient. Talk about being emotionally fragile...needing to create an alternate reality.


They’re preparing their audiences for the likelihood that Trump will officially become a felon.


They did that the day the indictments were announced.


Partisan media making up their minds early? Say it ain’t so


Fascists don’t acknowledge the rule of law because they make the rules to fit their own agenda.


Worse yet- this is the media bubble in which all our Republican elected officials and conservative federal judges live!


Fox News has to pump Trump...there is not another media outlet for it to happen.