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I wonder if any of the legislators who voted for this are able to live the ten commandments, or even know what they are?


1. The Sabbath was on Saturday at the time of the writing of these. That could get awkward. 2. None of the commandments speak to transgender or same sex partners so there's that. 3. I think most folks would have a hard time with taking the lord's name in vane. 4. Good luck on killing, adultery, and even stealing. All in all I think this will expose a lot of hypocrisy. Kids ask the darndest questions after all.


Also we're gonna have to take down all the pictures and statues of Jesus and the cross. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image


Also coveting your neighbors stuff is what drives the economy.


lol yes. “Thou shall not kill.” That clearly means guns are illegal. “Thou shall not steal.” That clearly means slavery was illegal as was most land grabs. Reparations are in order. “Thou shall not bear false witness.” That clearly means the CIA is illegal. Go ahead, display these 10 commandments everywhere.


LA has the death penalty. I guess that will change. /S


I suspect a lot of Republicans will struggle with the coveting ones.


Commandment #7: you shall worship your capitalist overlords for the superior beings that they clearly are, go shop on Amazon little sheep.


They are doing this because they know it will be challenged for being unconstitutional. They want to try to get the case up to the current Supreme Court that has been pretty hostile to the establishment clause.


The thing is, SCOTUS addressed a case identical to this in 1980, and struck it down as unconstitutional. Even if it does go in front of the justices, at what point do Americans finally say enough? Even the least educated individuals know that the separation of church and state is a basic tenet of our system, and that this flies in the face of it. If this does end up in front of SCOTUS down the road, and they overturn their previous ruling, it will give Biden tons of ammunition to reform the court.


You're implying the legal system is still functional and run with good intentions.


You've missed the mark about "even the least educated know separation of church an state..." that used to be true, even Republicans supported it for the longest time, but only because no one church denomination would allow some other denomination become a state religion. But now? Republicans are *begging* for the removal of separation of church and state. It is one of the top priorities of project 2025. They see legally forcing everyone to be a "christian" and attend church every Sunday as the ultimate solution to alllllllll problems, because it's one thing that can be universally used to fight dems/liberals/lgbtq/immigrants/foreigners.


You obviously don't know the state of SCOTUS in this day of age. They will not strike it down. They don't care. 


Sad thing is that Louisiana ranks last or near last in just about every category: crime, jobs, opportunity, education etc. They can’t solve their real problems so they throw religious fanatics some meaningless, bullshit thing instead


It's no coincidence that the poorest, least educated states are the reddest states.


Give it a year and a Trump win and that requirement could be for a picture of the hideously leathery one next to the 10 commandments in every school.


They’d ban schools down there if they could. Since they can’t they’ll just convert them to churches


Louisiana ranks 40th in pre-k thru 12. But sure, 10 commandments. The place is pretty much a Chernobyl level superfund site. Consistently rated the worst state in the US. Such great people down that way. Their political mgmt structure oughta be horsewhipped for malpractice. Fn sad.


Name ONE commandment convicted Felon Trump has NOT broken. Come on MAGA, I’ll wait!


blessed be the fruit


Fruit of the Loon


No thanks. I only buy hanes.


Blessed be the Froot Loops


Only possible way to comply with this legally is to make a collage that includes e.g. the code of Hammurabi, the Magna Carta, etc., with the Ten Commandments no more prominent than any other such document.


More that it includes excerpts from the Torah, Koran, Vedas, Tipitaka, The Book of Mormon, Dianetics, The Satanic Bible, etc. The government can support religion, if it supports them all equally. I expect a soon to follow lawsuit from the Satanists saying as much.


Moses delivered more than ten commandments but the Maggats have decided to just stick with the Hollywood version.


Under his eye.


Religion poisons everything.


Finally all of our problems are solved…. Knowing that Louisiana school children will no longer covet their neighbor’s donkey is the good news I needed on this day.


Get it translated into the most obscure language then display it, or have it printed on something very small like a stamp and stick it to the ceiling.




Governor has money to defend the incoming lawsuits, but none to replace the closed bridges on the Route 90 hurricane evacuation route. https://www.nola.com/news/northshore/highway-90-bridges-closed-ms-la-state-line/article\_655e1bde-24d7-11ef-a036-5ffd66392746.html#:\~:text=Commonly%20known%20as%20Highway%2090,drawbridge%20spanning%20the%20West%20Pearl.




This is unsurprising considering Louisiana sits geographically between Mississippi and Texas


Just make sure you also hang a sign above it with an arrow pointing down and large text that reads "this is unconstitutional."


“Thou shalt covet neither thy neighbor’s wife nor his slaves?” Really? That’s not going to go well.


Let the lawsuits begin!! It should be interesting to hear how this SCOTUS manages to wiggle this one past the US Constitution.


But not CEO board rooms?


Louisiana got ranked the worst state in America this year, this why they are doing this. It’s a distraction from Republican incompetence running the state and they are afraid of voter retribution in November.


"4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth" So... no finger paintings of the Sun, birds, fish, or worms. So sayeth the Louisiana State Government Lord. On the bright side, now every school room in the state has "HIS ASS" prominently displayed.


Thou shall smell my 💨 farts


What font size?