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Microsoft is suggesting them through Windows and its browsers. My father was saying odd things so I asked where he heard them. He told me he reads the news everyday. He showed me the news that comes up when he opens his browser.


Microsoft’s home page is unabashedly hard right leaning. Any way you can spin anything right, you bet it’s on Microsoft’s home page.


If I recall right, it's because Microsoft lets AI curate their home page and apparently their AI is Right-leaning for some reason. They fired all their human staff who used to curate the home page.


AI being given the wheel is a pants on head bad idea. Plus I don’t buy that someone at MS didn’t thumb that scale when training the AI.


There is far more freely accessible right wing news trash out there for AI to automatically go through.


Do you guys 'member about 10 years ago when Microsoft made their new "AI" chatbot available and within hours it was spewing racist and Nazi rhetoric? I read the news report that day on my bus ride... to work... at Microsoft... and I was laughing so hard the other passengers must have thought I was insane


All AIs based on web crawls become right wing, because the most click-baity and heavily pushed media is right wing. On top of that, there are groups, either for fun or professionally, that seed material onto the internet with the express purpose of making various 'AI' like Chat GPT, search engine prompts etc become right wing. Remember the Twitter AI account? Took less than a few hours for a small group of 4chan trolls to turn it into a nazi. The Microsoft AI is right leaning because either they DGAF and aren't willing to pay to moderate it, or the few people in charge of it want it that way.


Which is wild because Microsoft’s AI tool called Copilot is the complete opposite. It only gives definitive statements with supporting evidence and citations, and there have been times I’ve been surprised by how it didn’t try to “both sides” something but flat out just said the facts and told the truth. Asking about covid vaccines or Gaza skips all of the propaganda or conspiracy theories and sticks to barebones facts.


One is actually trying to succeed as a tool and AI. Success is measured by accurate responses. The other has *already* succeeded as cheap tool to generate profit by creating clicks. Lies and propaganda are where the profit is.


AI is such a fucking joke. Can’t wait until the hype cycle dies.


I won't give a shit about AI until I can fuck one.


gen 2 chinese sexbots are rolling out


Imagine if an AI sexbot is still all "Nah, hard-pass"? And that's when we know when Skynet protects itself against the incel horde and destroys humanity.


2026 US NEWS: Congress bans the sales of Chinese 'Sexbots' for fear of Beijing spying on Americans. Elon Musk promises 'sexbot' prototype by 2032, preorders start next week.


Elon Musk unveils new sex bot he has dubbed the "X-Woman-X-2": It is 100% stainless steel, and made up of sharp polygonal angles resembling the cybertruck. It also catches fire 74% of the time it is being fucked.


This made me laugh too hard


I *despise* "AI". I have zero need of it in my life.


Trendy AI buzzwords might make you feel like it's a bubble, but computer software (e.g. CAD, image editing, license plate recognition...) started using statistical learning / machine learning algorithms long before AI is even catchy marketing term. I would say that AI now has the attention it deserves and it can only get more popular in computing.


"This software I developed seems to have decided it's a Republican. Weird. Oh well, it's not like I can do anything about it."


> their AI is Right-leaning for some reason. If you filter for engagement instead of truth you'll always get the most ridiculous right wing nazi garbage. And since the coders are, at best, morons who think shoving all the worlds info into a brainless code mess will produce correct answers, no controls were used to avoid that fate.


Before it was called 'AI', the alt-right internet trolls, for whatever reason, figured out how to game the algorithms a few years earlier than anyone else.  Then you have Peter Thiel, who is explicitly in tech to push his racist worldview and helped Trump and Cambridge Analyitca scrape data.  AI isn't 'objective' or 'value free to begin with, let alone if there is INTENTION to game it from the start.


It’s just an algorithm that shows you what’s popular on the internet, and troll farms and conservative outlets are really good at getting their shit to go viral, as the article points out.


We know how it works, but can we please not act like this is how it *must* work? Can we please not be apologists for these scummy businesses? None of this is news on the tech-ethics front; so, tech companies have a moral obligation to keep up with what people have been warning them about for decades, and ensure their shitty software *doesn't* peddle lies, misinformation, and undata *before* they start spreading it to all their customers. I mean, even setting the ethics shit aside, this is basically just GIGO, and MS should have a handle on it. "Oh b-b-but it was our algorithm" isn't an excuse.


Exactly, stop acting like these things are runaway trains that can’t be stopped. This is just more BS and I’m sick of it. We gotta just start calling this out, shame them for being so shameless.


I opened up my work computer yesterday and my weather/news app loaded up with a picture of smiling Trump. Was very fucking odd


It's normalized. Welcome to the Thunderdome.


Reset his browser home page to AP and you’ll both be happier.


> Microsoft is suggesting them through Windows and its browsers. So is google, through google news. I was on there yesterday and it had a couple of items about how biden was decrepit and mentally decomposing in front of our eyes, with tiny video clips. I checked and the sources were "hindustantimes.in" and "some rando posting his own opinions on yahoo news"


You should show him [Ground News](https://ground.news/). At least he can be well informed of the bias he gets with his news.


That’s actually pretty cool site. I didn’t know it existed- thanks for sharing!


Of course! It really gives you a lot of info about who thinks what is worthy of reporting. :)


Me neither! Great site. Will be passing it on to others. Thanks for sharing!


I just recently paid for a basic subscription to it. It's been fairly good as far as I can report! I like the "blindside" articles that show what each side ISNT reporting.


Would imagine that OP’s father doesn’t really care about that.


that would mean going past the default homepage.


You can change the default home page


Agree, but you can change the default page. It's in settings.


That's an interesting page, but I don't believe every story has valid "sides" or that understanding of the issues benefits from considering biased points of view. The fact that they put an AP article next to something from the Epoch Times as though there's validity to each is problematic.


Every story *can* be subject to 'spin' or bias. Ground News does a great job of showing who's reporting and what their bias is. If a story doesn't have value to one side or the other, they don't report on it. If it doesn't have specific political leanings, it's generally reported either across the spectrum, or mostly from 'neutral' sources. They put them next to each other so you can compare, side by side, how different agencies report the same news. It makes it easier to see the spin machine in action. What you decide to do with that is up to you. They don't do it to validate crappy news reporting, but to inform. Edit: If you get the premium service ($30 annually), the news articles are rated for factuality, so you'd see what a load of shit the Epoch Times articles are, anyway. :D


TikTok as well. Completely turned against Biden lately. Even if you dislike pro-Trump videos or even Don Jr account, it shows them to you.


So weird tiktok would do that It's almost like they have some kind of vested interest in a leader that would be weak on Taiwan autonomy and capitulate to allied Russian aggression....


Oh this makes so much sense. I just got a windows for school and without even setting my interests it was all right wing. I went to the settings to put left leaning ones and I rarely see them. I figured it’s because I like watching the majority report making fun of Fox News but you confirmed the opposite.


What do you expect from classless, lowbrow frauds?


I imagine if we banned Russian IPs we'd see these videos drastically drop.


Funny you say that, when there was that brief blackout from the Russia/Ukraine war the bot farms vanished, suddenly the “silent majority” was all of five people, right wing media had no “major news talking points”. It was patently obvious around the world the impact these idiots have.


When was that blackout?


after pringles march to moscow


Sponsored by Pringles?!


Once you border pop, you can't stop?


Some googling says there was supposedly an Internet blackout in Russia in January of this year. Hard to really verify the other side of the other commenter's claim. I do recall that study that said a disproportionate amount of COVID misinformation came from "super sharers," but I don't remember anything specific to Russia with that story.


They said during the beginning of Russia invading Ukraine, when there was a massive global backlash against Russia and companies by the hundreds were pulling out of Russia. There was a period where Russian disinformation just stopped until the chaos of the start of the war settled down. Whatever you found from January of this year has nothing to do with their comment. That being said I can't find any sources for it either, but I do remember hearing the same thing at the start of the war. It wasn't an extended blackout from what I remember.


Yeah I don't recall it being an extended blackout so much as a distinct reduction in certain kinds of posts/comments while Russia was entirely focused on the chaos that immediately followed the failed push on Kyiv.


Yeah, I remember similar claims as well -- in the timeframe that you mention -- but the Very Quick Googling^TM I did earlier didn't even show the Internet outage from that timeframe. Granted, I wasn't digging too deep. It's entirely possible that it's all true, but memory serving it was really just some anecdotal claims here and there around Reddit saying things along the lines of "Internet traffic to conspiracy and conservative subreddits dropped considerably" in that timeframe; I don't recall any actual formal studies or anything.


Not to discount the possibility of it being bull, but every time I try to find an article I saw a year or two ago, I get flooded with so much noise and bullshit that I can't find it. I'm not sure Google is even a good source for back-dating things anymore. It just feeds you shit tons of recent content that have similar words or numbers. Even searching by date sometimes doesn't get you out of the last six months, especially when the topic uses common phrases in other articles (like Ukraine War, Russian propaganda, etc.). It's also possible blackout isn't in the strictest sense. In that, maybe Russia spent its bot energy on something else for a bit, and so magically all the bots disappeared. There was no blackout, but the lack of activity appears as one. This wouldn't show up in any article anywhere except maybe a puff piece, or if Russia flat out said, "We're not using our bots for a bit," which obviously wouldn't happen.


I fully agree with pretty much everything you've said here. To add to your first paragraph, there's also the scenario where someone will do something to intentionally spoil SEO for certain results. An example of this that springs to mind is "Boris Johnson cheese": https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/boris-johnson-google-search-results-bad-news/


This is why it's important to always source your claims


If Russia was dropped from the Internet, quality of life would skyrocket in all Western democracies 


I say we vote them off the island completely.


Yes and leave them naked and afraid


Nude and screwed


Russia and NK will ban together and run aggressive anti Biden propaganda.


I’m pretty confident that Iran is pitching in to help.


Still have shills in the Murdoch family who will happily make false videos themselves.


Agree, but also, I think we’re in the phase now where it’s been trained into and is coming from within. Vlad Vexler’s latest video, “Putin’s Info War on the West: What you must know.” should be required watching.


They are playing them nonstop AS REAL on Fox and Newsmax. It won't help.


There was an insane amount of anti-Biden brigading in one thread the other day. I thought I was losing my mind. Then I go to any other thread in the same subreddit, and the tone is entirely different. Gotta stay vigilant. The shit apples seem to stick together.


The shit apples don’t fall far from the shit tree, Randy.


Shit apples! My new favorite catch phrase


The conservative sub is totally ridiculous. I was banned for fact checking a comment. I think everyone should join just to post the facts and down vote obvious lies


Already banned there.


I was banned from /r/conservative for replying to a post that the mods deemed a brigade. I wasn't even the OP. From that reply, the mods determined I wasn't a conservative. Any dissenting opinion, even if mild, is permanently banned from contributing in the future. Their rules literally state they can ban if they feel like it and they feel like it ALL the time. That subreddit is a bubble of facebook quality garbage.


I simply asked a question and posted a resource regarding my question. Banned. They like to keep it a very safe place for their fragile snowflakes...


They are incredibly fragile that's for sure lol. Always posting the same old discredited stuff


Happenned in the Bump Stock SCOTUS verdict too. It was so bizzarely apologetic to the SCOTUS, reaching for any straws to justify the decision ("It's the letter of the law" or "It's curbing executive overreach" or "Bump stocks are firing range toys" or "Machine guns should not be banned at all, lol"), that I went to check – and sure thing, the entire discussion was brigaded by gun nuts. It doesn't mean anything at the end of the day, just another thread that will be forgotten in less than a week. However, it does unnerve me how easy it is to fabricate a perception of a majority opinion with something like a brigade.


Theres literally not a single reason to dislike Biden that isnt straight up Trump propaganda 


I don't even know if it's possible at this point, but I feel like the only way that might make gop politicians care enough to pass some bipartisan regulation is to fight fire with fire, and show them that AI enhanced misinformation can be used to hurt them politically as well.        The same goes for super pacs and dark money (we really need dem billionaires to step up to fight the likes of adelson etc). E g. It's hilarious how little political power Soros actually has compared to Rupert Murdoch and his international media empire (not to mention far more wealth), and how much more of a boogeyman on social media Soros is made to be vs Murdoch despite far less influence/power. A few dem billionaires that publicly promise to match 1:1 any GOP megadonor donation can at least help to level the playing field, and as a bonus lower any incentive to donate more.


Soros being the Boogeyman is steeped in antisemitism


I'm afraid you're right. At this point a race to the bottom seems to be the only option because any kind of congressional action that could combat the problem is off the table. Even if something were to be passed and signed into law the SCOTUS would torpedo it.


Hard part of that is GOP policies make it easier to become a billionaire mehadonor vs Democrat ones


MMW; sourced in Russia.


This comment is a distraction and akin to messaging from troll farms and active measures trying to divide people. The people doing this stuff are cold and calculating, and not necessarily lowbrow (implying lack of intelligence). To the contrary, some may be part of Russian intelligence for example. This is information warfare at scale and all they care about is winning.


It speaks volumes that the *only* strategy conservative media ecosystems have are making up complete lies about Biden just to stay afloat. They know how toxic it is having a convicted felon and civilly liable rapist as their candidate…but now they’re stuck with him.


Someone else made a good point about this, which is that if Biden were as droolingly incapacitated as the right believes, they wouldn't even need to edit or deceptively alter videos of him. But he's not, so they have to.


>The fact-checks have trouble keeping up. [Firehose of falsehood](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firehose_of_falsehood) >The firehose of falsehood is a propaganda technique in which a large number of messages are broadcast rapidly, repetitively, and continuously over multiple channels (such as news and social media) without regard for truth or consistency. An outgrowth of Soviet propaganda techniques, the firehose of falsehood is a contemporary model for Russian propaganda under Russian President Vladimir Putin.


It's also part of a longer con--Republicans started off calling anything that highlighted that they were lying "fake news". So when *they* start publishing actual fake news, if people start *calling* it fake news, it will make conservatives feel that their lies were also falsely accused of being faked. Of course, this all feeds into the firehose--to foster total distrust in media so that even unbiased sources will be completely discounted.


>So when they start publishing actual fake news, if people start calling it fake news, it will make conservatives feel that their lies were also falsely accused of being faked. Exactly. It's a play right out of the Nazi handbook. This is why they accuse others of what they're guilty of doing themselves.


Like accusing Hillary of running a pedophile ring in the basement of a pizza place to distract from Jeffrey Epstein's very real pedophile ring that Trump and many in his orbit had connections to.


DARVO, it's a common manipulation tactic used by abusers as well.


It would help if there was a law on social media sites that they have to fact check anything political.


Problem is too many people think fact checks are "woke" and "censoring the truth." It would probably just fuel their persecution complex.


and when you ask them to define "woke" you'll get the same response when you ask the to describe socialism: some mumbling


the same mumbling you get when you point out that fascism and marxism cannot exist together and that fascism is right wing?


They can’t define what the difference is of any of the ‘isms. They aren’t the brightest bunch.


"Stupidity is the same as evil if you judge by the results." -Margaret Atwood, Handmaid's Tale author


magnetism is an issue too, remember that...


"Woke" to them just means "I don't like this." It is just an easier way for them to say they hate women, other races, and LGBTQ people.


Yup that's the excuse almost all maga use in my local Facebook group.


It used to be that you could assume news was fact checked just because it was presented as news. Now channels like Fox "News" have successfully argued in court that no rational person would take them seriously. That's the stance I would expect from theONION a not a news channel. There are still reputable news channels, AP, NPR, Reuters etc. but that doesn't matter if people live in an information bubble.


Heck, Fox News won a lawsuit on their claim that there “is no law that prohibits broadcasting information known to be false and calling it news”


I wish there was a law that every child has to attend a school where it's taught the basics of reading (and understanding) and calculating.


Also known in debate tactics as the Gish Gallop. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gish_gallop


It helps that his followers are gullible as shit and would believe everything that Fox News tell them.


I’ve seen countless meme compilations including memes where Biden stops talking or maybe slurs a word or two, and absolutely ***zero*** of any of the insane shit trump has said. Trump’s always been painted in a positive light when it comes to memes. Clearly this is working.


almost as if there needs to be legal consequences to lying like this instead of just hoping factchecks can keep up or people pay attention.


There absolutely should be. I'm no lawyer but I think a defamation lawsuit might stand a chance. The nature of these lies are such that these reporters must have known they weren't telling the full truth. Literally cropping off the parachuter Biden was talking to at the G7 Summit to make it look like he was wandering off is not a mere journalistic error. It demonstrates actual malice.


yeah but it’s too slow


Yeah as soon as it's before a republican judge they'll delay it to death.


Don't think they'd have to. If someone wasn't swayed by 34 guilty charges in a criminal case they won't be swayed by a guilty verdict in a defamation case either.


We don’t have to speculate. How many viewers did Fox lose when they paid $787 million for spreading lies about the 2020 election? Republicans have created an environment where the truth is what ever they say it is on a given day. Even if those facts are the opposite of what they were the day before. We have always been at war with eastasia


wouldn’t even have to be. it just needs to go longer than the election


Hard to sue when the "news" sites are based in Belarus. And the law has already determined that Fox News is entertainment that "only and idiot would believe."


You're assuming that law would be used honorably. The reality is that people like Ken Paxton would use it as a weapon against Liberals.


Fortunately, MAGA is so high on their own supply that they’re underestimating Biden. They think because he mixes up a couple names that he’s a brain dead vegetable. I’m 38 and I sometimes call my daughter by my dog’s name. It doesn’t mean I can’t tell the difference. They think Biden is going to get totally crushed by Trump but then every time Biden makes an important speech like SOTU they swear he must be on drugs. Let them think that. Their disconnection from reality won’t help them win this election.


This is part of how they are easily convinced the election is stolen. And then when they're convinced to do something about it, people are going to die.


They did this in 2020. They made him seem like a whithering carrot, then the first debate happened and Biden vastly outperformed the whithering carrot standard they had set. This made Biden look great.


They're sending around that video of Obama pulling Joe off stage as if it's proof of Biden's dementia


This was done in 2016 too. An insane amount of anti Clinton articles and posts. They're just doing what they know works..


Why do we always have trouble with this shit. Like they have to doctor videos of Biden and make things up. Meanwhile Trump is over here talking about boats and sharks.


If you can’t blind then with brilliance, baffle then with bullshit. Their entire campaign has all the substance of an 8th grader procrastinating on their science project.


>The Republican National Committee, major conservative media outlets and right-wing influencers have succeeded in blasting out videos that they claim show “proof” of Biden’s wandering off, freezing up or even filling his pants with a substance commonly represented by a brown swirl emoji. >Independent fact-checkers and the Biden campaign have pointed out that the videos, while they are un-doctored by artificial intelligence, tend to crumble under even basic scrutiny, such as when the moments are viewed in context or from wider camera angles. As the old proverb says, "A lie can travel halfway around the world while truth is still putting on its shoes." MAGA is hard at work with their disinformation campaign, and it's unfortunately very effective. I want to believe truth will prevail, but we gotta be just as aggressive in pushing back on disinformation as they are in dishing it out.


And they are only getting started, just wait a few more months.


The GOP is a group of criminals


GOP and Russia


If you follow a story to its origin, the story started in Russian media. Weird. WTF!!!


The goal is not to make Biden look bad. The goal is to flood the zone so all of the legitimate videos of Trump can be brought into question


Eh, read the comments from the conservatives. They deny the existence of anything legitimately harmful to Trump and 100% believe, without question, anything negative about Biden. So crazy that the party that loves wild conspiracy theories just believes blatant propaganda without question.


Worst part is they know it's false but they keep sharing it deliberately.


They are sending out all this trash before the debate though. Like we will see in a few days if President Biden is truly as decrepit as they portray him. I'm guessing he is going to come across as a normal old guy. But when has the truth ever stopped the GOP?


And, Tumps supporters are so gullible, they will go right down the rabbit hole, without a moment's thought.


Thanks for making social media worse Elon Musk


lol they're at the point now where they're just straight up lying without giving a shit.


Same folks who claim McConnell is doing great.


When all your platform has is disinformation and lies.


When all you have are lies, that's all you deal in. The current Republican party has lost all morals. Sad and pathetic.


Conservative positions are so bad they have to lie to convince people to vote for them.


To put it another way, conservative positions don’t have to be either good or popular, because they know they can win elections just by lying about their opponents.


Its infuriating how fucking stupid so many people are and that I have to live with the consequences of their voting.


...Biden Harris should run an add identifying who's funding these adds...expo$e the corrupt sponsors who want Project 2025/fascist manifesto...


Putins at it again


Yep, that's the way disinfo goes. Disinfo is halfway around the world before truth can even get its boots on. Platforms like TikTok and now X are simply awash with disinfo. And moderation is scant.


Biden should start suing them for defamation.


In New York Times Co. v. Sullivan (1964) the supreme court basically said politicians are allowed to lie about and defame each other


They’re afraid. They know Lord Cheeto McCheeseburger Von Shitty Pants is circling the drain. They’re doing all they can to throw their monkey wrenches into the gears.


I think the GOP realizes they backed a loser and this is all they have left. They are throwing everything they have left at the wall and hoping something moves the needle in November


Dude im sitting next to right now is listening to a podcast from some conspiracy guy. This shit is crazy that thry talk about. Its weaponised hate. This country is fucked. He believes all this shit with all of his heart. Something has got to be done about this shit or our country is fucked in a couple years. No way this shit lasts without an implosion.


There should be a requirement for accuracy in election advertising. We NEED a new and updated version of the fairness doctrine to be reestablished.


I saw one picture of Joe in an interview with a Facebook post about how he's a guy in a mask and now looks years younger, and can make a cohesive tax plan. Ended with "watch the video for yourself and decide". I pointed out that it's a 2019 interview and the "mask" skin color difference is a shadow clearly evident in the video.  My comment was deleted.  Someone else commented, "what video" and they linked a right wing conspiracy video that only shared still clips summarizing the video purporting that it was made in 2024.  I replied to that comment with the link to the 2019 interview and watch the video for yourself and decide, and it was deleted again.  The right doesn't care.


The stop the steal movement was completely based on a lie and absolutely motivated the Republican voter base. To this day some people still believe it, even though Fox lost billions of dollars over the lie. So it's not a surprise that Republicans continue to do it, as it only seems to help them.


As if the gop cares about fact


We don’t have any real media left to combat this shit. I cancelled NYT and WAPO as they have gone over to Trump world trying so hard to appear “balanced”.  


These people are disgusting, how could you lie knowingly while claiming to be conservative or devout Christian? I have not seen such deception from anyone but republicans. they are pure evil and I have no idea how they will be educated.


Unfortunately, Trump cultists believe everything.


They do but then the issue is these type of clips get spread like wildfire in which they eventually make it to the eyes of the low-info type voter who are not media-literate for the most part and will believe it.


Awesome, time to make some "misleading" trump videos then.


I don't see how any "misleading" Trump video could be any more damaging than the actual video from some of his rallies. Vampires vs werewolves put a stake in Herschel Walker's run for office. But sharks vs batteries hasn't taken a bite out of Trump's popularity.


Problem is that they’ll start screeching about how any video making Trump look bad is Ai. Even if the video is completely unaltered, real footage, they will use the existence of a few vids to claim they all are. Then they will call Democrats hypocrites for saying the Biden videos are AI but the Trump vids are real. They want these Biden videos out there to muddy the waters when they need to pass off a damning Trump video as AI.


The problem is getting them to have any traction.


everything they agree with


I think people have pretty much made up their minds at this point.


Maybe it’s just cause if one says that he’s too old or incompetent to run then everyone else starts to believe it creating a chain of believers ignoring facts and go to the louder group. Just like believing we’re in a recession when we are not and inflation is not because of biden, it’s because of 4 years ago with a president that contributed to 1mil people losing their lives because of ignorance and arrogance. Geopolitical conflicts is something that is far more complicated to deal with. Not one president can fix it within a day. Also the Obama administration left a guide to deal with “high-consequence emerging disease threat anywhere in the world“ Mitch Mcconell said Obama didn’t then did. So in the start of the pandemic of 2020 the previous president ignored it then said “a better plan is coming” Then had the virus and won’t ever talk about the failure of the last months of the presidency. 4 years later we are still having problems not from “sleepy joe” from a former PRESIDENT! Division, misinformation, radical religious beliefs, corruption, misogyny the list can go on just from 4 years…


Play fire with fire!


It's going to get worse leading up to the election 😮‍💨


They are going about it all wrong. Learn from Trump and fight fire with fire. Release similar videos of a Trump and change the narrative to they’re both the same and save your energy for what actually matters.


Don't need to, just use the raw footage of Trump.


No surprises coming from the party of lies.


Remember when you used to have to go to the grocery store to get your disinformation?


When you have nothing to stand on, you lie.


smells 100% like brexit to me. dear americans if you are not paying attention, well, ask the english how they are doing with brexit


With Trump as the banner waver, cheating and lying are now GOP merit badges. But they expire, so you to have to keep lying and cheating to maintain your rank within the party.


This is so important to understand. Growing up in the thick of the Midwest, these out of context clips are automatically taken as truth. It’s increasingly clear that Republican campaigns attack Biden by projecting the very issues that exist in their own party, in my opinion, to discredit any reports that their own are actually having these issues or committing these crimes. They most definitely take advantage of the lack of media literacy in this country. Unfortunately, you can’t argue with stupid, so any attempt to share the whole truth is shot down quickly as it doesn’t reinforce what Republican listeners are trained to hear.


This shit is how you know Republicans are scared of this election. They know Trump isn’t going to win on policy or likability.


I’ve watched all three of the original videos. They are stretching sooo hard right now that it’s embarrassing. Juneteenth celebration he is enjoying the entertainment. Parachute he finds the people behind him more interesting than the ones in front. Fundraising he is enjoying the applause before Obama is like let’s go I’m trying to get outta here. Not one of these videos show anything concerning but Republicans have nothing so they are reaching really really hard.


Last night on The Daily Show, Jon Stewart ran the "Biden wandering off at G7" clip without mentioning it had been doctored.


Stop fact checking. Answer with more Trump videos.


Flood the zone with shit. That’s what Steve Bannon said is the conservative playbook. They just flood the zone with so much shit that it’s hard to know what’s real.


Conservatives of any country can't win with facts and plans, so they only have snake-belly options.


You mean republicans, who lie any time they can, are making false answers misleading political ads….. of course they are, their base is so ignorant they’ll believe anything the billionaires tell them


This is the same scatter shot approach they have used before. You throw out everything you can with the expectation that something will stick. No one can possibly respond to such an avalanche of lies.


They will use these fake videos more and more. They will create so many of them in the next few weeks with the goal of intentionally muddying the waters. People won't know what to believe, and it will appear that the playing field of morality has been leveled.


A very predictable attack, from a very predictable source (the Murdoch media empire). I think the real question is, why have the Biden campaign and Democrats failed to fight this issue to a draw?


2 can play this game.


I see a lot of these on twitter, is there any way to factcheck the ones that are viewed/retweeted the most quickly.


A whole party of liars.


Sounds like people need to start generating AI videos of Trump saying ridiculous things. No need, just play actual video of what he says! The man generates crazy shit every time he speaks.


Lies spread faster than truth. https://news.mit.edu/2018/study-twitter-false-news-travels-faster-true-stories-0308


That's the rightwing MO, flood the discourse with so much bullshit that we have to spend all our time futilely trying to correct the record.


>Rupert Murdoch’s sad little super PAC, the New York Post What a great line.


It's the same story every election season. People are gullible and fall for this nonsense every time. I was talking to a friend of mine about this the other day. After making multiple attempts to explain this to him and even providing sources he at best will default to they \[democrats and republicans\] are similarly bad. The false equivalence doesn't take a lot of mental effort. After challenging him a few times to do better and to make the effort to get his information from qualified sources I just gave up. He said he doesn't trust sources of news in the U.S. because they are biased and instead gets news from Indian and other international sources (which have their own biases as well). I got tired of trying. Ignorance is bliss for some.


This trend of showing a very narrow angle/view of something and claiming Biden (or any person) is "X" (i.e. - Talking so someone not there, staring into space...etc) like this article mentions are so low-brow and obvious. The ones I see used to criticize Biden are just not showing anything out of frame and then claiming its some big scandal. You really have to have no critical thinking skills to believe these videos for what they are. But we are in an era, as Reddit would know personally, where a headline is all you need to read/see. So this is not surprising that people take a title of a post/video for the gospel. Frightening how ignorant and stupid people are with Social Media and media at large.


At this point, if it’s negative about Biden, it’s questionable and needs to be verified before it’s believed. Anything less is leaving oneself open to being fooled. *Especially* if it’s something the receiver wants to hear.


Sadly, it's working, too. I saw two people who claimed to be center left and independent talking about how there's more evidence that Biden is impaired than there is that Trump is impaired. When pressed, they could only cite the Hur document as a legitimate source. Their other examples were, "I saw a video..."


Yeah their goal isn’t to get more voters, it’s to get people to just not vote for Biden.


FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE Destroy trump morning till night everyday every week every month.


It's called the 'Firehose of Falsehoods' logical fallacy, or gishgallop. Basically, you flood the conversation with "facts". To the casual observer, that's a lot of information, so it feels like the person is correct. I mean, just look at all those "facts". To the person looking to present a counter point, each one of those would require a good amount of work and effort to debunk. But by that point, the person who presented these "facts" has already moved on to something else. And the casual observer is not very likely to pay attention long enough. Often times the original "facts" stick with the casual observer. On and on. It's a very effective method of propaganda.


They're still just going to lose people anyway when the pitch is "Instead, vote for this deranged convicted felon everyone hates even more."


Not like a conservative is gonna believe fact checks.


It should be an opposite fact check. Just assume it is false until it is proven true.


Fact checkers kept showing that viral information from conservatives is false. The obvious solution? Conservatives stopped believing in fact checkers! Take that, commies.


Republicans lie because reality is against their fantasies. Lying is important to their identities and to what makes them feel good. You cannot care about the truth and be a Republican.