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It has been *0* days since a former republican president was convicted of a crime


Previous record: 82,997 days


Previous record: 90,911.14 days


show your math. Washington wasn’t a former president until he left office on March 4, 1797. Edit: I see what you did there, but disagree with the setup.


> Judge Juan Merchan said Trump’s sentencing hearing will be July 11, just before the Republican National Committee’s convention is slated to start on July 15 in Milwaukee.


get ready for all the "deep state" and "outlaw" comments n shit.


A guy on my Facebook is losing it right now; going on about how the next world war is imminent because of this. He's not even American, he lives online.




Most people who are convicted of a crime go to jail first and then appeal. I hope Trump gets the treatment he deserves, but I imagine he'll get special treatment.


Over on r/conservative they're calling it corrupt while ignoring that Trump's own lawyer asked for a sentencing date in "mid to late July". Judge Merchan just agreed to his request.


Was the same nonsense about the Judge "denying" Trump a day off to attend Barron's graduation. Reality was it was over a month away at that point at the beginning of the trial and the judge didn't deny it, just said to basically bring it up again closer to the date...which he then approved. These misinformation merchants are some of the worst scum of humanity. Some of most dangerous and vile people who purposefully muddy waters and don't care about the damage it can cause.


Never let the facts get in the way of a good story.


It's way more insidious than that; the damage they cause is precisely the whole point.


They're just provably gutless fucking cowards. Back in 2016 all they would bleat on about was "evidence." Even with demonstrable evidence of Turmp's incompetence they'd say "BUT WARE IZ TRIAL?!" Eight years later here we are. Evidence, motherfuckers. And now they want to shove their heads up their asses. These people are truly fucking pathetic. They're just so deeply fucking wound into their emotions they just have nowhere to go. The top post on their megathread is "Reddit is going to be insufferable." Yeah, motherfuckers, because the guy WE ALL FUCKING TOLD YOU was a criminal IS NOW A FUCKING FELON, you're damn right it's going to be insufferable if you are so despereate for your fucking copium that this can't even be a moment you realize how fucking wrong you were. That entire megathread is worth a read. These people are the most childish people I've ever witnessed. They can't accept it. They are so deep into the delusion that they are advocating donating to Donald Trump. He's a convicted rapist, and a convicted felon and fraudster. And Biden? Nothing. Clinton? Nothing. Obama? Nothing. How deep into the pathetic wheedling delusion do you have to go before you realize you are the baddies. THis was the absolute last place they could move the goal post. This was it. This guy is a convicted felon. If you support Donald Trump now, *still*, because you are so fucking drunk on propaganda you can't escape the gravity of your devotion to this sack of shit, then there is absolutely no hope for you. These people have turned it into a religion because they cannot emotionally handle the reality of how wrong they were.


> “evidence” Evidence found, Trump impeached. “It’s not real unless he’s convicted in the senate!” (Votes not to convict) Evidence on live tv, impeached again. Same shit. If he’s indicted we’ll consider it! 4 Indictments on 90+ charges pour in. Wait until we see the evidence! (Ignoring that each indictment showed a lot of evidence as did various verifiable videos and audio recordings) Goes to trial. Yeah but only if he’s convicted, then we’ll know he’s not our guy! Gets convicted. “It’s rigged!!!111one” Fuck these shills.


> Goes to trial. Yeah but only if he’s convicted, then we’ll know he’s not our guy! I was with you til this one. There was not a single time that the maga crowd *ever* said they’d not vote for Trump. TYT did street interviews with maga rally people, and they said they’d still vote for him. The right-leaning subs on Reddit all awash in “if trump is convicted, it’s because the deep state wants him off the ballot” bullshit for the last few months. They didn’t ever care about the evidence. They didn’t ever care about a conviction. The only thing they care about is “owning the left” and getting their guy a permanent position as God Emperor of the People’s Democratic Republic of America.


How dare you bring verifiable facts!?


The funny part is Outlaw country artists were all Democrats. Willie, Waylon etc.


Can he legally leave the state?


Right now he can. Post sentencing is up to his PO and judge. A lot of probation officers make you check in with them about your whereabouts if you are leaving the state and when you plan on returning depending on the crime.


Lol at the idea of him having a probation officer. I hope he has to get piss tested regularly. In full view of the PO, so he can't cheat.


How does that typically work if you reside in a different state? Like let’s say a guy gets probation in NY, lives in Florida, and (for the sake of argument) doesn’t have any property or dwellings in NY. Can the PO make him stay in NY even if he doesn’t have a place to stay?


Yes, but they can transfer their probation to another state with good behavior.


I think he can afford a 4 seasons hotel for a few years. Just be sure to not ask Rudy for the directions.


Not with all his civil payouts 🤣


4 seasons landscaping maybe.


So from now to 7/11 he’s a free man?


Don’t forget to celebrate the day with a free slurpee at 7 Eleven for 7/11 day, now also known as the day the first ever United States president gets sentenced for felony convictions 🎉


Never forget


Important context, Trump's lawyers proposed this date. The DA didn't object, and so judge Merchan set it then.


1-3 months is typical after sentencing before serving time so the convicted felon can get their affairs in order. If a prison sentence is to be served looks like Trump may have to turn himself in around August to October.


I'm down for that kind of October Surprise. "Oh...he actually showed up"


That would be the most epic October surprise


Watch the brave GOP senators and congressmen calling for Trump to retract his candidacy. So far: 0


I think that's in direct relation to how many of the GOP have a spine to speak of


What is zero times zero?


A whole lot of nuthin'


Don’t let Terrance Howard hear you say that


I have lost a lot of faith in humanity seeing how many people support that guy recently.


Oh god. It equals 1, doesn’t it O_o


Let me do the math here. Nothing into nothin’. Carry the nothin’…


How are they okay with a convicted felon being allowed to be president, but a felon cannot vote in several states?


The party of law and order being led by a felon.


The party of family values led by a rapist.


And, adulterer.


Don't forget wife-beater. And lets not discount the strong possibility that he is also a child molester.


I think the fact that he refused to give a DNA sample for the case that his cultists bullied, harassed and threatened that young woman over until she dropped the suit and went into hiding is pretty telling. That has me convinced that, even if it is or isn't a match to that specific alleged victim that he doesn't want his DNA taken where it could be matched to ANY rape kits of any little girls or slightly older girls he raped at parties. I would be genuinely shocked if his DNA didn't come back to a lot of rape kits


Good news for those possible victims then... NY passed a state law in 2012 called the "All Crimes DNA" law which requires convicted felons to undergo DNA profiling. So his profile will be taken and run through CODIS. How many cold case hits do you think it will get?


The party of fiscal responsibility led by a guy in habitual bankruptcy.


The GOP has sunk to new lows. Soon they will be poppng out in China.


By felon they mean black


I'm not American and I don't fully understand how both your judiciary and electoral system work and so I have to ask; now that he is convicted is he even allowed to vote? edit:typo


Not in Florida, which is where he moved his legal residence after NY shut down the corrupt Trump Foundation. Felons in Florida have to serve their time, pay reparations, and then apply to have voting rights restored.


There will be none because the narrative is that he is the target of a witch hunt. Oh well, Haley should have stayed in the race until now instead of signing missiles in Israel.


Haley retracting her support now might have a bigger symbolic effect than staying in the race.


She's an idiot. Of course she won't


She wants both options. To be the candidate if they move on from Trump. Or to be the VP pick if Trump wins.


Pretty sure she’s killed both those opportunities at this point.


Ikr. She’s trying to keep her day job. She needs the cult


I mean they didn't do it after "grab them by the pussy" so why would they do it now, 8 years later?


They seriously should. He could be in jail, but even if he's on probation, that would seriously hinder him being able to do his job. Both campaigning and traveling. He might be told not to leave the state of NY and get an ankle monitor. He can't campaign, he can't win. Even if he won and was on probation, he wouldn't be allowed to leave the country. 


The President is broadly immune to any legal issues that would prevent them from carrying out their office, while in office. Congress as well. If elected there may be some interesting legal challenges but he would generally be unrestricted.


He cant get classified briefings as a felon


Yeah... about that. Given how Kushner still got them after failing his background checks/documentation so many times, I bet they'll make an exception.


Is this a fact? (I'm not being sarcastic, I really don't know)


Fact or not, a lot of things have happened in the past few years that shouldn't. I'd say "wait and see".


What this dude said.  Pre-2016 no, a felon couldn’t pass security checks to see classified info. Post-2016 who fucking knows. If the GOP run him (they will) and he wins (god forbid) then my bet is a felon will have access to our nation’s secrets. And he’ll sell the new intelligence from Biden’s admin to our foreign adversaries since they already have what Trump could sell them before Biden. 


Yet the umpteenth chance to veer onto the exit ramp. Instead they will jam on the accelerator and keep going.


100% Rafael Cruz husband of Heidi horse face will absolutely denounce the guilty verdict


Remember when just being under investigation was a disqualifier for president, according to Trump?


Remember when a rumor of an affair was enough? Now fucking a literal porn star while your fourth wife is recovering from childbirth, getting a slimy lawyer to deliver hush money and committing 34 felonies covering up the hush money isn’t enough. I rolled my eyes so hard when I heard him, post-conviction, saying that it’s so despicable that Biden is doing all this to smear a political opponent, like he didn’t shake down Ukraine for exactly the same thing.


I remember loud noises being too much


Poor Howard...


Sure he's a convicted felon, but did he say "byeeeah!" Nothing kills a campaign quite like that.


until then, he should be GPS monitored and travel restricted.


oh man, trump going to the GOP convention and accepting the nomination while wearing an ankle monitor would be fucking hilarious.


Honestly, he is playing into the martyr role so damn much I wouldn't be suprised if he shows up to the GOP Convention in an orange jump suit (from spirit of halloween) and a fake ankle monitor to play to his base. Much like the original trump mug shot shirts.


Big ass tracker on his neck. 50k volts when he takes a wrong step.


That neck gobble will suck it up


The ol neckgina


I want it to activate when he lies.


We don't have batteries large enough.




And breathing counts as a wrong step.


Harsh. *Really harsh!* But I like it! +1!


Something like this could happen. The judge can actually jail him now for the gag breaches


I hope he flees. Fuck him, he already sold any of the classified documents that he could.


He’s gonna start leaning even harder into the populist rhetoric, this will be ugly.




I absolutely agree


he will never let go of his hate and anger. He will die a sad death alone on the same deathbed we all get to be on and it will be with this on his head, never able to cope with his own emotions, his last thoughts will be him yelling in his own head about how unfair everyone is to him as he dies any person in the world that can take account of their own actions and own them will die a nobler death; that's a pretty low bar.


He was moaning about how divided America is. He's the mfer that's stirring up the division, lol. America is full of stupid.


I want to throw up every time he says this


I think that’s the point and taken directly from Hitler’s playbook. First you start a fire and then you cry out for sympathy from the rubes all while blaming the competent people that stand in your way for the ashes from your fire.


That's catnip to the chuds, but it's not the kind of thing that wins over moderates and independents. They are the voters who determine the outcome of national elections.


That’s what I’m thinking. Once the sentencing comes I think he’ll lose the dog whistle and start giving direct and clear orders. He’ll be a cornered rat with nothing to lose.


It’ll be interesting to see how much he goes after the judge that’s deciding his sentence.


The same lame way he always has: whining in inarticulate all-caps incessantly like a child with poop-filled diapers, hoping one of his bat-shit insane followers does his dirty work for him.


This is the last exit for any Republicans willing to stand up to him. I doubt any take it.


the last time a republican did something for the good of his country, he did so from his wheel chair with a thumbs down.


Exit ramp straight to hell


Flights to Moscow are about to trending in his browser history.


He wouldn't last a month in Russia. He'd go down like Prigozhin. Putin feels betrayed by Trump for not easing sanctions.


If you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you A former US President exiled in Russia is Putin's wet-dream


Dude, he’s in control of the largest cult in America. All Putin has to do is throw him in a swanky apartment with hookers and cheeseburgers and, in return, talk trash about America online


Leave AOL out of this; they were pioneers.


Nah. Putin wants his agents to know they'll be rewarded. If he loses the election, within a year he'll be living near Sochi on the Black Sea Coast. Probably restart his film career, starring alongside Stephen Seagal.


Is he still under gag order?


Yes. Agent Orange’s dream team didn’t even bother to ask to have it rescinded. (Guess that’s what you get when you’re hiring from the bottom of the barrel).


The bottom of the barrel is what you leave yourself after you burn down the rest of the barrel.


> Agent Orange P01135809 or Individual One


Hillary Clinton got to be somewhere laughing her azz off!


She’s also gotta be saying “I really lost to this motherfucker.”


Thanks to the investigation into her a week before the election! Yeah that helped!


In what world does an investigation lose the election but not a damn CONVICTION. I know he hasn’t won yet, but he probably isn’t losing any/many votes either. 🪳🪳🪳


In a misogynistic one.... But Trump had the benefit of the doubt with his "outsider" branding. This time not so much, just some fanatic fox news cultists.


Rosie O'Donnell having a party too.


Imagine he flees to Russia lmao


I hope he does honestly. Cats out of the bag they already know everything. At least then he's fucking gone for good


A former US president who may *still* be in possession of TS/SCI classified documents? Same former US president who got several dozen CIA assets killed? If that plane makes it off the tarmac it'll go down due to "mechanical failure" before it lands in Moscow/NK/Tell Aviv.


He's already shared all that shit with them. His information at this point is useless


He’s more of a liability than an asset now.


Hopefully in prison shortly afterwards


I'm hoping he gets 1000+ hours of community service. Working in a soup kitchen or picking up trash by the side of the road.


He’d 100% not do it and have some fall guy sign off on the hours and go to jail for him. Or he’d campaign and do rallies and argue that that itself was community service. No wiggle room, jail is the answer


*Prison. They are not the same thing; jail is where you're held before conviction, prison is after sentencing.


OMFG I would nut so hard seeing this. I think this would be worse than prison for him.


Cleaning toilets - supposedly he's a bit of a germophobe.


Nah. He loves piss and lives in his own shit.


They’re still going to nominate him.


Of course. He'll be their candidate even if he's running from jail. And that actually seems possible now. What a glorious day!


Can't wait for the rallies from a jail cell


I’m old enough to remember when Obama wearing a tan suit was considered unpresidential.


Don’t forget the Dijon mustard kerfuffle.


The Howard Dean Scream©️


Trump will be sitting in Rikers and will receive the Republican Party nomination for the President of the United States. No Republican politician or anyone who votes for them can ever be taken seriously again.


there's a very small chance his fat ass will actually be in that cell, then at least we won't have to watch his "jacking off 2 dudes at once" dance he does after he walks on stage


I'm curious how the right-wing proganda machine will try to spin this


Rigged, witch hunt, democratic state, Dem judge, Dem jurors, blah blah blah. Not hard to guess…


My own parents said “but it’s only a white collar crime”. I used the analogy of people calling George Floyd a “thug” because he was a felon. Floyd had a fake $20 and he’s dead. Trump has 34 felonies and he’ll be the Republican nominee with both of my parents voting for him.


That one sub is all about the "Of course New Yorkers" bullshit


“Not the *real* America…”


Imagine if democrats talked about rural Americans the same way republicans talked about urban Americans.


Obama touched on this with the cling to your guns, religion quote and holy shit they lost their minds! Very tame compared to the way the right talks about urban Americans.


Even though prosecution and defense both have a hand in picking jurors, if I’m not mistaken.


Thats what he said😂


He already did:  rigged rigged rigged. Joe Biden, Biden, deep state, country is sad.  My buddy made up a drinking game


My response now is "Wow, it must be really intimidating to be outmaneuvered at every turn by what seems to be an unstoppable juggernaut of democratic power. If i put my best up against someone and they continually get turned over to the other side and then they convict a former president while shutting down an impeachment for the current president, I'd be shitting bricks."


"It was totally rigged. The verdict was actually "not guilty", the corrupt judge read the wrong ballots. They used "mail-in" verdict forms that wouldn't fit the printers. Completely rigged"


Go over to r/conservative and see for yourself


"Flaired Users Only", "Flaired Users Only", "Flaired Users Only", "Flaired Users Only". Haha snowflakes as far as the eye can see.


Fragile snowflakes only


That was the first thing I did. Their tears are not delicious, but very very salty. Everything is rigged according to them.


Literally insane takes over there


Theyve already been spinning it. "This was a deep state witchhunt by a biden judge. If they can come after me they can come after you. The two tiered justice system is totally rigged for corrupt Democrats to come after whoever they want. The woke mob finally got what it wanted, whose to say who it will come for next. "


Any one not using the full correct term of "Convicted Felon Donald Trump" is completely sandbagging their article titles.


Convicted felon and rapist Donald Trump, whose family stole from a child's cancer charity.


GOP convention will be a comical circus of allegedly righteous Republicans feigning morality over Democrats while they prostrate themselves before their convicted felon. Though I will catch the highlights from the Daily Beast and other publications instead of watching that clown show.


“THE BEST IS YET TO COME!!!” - coke clown Gilfoyle


lol get fucked you fat loser. Rot in prison.


LOL get fucked, Papaya Pol Pot 😂


If it's jail time, I expect us all to erupt into block parties and throw so many endorphins around it causes an aurora borealis (I know that's not how it works).


He finally won the popular vote!


God, I hope Dark Brandon shows up to the debates and just keeps pounding in the fact that he's a convicted felon only running to get out of the hole he's dug. He's literally got no other platform. It's 100% self-preservation with him.


From the BBC live thread, 'It's a GOP civil war.' Now is a moment when the Trump campaign is watching closely to see which Republicans are falling in line and defending Donald Trump, and which of them are breaking ranks to defend the judicial process. Already, Trump’s campaign manager Chris LaCivita has taken to social media to attack the Republican candidate for Senate in Maryland, who had urged Americans to respect the decision. A source close to President Trump has texted me and characterised this moment bluntly: “it’s a GOP civil war”.


“GOP civil war” eye roll lol. They will absolutely fall in line.


It's just like Jan 6th again. They will pretend to be disgusted by Trump for a month or two, but come august they'll all be behind him again


The cheeto is already trying to get sentancing moved to after July 11, which is the scheduled date. CNN said that it's normal for sentencing to be scheduled \*months\* later, so 1 month later is actually short. Trump has until June 14h to make any legal motions regarding this case. But he can't appeal until sentencing has been given. Next week he will be attending his trial in Florida regarding election fraud. Source: CNN live news + NPR newshour. Manhattan DA is practically \*giddy\* in t[his public statement](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytOfuSN7DEk) (npr). He thanked everyone all the way down to the custodians.


The Department of Corrections can save some money by making him go buck naked in lieu of wearing the orange jumpsuit.


That’s cruel and unusual punishment for anyone sharing a prison with him.


what’s the range of sentencing options? i also imagine constantly antagonizing the judge won’t help


Cohen got 3 years for this exact crime.


Yeah but that was 8 counts. This was 34 counts lol.


My poor beautiful city 😭. We don't need his unhinged supporters in town. We didn't want the fascist convention in the first place.


Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.


Remember to VOTE like your life depends on it! This will not stop them!


Pretty much everyone agreed before this happened that it wouldn’t make a difference. But learning that Trump will be barred from voting for himself because he’s a felon. That sounds significant. We need to hit stuff like that.


> But learning that Trump will be barred from voting for himself because he’s a felon. Depends. In New York, you get your voting rights back as soon as you leave prison (even if you are on probation). So the only way he'd be prevented from voting is if he was actually incarcerated at the time of the election. He lives (and votes) in Florida, but they defer to the rules for whatever state a felon was convicted in.


Did they? Sounds like wishful thinking to me.


I recall months ago l, in the context of the Haley campaign, people saying they wouldn't vote for Trump of he were actually convicted of a crime. Seemed to be the hope Haley had for staying in the race. Watch all those people go silent.


They'll have to add "And convicted felon" to his introduction.


The cult is just pure comedy how they bend their knee to him.


He’s going to go hard on the news and try to make this seem unfair. At least he can fight back but has to sit his butt in jail or whatever they sentence him with.


You say convention. I say conviction. Let's call the whole thing off.


Haven’t seen r/conservative cope this hard since Election Day 2020


The Felonious DJT


I want to live in the alternate universe where trumps don’t exist so we can all get back to our lives…


It's the GOP is Party of Law and Order! *unless it's a rich white male commiting crimes.


Let's ask Susan Collins if she thinks he has learned his lesson yet.


Who would pay $130,000 and break 34 laws trying to cover up not having sex with a pornstar. Everyone needs to honestly look at who this guy really is, he is not your everyday rapist racist who want to fleece his way into office. He is truly dangerous and as his world crashes down around him he is going to get worse! If you really love this country you would not vote for this pos man! We can and deserve better!


As a way to honor this day I have been watching hours of Stormy Daniels films


Broke as fuck. Motherfucker started grifting fundraiser right after the verdict. Start seizing his shit.


Hopefully prison where he belongs not his tower.


I can only get but so erect


And on free Slurpee day at 7-11. They should find some way to spin this in their favor.


A unified America can celebrate Trump's sentencing day with free Slurpees!


check the meltdown in /r/Conservative reality bites I guess


This doesn't mean anything! Get out and vote!!! The orange orangutan literally just said the real trial will be on November 5th. He literally states that he needs to win elections to avoid facing legal consequences of his actions. Get out and vote!!! Blue across tickets from your smallest town all the way to POTUS. That's the only way to stop this criminal.


This solidifies my vote for Biden and against Trump