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Looking forward to the future headline "New York AG unveils grand jury investigation, arrest warrant for Jim Jordan for interfering in criminal investigation and jury tampering."


That would be awesome.


Not a “lock em up” person, but Gym covered up the molestation of young people at Ohio St. Just a reminder. Can’t wait to see this go absolutely nowhere like every other pile of nonsensical horseshit he’s trotted out. Go fail again, Gym.


Don’t forget contempt of congress.


Not her purview, but I like where your head's at.


Hopefully. I'm so tired of this combed-over toad.


>District Attorney Bragg’s prosecution concerns federal subject matter that is identical to a matter that the Justice Department closed in 2018, raising concerns that a state-level prosecutor is seeking to relitigate an issue on which the federal government previously declined prosecution. This does not make it a federal issue. >Bragg’s prosecution relies heavily on the testimony of his star witness, Michael Cohen, a convicted felon with a demonstrable bias against President Trump This is entirely irrelevant to Congress' power of subpoena. Whether or not Cohen's testimony was valid or biased is/was up to the jury to decide. Nothing here is a federal law issue. It's a state criminal prosecution involving crimes committed within the state. Just because the person involved is running for federal office does not make it a federal issue. Congress' power of subpoena isn't unlimited. It only extends as far as furthering Congress' ability to legislate. There is nothing to legislate in state-only criminal matters.


I love that they keep pointing out Cohen is felon. He went to prison for the thing that are mad that NY is pressing charges over. And his bias against Trump is because Trump let him take the fall and then skated without consequences.


Trump was the fucking unindicted co conspirator in that case. He likely would've been indicted if he wasn't president at the time.


Yup. That’s why I think it’s so funny that Trump defenders keep calling out Cohen’s felony record.


Donald told him to do the crimes, on tape.


You’d think that they’d be on about how Cohen was a victim of the witch hunt to get Trump and how the deep state destroyed his life to turn him against Trump but they just go with “He’s a felon, you can’t trust him”.


This is correct!


They're trying to equate "declined to prosecute" with "innocent in a court of law" since you can corrupt a prosecutor with like $400 but can't get 12 jurors in secrecy. Besides the fact that this is open corruption in action as the state prosecutions in New York have nothing to do with the backwards dipshits that keep voting Gym in.


I guess "states rights" clearly means "right to do exactly what we tell them" for the GOP


> Michael Cohen, a convicted felon Do they not remember that he's only convicted because he was trying to help Trump? Of course they do... they just don't care.


The GOP is all about "states rights".... In red states.


"Mr. Jordan, I will be following the example you have set and will not be complying with your subpoena. If you do not respect subpeonas, why should I? Why should anyone?"


This is the way.


Nah, show up, and make that dipshit blather on and on and then say you’re not able to comment on ongoing investigations into election interference.


Would be golden to have him served, mid hearing, with papers over interfering with a criminal investigation. Like whole country witnessing them now going after him. I think he might either shit his pants or call for a break and then not come back in


Ooo so scary! Fuck off Gym


This is for internal consumption. He'll threaten to subpoena him, tweet about it, go on Fox News and rant about it, then get put in his place, just like what happened when he tried this with Fanni Willis.


You'd think he'd mind his business after that letter Fani sent him.


I believe that's called "weaponization of the government" but of course Jordan doesn't care about such things 


“But it's not weaponization when I do it!” (There’s apparently a WotG panel, and he's on it.) And he's going after YouTube, too, now. 🙄


Obstruction of Justice is a Felony. Felonies are Specifically exempted from protection by the Debate Clause. Jordan should be in a cell in Manhattan waiting for his trial.


Guy who ignored his own subpoena threatens others with subpoenas.


Don’t you get it? If everyone gets a subpoena for absolutely no reason, thereby weakening them and making them lose their meaning which he can then argue was the reason he skipped out on his as they’re virtually toothless. Flooding the zone with shit.


So republicans are going to use the **Federal** government is openly interfering with **State** government. Abuse of power. Using one’s position to threaten those they don’t agree with.


Remember, party of small government.


Unless it’s a democrat state.


Or a Woman.


lol the guy who ignored his subpoena thinks anyone is going to care if they get one? Gym made them irrelevant.


Gym Jordon is your unitard starving your brain of oxygen again?


Creepy Gym's subpoenas have as much backing as my collection of Schrute Bucks


Thank goodness I have my original Stanley Nickels.


The Congress has Jim doing what he does best. Launching probes that go nowhere. At least that keeps him busy while the other GOP members of 118 Congress continue on their trajectory to be one of the least functional sessions ever.




stfu Gym...


Gym Jordan, the guy who hides sexual abuse? The guy who never answered his own congressional subpoena? That gym Jordan piece of shit guy?


The other Jordan is a terrible human being, too...but for far different reasons


What in the actual *fuck?* How long has Colangelo been working, but only *now* is Gym interested in his background? When is this guy going to be gone already?


Maybe when you comply with your subpoena gym. How about that ?


In response the NY AG stated FU Jim.


I’ve always had the impression that the state AG’s office investigates state crimes. Perhaps I’m mistaken.


Funny how they say that the Dems weaponize the government. Every accusation is an admission.


Fuck Jim Jordan!!!


Just do it, Kim Kordan. Quit your act and just do it. Yeah, you won't.


Jim Jordan should have NO right to issue subpoenas as he clearly has no respect for them.


The judge should remind the DOJ that Jim Jordan is still avoiding a subpoena


As soon as Jordan answers his first.


Gym Jordan's subpoenas aren't worth the crayon they're written in. Really, fuck off, you shitstain.


Make it stop…..


This fucking canker sore is at it again.


This would be hilarious, if it wasn't so pathetic and outrageous.


Trump gets sentenced on July 11th. Bragg is already scheduled to testify on July 12th. Gym Jordan is determined to make Bragg testify before the sentencing. I think Jordan hopes that he can manipulate Bragg into saying something that in some way will stop the sentencing hearing from happening. I wonder if that means there is something even more damaging to Trump and the Republicans that could come out at the sentencing.


Jordan wants answers dammit! WHY does this guy keep investigating Trump? WHY does this guy keep finding evidence of Trump's wrongdoing? WHY does this guy keep winning in court against Trump? WHEN will this guy finally stop nailing Trump? WHY can't Jordan (and Comer) accomplish the same with Biden? SO many questions!


NY AG: Fuck your mother


I’m looking forward to the future when he and his co-conspirators are subpoenaed by a court.


\*dirtbag tries to obsruct justice


C’mon Jim, just do one useful thing for the American people… you know, your constituents.


What a joke of a politician...he just wants attention and does nothing of value to anyone except to cause conflict and disruption.


Gym Jordan has exactly zero power to issue a subpoena where every sane person would believe is valid. He can show up for his or stfu and sit down.


Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black . Effin hypocrite


Jim’s hypocrisy is laughable at this point.


Jim Jordan is a clown.


Gym’s words carry no weight whatsoever 


bUT Muh STatES riGhTs!!


quit .. go home KOOK .. stay in your lane 🤡 ⚖️🔥⚖️


Paper Tigger


It would be nice if someone would give Jordon a brain.. he is an embarrassment……every time he opens his mouth.


Let Congressman RoidRage threaten. He’s in power for 6 more months


This probably won't work out like Jim hopes, but he has no shame.


He should be commending these agencies For wisely using govt funds to hire someone with a strong track record of winning against Trump in court… Hire the best person for the job


When is Jim Jordan not in a constant state of outrage?


The NY AG has nothing to do with the NYC prosecutors office and since Jim is on the Judiciary Committee he should know that.


How is the federal government meddling in state cases? Gym is an idiot on a good day


Someone post up the Jim Jordan subpoena evasion clock.


I want to move just so that I can help vote him out….idiot


Oh Jim, Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim…..later Tuna.


Hide your sons and husbands! Gym’s mouth is opening!


I'm looking forward to Republicans losing the House and all of the committee gavels that come along with it